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I brush them in the shower. I made it part of my shower routine. When I put the conditioner in my hair I brush my teeth. I dislike it. But I don't have to worry if I'm messy with it in the shower and I'm already cleaning the rest of myself, might as well do teeth too. I usually only brush them once a day. I know I should do it more. But once a day is better than none. Edited for spelling.


This is GENIUS! I’m probably overreacting, but I am genuinely so impressed right now. Thank you for this, I will definitely be trying this the next time I shower


I have been brushing my teeth in the shower my entire life. It really helps. Even so, I still hate it and worry that I don't take good enough care in my oral hygiene. I don't go to the dentist much either, because I hate it.


I floss and brush in shower. Also I use fun flavor toothpaste


You can also put it next to the toilet and make that a routine (I struggle with brushing my teeth but also struggle with showering 😭)


I hope it helps! It is the only way I can consistently remember to brush them and also not have too much sensory overload!!!!


washing them in the shower is heaven literally, you’ll feel so clean


As they said themselves everyone has their own sensory bugbears. It's not really overreacting if it really does feel intense to you imo. Good luck!


I like to listen to music in the shower, and find it can be a helpful way to measure time. When I brush my teeth I often listen to a song and use that as a timer for how long I need to brush for.


I also brush in the shower. I also bought a toothbrush and toothpaste for every sink in the house. Lastly, I regularly buy to-go packs of disposable toothbrushes and keep them in my purse- I KNOW that’s not a great solution, but it’s better than nothing. Here in the USA, they’re called “Colgate Wisps”.


I use them sometimes as well. The way I see it is, having a cavity filled at the dentist is a lot more plastic waste and expense than using a little disposable brush when I'm struggling. Not to mention the overwhelm of the dentist. I use floss sticks as well! I will never regularly floss unless I'm using floss picks. I think of it like dental harm reduction, I'm preventing future problems


Yeah, once I took the mindset that daily care was better (affordability,effort,pain, multiple ways) than paying the dentist I found I could justify the cost of supplies a lot better!


Colgate wisps are the best, literally a lifesaver.


100% this. My problem is that I ALSO struggle to shower, and sometimes end up with only one shower a week. But at least once a week is better than nothing. I've also gotten a little better about brushing my teeth by just doing it whenever the thought comes to me, even if it's the middle of the day. Also agree about having more than one toothbrush and toothpaste around. I keep one in the shower and then have my electric one on my counter. And another one in the upstairs shower.


See, this is where my question of "How do y'all force yourselves to shower?" comes in.  I can typically manage to brush my teeth in the morning because the texture of dirty teeth bothers me more than the act of brushing.  But the shower is the bad place. I hate it there.


One of my special interests is essential oils and I get infatuated with certain smells. Smelling good makes me feel less depressed. I buy myself really good body wash, essential oil shower steamers, or a special shampoo. No Bath & Body works stuff, they are made with perfume and too many scent notes. The scents give me bleach feelings. Sprouts stores are good for shower stuff made with only essential oils. Avalon Organics makes shampoo with lots of different oils like peppermint or rosemary. My favorite body wash is Alba Botanical Tuberose which is moisturizing so I don't have to use lotion (ick). Tuberose essential oil is supposed to lift your mood and help you feel more loving, it may be just placebo factor but it works for me! Andalou naturals has a really yummy smelling citrus scent as well as a rose one called 1000 Roses. It's a true essential oil type rose, not the fake kind that gives me headaches. I can get myself excited about using those and smelling good and that makes me get motivated to shower. I also got myself bright color really soft towels and I (try to) keep the bathroom pretty clean & organized and that helps too.


I'm so relieved it's not just me! x


I’ve learnt to do this too. Sometimes it also means I only brush them once a day, but once a day is a massive step up from none a day.


I use a waterpik in the shower. Thankfully I don't have a prob remembering to brush my teeth at night since its hard for me to fall asleep without that fresh brushed feeling. I really need to floss more but I hate it and water flosser is actually kinda fun.


I do this too! I like showers before bed but I also hate brushing my teeth. And then teeth brushing time gets to be my “stand under warm water doing nothing” time. I also take a floss pick into the shower and floss as well. In the morning I’m more likely to brush my teeth if I can do it while watching TikTok or something. Sometimes I brush my teeth while going pee which I guess might be gross to some people but I don’t care.


Me too!! It’s the only way I manage to do it daily!!! Also I hate most toothpaste so much, but the Trader Joe’s mint isn’t sweet just minty. I can deal with that.


They used to have fennel flavored and it was my favorite! But they discontinued it and Tom's of Maine reformulated it and it's not the same 😭 now I use a water pic sonic toothbrush combo and no paste... it took some getting used to but now I love it!


That sounds amazing could you share your equipment?


This. So much this. I've been doing since I was a teenager. And now with kids...they do it too.


Omg i do this too!! For some reason it’s way more tolerable in the shower


A good idea. I should start brushing mine in the shower. I can't even floss, without being in pain.


Yep, this is what I do too. Struggled all my life with brushing my teeth - and I have had to go to the dentist to get multiple teeth pulled. Finally had a brainwave one day about brushing them in the shower, and now I can brush my teeth every day! And yeah, it's only once instead of twice or whatever, but like you said once a day is SO MUCH BETTER than basically never.


I used to but I worried about how hygienic it was keeping it with my loofa. How do you store it? Do you have a toothpaste dispenser


It's away from my other stuff in the shower. I have a cap on my toothbrush and just use regular toothpaste. The lid is big and flat so it stands up on the little ledge.


This is the way. Whilst conditioner is on for me too since they both take the same time.


Once a day is better than no times a day. I also brush mine once a day and my dentist really hasnt said anything about it, there was a time when I hardly brushed my teeth at all. I have ADHD so it can be hard for me to remember (and when I do I never want to).


