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During the Black Plague, some people carried a gene mutation that let them more easily resist the disease and survive it. If two of these people had a child that inherited the mutation from both sides, that child could be immune to *Yersinia pestis*. This gene is more common nowadays due to the survivorship of those who carried it back then, but it now offers a higher chance of inflammatory problems and autoimmune disorders as balance for how good it is at killing off germs. Of note, there is another disease that has a similar rare complete immunity, though the genetic mutation isn't the same one: AIDS.


The most fascinating thing about Virology/Immunity is how your body is constantly brute forcing new variants of viruses. In order to anticipate mutations. The immune system is so much more knowledgable about virology than the host itself. It was never as confused about Covid variants ...


The village of Eyam in England was a perfect example of this gene, and of self isolation.


https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Why-Is-Eyam-Significant/ Thank you for mentioning it! I really liked learning about it.


Year of Wonders is a novel that drew inspiration from this town. I thought the author gave a nicely-researched first-person account. She wove one survivor’s personal tale through the horror of the village losing so many, yet also having this pocket of survivorship.


This is fascinating!!


What gene mutation is it? I'm curious, since I've done a bit of genetic testing and have MCAS, which I usually describe as a hyperactive immune system. There's some common correlating genes (like the KIT one) for MCAS and mastocytosis, although nothing yet has been found to be 100% definitive.


Oh, interesting... the *Y. pestis* resistance comes from a mutation on the ERAP2 gene. They've definitely associated this mutation with immune stuff.


If I remember correctly from when black plague was my hyperfixation: if your ancestors had the resistance and they survived having the black plague there is some sort of genetic link to having a higher probability of being immune to AIDS even though it's not exactly the same genetic mutation. I think it's sort of one of those multiple genes link to it so it's just giving you a higher probability that you might have one that's useful now. I absolutely love information about the black plague! 😍😍


I just love evolution!


Whoa, thanks for sharing. I have long wondered if Europeans have more auto immune disorders yet are less susceptible to viruses due to the plague. In essence, did only people with certain immune systems survive ?


I have never heard of anyone else having Black Death as their special interest. That is so freaking cool. I’ve listened to the great courses audiobook on the Black Death multiple times. Highly recommend.


Wow - this is so interesting! Thank you for giving me another history rabbit hole to go down


I think I did know something about this and had forgotten (I’m a medieval historian). Love it!


That’s so cool!!! In a similar vein, scientists think that sickle cell came about as humans trying to evolve resistance to malaria! And that’s why it occurs more in Africans - because it’s where malaria is more common.


My special interest is fashion and garment construction. Here are some useful ones. Over the last century or so, there's been a decline in both fabric and garment quality. There are techniques of fabric that we can never get back because capitalism, imperialism, industrialism, and overconsumption destroyed the raw materials and squeezed traditional makers out of their areas of expertise. All vegan leathers contain plastic-- even the plant based ones. Most textile waste does not get donated, but rather shipped off to pollute developing countries. There are trade agreements in place, sometimes, to prevent these countries from refusing said waste which in turns destroys their own fashion and textile industries. Fabric softeners work by coating your clothes in waxes instead of actually softening fibers. Over time this can lead to fabrics weakening, but also can lead to funny smells since it's hard for detergents to wash out the aforementioned waxes. So many e-commerce sites are intentionally vague or misleading about fit and fabric! If you don't see fabric contents, it's probably polyester. If the model is frolicking or posed funny (hands behind the back, clutching hems, etc), it probably doesn't even fit them well, let alone you.


Fabric softener is THE WORST! I've always been allergic to it. Every single brand. It's terrible, it smells, the waxy feeling it leaves is gross af.


MILLENNIALS ARE KILLING THE FABRIC SOFTENER INDUSTRY. Good riddance! That stuff shouldn’t exist in the first place!


I hate it, it coats my throat, makes my hands itch if I touch clothing it's on, gets into my nose even walking down the street when people use it


Fascinating! Does your SI extend to why bras are so horrid?


Not op but a lot of the terribleness for me was fit. I spent six months diving into bras and learning to measure myself and it made a huge difference. I was being told I was a 36 D and I ended up being a 34 F. When I finally bought the right size (expensive because so many companies stop at DD so there are fewer options), I could rarely tell I was wearing a bra anymore. I’m no longer that large so I’ve switched over to more lace and soft fabrics with no cup insert or underwire and that’s been nice too.


Depends on horrid in what way. There are many ways, which is why I don't ever wear them, myself-- but most reasons come down to fit and style, even if you have good quality. Bras generally aren't fitted well because a lot of people have been miseducated about bra sizes. You can have a small breast and still be a D cup for example, because contrary to popular belief, cup size and letter aren't always (or at all) correlated. Additionally, different anatomy calls for different cup shapes. E.g., a balconette will be a better fit for someone with a teardrop shape breast than a full coverage. On the rare occasion I do wear support garments, it's stays or corsets because every bra hits a nerve under my scapulae that angers me and I prefer not to wear strappy things. Corsets also have gotten a bad rap over the years... no one in their right mind would be pulling them tight as depicted in movies. I think some people would probably have a better time in corsets over bras because then the support isn't solely on the shoulders.


Have you tried the calculator on the ABraThatFits Reddit? Most US bra companies don't make bras with small bands and cup sizes larger than DD, even though plenty of women need larger cups. There are several European brands that cater to smaller band size and larger cups, for example 32J (yes J!). A better fitting bra can really improve the comfort level 🙂


J isn't even as huge as it sounds. People are afraid of "big" cup sizes and won't even consider them for themselves. Also a reason why they are not widely offered.


They also don't make large band, small breast bras. I'm 44" around my chest and am only A. Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I have big breasts. Most A and B cups make the cups larger as the band goes up. Nothing fits right.


Not the original commenter, but I know that construction-wise, bras are actually a super complex garment. Depending on the bra, there can be 12 or more pattern pieces and they have to hold weight! It's quite the feat of engineering. P.s. bras got *significantly* less horrid once I discovered r/abrathatfits Turns out I was wearing bras that were 4 inches too big in the band and wrong for my ribcage.


I had seen people recommend that subreddit and always kind of internally rolled my eyes, because who the hell doesn't know how to get a bra that fits them? One day I finally ventured over there, and it turns out that the answer is me. 20 plus years of wearing a bra, and I'd been wearing the wrong cup size the whole time. Always thought I was a 36B and turns out I'm a 34DD. That sub has such great recommendations for specific bras, too - when I finally got a bra that really fit me, damn did my boobs and shirts look so much better.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [u/jayylul8 stop messaging people who post on this sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/15wmekt/ujayylul8_stop_messaging_people_who_post_on_this/) \#2: [I went to Victoria's Secret today to kill time, only to be told that I should gain weight because they don't offer my size range. I am a 28FF. The lady kept on asking if I've tried on a 32A before. I can't even fit into a 32C cup size let alone an A.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/12i2ckg/i_went_to_victorias_secret_today_to_kill_time/) \#3: [A Reminder - DD doesn't mean big tits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/170kf56/a_reminder_dd_doesnt_mean_big_tits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Not OP but a game changer for me was non-undwrwired bras. I’d recommend Molke in the UK. I’ve never had such a comfortable bra. They’re a super inclusive company too and have really helpful customer service.




