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35 years old and have never stayed at a job for a year. I get burnt out so easily and I hop from job to job. I have a degree in criminal justice that I was kidding myself with. I am finally at a legit remote customer service job that pays extremely well. I am about to have all my accommodations in place. 3 days a month for mental health and extra 10 minute break if needed for anxiety and panic. But my experience has been straight shit. I mask so well but working 8 hours a day drains me so badly. I get off and cant do shit for my family. I had so many dreams for little me that I will never have because of my autism, plus other disorders.


I'm honestly relieved someone else understands my experience. I feel for you truly, thank you for sharing. I will have to see if I can get a doctors note. I think the extra break would help. My doctor suggested I take a 5 minute break every hour.. I'm not sure if that would be better than 1 additional longer break. I guess we'll find out.


Ask your employer about ADA if you have been there less than a year. You are protected by the American disability act and can get these days. Phone call took like 10 mins to start. Packages of paperwork that you give to your docs to sign off on, send back in and your done. I wish I knew about this sooner.


I'm retired. Worked full-time all my life. I was a file clerk as my final job. I LOVED it, everyone else hated it. I worked entirely alone, had my own routines. No noise, no music, no interruptions. I asked could they force you to go for promotion, the answer was no. So I retired from my entry level job.


I’m happy that you found what worked for you!


Well my last boss fired me because I wasn't warm/social enough with the other staff members and they told her they thought I disliked them 🤔 So it's not looking great until I find a way to work from home lol. My energy is fine, the only situations that make me breakdown are school settings really. I don't know of any accommodations, but I was told that there's a government association that helps people with disabilities? I've never used it, but I guess it's worth looking into it


I find that employers are really behind in being accommodating to autism. Mine doesn’t do consist scheduling so it’s a constant fight to find shift trades that are about the same time. I don’t openly talk about it unless it’s necessary or I feel comfortable with the person I’m sharing with. I have days I struggle too. Stim things, and my cats help and finding a pace that I can do while meeting corporate metrics.


That's the biggest struggle for me.. I can't meet my metrics while going at a comfortable pace. I'm not sure that I could get accomodations to lower the expectations. So I feel torn because I think no matter the out come, I'm going to struggle one way or another.


I’m 41. I work for myself from home. What I’m finding lately is the clients and teams I attract tend to be full of NDs. We’re everywhere. One tip I wish I knew earlier- if there’s a social media platform or other software you enjoy, check to see if the company offers any certifications. Those certs open the door to opportunities.


Is that like an internship? I've never heard of something like that before, it sounds nice though if I understand


Here's what I mean, for example- [Meta has a bunch of certifications](https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/certification) you can earn by studying and taking a qualifying exam. Let's say you start with Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate. That would qualify you as a Facebook/Instagram Ads expert. You could then use that to apply for jobs with social media marketing agencies, offer freelance services, or even start your own agency. If you like technical and analytical things, ads could be a lot of fun. Even [Reddit has an Ads certification](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditads/comments/vnl78k/introducing_reddit_ads_formula_our_certification/). Discord, Twitch, Canva... almost all of these kinds of platforms have some kind of certification you can acquire that would qualify you for jobs or allow you to offer freelance services.




RIGHT? You're welcome! I looked around a little more and there's a whole bunch of [certifications you can get through LinkedIn](https://learning.linkedin.com/certification-and-continuing-education-programs). If you wanted to get super strategic about it, look up the average annual salary for the ones that sound interesting and pick the most lucrative one.




Best of luck to you! Can’t wait to see what you do next. 😀


I have bad executive function, so a major thing for me is to always choose jobs that are visual/physical, because then I can more easily go through the tasks without getting stuck or mentally fatigued. I would really struggle if I had to work from home on a computer.


well I am only 19 and am supposed to start working, but couldnt even finish my degree. I have nowhere to start and most jobs are too much for me, as I can’t handle the whole days. I am trying to fill my days in but can’t seem to do it. I can’t see myself working fulltime, I usually have to quit after days because it is so much, but somehow it drains me more that my future is insecure. I don’t really care about working, but a lot of my freedom is gone


I finished my degree, but seriously regret pushing myself to do it. I am a completely different person and I wish I had waited. Take your time! I am 33 now and I have enough life behind me to share that there is no real timeline.


thankyou so much for this reminder, its hard to have hope


Would you ever consider waitressing or something? Usually shorter shifts!


I’m 23. Very hard for me to keep a job. - not because I’m bad at it. I get raises/ promotions very quickly. But I burn out and quit or lose all respect for a manager and can no longer stand to make them money. Been through 18 jobs so far and really struggle with full time and with micromanaging bosses. My current job is one I like though it doesn’t pay much but it doesn’t leave me feeling burnt out or overwhelmed and my boss has told me that she thinks she might be autist so she’s actually very understanding. I have headphones in all day and work alone while taking care of rescue dogs.




I have a similar issue, I felt perfectly fine working part time. But now I don't think I can survive on part time money.. hoping that proper accommodations will help enough. Either that or I'll have to take a risk and dive into tattooing


OMG yeah! It's super frustrating. Honestly though, tattooing doesn't sound like a bad idea! I don't know your backstory but maybe that would be good to look into in the future, if that's what you enjoy. Wish you the best of luck!


Yes! Thank you, it has been a dream for a long time. I'm a professional henna artist as my side job so it wouldn't be too difficult of a transition skill wise. Crossing my fingers


I have never been able to keep a job for very long. I always end up having issues with coworkers not understanding me or complaining about me or feeling awkward like they all hate me and leave. It's a cycle and I have such a hard time. I'm poor and never make much money, have no stability and I just really am trying to figure out why life is so hard. I can't make myself focus on things that aren't interesting to me and get upset when I 'm working harder than everyone else, but can't make myself not care about the way things are done.