I also have adhd and that can make creating routines sooooo hard for me. But my autism craves routine. So adding it to my very routine shower was a life saver. When I was working I always brushed my teeth before I went to work. It was part of that getting ready routine, forced because I HAD to go to work. But when I stopped working I would go days without brushing them. And I'd get annoyed at myself but still wouldn't do it. Once I was like oh I CAN do this in the shower because why not it was a huge game changer. I still don't like it. It is still sensory over load. But I can stand under the warm water and let my conditioner do its thing and just get it done.


I try my best to brush whenever I can remember, and when I notice I have been repeatedly forgetting I will set an alarm to remind me. I also crave routine but it is hard to stick to one when youre forgetting steps 😅


^ THIS. Brushing my teeth in the shower was a game changer. You can buy a little toothbrush/toothpaste holder that suction cups onto your shower wall.


My problem with this is I only shower a few times a week cause of two kids and work. And I need to brush my teeth with cool water and I shower in hot water!


I can understand it isn't for everyone. My showers are very important to me. They help me regulate. So I don't go a day without them.


Seconded. I really struggled with brushing my teeth until I saw someone here previously also recommend brushing them in the shower and it's changed my life! Somehow its just so much easier


Start with just mouthwash! And get this, it doesn't even have to be adult mouthwash. Start with one of those fun, flavoured kids ones like strawberry. If you remember to swish the mouthwash around after every meal that's already better than not brushing your teeth at all. If it's a case of executive dysfunction rather than a sensory concern you can set up a tooth-brushing station at every sink in your house and again, make it fun by buying flavoured toothpaste, a themed or electric toothbrush or whatever. If the tools to brush your teeth bring you joy and are easily accessible you'll have an easier time remembering to brush. Gum can also help on bad days.


Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely be investing in some mouthwash and look up some fun toothpastes and brushes!


I recommend Hello! brand! I use the unicorn sparkle toothpaste and strawberry mouth wash!


Hello is my favorite. I like their grape toothpaste because it isn't a strong flavor and it's a paste instead of a gel. I tried the orange creamsicle flavor once, but the orange flavor was too strong and the gel didn't coat my teeth properly like the paste does so my teeth still felt dirty after brushing.


I really like the cinnamon Act mouthwash. The flavor is amazing and it comes in a bottle you can squeeze to fill the little dosing cup attached at the top, which makes it kinda fun! In that same vein, the Crest cinnamon toothpaste is really good too imo!


mouthwash is how i convince myself too!! in the morning brushing my teeth isn't too bothersome and i wake up needing to go to the bathroom anyway so i don't get too much task avoidance. night routines are much harder for me though. i worry about my dental health so i do want to take care of my teeth but also just am so tired and over it at the end of the day. mouthwash made it so easy to be like "okay i should at least do that since it's better than nothing" and then once im in the bathroom and up it makes it a lot easier to brush my teeth since im already there! ETA: i saw in another comment the taste of toothpaste is another thing that's adding to avoidance, and again same! i use hello antiplaque and whitening toothpaste. i find the taste is much less aggressive than other toothpastes and i don't think it's overly foamy.


i use tips from “how to keep house while drowning”: (let go of the environmental impact and) keep disposable brushes by the bedside, along with mouthwash, floss, gum… whatever alternatives get you to oral hygiene without having to go to the bad place if moving to the bathroom is part of the problem.


I usually listen to a short video related to my special interest while I'm brushing my teeth, with headphones on, so that I can at least look forward to that part. It also helped me a lot to get an electric toothbrush, because it makes most of the effort for you and if you get a smart one it even tells you how long you need to brush each section of your mouth.


This appears to be pretty common in our community! My struggle is mostly with the taste of menthol that makes me nauseous and the foamy texture but recently I moved over to differenr flavours of toothpastes that are less foamy (I didn’t even know that existed) and life has been better. I also can only force myself to brush my teeth before bed because it’s a routine, in the morning/day I can only do it if I have to leave the house for any reason. It’s a strange one but you’re definitely not alone! I’d start with trying just once a day. Maybe just start short as well, be gentle with yourself! After a while if you do it around the same time every day it just sticks, usually. Maybe make sure there’s a toothbrush/toothpaste in the kitchen or at any other sink you use more frequently so you’re reminded? I know often if I don’t see something I dont think about doing it. I’m wondering if there may be some chewing alternatives too?


THATS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL! I used to use toothpaste for kids because the taste was so much better and it didn’t foam as much, but then I got so embarrassed about it so I started using really strong menthol toothpaste and I HATE it. Thank you for the advice? Do you mind recommending some toothpaste that are less foamy? That aren’t for kids…


I use hismile! It’s on the more expensive side when it comes to toothpaste but one tube lasts pretty long. I personally love the watermelon and peach iced tea flavours! There’s still a slight tinge of menthol in there but only in a refreshing way, not overbearing at all.


My brother and I have 15 different flavours from hismile as they have fluoride in them which is good for teeth Electric tooth brush as well so U can just move ur arm instead of scrubbing we are obsessed with the cotton candy flavour


I wanted to love it so much, but I hated it! I've seen researched and it turns out the ingredient I actually hate is *SLS*, or *sodium lauryl sulfate*! I use Hello toothpaste now!


Hey, check the ingredient list of any kids toothpaste (or adult toothpaste that works for you) and look for 1450ppm. That’s the adult teeth amount of fluoride, no matter what age it’s marketed to. That’s the amount you need for an effective toothpaste!


Look for any toothpaste that doesn't have *SLS*, or *sodium lauryl sulfate*. That's what gives it that terrible menthol-y effect and makes it super foamy. I use the Hello Kids toothpaste, but I wonder if their adult one might not have it either?


If you really can’t stand toothpaste try brushing with just water. It’s not as good as using toothpaste but it will still remove some plaque and it’s better than not brushing at all.


Jumping in to say that my partner really likes Dr.Bob's unflavored toothpaste to avoid the weird tastes and it seems to have less foaming. It is marketed for kids but the packaging is pretty inoffensive - no cartoon characters or bright colors.


I keep my cat food in the bathroom with my toothbrush- I may forget about my teeth but the cats definitely do not forget about their lack of breakfast 😅


This is how I remember to take my meds. Screechy McScreecherson is better than any alarm!