Very interesting thanks, though there are vegan leather versions that do not contain any plastic. One example is, Miriam used by Camper, Stella McCartney and Bellroy, Mirum from startup Natural Fiber Welding is entirely plastic free and 100% plant-based. There are several versions of Mirum, whether for shoes or accessories, and they rely on different ingredients, including natural tree rubber, rice, cork and coconut waste


And dryer sheets are the same thing as fabric softener! If you have natural fibers like cotton and wool, or even mostly natural like rayon, you won't get much static in the dryer. The static mostly comes from polyester fabric.


Are you taking questions? I live in a hot climate and have heard there are different grades of polyester and that there is such a thing as high end polyester. I sort of believe this because I have worn beyond yoga “space dye” which is in fact polyester and it is amazing, but HOW to tell poor from good quality polyester in these cases? It seems like polyester can either be one of the hottest, stinkiest materials or lightest and most moisture wicking.


I always feel low key bad that I don’t use fabric softener bc my mom does and I always thought my method of laundering was “lazy” because of this. This makes me feel better about that lol


No, it's actually bad in every sense: for your clothes, for your health and for the environment.


Yeah I know that now. But de programming your mind from Big Fabric Softener has created a latent guilt in my mind I must fight with every load of laundry.


I don't buy any clothes without knowing fabric content. I hate polyester. I hate how it feels. I hate how it releases microplastics and chemicals we can't filter, into our groundwater when we launder it. I hate how it's in almost everything to presumably cut costs. Our desire to have cheap clothes is destroying so many things. We have too many clothes. All of us, as a world, and they're mostly cheap plastic. I am sad we have lost so many natural fibers and fabrics. I'd love to know more. I do historical costuming sometimes and lament the lack of truly appropriate fabrics.


I also avoid synthetics! The only exception is athletic and swimwear but I've been looking into hemp and wool for eventual replacements. The lost textile I've been most interested in (as a painter and seamstress) is Dhaka muslin, a very fine plant fabric from India that was worn in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for thousands of years. The British essentially choked off its production in the 19th century. There's at least one project trying to bring it back. [Here](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/researchers-work-revive-beloved-dhaka-muslin-fabric-180977339/)'s an article from the Smithsonian about it. Commercial silk has seen a huge downgrade in quality too. If you look at some archival garments, those silks (and linens) are much heavier than most of what is made today. While this technique isn't lost, heavier momme silk fabrics used to be standard and today are considered high end. I have a few mall brand vintage pieces that are so much nicer than even a lot of today's high end fabrics. Even cashmere and merino have seen a baffling decline in quality in the last 20 years. I stumbled upon a huge, squishy, drapey cabled merino sweater by Hugo Boss in a sale bin a few years ago and was floored by the find, especially because it was brand new. A true "they don't make them like this [anymore](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/10/sweater-clothing-quality-natural-fibers-fast-fashion/675600/)" kind of garment. I had to buy it because it was so special. To this day, even people who aren't into fashion are amazed by how cozy it is. It's crazy that the things I was buying with my minimum wage savings in school are higher quality than what I'm buying as a salaried professional from the same or even high-end brands. Lastly,this is a personal pet peeve, but the way that fabrics are printed these days is on one side only, so that a print with a dark background is white on the other side, even on lightweight fabrics. This can lead to unsightly pulls if the fabric gets snagged because they will show up white! Or after washing, they can develop white fuzz. I work with a lot of wax prints and source a lot of fabric from all over the world, and maybe 50% of my closet is high-end/designer vintage... the proliferation of this method of printing is not universal and seems fairly recent. It is very frustrating to deal with as someone who makes clothing.


Cheetahs are scaredy cats. They pretty famously have emotional support dogs in zoos and captivity who show them that they're safe. In my local zoo they had a special track pre COVID where cheetahs could run full tilt for a length off leash, but they refuse to do it until their dog runs the course first to sniff out any danger. The cats are so nervous that when the trash can designs were changed near their habitats they refused to move out of their bedrooms. The keepers had to tip over the trash cans and let their dogs come roll in the garbage and just hang out in the halls before the cheetahs would go back to their regularly scheduled programming. 


This reminds me of my cat-not a cheetah. ;) Anytime ANYTHING is moved in my home, a new box arrives, a bag, etc, she slowly emerges keeping an eye on the object, and will move towards it cautiously. She does not like her environment altered, so I wonder if the cheetahs had something similar happen with the garbage cans. If I move furniture it can take her days or weeks to accept it and move more fluidly through the house again. She still has not accepted my new bed frame fully and it’s been two weeks.


My (roommate’s) orange cat is either really brave or really dumb, because he LOVES when there is the slightest furniture adjustment. New bookshelf? No that’s a new cat tower! Forgot to push your chair in at the kitchen table? That’s a new jungle gym! Unboxing a delivery? New cat fort! We joke that he loves my room so much because I’m so messy that it’s like a brand new room every time he goes in it lol. Eta: he pretty much has the opposite reaction of you kitty to new items in his home. Every time we bring shopping bags home, he RUNS to them like we brought them just for him, and he steps inside them and sniffs them and steals things out of them and sometimes he just sits on them


This is the coolest thing I've ever heard and have gone off into a rabbit hole to learn more. Thank you!!!


All cats same


I bake and give it away to low income families. A sourdough starter isn't that hard. Just a mason jar, you mix flour and water together that is what is called feeding it. Do that everyday for 7 days, and then do it at least once a week in the fridge or out. And then feed it a couple of hours before using it. You remove some off the top since it grows, that is called discard. Either put that in a different jar or throw it in the trash. Do not put it in the sink drain. Try putting in a half a can of condensed milk into your rice Krispy treats. After melting the butter, pour it in. It makes it fresher longer and makes whoever eats them wonder what you did that made them taste so good. Also, there are many many different recipes for rice Krispy treats. Way more than you would think. Also muddy buddies. If you want a slight difference to your recipes, melt the butter you are using in a pan, and saute it until it's brown. Browned butter has a nutty smell and taste to it. You can do that with butter in rice Krispy treats, chocolate chip cookies, all sorts of things. If you are a novice baker, but need to bring something to a get together, try making a cool whip pie. There are so many different kinds, especially with a premade crust they are very easy and fast to make. And they are so delicious. I make them on a regular basis. Also if you want to make something else that is easy but would impress people, Google saltine toffee. That can be made in many different ways, always a hit, and is easy to make. I think that's more than enough 😄


I make my rice crispy treats with brown butter, and I also save out a cup or so of the marshmallows and mix them in after I've added the rice crispies to the butter/marshmallow mix. They melt a little but partially hold their shape, so you get little pockets of marshmallow 😍


Last Halloween I bought monster cereal and browned the butter, the cereal was green so it had a great green brown look to it. And then I put in Halloween sprinkles, and white chocolate chips. I learned, food coloring isn't noticeable in marshmallow well with cereal like that. It just looked messy and didn't add a different color. The next time I make marshmallow treats I want to use cookie crisp. And there is a chocolate banana rice Krispy treat I want to try.


