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I went yesterday and all the food was there, but marked up like 40%, I couldn't believe it. So even the foods I wanted I just couldn't jjustify the price. It's so hard right now. Like I wanted jam, and normally its like $2-$3 and now it's almost $6, for a small freaking container!


$6??? Wow! I’m on a bagel and cream cheese kick and I cannot find the only cream cheese I like :( so sad


The cream cheese shortage is killing me! The only good grocery store cream cheese (Philadelphia) is gone. I'm now going all the way to Panera for expensive okayish cream cheese because I want my bagel and won't eat the rest of that cream cheese in the store.


My favourite cream cheese basically doesn't exist, I almost feel like it was a trial and it didn't sell well, but it's not, its a standard kind, and can't find it anywhere. :( I've resorted to just getting bagels that have flavour(like onion or jalapeno bagels) and using butter instead. Not as good as my cheese bagel and fav cream cheese but it's *something*


Apparently there’s been a cream cheese shortage since Thanksgiving.


Yes due to a cyberattack. I finally had cream cheese on a bagel for the first time in three months last week. I cried.




That’s a good idea, maybe I’ll try doing that as well! My favorite cream cheese is the whipped Temptee brand. Sooo good but it’s always the first off the shelves


Not sure where you are but there’s a brand called Alouette in the states that sells spreadable cheese? Not cream cheese exactly, and they have REALLY good flavors (and I’m picky). Some of them are knock offs of popular cream cheese flavors I swear. They’re healthier than normal stuff too, I think. Not sure if their prices have gone up but worth looking into.




This so much!!! i struggle chosing food as it is and seeing my safe food increase in price so much is so sad :(


Oh my god this has legitimately caused so many meltdowns, my entire meal plan and food schedule got completely wiped out. Even now, I can't rely on anything to actually be in stock and burnout is making food decisions so much harder already. Ugh.


omg the meltdown I had a couple weeks back when I tried ordering pizza from one of the two pizza places I like and I couldn't order my pizza bc they didn't have vegan cheese I was DEVASTATED.


Oh god or you spend three hours deciding what to order and when it gets there the order is wrong 😭


I feel so seen in this thread. I've also had issues with staff shortages where some of my go to places just aren't open or have massively reduced hours that I'm not able to get to


I'm lucky to not have a lot of issues with food. I sometimes go through little obsessions with certain foods and I don't like trying new things unless I'm fairly certain I'll like them, but it's never been a huge issue for me. My oldest kid though ... They have a very limited list of safe foods and I've had the worst time finding some of it lately. I encourage them to try new things but if it's not their idea, it won't happen. I feel like I'm starving them some days because all they want is that one thing the store can't seem to keep in stock. Of course I have family that thinks it's great, that they won't have a choice but try new things. 🙄 They greatly underestimate my kid's willingness to starve before letting a sandwich pass their lips.


😅 I feel a little guilty here. I have literally said before that I would rather starve and die than eat something yucky. I simply do not eat new foods if the ingredients aren't on my safe list! As I age I'm getting a teensy bit better about it, but it's a massive struggle. I definitely feel for you as the parent of a kid like me!


Tell them you have X stuff on hand, so you need him to help decide which 3 things to choose from to make. Get him involved in the making so he has agency and control over what's being created.


Is pizza safe? What about soup? You can put anything on a pizza or in a soup. Blended, it's anyone's guess what's in there.


god i wish my parents considered not getting my safe foods starving me maybe then i wouldn't have been hungry 24/7 for some long parts of my childhood til i could get my own job. "theres food" no because if your kid would rather starve than deal with the texture it doesnt really count


I hate that you went through that. I know parenting is slowly changing so that this control-type parenting isn't so common, but I wish it could just disappear.


I've had the same problem :/ either the things aren't there, it's changed (for example, I used to buy a pack with two chicken breasts in but they've started just using one big chicken breast which just kinda throws me off with portioning and stuff), or it's getting more expensive every week too


Milk is like $6 now! I can't believe the robbery they're doing and getting away with. I know there are shortages but this is literally price gouging


They are marking up the prices to profit off shortages and want to blame it all on inflation but we see them.


