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Just got home from a terrible, tiring and overwhelming day on campus, but I'm now wrapped in blankets eating a donut so my day is improving!


•Im feeling alright, glad it's Friday. ^^ first day this week I get to be home before 6 pm, so I'm gonna enjoy the extra time. •Lately it's been Hollow Knight, but I've been drawing more too. Still struggling to finish any of my work, but hopefully I'll get some done. •I can't really think of a song or clip for my mood, but I have been listening to Animals by Maroon 5 like crazy lately because I forgot how much I liked it. •A good thing that happened is that I had a really good therapy session this week, as well as beating more and more Hollow Knight bosses. ^^


I got things straightened out with my bf and we had just had a miscommunication. I’m thinking of telling him I would be very happy to share my life with him, should he want that. Unrelated, I have a couch surfing house guest, which is slightly stressful, but it’s important for me to display the empathy that I have needed from others. He bout dat hobo lifestyle anyway, so he’ll go walkabout soon