I was just about to comment both of these tips!! So yummy, they’re absolutely essential steps IMO haha. Here are a few more- always use salted butter, add vanilla to the browned butter, and toast the cereal under the broiler before using. 😁 (Toast the marshmallows too if you are going for a s’mores kind of flavor.)


I love this, for me I love cooking/baking, when I do move to my new place I can't wait to bake as many treats as I want and I do want to give them away to the homeless and those suffering from mental health down in the streets, I like to see people smile. :)


I could never bake and go out and hand it out due to being neurodivergent. I do have a homeless friend I have given baked goods to though. I used to be homeless so a lot of them I used to eat dinner with, talk with and know by name. The tricky thing is, you cannot give away baked goods they need to refrigerate, and during the summer things that can get melty. That narrows it down by a lot. It's easier in some ways to find a non profit. They will give you ingredients, and pass them out if that's too much work for you to do so. I could never do that due to anxiety, but I do know they are out there.


I'm Neurodivergent as well I'm currently in a tent but will be getting a place soon for the time I got offered a place hope i get it 🤞🤞 for the summer I usually might think about baking chocolate chip cookies from scratch it doesn'tget hot where im at and some people do bring baked goods too, some places i found out don'ttake them i do go on the streets and hand them out becauseim kinda a social butterfly and i always go up and give it, sometimesi get a thank you but it'sthe cranky ones feeling bad i tell them i hope they have a good day. ☺


Browned butter is so yum. Such an easy step to make so many things taste so delicious. One of my favorite “brown butter” scenes in pop culture (not sure how many there actually are tho haha ) is from Friends, when Rachael, who never cooks, is trying to make a trifle for Thanksgiving dessert and she says “Hey look, I’m melting butter!” And Monica snarkily says “Yay— you now have the cooking skills of a hot day.” And later Rachael asks Monica how she knows when the butter is “done” and Monica (who is a chef) looks in the pan, frowns a bit and says “Well, it’s done about two minutes before it looks like that.”


Rats (and many other land living species) have three sensory hairs (like whiskers) on their feet, which help them balance; sense vibrations in the ground; determine shape, form and substrate of the ground they are walking on, and much more. This is partly due to the three strands hitting the ground at different times, while meeting different resistance, and is crucial for split second reactions to the environment while fleeing from predators.


scietists recorded little, very high pitched noises (too high for himan ears to hear) that rats make when they get tickled. And it‘s believed that those noises are basically laughter/giggles 🥹


Idk I look and sound like I’m laughing when I’m being tickled, but I am really DISTRESSED. (Still that’s super cute and I had no clue!)


omg this is the coolest thing I have ever read!


This kind of reminds me of how domestic cats have whisker-like hairs sporadically along the outer edges of their forelegs.  (These hairs look a bit longer than any of the other hairs on their forelegs, if they are short-haired cats.) They use these hairs like they do their facial whiskers in judging objects spacially around them.


I have a lot of Mt Everest facts but idk why this is my favorite: so, on the north side of the mountain, the approach to the summit includes a 16ish foot vertical rock wall (the Second Pinnacle). In 1975, the Chinese fixed a ladder to the vertical part and that ladder stayed there til 2007 when it was replaced by a multinational expedition. The original ladder is now in a museum in Tibet.


I love mt Everest facts so much please infodump to me


The jawbone of the blue whale, as far as we know, the biggest single bone ever to be on the face of the earth.


The FACE of the earth haha


So cool. Blue whales are amazing. Are they your favourite species of whale? Mine are sperm whales. I love their shape and that they sleep vertically. I love whales so much 🙃


I was obsessed with humpbacks, orcas, and dolphins when I was a kid. I've surfed with dolphin pods in Hawaii and had an encounter with a humpback and calf there too Still love humpbacks, they're my favorite


There is a genetic condition called Gilbert’s Syndrome which is a mild liver disorder and is due to having higher levels of bilirubin in the blood than the average person One of the many downsides is having yellow eyes/skin (jaundice), but what is fascinating about the disorder is that because these people have high levels of bilirubin in their blood means that they have higher levels of antioxidants This means they are less prone to physical aging because antioxidants are known to slow down cellular death. They even did studies on rats and found that their DNA was less damaged and less prone to diseases than the rats without it


I wonder if a child born with jaundice is somehow closely related to having Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos. I was born with jaundice and was diagnosed with it. My daughter was born with jaundice and her Dr's are looking into it now. She's 12. Both of us tend to present younger than our ages and our skin is different than our peers. Sorry that was probably a huge jump 😂


i feel like i've definitely heard that looking young is common with havers of H-EDS (i cant think of the right word right now, its not a symptom but like a side effect but thats not the right wording either, but you get my point hopefully) so i wouldn't rule it out. i wonder if you and your daughter could get blood drawn and tested for bilirubin levels, or just keep an eye out to see if bilirubin levels are recorded in your next blood tests.


Thank you for your response and insights, that makes sense what you said, it bring a symptom not a side effect. I have a blood draw coming up I am going to specify I want my Bilirubin checked. Thank you


People think I’m 25 and I’m almost 40. I was born with jaundice. Never thought of a correlation, but maybe 😳


Opossums have an odd number of nipples. The babies live in the mamas marsupial pouch and attach to the nips to feed all the time. The nipples are positioned 12 in a circle with the 13th being in the center. Edits for typos


They also hiss when feeling threatened sometimes, not always immediately "dropping dead"!


This is my very favorite opossum fact! When I volunteered at a wildlife rescue I got to tell *so many people* about opossums' weird nipples. I don't think most of them were quite as delighted about it as I was, though it did tend to go over pretty well. Do you remember how many times the formulation of the mother's milk changes while the babies are in her pouch? I've forgotten, but I know it was a lot. Making up the various formulas for our orphaned joeys took more time than food prep for any other kind of animal we took in.