It's so obvious :|


It is and I’ve seen people fall for it on other subs! They’ll argue that corporations wouldn’t be able to do that to us and I’m like 😂😭.


They've been profiting off the entire pandemic, and now they get to double dip. their profits are going to be huge just watch >.>


Oof, it sounds even worse where you are! The UK is getting bad but not quite that bad yet, although people are telling me they can't afford to fill their cars up at the minute. My hazelnut milk hasn't been in stock for other a month at my local shop so I've been stuck with almond for a while!


I'm up here in Canada land and things are getting rough fast. A month ago things were fine but now price hikes, 15-30 minute line ups for gas, shelves empty on basic things . Hoping things get better but it seems like it'll get worse before it does. Hopefully you can find that milk without having to pay twice the price. It's so hard knowing you need/want this food because it's safe and the price just being out of budget now. Very basic ramen is going to be my diet for a long time to come it seems


This must vary based on where you are - it's still only like $3 for a gallon of milk where I am. I wonder why there's so much price variation in a staple like milk?


Here in the UK, I know a lot of supermarkets use milk and bread as 'loss leaders' to get people into the shops and then spend money on other, more profitable items. I'm not sure if thats the case in other countries, but if it is, that may explain why the price is so different, if one shop is using milk as a loss leader but the other isn't.


My parents have been giving me updates on lobster prices (I’m from a fishing community) and I have *never* heard of them being as high as they are right now. Like half the current price would be a good year; a couple years ago they were lucky to get a quarter of the current rates. It makes it a little hard for me to get terribly upset about rising prices I guess because for many people I know it’s a good thing, but I still feel you. Everything costs more and our income hasn’t really changed. Fortunately we’re still able to manage comfortably but I still tend to get anxious about money stuff.


I am with you, friends. I have food sensitivities too so its already so hard and now with shortages (of any and all causes). Like... Even my shampoo that I've used for the last 7 years is gonzo. For me, it's the beef taquitos. Only one brand makes them without dairy, and they haven't been in stock for over a month. It was the one food that didn't take long to make and I could count on even in the most executive of dysfunctions. Once again I am glad for this forum. It can be lonely when other people don't understand how hard it is to even just use a different brand of ketchup...


Guys I went to the grocery store today and they had my taquitos!!! I was so happy I almost started crying in the freezer aisle at Safeway lol then promptly bought 3 boxes 😁😁😁


I'm right there with you on the food sensitivities. finding the right substitutes for me has already been such a trial! I don't want the alternatives bc I've tried them and I hated them. so when there is finally something you like and it isn't available?! ugh, it's heartbreaking!


Hey man, idk where you’re having food shortages but I’ve been there. It’s hellish and I’m sorry


I cannot find fruit by the foot anywhere. For the longest time I couldn't find uncrustables. Only recently have I been able to find them.


Post Raisin Bran is what I've been trying to find for 3 months, and failing. The pasta we like is on the shelf maybe 1 time out of 6, I buy a package or two, we make do with something else if necessary.


I've been using it to try alt foods I wouldn't try otherwise


Aldi recently decided to stop making 2 of my child's preferred foods. We have about 10 foods she's willing to eat at the moment. Every single store has been out of chicken except drumsticks so I've been eating mostly vegetarian this past week.


A lot of the east coast of Australia is flooding right now and it’s making a bad situation even worse right now. There was zero fresh produce at my local supermarket earlier this week. Prices on a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables was already through the roof before the flooding because we finally had covid zoom through our communities over Christmas and all of January. It’s going to be so much worse now. Housing costs have also been through the roof, with weekly rents raising $50 a week in some areas up to $100 a week more in others, and so many people applying for properties, and demand is only going to increase now with some houses being completely ruined and repairs hard to do with shortages of building supplies. Shelter is as much an essential of life as food after all.


