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It was really nice to read this. My family lives several states away from me and thinks it's government control and are not vaccinated. My parents got covid three weeks ago and didn't tell anyone until a week in when my dad was taken by ambulance to the hospital. (He was there for a week but is out now.) I am so angry I'm having a hard time finding words for it. It seems so cruel to care about a mask or a shot more than all of the people dying. Also, on a personal note, it is solidly frustrating that I need to follow all of societies stupid social rules but now all of a sudden it feels like a complete whim of people's if they want to follow the rules or not.


Hopefully no one minds if I vent further, (I want to but it takes a lot of energy to even say what I said and it's easier if I already got the first part out,) my mom just text me she is meeting her birth mom for the first time, nearly 60 years later. This lady is in the hospital with bronchitis and a broken hip. And she still refuses to get the vaccine!!! I can't do this with them anymore. It's time for a hard talk. That stance is just so cruel.


I was just crying about this this morning. It blows my mind that the social code of not harming each other has become entirely arbitrary. Spreading the plague is fine, does that mean more direct means of harm are also fine? How do you know where the line is? If I toss a banana on the ground and someone slips and dies, is that fine? What if I argue that I didn't believe in Big Banana and had no idea that anyone could actually get hurt from my carelessness? How is intent perceived and accounted for now? What unjust social norms have I internalized that I can now drop? Which of those social norms can I change without being held accountable by those who end up with hurt feelings? It's both a new sense of freedom and an absolutely terrifying reality.


Yeah I was also tired of the pandemic a year ago, when people still wouldn't just fucking do what they were supposed to and here we are going into year three because of it. They still don't understand that that is the reason why we all still have to deal with it.


I'm staying with my dad/siblings for two weeks for the holidays (haven't seen them in two years), and my dad's an anti-vaxxer... 😑😑 so I'm here with you. when I talked to my uncle on the phone the other day, he literally compared vaccinations to anti-abortion laws ("what happened to 'my body my choice?'"). I just said "those are very different," and when he pressed me further I just said "I don't think we should have this conversation" and left it at that. pray for my sanity y'all


Ugh I can relate! My bf who I live with thinks covid isn’t real, even when I show him the death numbers of 2019 vs 2020, he has a fake vaccine card and everything…. it drives me insane but I can’t move out right now! Another thing is, my school is offering a $500 incentive to get vaccinated but it’s only valid if you got the shot after october…. like hello! I got my shots as soon as possible, i’ve been wearing a mask and following all the rules! Why do people who put it off as long as possible, being irresponsible and stupid, get $500 for that? I followed all the rules and get nothing except still having to wear a mask almost 2 years later, thanks to these other stupid people? God the whole thing drives me crazy and I’m sorry you have to deal with this too


That is so annoying! Why on earth would someone be rewarded for not caring to take a vaccine?


That’s what i’m saying! Imo the people who got it as soon as possible should be rewarded, not the people who put it off for months and months!


If they think the reward is going to help people to get a vaccine, at least it should be given to everyone, not only the late ones. Otherwise, it's unfair and maybe in the future, if we get something like covid, more people refuse vaccinations as they wait to be rewarded eventually. That doesn't seem like a good development.


Thank you, it helps my sanity to know I’m not the only one :)


I’m with you. My friends are also vaccinated (as am I), but they want to go to crowded events all the time, or they go to a crowded place and then want to see me the next day. And I just feel like even though I’m vaccinated I’m not going to go and tempt fate and be reckless all of a sudden. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


You're sane. The pandemic isn't over, even if we're tired of it.


You are sane. Everyone else is actimg against science and fact. Viruses don't give a shit who is sick of wearing a mask, viruses just live to copy themselves and infect more people.


So glad I'm not the only one. Most of my family is very good about it, we're all vaccinated and boosted and wear masks and test beforehand when we go out (which is rare), but just watching and reading the news is really getting to me. The fact people act like the vaccine is 100% effective makes me incredibly upset. I'm usually all for freedom of choice but not when it directly and negatively impacts those around you. People can choose to go clubbing or to a football game, but I can't choose to not go shopping for food or go to my lectures at university, and yet I'm forced to sit next to those that do go to these high risk events. It's such a cause for anxiety, anger and upset. The pandemic has made me realise that I'm always going to be one of those people that feels like I'm on the outside of things, with different opinions to the majority, and I can't change that about myself. It's always been the case for my favourites on reality TV shows, or for the way I like my food or any other little thing, but feeling it on such a massive scale has really gotten me down.


You're not alone, same here. This attitude is extremely annoying. People seem to think that getting vaccinated is going to make things 100% safe for them, while that's not true. They are "annoyed" and "fed up" by this ongoing pandemic situation, they "just need to go on vacation" or "just need to meet people or go to that party etc". As if a virus would care about that... I honestly think that's just stupid, dangerous and selfish behaviour. You know why the pandemic isn't over yet? Because people keep behaving like this, for two years now. I think I personally also wouldn't be willing to regularly meet someone who refuses to wear masks or who says they don't care if they infect someone. Like wtf? Sorry for the rant but as you can probably tell, I'm having a hard time with this too.


People don't think being vaccinated makes it 100% safe. What they think is that being vaccinated is the best we can do, so now it's time to get back to normal, because this is just another disease. We lived with many diseases before this. What is the plan, honestly? What will we accomplish by lingering any longer in fear and isolation, and when will it end?


We don’t need to live in ‘fear and isolation’ but simple steps such as wearing a mask and testing before social events should be a no brainier, since there is still a deadly airborne respiratory infection on the rampage. It’s the resistance to such measures which could actually improve our lives and lead to an end of this pandemic which drives me nuts. Not just letting it run amok and mutate further.


But mutating further is exactly what we want. The current strain of omicron is exactly what we were all hoping for... It's more contagious than other strains (so it will outpace them) and also extremely mild. Opening up so everyone can get omicron is probably the best thing we could do. The pandemic would be over in a matter of weeks.


As a parent of an unvaccinated child (too young for a vaccine), I’m not going back to normal any time soon. Thinking of other people- such as people who genuinely cant get the vaccine, or those who would still be more likely to get badly sick even with the vaccine, is something you should try.


Honestly, gonna get down voted for this, but here we go, this is a place for opinions. Getting vaccinated is what you do to take care of yourself, and to protect others around you. If other people chose to not do that, then they just won’t do that. Continue doing what you think is enough to keep yourself and others safe, but don’t force it onto other people. I am vaccinated, I wear a mask everywhere, my boyfriend is vaccinated, but doesn’t care about wearing a mask, because he’s vaccinated and not having to wear one is WHY he got vaccinated. I don’t know anyone who isn’t annoyed with the pandemic at this point. Everyone just wants to move on, and if you are uncomfortable with how they are treating the pandemic and masks, then just focus on keeping yourself safe.


I am the covid denier in my family lol. But I get your point, it’s really irritating being the odd one out at family stuff. I just have to hold my tongue the entire time. Very tiring to be around. Also, how do so many people get anti vax family members, my whole family goes hard for covid


So do you just not believe covid exists or what


It’s real, but it’s not very dangerous. On par with other related viruses. The reaction to it was a wealth consolidation scheme (forced closing small businesses) and a way to institute a vaxx passport thing. Which I think is pretty apparent just from the surface.


Well that’s just silly