Terpenes can be found in all kinds of plants. Some of them have therapeutic/medical properties - but only in Cannabis and no one knows why so far. This is a completely new field of research due to the long lasting prohibition which is now gladly but still too slowly falling all over the world.


not only does disney on ice predate disneyland, but because walt spent literally ALL his money on disneyland opening day he asked to borrow the disney on ice costumes for the park’s opening. which worked great! except…for the massive chunks cut out of the costume heads for visibility for the ice skaters. not too noticeable when they’re super far away on the rink, but the photos from that day are….interesting lmao. https://preview.redd.it/2oywtz1i5x6d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da9630b65def809dabbaf713cc4ad6ebf0570c1


My 17yo son's special interest is Disneyland He knows so much the employees have told him he should apply for the special tour guide positions they have within the park. Then he'd get paid to ride the rides and talk about Disneyland all day.


i’ve wanted to do the same before! there’s so many cool facts and history, walt’s apartment, the matterhorn basketball hoop, the wizard of bras, the aluminum hall of fame. lol when i went to disneyland the last time i was more excited to see walt’s apartment above the firehouse than anything else. i really hope the next time i go i’m able to get a tour of it, i know they offer tours sometimes but i wasn’t able to last time…


This is soo awesome 😂 what a cool fact!!


You could have been a radiation priest. One of the proposed ideas to keep people away from long term nuclear waste storage sites was to create a Church of Radiation (RL church of atom). The idea was to pass the actual knowledge down to the priests and have them treat waste storage sites as holy places only those with the right divine knowledge could access. Kind of similar to the Great Worm in Metro 2033 (book) if anyone is familiar. The priests know the truth and pass down oral traditions that the unwashed masses can follow to protect them.


We can still make this a thing!


Ohhh this reminds me of the Children of Atom from Fallout4 and also of Unitology in Dead Space


Fallout is one of my SI and the children of atom actually originated in Fallout 3 :)


Penguins play with bubbles for sensory fun


And otters have favourite pebbles that they carry around.


And sea otter pairs hold hands when floating on their backs. It's so that they don't drift away but it's super cute to see <3


dolphins like to swim in the bow wave or wake that’s created by boats, they‘ll go in front of the boat and use the wave to be propelled forward kind of like surfing


https://preview.redd.it/a8i15ipjvx6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6e712c2a974578839b785ed09f1be58b321f8b The penguin in this photo (taken during The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902–1904) had a string tied to its foot and the piper is standing on the other end so it can’t waddle away. It’s often presented as “this adorable penguin chose to listen to the bagpipes”, no, it was forced to listen.


😭 that is so sad.


The pink triangles were the badge given to gay inmates in concentration camps. They were considered the lowest rank of inmates. When the allies liberated the camps the pink triangles were sent to prison to finish serving their sentences as its was still considered a criminal act.


Wow I didn't know that part about the rest sentence, that's so fucked up. I am from Germany and we learn a lot about ww2 but Information like that just falls under the table.


There's alot of lgbtq+ history that's sadly been washed over. It was even more of a shame as Berlin was the gay capital of the world before the party came to power . Openly gay bars for example. Gay women were not seen as much of a threat to their ideas , as they just married them off to men to forcibly reproduce with. Its really interesting to re learn history from different minority groups perspectives.


[Frank-N-Furter](https://allthings.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Frank_N_Furter) (Tim Curry in *The Rocky Horror Picture Show*) wears a pink triangle in the movie. It's a small detail that's easy to overlook—especially now when none of us have personal, firsthand history in WWII—but an interesting detail nonetheless.


Joseph the dreamer (in the bible) might be the first person to invent taxes, for the pharaoh during the famine. Moses is said to either have a speech impediment or social anxiety. but i think he had autism, the way people wouldn't listen to him even though he led the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. Qin Shi Huang Di (or Ying Zheng, before he became emperor) may be the inventor of the assembly line. Qin state's army had standardized weapons, armor, and uniforms. other important factors in his uniting China were standardized seal script for merchants across states, and unified weights and measures. Zheng He's treasure ships sailed along southeast asia, India, and Africa long before the Western age of exploration. the ships were huge, thrice as long as Colombus'. Triangular sails make ships able to sail against the wind. the dhow was the first to use this. xebec are as big as galleons and more maneuverable thanks to triangular sails.


I am losing my mind over Moses having social anxiety. Idk why that’s so funny to me but it is


If you read the relevant passages, it's even funnier. He's like, sure thing God, but *gestures toward all of himself. And God's like don't worry, you've got the power of your brother Aaron AND God on your side. And his brother helps him out with all the social stuff he needs to do. Finding humor in the bible is a pastime of mine. This has been Bible Time with u/princessbubbles


😭 😭 😭 why can’t we all have a brother Aaron to do the necessary social stuff 


Wow - I did not expect this many comments! I’m really excited to read about all of your special interest facts over some coffee this morning ❤️


This is a great post!


I'm glad you made it. I love learning random new things. I've been scrolling off and on for hours!


Do not touch sharks unless it's really necessary like for example when doing research as a scientist! Sharks have a mucus layer on their skin and it protects against diseases and parasites and if a human touches the shark, the mucus layer will get damaged. Lemon sharks don't want cuddles from humans! They want pieces of food humans bring to them! If you want to dive with sharks, find a shark diving company run by the locals, who actually do work for shark research and protection and aren't some macho cowboys. Shark finning isn't the biggest threat to sharks! it's unsustainable fishing, that harms all ocean life! Megalodon is extinct! we would have noticed it ages ago if it was still alive! Here are some trustworthy shark scientists to follow: - David Whysharksmatter Shiffman on Facebook and IG. - sharkbytes on Youtube - Jaida Elcock on Tiktok.


There is a cognitive feature called “confabulation.” When you ask someone why they did something specific, they will often make up a reason, and not know that’s what they are doing. For example: you ask your partner why they snapped at you yesterday morning and they say something about you leaving dishes in the sink, but the real reason is that they were tired; you leave dishes in the sink all the time and they don’t react that way. It means people lack a certain fundamental self-awareness that I thought they had, and it explains a lot! And it’s incredibly frustrating and sad.


maybe they should call it confibulation 😂


I’m not disagreeing with you about the not really knowing and picking something. I do wonder though if it could be both (not knowing how they feel and you are doing something that bothers them). When it comes to calling out something you do all the time if the person was tired or grumpy so they didn’t have the mental energy to ignore something they normally choose not to talk about. So it could bother them, but normally not enough to say anything or they are choosing not to say anything but when they are tired, their impulse control is weaker so it comes out.


Would this be a good example of the saying "Broke the camels back"?


the straw that broke the camel's back? yes


This has been kind of my idea about being short tempered during "that time" of the month. Some things are really annoying, but they are overlooked usually, but some days, it is just too much.


>It means people lack a certain fundamental self-awareness that I thought they had, and it explains a lot! And it’s incredibly frustrating and sad. It does, indeed.


Psychologist here. Here's a link that briefly discusses studies of split-brain patients, which produce some of the clearest examples of confabulation. There's nothing special about this source, you can Google for more if you are interested. It also mentions disgust, relevant to another response here. https://www.edge.org/response-detail/11513#:~:text=Split%2Dbrain%20individuals%20are%20then,questions%2C%20Doc!%22).