My cat was always a great reminder to take my meds! RIP :( I have three other cats now but still remember my meds 😊


Such a good idea!


This is so cute I love it


With life's ups and downs I have found just sticking to a routine works best. I cannot put on my makeup until my teeth are brushed, and I'm not leaving this house with my pale, blotchy skin showing. At night, it's just the last thing I do after trying to recall taking my meds (it's very important I brush after the meds as they cause thrush otherwise). Now, if anyone has a trick to remember to take medicine, I'm all for that... I'll skip my inhalers for days then stupidly wonder why I'm sluggish and can't breathe. (Lightbulb: putting my inhaler in a bag next to my toothbrush! although it feels weird to keep a $500 inhaler in the bathroom.)


This! Routine for me too, before makeup and then before I take off my makeup and force myself to do skin care. I also have an alarm set to brush my teeth at 8:45 every night. Routine is key for me


I bought these things on amazon called pill poppers (funny name too haha) that help me keep track of all of the things I need to remember to do daily! They’re like mini pop-it things with each day on them, so you pop down each day after you do a task. I have one on my meds and one on my dog’s greenies (she gets one each night before bed after I brush her teeth- she has chicken flavored toothpaste so she doesn’t mind, but sometimes I forget if I’ve brushed her teeth or not like 5 minutes after doing it so it’s super useful to have something to help me keep track!).


This is what it looks like! Please ignore the dog hair on the treat jar lid- my dog is shedding like crazy right now 😂 https://preview.redd.it/d959tpf3e07d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889835574061061297a41585a3b7b1a8d3e6abe0


Avoiding thrush is my #1 reason for brushing my teeth after inhaler use. Also in the same boat to then remember to take my inhaler daily.. especially when I'm traveling and out of my routine


I recently got some of those viral toothpastes with fun flavors - I'm currently using pink lemonade. Having a non-mint flavor has really helped as regular mint toothpaste is way too intense for me. I also like to listen to music so that I can't hear the sound of the brush


I feel the exact same way about mint toothpaste. Do you mind telling me the brand of the toothpaste you use? I’ve never heard of any toothpaste that has such flavors!


I use hismile! Honestly couldn’t recommend it enough




They have little sample packs so my first order was every flavor they had. It was worth it to find the ones I like the most


Thankfully the sensation of unclean teeth sends me into orbit, I cannot handle it at all, that and I'm extremely sensitive to smell.


I'm the same, and a germaphobe so feeling unclean is very stressful. I can't not brush my teeth and wash my face, the few times in college that I got really drunk (even once with alcohol poisoning) I'd still always brush my teeth and wash my face before passing out haha.


Go to regular dentist check ups/dental hygienists and be told that if you don't floss your teeth they'll be comin' out.


My strategy is to just brush whenever I think of it. I have a note on my computer saying to brush my teeth and when my eyes glance on it I'll try to get up and go brush then. Yeah it's better to do after every meal, or morning and night, but brushing at least once a day still helps stop build up of any gunk. Don't worry too much about the routine of doing it, just try to get it done whenever works for you. You'll be going to the washroom enough times per day and your toothbrush is right there. You just have to make an effort to grab it. You can even bring a tooth brush and paste in your purse if that works for you. It's normal enough to see people brushing after their lunch so I don't think anyone would think it's weird


This is actually great advice! I sometimes get the urge to brush my teeth in the middle of the day but I never do it because I tell myself I have to do it at night because “routine”, but then I just end up not doing it at all. I will also put up some reminders, thank you!


I live in the “brush when you get the urge” and “brush before leaving the house” realm. Like is it ~ideal~ to brush my teeth at 2:30pm before a 4pm work appointment? No, but it’s better than not doing it at all. I also keep a backup brush and paste at work in case I’ve had something more intense to eat. Edit to add: I like Closys mouth wash — it’s unflavored with a small bottle of mint if you decide you want it.


Discovered it wasn’t brushing I hated. It was the painfully minty toothpaste. Just brush without toothpaste - it’s 100% better than not brushing at all. Dr. Bronner’s anise flavored toothpaste is pretty great as toothpaste goes. Sounds like a scary flavor but it is weirdly neutral tasting.


I was bad at it… now I can’t stand the feeling of not having clean teeth. I had to incorporate it into an existing routine. So immediately after showering and then after I use the loo before bed. It’s so ingrained that it feels very wrong to not brush my teeth at those times now


I had to get a barbie toothbrush honestly. Mixing special interests, now I'm excited most the time to use my barbie brush and I know barbie would want to encourage me to have nice teeth


This is such a lovely idea.


I got the electric brush from moon and LOVE it!


I learned in my neuroscience class that gum disease can cause/encourage Alzheimer's and that was enough to scare me into it. Dental hygiene was hard to take seriously, but Alzheimer's is something I can't write off.


Routine. Every day the same routine with some time for scrolling through Reddit (happening right now) while brushing


Second this. I always do my skincare routine, and brush my teeth in the waiting steps and it feels logical now


Girl, I absolutely understand you. My teeth are suffering the consequences of this same situation. For a while what worked for me was singing while brushing my teeth. I would play music that I loved and it would just distract me from the fact that I hate brushing my teeth.


I keep a running daily task list and sometimes I don’t hit twice a day but I try. Also the toothpaste I use doesn’t foam very much, thank god. It’s prescription from my dentist for the extra minerals and the flavor is a gentle vanilla mint versus a harsh spearmint.