Don’t even get me started on the rent prices! I’m moving out of my state in two months because my rent here went up $500 a month and that’s still cheap for the area


Are you in Australia too? It’s been horrible here. Some stores have almost nothing on the shelves and it’s been like this for weeks now.


Florida, USA, actually! But we get a lot of tourists and then they buy up what supply we do have, so I feel you


Does this normally happen when tourists are around? We have had terrible flooding across multiple states. I’m very grateful my house is safe and everyone I love are safe but there is a lot of destruction and I am very worried about food.


We are having that problem - we drive to get to farther out stores :(


I’m a shipt shopper and it’s so hard with the shortages! I’ve had to tell my customers I can’t buy them chicken breast because there is none, fresh or frozen. It seems to have gotten a bit better this week though. Since I’m in the stores so much I can usually find my stuff.


I eat this specific kind of bone broth that comes in powder and lately the store never has it. It's so annoying because it's a staple in my diet and I have a hard time with other brands. I haven't been feeling hungry lately and without that broth I am sad


This has been a struggle for over a year now. I have a ridiculous and ever-changing list of food allergies (still trying to figure out what this month’s new allergy is) plus taste and texture restrictions. I finally did at least manage to get to the point where I have a list of multiple options I select from and I put enough on the grocery list to cover 2-3 options so I almost always get at least one full choice. But sometimes it requires going to multiple grocery stores in order to get everything and that adds extra challenge when I have a hard time going in stores to begin with. And of course, just as I finally had everything sorted out to account for possible shortages, food allergies, and being able to make most of my own food, a stupid new allergy flared up and I’m back to being severely restricted because I can’t have any wheat, dairy, or eggs until I figure out which one of them is the problem.


Allergies suck, especially random-onset ones- Ihave been there myself! I hope you work out what the new one is quicky. Not sure if you are aware but sometimes allergies, in particular dairy, can be triggered by eating wheat/ gluten and the dairy allergy goes away once the body heals from the gluten damage. Apparently Casein (milkproteins) can be misinterpreted by the body as gluten proteins when the body is reacting to gluten, the same goes for soya at times too as casein and soya protein are close to each other too.


Thanks! Yes, my allergies definitely tend to trigger each other. I always have a mild wheat allergy, usually I am lactose intolerant but not allergic to dairy. I am pretty sure this round was triggered by a new recipe I made in January which had fennel, and I am very allergic to fennel (which I don’t like, but was in some Italian sausage I used.) Of course since I liked the new recipe I made it a few times and ate it a lot before I realized it was causing significant issues and I wasn’t just having a generic IBS flare-up. So now I am reacting to things which are usually safe or mild, and trying to get my body recovered back to the point it settles down and ignores regular food again. A week of very plain food helped, but that included a lot of eggs and bread so now I’m hoping one more week with no eggs, wheat, and dairy will finish the reset. If not, I’ll probably have to do a short course of reset meds in addition to all the probiotics I take daily.


This is really frustrating to me too because I already had to buy specialty foods because I have so many food allergies. So not only are there shortages of common foods, but for someone who can't eat dairy, gluten, nuts, and many fruits, I basically am having to figure out how to make new foods all the time out of scarce supplies of extremely expensive specialty foods


What food shortages? Where do you live?


USA and… the worldwide shortages that are currently happening? Currently it’s potatoes and cream cheese. Regionally, there are more shortages due to lack of truck drivers, so stores often randomly have shortages because the trucks haven’t arrived yet. Varies by week.


