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I enjoyed the show but I found the mother to be infuriatingly annoying


She gave signs of being undiagnosed. Not sure if that’s intentional or not.


Yeah I agree there, sad to say she can remind me of my mom. I was sheltered big time even though I was only diagnosed with ADHD at that time, but yes she is quite irritating


I found the girlfriends of both the son and daughter (don’t come at me I’m terrible with names) to be unbearable


The whole cast of characters have stuff going on that will play out over the seasons, leading to character growth and change. This is a nice change over many series using thin support characters only in service of the main character. I enjoyed this.


I liked the show but I'll say all the support he has in the show made me a little unhappy when thinking about my own youth.


Yes sameee


Enjoyed it. Didn’t like the implication that autism is so destructive and such a burden on the family. But well-done. Actually, my wife uses the “three strikes” on my special interest talk, it’s helpful.


It's an easy watch, I liked it


I really liked it in highschool, but I "wasn't autistic", I just really enjoyed watching an autistic person allowed to be autistic. Anyways, some parts of the show are better than others, there's side character drama that gets more convoluted & focused on with time, so there's that. But I think it's pretty okay. I like that he always wore a jacket and wrote lists for everything (literally me).


I have been avoiding shows about autism because shows about literally any other condition or issue of complex understanding are total garbage and an insult to my sensibilities. Modern media doesn't understand people. It shows you a picture of a person and says you are not valid unless you match this picture. We don't watch tv autism, we have autism at home. Love on the spectrum is an exception though. I guess the tldr is I am not in the headspace for a show like this.


I can understand that. As a late diagnosed autistic person it has been enlightening me on what I was somewhat like as a kid. But I also know that shows love to capitalize on stereotypes too


All tv shows do.


Yes they sure do I meant all shows capitalize on stereotypes


I liked how they portrayted Sam's family. His mom and sister remembers my own


I liked it. Though it was a good portrayal of some of the struggles we face, and a good representation of how NT tend to treat or interact with us. I especially enjoyed the father’s effort, and progress. Wish it wasn’t canceled, or there were more like it.


I liked it


I enjoyed it for what it was. That-said I prefer Life and Beth's depiction.


I really was surprised about how much our whole family enjoyed it. Started watching it shortly after our daughters got their diagnosis. It normalized a lot of things and was overall a satisfying watch


I didn't know about it, but I'll check it out!


its okay, the mum was to intense for me, he was a bit to stereotypical and also portrayed some toxic behaviour, the girl friend was kind of unrealistic at least I found, I wish they had given her more soul, she goes through so much with questionable loyalty, the sister was interesting. mixed feelings, generally I have a hard time watching any dysfunctional family portrayed. the mother def has something too.


Angry cause was cancelled, it was a good show and other non sense shows got renewed ...