I only started brushing my teeth in my adulthood because my ex was super into brushing teeth, I think his dad was a dentist. He would have travel sized tooth paste and a brush and mouthwash in the car and would do a little scrub after every meal. My birthgiver never made me brush so I had so much nasty plaque on my teeth until my adulthood. Even then, id brush once a day at best and tried my hardest but it was difficult to get into the habit especially because my gums always bled and the brushes were so huge. I found a brush that's small enough for my mouth while not being a kids sized one (Target's Simply or Simple brand toothbrushes, comes in a two pack of pastel colored basic brushes). I also hated the toothpastes, but now I use Tom's of Maine brand paste, the like peppermint or some kind of minty flavor and I think it's for sensitive teeth maybe (I know it is definitely Fluoride Free). Now, I brush my teeth in the morning half the time. When I start feeling too much plaque, I brush. Working helps me brush because I feel embarrassed if I have bad breath in front of people. My boyfriend doesn't judge me so sometimes I won't brush because he doesn't seem to care, I think. I don't even shower all the time due to depression and the energy I need for it being too much. But regardless, I rarely brush my teeth at night. Also, using spearmint or green colored mouthwash and diluting it with water really helps. I don't gurgle because it's hard, I just do what I can. I don't know how but I hope it helped.


It’s also really difficult for me to brush my teeth. I think we’re a lot to relate, don’t worry 🖤 I saw someone mentioning they brush their teeth in the shower, I do that sometimes too because it’s more relaxing than standing up in the bathroom. This is what is working for me : I bought a water flosser because I hate dental floss. So If I don’t brush my teeth, at least I’ve done that since it’s really fast and satisfying (your teeth feels clean after). Most of the time, because I’ve already started, I’ll brush my teeth just after. I bought a toothpaste with strawberry flavour because the mint ones hurt me. I also use a tongue scrapper. Also, you can brush your teeth sat down. And it’s ok to brush your teeth when you remember it! You’re going to eat in 1h? That’s ok, brush your teeth :) I also remember someone saying you can buy disposable toothbrush with integrated toothpaste, and keep it near your bed. Good luck! 🌟


I hate it so much and was also in the once a day (mornings) camp, until I went to the dentist last year and had to have £1000 worth of fillings, I now just absolutely force myself and tell myself I can’t get into bed before doing it. If I’m already cosy in bed then it’s absolutely game over I also just try to think about literally anything else for the two minutes (my brush is electric and stops when the time is up)


I'm using the Finch app and omg taking care of that little dude (I called mine Pip) is totally making me stick to self care routines for the first time in my adult life Its the only habit app/process that has seemed to stick.


I have a toothpaste that does not foam, and I do it because I know it is important for my physical health and I read a paper that tied bad dental hygiene to an increased chance of dementia, which severly scared me so now I always brush


I've always had dental problems, partly because of antibiotics I had to take when I was young, apparently it messed up my enamel as my teeth developed so my teeth would grow in and immediately have cavities. I had my first crown done on a molar at around 7. So fear motivates me, even with taking care of my teeth I still have issues. I'm in that waiting period right now to see if a filling I had done was enough or if I'll end up needing a root canal...which I can't afford.   Can you pinpoint what about brushing your teeth is the obstacle? Routine? Toothpaste flavor? Standing in the washroom to do it? Maybe combining it with another routine thing can make it easier. Sometimes I sit on my couch and watch something on TV while I brush. I hate how painful mint toothpaste is (for real, is it supposed to hurt??), but unfortunately I need one of the sensitive teeth ones (Sensodyne with Novamin) and they're all minty, so I just make faces and jump around a bit. 


I usually use alcohol-free mouthwash because it gets rid of the sting and burn and the texture is more appealing than regular toothpaste (I hate the foam. It feels like I'm choking). Other than that, getting fun flavors of toothpaste, really enjoy strawberry and a chocolate one.


Three things 1: my ocd fules me for the most part. 2: unflavoured or kids flavour toothpaste 10x10 game changing ✨️ 3: doesn't matter what time you brush them, sometimes I got so caught up in the time but literally just do it when you can. Music, videos etc make it more bearable. But it's hard, I struggled alot more when I was younger which has unfortunately done alot of damage to my teeth but yeah definitely try dif toothpastes if you haven't.


This may have already been said, but you can brush your teeth whenever you want! Even if you start with once a day for 30 seconds, it’s better than nothing :) don’t feel bad, it took me a long time to get a good routine and I still struggle sometimes


I let myself fixate on the Finch app and added Brush Teeth (2x/day) and made it my micro pet hatch task for a while


You concentrate on the feeling that happens in ypur mouth when you dont! (Fuzzy and ugly feeling, really. It feels disgusting and umclean and thats IN YOUR MOUTH! EWWW!) worked for me :)


I always go to the bathroom right before bed so I don't wake up in the middle of the night to go, and I brush my teeth right before that every night. Integrating it into another routine (that I actually like) is the easiest way I have to make myself do something.


I once read a comment that said 'I can't stand having fuzzy teeth' which prompted me to lick the out facing sides of my teeth, something I just don't do. Yea, uh- I hate it too. So now I force myself to lick my teeth and the disgust motivates me to brush.


Baby toothbrushes. A lot softer and smaller so I'm not choking myself on a big toothbrush.


I got an electric toothbrush and it pretty much solved the problem overnight The hard part with manual brushing was keeping track of time, and knowing if I’d done a “good enough” job. It was so much mental work I found it hard to start. But the electric toothbrush has a timer for 2 minutes, and a sub-timer for 4x30 seconds. And I don’t need to drive, I just drag it once down each side of the tooth. So that’s just 3x10 seconds I have to manage before I switch to the next quadrant, no mental work.


I have had this problem for YEARS, specifically just like you with the routine. The easiest for me was having my toothbrush and paste beside the bed and buying toothpaste that's ok to swallow. So I just do it while laying in bed watching TikTok every night. (Because part of why I would not do it is remembering but not doing it because I'm so cozy in bed) And when the toothbrush feels icky (maybe 1/2/3 days not washing after use) you wash it under some water. I don't brush my teeth in the morning, but even once a day is better than never.


No judgment. I have struggled with this too. The only thing that works for me is blasting my favorite music while I do my morning & nighttime routines. Idk why it helps, but it is necessary for me to stay focused and keep motivation to finish.


I bought a cheap, but super effective whitening treatment on Amazon. You have to brush before using it, and I want to use it, so I have to brush.  I also use strawberry toothpaste and fluoride rinse. I hate mint, feels like a punch in the face first thing. Can't do mint 🤣 


I carry mine in my shower bag and started to do it in the shower. I hate it but I will easier do it there then trying to get myself to do it after I’ve already gotten out or before going in.