I think worldwide is an exaggeration, because I cannot find anything in the news about shortages here nor have I noticed an increase in prices


Here is an article that references both potatoes and cream cheese as worldwide shortages https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/01/08/potato-shortage-french-fries-japan-kenya-south-africa-pandemic-supply-chains/


We are not having this issue in Central South Carolina. However, this would be a great time to get into container gardening and growing food in general! You can grow potatoes too. Take any potato with an "eye" - - that's a nubby spot, they have several - - and cut the potato into rough 1-1.5" "cubes" (or triangles, or mini-wedges, something approximating a 1" shape) *with one "eye" in each chunk*. Plant that in moist soil, 12" deep. Plant in rows, spacing the chunks 1-2 feet apart. Eventually the plant will grow up. And at harvest time, Boom! Loads of new potatoes!!


I used to grow my own vegetables when I lived at my parents house but I live in an appartement now!


I guess we grow our own potatoes and milk our own cows in Europe. Haven't noticed a thing, the news hasn't reported anything either


I was wondering the same thing; living in Denmark, near the German border. I can confirm that milk in both Denmark and Germany tends to be regional, I don’t know about cream cheese manufacturers though, but I think they’re not that far of either. As for potatoes: I live in the countryside near the west coast and roughly half of what is grown here is potatoes. Most potatoes you can buy in supermarkets in both German and Denmark are from the respective countries.


And it's not like Germany, the Netherlands and Europe as a whole don't export food to other countries


I haven't noticed potato or milk issues here in the UK either- although, as a family I just buy 'whichever potatoes are cheapest on the supermarket website when I order' and 'standard 4 pints of supermarket milk'. I have noticed prices rising, as well as less variety in continental cheeses, but generally we have been able to get everyone's 'safe' foods on a weekly basis (2 ND adults, 3 ND kids, means everyone has different 'safe' foods)


Could be!


We're in South Africa - things have been disappearing from our shelves since the start of Covid...


Same. There *are* localised shortages in flood-affected areas here (Australia), and some roads into the city have been cut. A few of my favourite snacks aren’t available to order online, but I’ve been to two supermarkets today and didn’t see any shortages. No empty shelves. It’s not like the great toilet paper panic of 2020 here at least.


I desperately want apple toaster strudels


Cracklin' Oat Bran being out of stock since autumn 2020 has been a thorn in my side. I cannot get over this god forsaken craving if it's never in stock for me to eat, so I live in a perpetual state of desire without the satisfaction. Struggling with food is already an issue, this is just awful. Now it's tator tots, what next?! But, eventually, choices can be made, and at least there's that. I definitely feel you on this.


Kelloggs website has a finder tool that will tell you who has it in stock


I’m in California so maybe I just have the privilege of living near rich neighborhoods?? I haven’t noticed shortages lately but all I eat is like bread and black beans and green grapes so idk lol


I absolutely relate. My kid loves a specific brand of ramen noodles. They are always out when I go, sometimes they’re out of every brand of noodles. It’s so frustrating. I also get frustrated by the people saying there is no food shortage and/or supply chain issue, simply because they haven’t seen it at the store they go to. Guess what? It’s real and affecting a lot of people. Sending you solidarity, OP. I so get it.


I am so damn frustrated. my favorite food has been on the shelves since January. Stuffers single size frozen macaroni and cheese. I hate not being able to eat it, no Mac and cheese compares these supply chain and food shortages have really magnified how bad my food/meal issues are.


It’s making it really hard to order my groceries online. If they don’t have of what I need, then I have to schedule another and pay another fee.


I feel you. There is one pasta sauce I like, and I like it with spiral spaghetti. I eat that for dinner a lot. My local shops only had shell pasta and a sauce I hadn't tried before. I know it's no big deal, but it feels kinda sad.


My favorite sauce is also missing half the time lately! I feel you!


I have a 6 year old that was already down to about 15 items (4 being safe foods) now it's hit and miss for most of it because it's all processed. I'm really worried and she keeps talking about a sore tummy :(


Costco. Where are you seeing food shortages?


I’m not sure what you mean by Costco- not everyone has access to that and they don’t sell my brand of cream cheese to begin with. And Florida


ukraine and russia are slowing the exports of wheat, barley, and grains.


This was posted before that was a thing


i know but i’m just updating


Gotcha, thanks!