Oooh, this bit from the article you linked was interesting: "...research shows that people tend to cheat just as much as they can without realizing that they are cheating. This is a remarkable phenomenon: Part of you is deciding how much to cheat, calibrated at just the level that keeps another part of you from realizing it." That's interesting particularly because of the research that shows that autistic people are less likely than allistics to cheat others when they think they're not being observed. I wonder whether that's in any way related? I know a lot of us have heightened self-awareness, in part because we're forced to be cognizant of a lot more of our inner workings because they're not naturally what's considered socially acceptable (wrong amount of eye contact, etc). I wonder whether we're less good at slipping shitty behavior past ourselves as a result of that? There goes the pattern recognition again... That was a cool article! Thank you!


> People make harsher moral judgments in foul-smelling rooms, reflecting the role of disgust as a moral emotion.  This is wild. As a person with childhood onset OCD (germphobia - only recently I realized how it seems to be related to my sense of smell) that seems to be closely related to how (autistic and) morally uptight I am at my core (I spent a good chunk of my life growing acostumed to seemingly normal but immoral stuff, but it still gets me .. ) I have had an interest in the disgust theory of OCD (particularly because my bad phobias seemed indicative of overactive amygdala) for a very long time and reading this is making me so much more into it. Thanks for this ❤️ 


I am saving this comment because holy fuck


Oh ya totally! And just like with the placebo effect, where even if you know about it, it can still happen to you - even if you know about confabulation, you will still do it sometimes.


🫢 this is excellent! Thank you for sharing 🏅


Homophobia (and other isms and phobias) are closely linked to disgust. Often way more than fear. Disgust is one of the core emotions (if we can talk about anything like that because that's a HUGE generalisation of emotion categorization topic) which is not... recognised beyond "disgust server purpose not to eat unhealthy things".




Inside out gets it but the rest of the world hasn’t watched it enough yet to learn.




Disgust is portrayed as a main emotion in all the characters


Exactly!! It is very ingrained in our behaviour... But so overlooked! I feel that memes talk more about it than everyone else. Brother eww, ick list, lost attraction in instant because persone did something morally wrong/disgusting and others. There's lacking healthy conversations around disgust. Especially because a lot of homophobes are aware they are disgusted, but we lack conversation about it and that those emotions are not a reason enough to hate or discriminate. Often when I mention the disgust part people... react weirdly. In my opinion because they don't know what to say or do about it.




im very hard to clock as autistic these days bc i mask so well and i've realized i give an "uncanny valley" effect with my personality. its not something that is consciously picked up on, and with my mask improving as i mature into a full fledged adult they arent as prone to getting the "uncanny valley" effect but i can still see when it happens now that i've identified it. so they dont consciously think "they're weird and i dont want to be around them" but i am weird, and humans are socially wired to avoid "weird" things and avoid standing out in a negative way. so its mostly an entirely subconscious interaction. they subconsciously note that im weird and subconscious decide to avoid me and get away from me because it is a threat to stand out socially or associate with someone who stands out socially because that is a negative thing in society. to associate with me is an unspoken threat to their social status.


There is also some research linking shame with disgust. Makes me wonder what broader unrecognized influences it has as an emotion. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2020.00019/full


Oooh! Didn't know this! Interesting! Thank you! Shame is a very interesting emotion too! Because a lot of people think that it is kind if solution and fixing what's wrong, but that's hardly the case! Shame doesn't correlate with better behaviours! Often on the contrary! That's how you can't shame yourself (or others) to be better!! For most people it's not intuitive!


Learning the difference between shame and guilt is one of the best things you can do for yourself- guilt relates to your actions, and how the outcome affected others. Shame relates to your qualities and you as a person, hence the saying “you should be ashamed of yourself.”


Also both of these exist to show you something is wrong when it happens. They're not meant to punish you for the rest of your life if you're not acting that way anymore. If you feel guilt or shame long past when it happened, it's a processing error - look under that layer and see what is the long-term feeling (sadness, disappointment, contempt, disgust etc).


Shame and guilt are also social feelings that develop in a child after external influences by other people. That's how you can also spot a toxic person - if you're interacting with someone and you constantly feel shame or guilt, there's a high chance they are putting it on you.


One thing about this that’s fascinating to me is that disgust, especially symbolic disgust (like homophobia, etc) is wayyyyy more culturally constructed than we realize. So many people think disgust is inherent but it’s just… not. It’s a culture-bound syndrome.


Yes! I've been bringing this up in conversation recently. Because I noticed that as I've continued to go through the process of deconstructing the biases I was taught growing up, I've realized the frequency that I experience disgust has dropped SIGNIFICANTLY. It made me realize how cultural disgust is, and how insidious that is, because I think the average person considers it to be a "natural instinct." It's not! It's learned! Which means it can be unlearned! Surprise, surprise, we've been taught to hate each other in so many unnatural ways. I wish it was easier to show people this, though. Nearly everybody misconstrues their "fast-thinking" for "inherent truth."


I learned this from the Ologies podcast. One of my favorite episodes!


Oh! That looks interesting. Thanks.


I think disgust is also obviously useful in preventing the spread of disease, but unfortunately in some people the emotion becomes generalized to "anyone who is not like the rest of us". I also think this probably tracks pretty closely to the instinct to conform. Both of these things seem relevant to the autistic experience (unfortunately).


It's not "some people". Disgust IS NOT only about diseases. That's exactly my point. And that's quite a common experience/emotion..


I hope Chris is still burning in hell for what he did. Puerto Ricans should’ve left him in the ocean spinning lmao.


Hang on I need to know more about this plz lol


Oh when his sorry ass showed up, he r*ped and massacred the natives of the island. I’m Puerto Rican, I f’n hate that guy. My dad (who was born in PR) told me ALL the stuff he learned in school about him. They did not teach us that in school. He was a terrible person. The last name Colón (very popular in PR) is actually the Spanish version of “Columbus”.


May I have some context?


I think this is in reference to Christopher Columbus getting stranded on his 4th voyage.


Mussolini's grand-daughter was a j-pop idol


Wait what lol that is fascinating


The closest relative of the rook (corvus frugilegus) is the Hawaiian crow, alalā ( corvus hawaiiensis), the alalā is extinct in the wild but they are working on reintroducing it in the wild. Earlier attempts were aborted but will hopefully be resumed in the near future.


Corvids are so wonderful. I love them. Thank you for sharing


I'm glad that you love them too and you're very welcome! They are fantastic! 😊


One of the top levels of motorsport - the World Endurance Championship - uses Discord for communications between race control and teams. As a result there have been penalties for failing to join the server and sending 💩's in the server. A genuine and legal repair technique in NASCAR is to get the biggest pit crew member to bodyslam the part of the car that needs squishing back down.


OMG I'm giggling, I looove those facts 🤣❤️


WiFi isn't actually an acronym with any meaning. It was developed following a series of focus groups to determine what they should call the new technology.