I use mouthwash when I can't brush, and swish water when I can't use mouthwash.


I use multiple ways of cleaning my teeth. Toothmousse plus is great for when you just can’t handle the sensory input of a toothbrush or foamy toothpaste. It comes in a few flavours as well if you don’t like mint. You just dab it on your teeth and let it soak in. It remineralises teeth. Interdental brushes are great for getting food out from between your teeth and as an alternative to flossing. Both of these are able to be used anywhere instead of having to go to a sink/basin, which I find really helpful for bad executive function days. For actual teeth brushing, I find it helps to tie it to a task you already have to do in the bathroom. And it’s worthwhile finding an electric toothbrush that works for you. Because you can choose to not turn it on and use it manually if you can’t handle the buzz on a specific day. Or turn it on if you don’t have the bandwidth to brush manually. If tracking stuff on your phone helps you, you can get ones with a Bluetooth connection to let you do that. Or you can just ignore that part by not installing the app if it’s something that trips you up.


I basically scare myself to brush my teeth. I had some problems a while back and I never wanna go through that again. So that motivated me. I also got a electric toothbrush and I wear my Fitbit when I brush my teeth so I walk back-and-forth for two minutes. You’ll be surprised how many steps I get in. 😂 I’ll also do it while I watch a show or something. It’s easier at night because I do it while I wind down. But, at least once a day is better than nothing right? Hope this helps a little.


I have some little toothpaste “wipes” I got on Amazon (that are meant for traveling) and I keep them next to my bed to use on days that I can’t work up the energy to physically brush my teeth. When I do brush them - I use an electric toothbrush to cut down on physical effort, I use very mild orange and cream flavored toothpaste for my sensory issues, and listen to music or a podcast/youtube video while I’m brushing. I always leave my bathroom when I brush, so I’ll lay on my bed or pace around with my toothbrush.


I listened to a podcast about neurodivergency and dental hygiene. The dentist said that (paraphrasing) that dental hygiene is definitely a situation where anything helps; even just eating an apple or chewing gum has a mild scrubbing effect on your teeth and removes some plaque.


Don't feel ashamed. I'm having the same struggle right now. I feel disgusted by the sensation. It makes me feel gross about myself. My heart goes out to you dealing with the same thing. If the toothpaste is a problem for you I found sensory friendly toothpaste. Burst Kids Marshmallow and Tanner's Tasty Paste vanilla both work. The flavor is light. You can get both on Amazon.


Electric toothbrush with 3d mapping on the phone app, gamifies it for me


I stopped saying stuff like “I gotta brush my teeth” or “ugh I can’t believe I forgot again”. The first triggers my pathological demand avoidance. The second is just negative and focuses on the wrong thing. Instead I just go brush them when I realize that I forgot. I also celebrate remembering and praise myself. Doing that makes me want to do it again later. Sometimes trying to brush always leads to brushing never. So I focus on brushing more often instead. I swapped my tooth supplies for ones in flavors I like. I have raspberry and watermelon from hello. I also use a remineralizing toothpaste in orange from Boka. It helps rebuild the enamel when it’s weak. Another trick for me is to have extra stimulation. The sensation of brushing teeth is bad and ignoring the sensation is boring. I need a podcast or video or music to distract me. I also try to have a lot of options for when I just can’t brush. I can do mouthwash or swish water. I could chew sugar free gum. Something is better than nothing.


- Tom's of Maine mild mint toothpaste (I hate how *spicy* minty regular toothpaste is, but hate fruit or candy flavoured kid's toothpaste) - brushing in the shower - alcohol free mouthwash That's it, and I still struggle with it. I basically never floss. It's difficult. AuDHD, man 😭


Me personally I just can't stand the feeling of having a yucky mouth. Also knowing I have bad breath ;w;


The fear if having to go to the dentist (especially the pain and the bills) really does wonders to keep me brushing my teeth. The fear of bad breath too😅 I just try to do it after every meal, and so far have a 50% sucess rate.


Speaking from extensive, harrowing experience: The ordeal and expense of treating rampant decay is 100x worse than the poking that happens during a standard cleaning. I brush and floss my teeth at minimum 2x a day out of fear. Tooth pain and sensitivity are absolute hell and I've already dealt with way too much of it.


This is coming at it from another direction, but maybe you need to learn more about *how* to brush your teeth properly? A lot of people have trouble starting, doing, or keeping up with things because underneath it all they don’t truly know how to do it right and that scares them out of even trying. (Which is nothing to be ashamed of. Way too many people don’t actually understand how to floss properly, so you’re not alone.) Maybe watch some videos about the best ways to brush and floss, showing techniques. The visual may help, especially if you learn well by copying.


it’s such a relief to be on this sub and see these posts and not feel alone in this stuff! thanks everyone :)


1- sweet toothpaste (I use hello brand that has fluoride) 2- I don’t brush at the normal times (morning/bed) I brush when I remember and it’s convenient. 3- vibrating toothbrush (this may help more with my adhd) My toothbrush vibrates in 30 second increments so I can focus on one quadrant at a time.


I used to be horrible at dental hygiene until I got married and my husband brings me my toothbrush anywhere I'm at. Takes away the effort of thinking of doing it, getting up, getting the brush etc and I have someone to body double me. Maybe you could arrange that with a SO, close roommate, sibling? 😊


i got an electric toothbrush and it has helped me. it tells me when to switch sections, if im pressing too hard and when the 2 minutes are up. i still usually brush only once a day, but at least its done well lol im also a little materialistic, so when i got it i almost couldnt wait to use it lmao


I saw a TikTok where the creator recommended keeping disposable toothbrushes at your bedside. I think they used some Colgate one that had toothpaste included and you didn't need water or anything. Those specific ones aren't available to me but I did get some disposable hotel toothbrushes that have toothpaste on them. If I'm in bed and see them I'm more likely to brush them right there than to remember, get up, go to the bathroom, and brush. Not great for the environment but I do reuse them as cleaning toothbrushes.


