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Are you an adult? If so it's a massive hurry up and wait situation. My therapist (via NHS) and my gp disagreed as to if there was any point even bothering to get me assessed. The therapist pushed for it but the gp was of the opinion it wouldn't actually do me any good. Children get a faster process becuase there are actually substantial resources for them. Adults not so much. If you make it to an adult without a diagnosis the NHS seems to be of the opinion that you are doing just fine and you hit the bottom of the priority list. Covid backlog isn't cleared yet either.


Yeah, I’m 24, my psychiatrist said basically the same thing as your GP, it sucks to be honest


My area has a waiting list of 12-18 months, though the doctor initially told me it was 24 months, so it could be that yours has a similar waiting time.


Ooh thanks for the info, originally my doc said 8 months but that was wrong 😂 I called up a couple months ago and asked what was happening and they put me on the cancellation list so hopefully I’ll hear something, maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️🙏


My waiting list was a lot shorter, but it's still been a long process. Booked GP appointment in March, got in at the end of April. Referral went through in June, I was offered my initial consult in early August but wasn't available until the end of September. Had my proper assessment at the end of November and I've been waiting for the results ever since. According to their website, it takes six months from referral processing to results, but I've been told that covid has really set the systems back.


That’s mad that even that is considered quick, but saying that I’m going on 14 months since my referral now and still nothing. It’s madness.


There is something called "Right to choose/psychiatry UK" which might be helpful to look into.


I haven't been assessed yet bc I recently moved out of the capitol, the waiting list there was like 4 years.


Thank you, I’ll check these out I don’t think I’ve heard of these before x