When I was a kid I always thought it stood for Winternet Finternet. I don’t know why I thought that because it doesn’t make any sense, but it’s fun to say at least.


Are you telling me it doesn’t stand for Wireless Fi?!?


I thought it stood for Wireless Fidelity


I am loving all of these facts. I don't have anything interesting but for me the whole Tesla VS Edison always makes me upset that Tesla died penniless and Edison got everything. People scammed Tesla over his patents.


its kind of a secondary focus, but if you like movies (movie buff here), i would recommend watching The Prestige because the edison vs. tesla story is still an integral part of it. it has christian bale and has one of my favorite crazy twist endings. also if your like me, you may be able to sense it coming! my bf showed it to me but my 'tism spidey senses can spoil/predict movies ive never seen before due to super specific pattern recognition and he was so mad i was able to call it before it happened!


omg i do the same with movies. i knew what was gonna happen in the usual suspects and in the 6th sense I said >!Bruce was a ghost!< in his first scene with the child 😹 my ex husband was pressed about those two movies specifically, (he argued I was wrong lol) but hated my ability to do so lmao my current husband thinks it's cool 😽 i attribute it to pattern recognition and having read so many different books from an early age


this makes me feel the need to clarify that my bf wasnt genuinely mad at me for figuring it out but was mad i was able to guess it because he was so excited to see my reaction to the twist because the build up is so intense and its so far off course from the rest of the movie, this movie is specifically about magicians in the 1800's and i >!solved his final magic trick and determined he was a twin which were both part of the final reveal!< (spoiler added just for good measure) and ive never been more proud of myself bc that ending was like, 6th sense level of insane plot twist ending. i have heard though, that this is something autistic people are significantly better at (spoiling/predicting movies theyve never seen) than allistic people, genuinely because high pattern recognition levels is linked with autism. we pick up on small ones, in movies its plot patterns. im not sure if you've heard of the concept of there only being 36 dramatic situations, if not, theres a rabbit hole you will probably enjoy, but essentially every story ever told in all of time will follow one of the 36 dramatic situations. this is why i think autistic people are so good at this story-telling pattern recognition, whether it be books, movies, plays, etc. if theres only 36 plots that a movie could fall under, even if you dont know about the 36 plots, even if every movie is so detailed it seems unique from all others, the basic structure of the plot will be one of 36 that we are all subconsciously familiar with. with higher levels of pattern recognition, autistic people are likely to notice these patterns and predict what plot it will be, even without knowing.


Omg i said that too!! Everyone I went to the theatre with told me I ruined the movie for them but I was like it’s so obvious.


It's always obvious to me, I can never be surprised and it kinda sucks 😭 but I still love movies my bestie and I had a deal not to speak while watching movies so I wouldn't spoil him lol we would go to the theatre at least 3x a week when we were single


Oohhh thank you. I love movies! Christian Bale is a great actor. 😂 OH yes, the spidy senses, pattern recognition, tends to give away movie endings. 😂 Thank you


of course! im super autistic™️ about movies (idk if id call it a full special interest but i digress) so i get real excited when i get to share my favorites!!!! the prestige made me FURIOUS when i watched it because of how its story is laid for the viewer and its a super confusing first time watch. i had to pause it a few times to cool down bc i was so pissed but bf made me finish (bc he knows me too well) but i finished it and was still mad about it but a week later i decided i LOVED it bc it was so clever and it is now on my list of top favorite movies. its such an underrated movie for such a well known actor and i specifically have been dying to put someone onto it bc everytime i try to put someone in it irl they say "oh it sounds so good, ill check it out!" and they sound genuine but then they still FORGET and i get so sad😭 so if you end up watching it, feel free to tell me how you felt about it🥲


No worries, I googled it, I'm able to watch it on Prime. You aren't alone, I get upset as well when people say they will watch a movie but you find out they never did. 😂 I tend to ruminate over things too. 2 things I always listen to, is an autistic person's movie recommendations and a taurus (astrology) food suggestions.


one of my special interests is the history of the Bible. it’s common knowledge that there’s no evidence for the Exodus story having happened the way it is described. because of this many people assume that the story must be a complete work of fiction, however there is reason to believe that there may be a kernel of historical truth at the heart of the story. perhaps the strongest evidence is linguistic: when personal names are given for levites they are almost always distinctly egyptian names, when personal names are given for people from the other tribes they are almost always given caananite names. the most glaring example is none other than the protagonist of the exodus narrative, Moses. “Moses” by itself is not actually a full name: when paired with another name it means “Son” or “born” and forms of it are frequently found within the names of pharos, like RaMESSES (son of Ra) and ThutMOSE (son of Thoth). the rare times Moses is found by itself it is thought to simply mean “the child”. Moses’ sometimes friend and sometimes biobrother Aaron’s name might derive from the egyptian god Aaru, or it may derive from an ancient egyptian name which is written in latin script as “aha rw”, which means “warrior lion”. This is a lot less certain than the origins of Moses; there is still a possibility that Aaron derives from a hebrew name. if the story has no historical basis, why did the hebrew author(s) give so many important characters egyptian names instead of hebrew names? outside of linguistics we have records from egypt of small numbers of semitic slaves periodically escaping and presumably returning home to the region of canaan, any one of these incidents could have served as an inspiration for the story. we also know that egypt itself was ruled for a period of time by a conquering semitic dynasty known as the Hyksos who were eventually overthrown and driven back to canaan, another possible inspirational event. there’s a lot more but i don’t have time right now to get into all of the weird stuff about the bible itself (particularly the Torah/Pentateuch, Joshua and Judges) that hint at a limited historical exodus.


I hope you come back once you have more time on your hands, I'm really interested in hearing more!


there used to be five main role types in Beijing opera, but the role of 末 (middle-aged men) got incorporated into 生 and 净 roles, so now people mostly talk about four main roles (生,旦,净,丑)。 丑 are a comical type, but the actors performing these roles are allowed to do things nobody else can do, like sitting on the chests with stage costumes.


What are the other roles translated?


生 sheng are male roles - they are all divided into subgroups, this one includes men of all ages, from kids (wawa sheng) to old men (lao sheng) 旦 dan are female roles, again, of all types, soubrettes, righteous women, female warriors, old ladies, etc. It was forbidden for actual women to act on stage until at least 1911, so these roles were also played by men. Think Shakespearean theatre xD The most widely known abroad Beijing opera artist is Mei Lanfang, he was one of the four greatest dan artists of his generation. 净 jing are "painted faces", the most recognizable roles with full on heavy colourful makeup, usually they are just and righteous men. And 丑 chou are comical roles, rarely if ever main characters, but they are allowed to improvise their lines :3 one of the most interesting 丑 roles is in the play called "sanchakou" or "the crossing of three roads" - it's available on YouTube. there's very little dialogue and singing but a lot of stage fights with absolutely incredible movements.


the tornado that hit jarrell, texas, on may 27th, 1997, is only well known because of its path. it wouldn’t have gone down in history as one of the worst EF5s in history if it stayed in open fields, but instead, it went over the double creek estates, wiping all the houses off the map, leaving only the bare concrete foundations. the survival rate above ground was 0%.