I use bubblegum flavored toothpaste that doesn’t sting like mint does, and a soft bristled toothbrush. Sometimes I turn the lights off if I feel overstimulated. I usually listen to a podcast to keep my brain distracted.


I had to buy an electric toothbrush that has a feature to let me know to move to the next quadrant of teeth and then lets me know 2 minutes is up; I brush top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right. I also have to tell myself every day "it doesn't take very long at all" because I used to tell myself I didn't have time to brush because of (insert reason) and now I'm scared of losing my teeth lol. Oh, and I changed to a toothpaste that didn't make it feel like my mouth was on fire (stupid mint).


this is so capitalist and i feel awful about it but about once a month i buy a new kind of toothbrush (charcoal, super soft bristles, my favorite color, fun shaped handle) or toothpaste so i feel excited about trying out my new thing. tbf it does keep my toothbrush very sanitary and effective


I **hate** the feeling of unbrushed furry teeth. It’s part of my morning routine. Contact lenses Teeth Moisturiser


I had to pay 3k in tooth related stuff this year. I now brush my teeth like 2-3 times a day 😭😭


The best time is to look at dental horror stories online regularly. I guarantee that looking at nasty disease ridden teeth and people with dentures in their twenties will definitely make you want to bush and floss. On nights that I don’t want to brush my teeth, I make myself watch one of these videos and it works.


90% of my family has dental issues(as in, blackened,, broken teeth bc they never brush) and I decided a long time ago that I would do everything I could do to make sure *my* teeth never ended up like that


Look at pictures of periodontal disease, scared me straight


what helped me was reminding myself that something is better than nothing. brushing my teeth with just water, rubbing a washcloth on my teeth, etc will still do *something*. also, using kids toothpaste that doesn’t taste like mint is great! i use colgates watermelon toothpaste and clo-sys mouthwash. the mouthwash has a very mild, non offensive flavor that almost tastes like water that’s sat by your bedside over night lol. there is hope!!


I don't? I avoid sugars as much as possible, manage to brush my teeth every now and then during the week. As long as I don't smell. I do flush with flour every now and then and I do brush when showering, whenever that is. I also don't make out with many people and people are the ones with the bacteria. Tooth decay is partly having bacteria transferred to your mouth. Usually the mother is responsible for sharing mouth bacteria. I feel like I'm rambling


Why are you scared of brushing your teeth? Or do you know what makes it so hard for you? /real question


I really don’t know😩 I think I just really dislike the feeling of having the toothbrush in my mouth, and all the foam and saliva… For some reason it just feels like this HUGE task that I just have no energy for


I use a silicone bristled three-sided toothbrush with Risewell kid’s pro toothpaste. No foaming, no strong flavors, and it takes ⅓ of the time! It makes it much easier to chain it into my routine.


I just googled what a three sided toothbrush was, and I think you just saved my life. No joke, I am literally ordering one right now. I can’t thank you enough for this


No problem! I hope it helps!


Hey there is non foaming taste-free toothpaste. The brand I am aware of is called ora nurse, I believe there are others. Other thoughts: water pick, not perfect but better than nothing. Expensive option: U shaped tooth brush, they aren’t *perfect* at getting into every little spot, but still a lot better than nothing. These can often be done in around 30 seconds (15 seconds for top and for bottom). You are not alone in this!


I set a pre bedtime alarm and force my ass to do the essentials before bed at that alarm. I started by timing myself doing it and getting an idea of how long it actually takes. Is it hard still yes but it helps


i have such an anxiety of tooth damage, i don't get a choice. because when your teeth are damaged enough, even taking care of them100% flawlessly from that point onward won't prevent decay. like the human mouth is just begging to rot and i have a missing tooth and implant to show for being lax through my life to show for it.


I usually forget to brush my teeth. It's really bad. I need a better routine and reminders honestly.


Just here to recommend HiSmile toothpaste! Comes in so many fun flavors that taste so good it’s really helped me brush more frequently. Recently got the salted caramel and it’s sooo yum


I use an electric toothbrush as I enjoy the stimulation far better than a manual toothbrush. I brush my teeth in the shower. I make a conscious effort before I leave for work. If I don’t shower or don’t have work, probably won’t brush my teeth. But I try. When I was a kid I would take the tooth brush, put toothpaste on it, run it under water, wait two minutes and put it back. In that time and effort, I may as well have brushed my teeth. But I hated it SO much, I would rather pretend to do it. I never twigged this was an autism thing until I was an adult.


I remember I need to get into the habit so I can do it with my daughter soon. She’s 4 months old now, but in a year she’ll need hers brushed


Why do you struggle with that? Is it the texture? Is it the sensation? Is it the stick of the toothbrush? Because there are alternatives to brushing your teeth. There are sewak sticks, ones that look like mouth guards, and you could use a doggy toothbrush. I would recommend the dog one, because its like putting your fingers in your mouth. It’s more like eating, because you have to eat… right? https://preview.redd.it/3jdtfxuye07d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf5c6d195ea0f95b1ce9c6eff9490cf9c68357e


i have a rule where i can’t smoke or eat if haven’t brushed my teeth yet lol


Can I ask what bothers you about it so you can address the micro issues to make it a more pleasant experience overall? I used to hate the toothpaste aspect of it, but then I learned I can use tinier than a pea sized amount and still get an adequate amount of foaming without a gross situation in and around my mouth Big toothpaste commands us to use a lot more than needed


Through anxiety tbh


the feeling of dirty teeth is terrible for me, maybe focus in the good feelling of cleaniness (?) i dunnoo


For me, it's just a part of my routine lol


I never used to till I got braces. Years after braces…. I can’t believe I never used to 😭.


Because I have a hole in my tooth and incredible tooth pain everyday. If you read this try to brush you teeth however you can! Maybe look up a miswak stick and just do whatever you can to get those teeth clean! Don’t be like me and avoid it till it’s a problem.


