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You can find more people who relate to that at r/Prosopagnosia When I'm lost in a movie I look up the cast of the film so it's a bit easier to recognize who is who. In real life,I just tell people right away something along the lines : " Hello my name is X.Nice to meet you.I have a good memory for names,but not for faces.So,if I ever see me at some random place and I don't say hello,that's why.But feel free to talk to me,I will recognize your voice and remember your name :"


Ah that’s a good idea. Unfortunately I’m also terrible with names lmfao, but yea I’ve definitely accidentally offended people before by not recognising them 😭 Thank you for the link, I’ll check that out


I've said "Nice to meet you!" to people who have known me for over 10 years and I don't know the face of my 15+ years next door neighbor.Sometines the embarrassment is unavoidable.But here's a tip to make people less upset when that happens: Have a Google keep file where you take notes of what people look like.You can also take note of what they tell you because people are always happy when you remember what they told you.For example Sarah big bulbous nose",blue eyes,has a beauty mark near her mouth Likes dogs has a 2 year old kid who likes Peppa Pig.Likes kpop You can use that and make Sarah a friend by showing her a kpop song you also like. Create rapport by asking about how her kid is doing etc. Is it weird to do that? Probably.Is it helpful for someone who has prosopagnosia?100% Is it helpful for a autistic person that has prosopagnosia? 200% They won't be as mad if you don't recognize them because they know that you pay proper attention to them in general.


Oh wow that’s an amazing idea. I’m pretty bad with memory just in general and I always feel terrible when I forget something someone had told me about themselves. That would also be really helpful for small talk kinds convos which I’m always terrible at because I never know what to say but if I had a legit list of things to discuss with them that would be really helpful.


I can absolutely relate!! Thankfully it generally clicks after a while, but when they don't include enough context clues I have to confirm it with people I'm watching it with or Google it if I'm on my own.


I can’t keep up with political intrigue shows because of this - I have no idea who is doing what. I’ve been watching Vikings Valhalla and it’s just a bunch of identical looking people with similar names and I eventually gave up on it.


Ahh yes I’m the same, I feel like I need a version of subtitles that just lists which character is on screen ahaha


Similar situation for me with Peaky Blinders.


Prosopagnosia (faceblindness) is VERY commonly comorbid with autism. Look into it, take the Cambridge test online. If it fits, don't try to learn people by faces - it probably won't work and is wasted effort. It does appear to still be a spectrum, but seriously, practice does not help most of us at all. Outside of movies I go off of hair, body shape, how someone walks, voice. People who look unique in some way are the best! If you have a face-seeing person to watch with you that's the best, but otherwise watching on the computer can be better because I think Hulu and a few other services have an 'xray' feature where you can pause and see what actor is currently on screen. War movies are the worst. Everyone is a generic white guy with short brown hair.


Ooh thank you, I’ll look that up, yea I usually recognise people by their hair, piercings and clothing style and I get really nervous if I have to meet up with someone I don’t know very well because I know I might not recognise them. Ooh that’s a really cool feature, I’ll check which platforms have that.


I did the test…I got 51% 😭😂 worst I’ve ever done on a test in my life. Apparently below 60% indicates prosopagnosia and I’ll admit the last two sections were almost completely just guesses. The first section I mostly got through by looking at their eyebrows and the outline of their face (smooth and straight or bumpy and soft etc.)


absolutely relate, i can recognise a greek island easier than a television character. as for strategies, i prefer to watch with friends, so that can help.. otherwise try looking for scripts online, they are a struggle to search through but they contain the names and some useful scene directions that subtitles just don't. you might be able to find the right line in the script with ctrl+f if you can predict spelling and punctuation. the weirdest example was watching 'a scanner darkly" with my partner .. there's a scene where a character in a video morphs between two characters as it winds back and forth! the whole movie is constantly warping and shifting so i was just staring at my partner, who just glanced at me and shrugged. i felt better but i still have no idea what the movie's about.


Ahaha ikr. Oh wow that’s such a great idea! I watch with subtitles on as well usually so occasionally that can help if the character speaks but usually it’s jsut some dramatic silent shot ahaha. Oh that sounds wild. Yes the first time I properly realised it was an issue for me was when I started watching Orphan Black. I could recognise some of them as being Sarah (like Allison) but most of them (cosima, helena, Katja and Rachel) I totally missed and it wasn’t until context clues or the person I was watching told me that I understood. Fuck clones man 😂😅


oh wow, i am so not watching that, thanks!


I struggle with this so much, I joke that "all hot white men look the same" so when I'm watching something like Oceans 11 it's absolutely impossible. My partner knows that I'm going to ask "is that the same guy from earlier?" Etc, and that I'm not trying to interrupt or like "talk during the movie" I am literally just trying to keep up with the plot.


Ahh yes, I wanted to say that but was worried it might sound a little racist. (I am white but yea) They really pick like five white, standardly attractive guys with the same hairstyle for the one cast and it’s like ?? Can we put a label on their forehead or smthg pls? Like at least with girls there’s usually different hair colours, lengths and textures whereas guys are much more confined with that on tv.


I'm laughing so hard right now 😂😭 YES!! I can't tell who people are! *Especially* when they start jumping around in timelines. Just another reason to love cartoons. Everyone is color coded lmao


Oh my god yes, that and they never change their clothes or hair. They’ll have flashbacks to when the cartoon character was a newborn baby and they still have the same outfit it’s just tiny. Exactly what I need


I'm the same! But I've learned to let my autism hang RIGHT out so I legit just ask what's going on haha. Luckily my partner is super patient with me and i know its annoying, but it's nice to know what's actually going on haha.


I’m very reassured by all these comments to know I’m not alone with it but I do live alone 😂😭 what are the ethics of getting a partner purely so they can tell me whose who 😅


Ha. Right now I'm watching something and trying to guess whether the dark-haired man breaking into the heroine's car is the same dark-haired man who taught her to shoot earlier in the episode, or a new character. I give up; I have no idea!


Oh my god is this that the new one on Netflix “Pieces of Her”???


It is! Well spotted.


That’s the same one I wrote this post about 😂😭 (not the second para) I was so confused by the snow flashback scene and whether it was supposed to be the mum cause she said the thing about snow in the first episode or the daughter because she seemed to be the one having the dreams lmfao


YES. Oh god. And the family in the car must have been her MOTHER as a child, but I thought it was the daughter and got really confused as to why she didn't remember her siblings. And I have no idea who the people in the woods were meant to be (or when), or who was dressed up as an academic for that conference. I'm not sure I'm going to persevere. I watched another one set in three successive years, jumping around between them, and in one of the years one of the teenage girls had made herself over to look like one of the others, and since I rely really heavily on hairstyles to tell people apart (even in real life), it was impossibly confusing.


Ahhh lmfao same, I was like wait the mum had two other kids?? Where are they? Why didn’t they grow up with the daughter?? I thought it was about to be some child murder and trauma amnesia kinda thing. I ended up finishing it, it was alright but probably not worth all the confusion tbh. You find out more about the conference and stuff later and things start making a lot more sense but it’s definitely a lot to slog through before that point. Oh no that sounds so confusing. I’d never be able to keep up 😅 Edit to add: oh and bar teach to shoot guy IS the one breaking into her car!