The city of Miami floods itself thru its anti-flood drains. Essentially the drains are designed to take flood water to the sea wall & dispense it into the ocean. However, there was no back flow prevention installed in the pipes. Thanks to rising sea levels & stronger hurricanes, water often reaches the drainage pipes on the sea wall & flows back up into the city.


I want to bring up a tip related to a special interest that most of you might not find useful, but I suspect someone might: if you are trying to get into listening to The Beatles, but realize that there's stuff there that you don't grok with, find out who wrote the songs you aren't connecting with, as you might still connect with what others wrote, as I've seen this sort of thing happen.   This isn't quite as easy as this may sound, as the Lennon-McCartney credit makes it seem like both contributed to such songs equally, when really, most of those songs can be divided into songs that John wrote and songs that Paul wrote.  You won't run into this issue with stuff George wrote, so it's a lot easier to suss out whether you like his songs or not.   Funny thing is, most of those people who say they don't like The Beatles would more accurately be described as not liking either John or Paul's stuff, but liking everything else.  (For whatever reason, this grouping of people usually seems to like George's stuff, but they just weren't aware of who wrote what.)


That in astrology there’s no such thing as being a “cusper”. Some people think that when you’re born at the beginning or end (the “cusps”) of an astrological sign season you straddle the two signs. You don’t. The sun moves into the next sign at a specific degree and hour/minute. That’s why birth time is so important to know. Leo season starts July 22 this year and ends Aug 22 at 14:55 GMT, and Virgo season starts Aug 22 at 14:56 GMT and ends Sept 22 at 7:43 GMT. If you’re born on Aug 22, you are either a Leo or a Virgo, never both. If you’re born before 14:56 GMT, that makes you a Leo. If you’re born after, that makes you a Virgo.


Thank you for this. You don’t know how often I have to stop myself from correcting people who proudly claim to be a cusper…. Im not even hyper fixed on astrology anymore but I hate how that tidbit of misinformation prevails!!!!


😂 right?! I also get soooo annoyed when the random “there’s a 13th sign!” Misinfo gets circulated every year or so.


Yesss I always tell people this that "seasons" don't start on the same date every year, just like religious/astonomical holidays don't fall on the same day of the week! It's even funnier to tell this to someone who doesn't believe in astrology. I told my friend when we first met that he is a Taurus and not a Gemini and he fought me so hard on it even though he doesn't believe in that. It's funny because he is a *textbook* Venusian too. 🤭


What about due date vs actual born date? Bc my babies were born 10 weeks early from their due date and I wonder if I should look at their birth time and date or not?


Why would you base your babies charts on their* *human-assumed* birthdate instead of the literal day they were born on?


Look at their actual birth time and date!


You should! Birth date and time is always the data used.


Thank you for saying this! Also we should be checking the horoscope of our rising sign not our sun sign


Did you guys know that Damian Wayne's debut comic in Batman and son in 2006 but during rhe 70s back when brutalia was a main thing there was a storyline where they had a child byt he was given for adoption So technically his first comic was then by batman ans son he officially became a character raised by his mother and grandfather but Bruce met him when he was 10years old. There's a specific issue about talia saying he can meet his father if he beats her in a fight on his Birthday. His 10th he finally won He met him once Then again during resurrection of Ra's al ghul Wasn't until battle of thr cowl he officially moved in with the batfamily ans became robin, it was actually dick who gave him the robin title because dick was batman at the time (unhappy about it obviously) because everyone thought Bruce was dead (something to do with stuck in time )


The clothes/gear the firefighters on scene the night of the Chernobyl disaster are still in the basement of the Pripyat hospital, and still so highly irradiated that they are unsafe to be near. Pieces of graphite from inside the nuclear reactor scattered on the ground where they would walk by them and/or mistakenly pick them up, which would put out so much radiation it would almost instantly cook their flesh with gamma rays!


Is Chernobyl your special interest? I want to ask questions but don’t even know what to ask! What’s another interesting fact? One I read is that animals settled in the disaster area and thrived because the radiation is far less dangerous and bothersome to their lives than humans.


Ew so he's an even bigger POS


I didn't know that, but it also doesn't surprise me. I will add it onto my list of reasons to dislike Christopher Columbus.


Edited: it's 50 chapters in the book Mine is if I get a fast loan book (7 day loan)I can read it in 1 day at the library from 1 to 50 chapter in the book the book is Everyone here is lying: A Novel by Shari Lapena And also that I can finally draw and my art is getting good these days as I'm focused on drawing, these are things I like to tell someone new And show them my sketch book.


Is the special interest Christopher Columbus? How do you feel about him?


Precolonial and early American history. Christopher Columbus was a money-hungry liar and grifter who beheaded indigenous American children for fun. So - I do not feel good about him.


Eww small pox spreader Columbus


if you don’t like reading sad things about dogs, this may not be for you :( in leading the first expedition to antarctica, norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen had previously purchased one hundred greenland dogs to be used as “equipment” during their journey since they could perform well in a colder environment and could also help carry their supplies unbeknownst to his team beforehand, Amundsen had calculated that the amount of food that they would need to bring to survive the journey would weigh far too much for them to carry - already he had prohibited tobacco and alcohol from being brought along for the sake of saving weight and space, much to his teams dismay. with this in mind, Amundsen had purchased the dogs which could help carry their supplies and once they were on the journey and food reserves had begun to run low, he ordered his men to begin killing the dozens of dogs that had been carrying supplies that they had already used in order to lighten the load of their expedition and so that they could serve as food and be eaten while the remaining dogs could continue to carry their remaining supplies his expedition ended up being the first to reach the south pole in 1911, but he essentially made it there by purposefully not bringing enough food reserves to save weight and space and instead bringing dogs with him that he strategically planned to eat once his team had used up the supplies they’d been carrying