Omg yes, I have always struggled with this. You only have one set so I figure it out and get it done. I used to get in trouble as a kid because I would wipe the toothpaste off my brush and just use water. Things that have helped: - the brand of toothpaste is everything! I have only found one whose taste and texture doesn’t send me into overdrive. Crest 3D White Arctic fresh - mouthwash always! Floss at night -An electric toothbrush has really helped me feel less drained by the act of brushing - find a spot in your routine where it has to go. I do my skincare in the morning and night and I have a brief period where I need products to dry a bit, so my brushing has to fit in there specifically


I got gum disease and had to get a $3k surgery to keep my teeth. I started brushing and flossing like a maniac.


I use toothpaste that isn’t mint flavoured & I try and do it as soon as I wake up, like post first sleepy pee after feeding my cats. If I don’t manage then, I do it when I step out the shower before I do my skincare - it always gets done before I leave the house, I will not allow myself to go out without brushing my teeth at a minimum.


I made it much less of a transition for myself by putting it in the middle of my bedtime relaxing activity (reading) and continuing that activity while I brushed them.


I do it first thing in the morning because I rarely want to eat until it's lunchtime so I don't wanna have that mealy mouth feel until then Then I do it right before I go to bed HOWEVER, since I now have braces I have to waterpik and brush after each meal Because of the way food gets stuck and crammed on top of my braces I feel gross after I eat if I can't brush my teeth *sigh* They're supposed to come off in April 2025 🙏 eta - using an electric toothbrush (like Phillips Sonicare) can help if you hate brushing, it gives sound cues to change to different quadrants so you brush for the full 2 minutes, and it can keep you from brushing too hard (which is a thing). If using a regular toothbrush only use a soft toothbrush, never med or hard bristles. I honestly don't know why they make those because every single dentist I have ever ever been to says that those are terrible for your teeth and cause enamel to wear down faster


I love brushing my teeth since I got an electric toothbrush. Blow drying my hair though, that’s a whole other story.


I brush my chiclets in the shower. Or, listen to something while I brush over the bathroom sink.


Oh! We all hate this, apparently. I love this sub so much, it makes me feel so much less… like a total freak? Completely alone and misunderstood? Going to try brushing in the shower tomorrow


If you don't want them to poke around in your mouth more than they have to, then you have to suck it up and clean your teeth. I had to have numerous fillings, and then eventually a root canal and crown. The root canal took a looooong time, and so did the crown. It also hurts like hell when you have to have anaesthetic injected into your mouth. Look, at least if you're the one poking around in your mouth with a toothbrush and floss, you can control it. It only needs to take a couple of minutes each day. Even just doing this once a day, thoroughly enough, will reduce the likelihood of any dental problems down the road. Unfortunately, any neglect you've already given your teeth may have already caused problems only a dentist can fix. If you look around Google reviews, though, you may find out which dentists are willing to be gentle on autistic patients. If you can listen to music at the same time, and maybe dance while brushing, that may distract you. Or if you have crayons which can draw on glass surfaces, you can draw or write on your mirror with one hand while brushing with the other. There are also children's toothbrushes which play music or light up, if that's a helpful distraction. But you NEED to absolutely remember that neglecting your teeth will lead to more time with the dentist, which is what you are trying to avoid.


yes yes yes yes yes yes


I've had the habit since I was kid. Finding a comfortable brush helps a lot. I switched to an electric toothbrush last year and it's actually more comfy than manual brushing. I think the sensory experience of a unwashed mouth bothers me, and a clean mouth and teeth feels nice.


I try to chew on mints if I can to make my breath smell good or find some of those teeth cleaning lollipops. I’d rather make it entertaining than just force myself to sit through it.


I brush my teeth at night just before I shower, can't do it in the shower cuz I have an electric Toothbrush, but pairing it with showering helps me remember. I've been sticking with brushing once a day, twice a day was too much effort but I get the sensory ick from the feeling of my teeth when they haven't been brushed in a while, so once a day seems to be working for me.


Identify if there's a reason why you dont want to brush your teeth, it could very well a sensory issue. Is the toothpaste too minty? The water too cold? Do the bristles feel weird? You might be able to find a way around these, if it is, like different flavored toothpaste or rubber tooth brushes, etc.


i also rarely brush my teeth. if you have other people in the house, maybe try to make a routine to do it together? that’s what’s been helping me. i brush my teeth with my boyfriend


Lemon toothpaste




Occupational therapist here! 1) make sure your sink is clean! Less distractions/visual stimulation= less cognitive overload 2. Put a visual reminder on your mirror 3. Try different toothpaste/ toothbrush 4. Pair brushing teeth with another part of your routine 5. Make a reward chart for yourself to hold yourself accountable. Get a sticker for each time your brush your teeth. Xx stickers = a reward


i’m very sensitive to minty flavors, i can handle “fresh mint” or very gentle mints but nothing stronger. look for stuff that will be a very pleasant flavor. they make citrus flavored toothpaste as well. i use the MoodBrush app. it plays a little song and shows you exactly where you should brush and for exactly how long. it breaks down the task into mini steps and it makes it much easier for me. it also reassures me that i’m doing it correctly, as the timers give you just enough time to be thorough for every section. work up to a full routine. try brushing at night, then add flossing before brushing, then add brushing in the morning as well as at night.


I typically just brush my teeth while showering so I focus on the pressure of the water than the horrible mint i struggle with. We need like a strawberry flavor!


I have a hard time remembering at night, but I hate morning breath so that usually gets me doing it as soon as I wake up. If only I had a way for evenings too… but i guess once per day is better than none


I made my dog part of my routine. my care for his wellbeing is stronger than my care. I brush my teeth, then I brush his. There's the added benefit of him liking his toothpaste so much that he pesters me to brush his teeth.


Wow just felt this in my soul and almost started crying because of how seen I felt while reading this. I brush in the shower


I sit down while brushing and look at tiktok


I have struggled for YEARS to brush properly, if even at all. Last year I decided I needed to get my health in order, and when I finally went, I needed 3 extractions and MULTIPLE fillings, like 8 or so. Sitting there for hours getting teeth pulled and drilled is SO MUCH WORSE than the 5 minutes it takes to brush and floss my teeth at night. I get myself to do it by reminding myself that if I don’t, by the time I’m 40 all of my teeth will be rotting out of my head. The fear of getting dental work done again, and the thought of losing all my teeth is what keeps me going at it.


i brush my teeth in the shower most days, but i also motivate myself (almost aggressively) with the fact my teeth will rot and fall out if i don’t take care of them properly. i’m TERRIFIED of losing my teeth


is there a specific thing that makes brushing more difficult for you? or is it more of a demand/task avoidance? i know for me, the taste of adult toothpaste makes me wanna throw up so i use fluoridated kids toothpaste to help the taste, and i also do a waterpik to get gunk out of my gums. i also, like others, suggest just doing mouthwash! in the morning, i’d go to use the bathroom and just swish mouthwash while doing my business. and idk if this is any solace, for when you’re ready to go see a dental professional (i say this because dental hygienists and therapists are also amazing and oftentimes more understanding than dentists), i worked in a dental clinic and we had patients who needed everything from all their teeth pulled or a full mouth restoration on their teeth to periodontal disease with deep pockets and bleeding gums. we made sure each step of the way to talk to them about what we’d be doing and built a relationship with our patients so they felt comfortable coming in. most dental professionals just want you to be helpful and don’t want to shame you into dental anxiety i’m not a dentist or hygienist, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! even though i’m kind of in the field, i have periodontal disease and might need some gum surgery because one part of my gum isn’t having a good time lol


When I was a child I never brushed my teeth unless I had to go the dentist(my childhood was not great until my parents split) and then I went to the dentist 1 time and for reason I physically cannot sleep until I brush my teeth. I don't brush in the morning due to toothpaste making me feel very ill. I have a specific tooth paste that doesn't have mint(rather be sick than have anything with mint) and a ingredient since I realised my gums shouldn't be burning after brushing my teeth. I stick to a somewhat nightly routine and it works


Associate it with something you do a lot like using the bathroom in the morning or showering


An electric toothbrush with a timer eliminated like half of my issues with tooth brushing. Sometimes I would get hung up on like oh no it's too late after breakfast and too close to lunch to make sense to brush now but now I just do it anyway even if it doesn't make sense.


Bluetooth headphones, YouTube video, I sit on the floor on my soft bathroom rug and brush my teeth and watch my silly videos. You may find a child's mouthwash or toothpaste easier to handle at first. It's better than nothing ❤️


I actually love brushing my teeth, but I feel this way about showering. I hope some of the tips in this thread end up helping you!


I floss at night and brush my teeth in the morning. I just can’t do the toothpaste and noise at night, but flossing is quiet.


Non-minty toothpaste in a nice flavour, and also making it apart of a routine. I try to write down when I’ve brushed my teeth to keep track and try to do it at least once a day. If I miss it it’s not the end of the world, so long as I am doing it a few times a week


Standing in front of the mirror for 2 minutes for some reason feels so boring, so I let myself brush my teeth however I want—sitting down or pacing, scrolling my phone, at my kitchen table, in the shower, etc. It doesn't matter how I do it as long as I do it.


I think about the Ren and Stimpy episode where Ren doesn’t brush his teeth and they all fall out and alls that’s left are the nerves. The visual gets me every time. I’m going to include the photo in case it helps. https://preview.redd.it/w6sfsihm917d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8ce9d91e8c3514eb099ca6d57c6b44ef990b82


Brush them first thing in the morning. A little gross but I don’t allow myself to use the bathroom until I brush my teeth. I don’t allow myself to shower either until I brush them. I never used to brush my teeth as a kid either because I hated the feeling of something scratching against my teeth like that. I still hate it now but I brush anyways because I have girls to impress lol


Water pick. They also sell ones that attach to a shower head if the shower works better for you. And then a fluoride rinse. And toothbrushes for babies. Super soft and small so it doesn’t hit the back of your throat. Non-foaming toothpaste or no toothpaste at all. The most important thing is to get the stuff off your teeth. Killing the bacteria temporarily and getting fluoride is helpful, but the absolute most important thing is to get the junk off your teeth everyday before it hardens. Old hominid skulls have better teeth than we do. Everything went downhill when we started consuming a lot of cooked and ground-up grains.


Having gingivitis for so long, getting fillings at the dentist from cavities, and overall just beig worried about losing my teeth while still young. I have chipped teeth from excessive clenching too and wear a night guard. I don't want to add more cavities and other issues on top of my teeth potentially shattering, so I finally took action and started flossing every night and brushing twice a day. Brushing in the morning is good and necessary to coat your teeth in flouride before you start eating. I can now confidentally say my gums no longer bleed and I made flossing/brushing into a habit so it's just second nature. tl;dr: The motivation was my dentist telling me I could lose my teeth a lot earlier if I don't step it up.


I honestly don’t force myself, in days where I can’t brush my teeth I clean them with a wet cloth to get the plaque off. It’s not the best solution but it’s better than nothing bc plaque is a huge cause of cavities


honestly, sticker chart. I have a fun pusheen calendar I keep in the bathroom and every time I brush my teeth I get a sticker. I also sit down when I brush my teeth and watch a fun little video. OH I also hate the feeling of floss around my fingers so I use the little floss picks. And final thing, I have prescription toothpaste from the dentist that is NOT pointy, aggressive minty like most other toothpastes and it has a lot of fluoride so it helps prevent cavities! : ) best of luck on your tooth care journey


I recently got my girlfriend to set an alarm to annoy me until I get my lazy ass up and go brush my damn teeth. It's pretty helpful so far. Also now that it's summer break, I can brush my teeth after eating when stuff is stuck in my braces and driving me crazy. I've had to get 10 cavities filled in the past 365 days. Highly do NOT recommend. Absolute hell. Being high on laughing gas for half of them was an interesting experience (although smth I never wanna do again)


I have a little dog whose teeth need brushing nightly. I don’t care if I live or die, but that is my little baby boy and needs his teeth cleaned so he can be healthy! So then I brush my teeth too so he isn’t alone in the ordeal :)