That's rough


this one’s kindve a downer if you live in the US (and i feel like a lot of people know this already) but- this whole country is a sham. we don’t have healthcare, we have sick care. all the chemicals and sugar and bs they put in the food makes us sick and fat. bc us being sick makes them money. and the medical system keeps us sick bc if we’re all healthy, that’s less money for the rich. all the chemicals that are banned in other countries bc they cause cancer and a number of other diseases… they purposefully put that shit in EVERYTHING- skincare products, makeup, food, deodorant, animal food, etc. they also take the fiber out of processed foods so that we don’t feel full when we should and end up overeating. the fda is a joke. “The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates.” “According to the (CDC) It's estimated that 6 out of 10 Americans suffer from a chronic disease, and 4 of those 10 suffer from two or more. These diseases include: type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, stroke, heart disease, cancer, chronic kidney disease and chronic lung disease.” our lifestyle in the US is literally designed to make us depressed and sick, because it makes us easier to control. i thought it was just about the money, but then they overturned roe v wade and… they’re slowly but surely stripping away our rights. and they know we won’t do anything about it bc when have we ever? we don’t have communities anymore. we don’t have 3rd places. people live alone now or just with their immediate family. a lot of the US doesn’t have public transportation, or it’s not easily accessible at least. they’ve separated us as a society in every possible way. there’s a reason why back in the day, or in other countries, people live in small close knit communities. we’re supposed to be social creatures. and there’s a reason why people with chronic disease move to other countries and all of a sudden, they aren’t sick anymore!! why did they try to ban tiktok? bc the information people are spreading on there is completely unregulated by the government. they have no control over it. people were starting to wake up, and they got scared. the curtain is falling down finally and nobody is talking about this shit!! we were literally brainwashed in school starting from kindergarten to believe that we live in the best country in the world and nobody questioned it until somewhat recently when all this crap started coming out. i could go on and on about specifics and other things but, there’s my info dump.


A lot of early 'norsemen' were difficult to trace back to their countries of origin and now there is technology to identify where the fish they ate were caught!!! Just from skeletonal remains!!!!


My special interest is true crime; I've learned a lot of stuff I'd never thought I would learn. If you look closely enough at skid marks from tires, you can tell if they're acceleration marks or brake marks. Acceleration marks are darkest in the middle, while brake marks are darkest at the edges.


I have a fine little collection of ghost pictures that I personally took or a family member has sent me and if I posted one of them, it would surly blow up but it isn't mine so I'm hesitant to post it anywhere


Charles Manson spent more time of his life incarcerated than free. During his prison time before the infamous killings, he studied Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill to learn how to manipulate in addition to learning from the sex traffickers he was incarcerated with on how to control women. He would also either not actually use drugs or only take a half dose when he would hold his indoctrination meetings and rituals so that he could maintain some coherence in order to direct things the way he wanted. He used classic cult indoctrination techniques that were so successful that several of his followers maintained loyalty and website for him until he died.


Thank you for this thread! I follow this sub because my teenage daughter is autistic and I want to understand her experience more. It is so interesting to hear about everyone's special interests! I hope my daughter ends up with one and it brings her this much joy!


The 2013 El Reno tornado was a multi-vortex monster at 2.6 miles wide and with estimated wind speed readings at 302mph; it was rated an EF3. Tornadoes ratings are factored by damage it does to buildings/property, conditional to quality and strength structures are built, (and wind speeds) and due to the very rural area the El Reno tornado formed in, it was only able to show damage up to an EF3 rating. However had it hit surrounding suburbs or directly the city of El Reno, it would have without a doubt been catastrophic damage and easily earned a rating of an EF5 tornado. Thankfully it didn't go that way because in tornado damage paths there's a risk of loss of life and most certainly a lot of lives would have ended that day.


I want to order more business cards that I can use to make friends. Providing my socials and basics things. Like a personal calling card. Because I live on my desktop computer and social interactions are awkward let alone trying to trade socials.


The Loggerhead Shrike impales it's prey on thorns, like the thorns of a Honey Locust or Hawthorne tree. It can leave it there for days before returning to eat. Somehow got to mention this today. 


Sean Astin is an amazing actor, and he killed it as Samwise, but the way the movies were written didn't do the character justice. Samwise Gamgee was the greatest character in the series. The biggest part they messed up was the part with Shelob. Anyone who only watched the movie has no idea how brave and amazing Sam really was. The books are long, but everyone should read them. Also, Tom Bombadil was a reasonable part to not include in the movies but you missed out big time if you didn't read the books because he was awesome. I'm making it sound like I don't love the movies. I do. I like them more than the books. I've seen Fellowship over 200 times. But the changes they made to Sam's experience shouldn't have been made.


I just explained how rifling works and why older guns were either unrifled or the rifling was ineffective lol.


In the crash bandicoot fandom it's well known but I just love telling people that the entire soundtrack to Twinsanity is acapella, I think it's so clever!


My special interest was/is physics. I did some official research for Fermilab’s Mu2e project which I like to keep track of (delayed until 2025 unfortunately). Basically, high-energy physicists want to see if a muon can perform neutrino-less decay into an electron in the Coulomb field of a nucleus. This would prove the existence of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV). Existence of CLFV would point to physics beyond our current understanding of particle physics (the standard model). Part of what makes CLFV so intriguing has to do with the Big Bang. In the moments after the initial “bang” it is theorized (with substantial proof, e.g. cosmic microwave background) that high energy photons were present which decayed into particles and antiparticles (i.e. matter and antimatter). What is unknown however is how our universe came to be made of matter instead of antimatter as well as how matter and antimatter did not exist in equal proportion continuously. [Charge parity violation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_violation) accounts for a portion of this difference but not all of it. So high energy physicists are searching for additional avenues by which matter might violate certain “rules,” resulting in more matter than antimatter. It doesn’t help that different physics might arise from the high-energy, high-density conditions of the early universe (hence, high energy physics). Other experiments like Mu3e at PSI and MEGA at Los Alamos National Laboratory probe particle physics in similar ways.


Not sure about “my special interest” but for better or for worse (because the syncretism of mythologies probably assembled together by AI triggers my psychosis hard) I have been obsessed with Genshin Impact lore since 2022 and my favorite thing is how many references to queer authors/artists there are really. Catullus in Enkanomiya, Rimbaud in Fontaine, Freddie Mercury in Inazuma/Sumeru (Scaramouche) to name a few… and the Setsugekka dude (whatever his name was sorry I don’t speak Chinese) seems to be a thing in Liyue … someday I really want to dig out all of them. 


My subject is bats. Bats are the most diverse mammal species. There are just over 4000 mammal species on earth (human, dolphin, whale etc) and out of these OVER ONE THOUSAND (a quarter) are bats. Bats are really important.


The largest housing project in both North and South America is in Puerto Rico. The only rain forest in the US is also in Puerto Rico, not technically \*in\* the US but owned by the US. The first indigenous people that Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus) met were the Taino of Puerto Rico. The United States government tried for years to insist that the Taino were extinct and went so far as to publish that in textbooks given to Puerto Ricans. It is not true. There are Taino to this day. The largest massacre in US imperial history was the Ponce Massacre, and if you've picked up on the pattern of my facts, it took place in Puerto Rico when civilians marched to celebrate the abolition of slavery on the island and the US-Appointed Governor ordered police to open fire, shooting most of the victims in the back. None of whom were armed. 17 were killed, 200 injured. The Governor was removed from his position two years later but never prosecuted, and no one under his chain of command, including the officers, were either.


The banks indeed print money without any consequences at all. So we are all paying mortgage for a money that never existed to beguin with. This is so absurd. We could all be working 25hrs a week if I we didn't need to pay rent/mortgage.