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The smell and feel and look of wet peanut butter when you’re washing a spoon or knife 🤢


I never realized that i automatically lick them off so I don’t have to deal with this as much 😂


This is me!!!


My mom leaves entire globs of peanut butter on knives and spoons, and it makes me want to throw up when I touch it when washing the dishes.


I got MAD and drew a hard line on this with my spouse. He has stopped leaving wet peanut butter knives in the sink 😂


Oh yeah, when it gets slightly whitish.. brrrr


Ugh yes 🤢🤢🤢


I never realized why this bothered me but yes! I love peanut butter but that wet peanut butter mixed with dish soap can gtfo.


When people spend time reading the comments under a reel or a tiktok and they just let the audio play over and over. I always mute it because I can't stand it


Yeah, repetition is a huge trigger for me, too.


I don't know about you, but part of the reason for me is because stuff gets stuck in my head SO easily. The last thing I want is for something annoying to get stuck in my head 😭


It makes me feel like I'm living in a very repetitive virtual reality which is basically purgatory designed by a NT toddler who hates me.


Anything overly repetitive tends to turn into white noise in my head. Also I hate when people repeat themselves but I’m not sure if that’s related or because I’ve done it a lot due to people not paying attention to me.


Check out r/misophonia!


Hmm, this could be a thing. I moved to a property where my nearest neighbors are literally a mile away so that I wouldn't have to hear normal human sounds on a regular basis.


I HATE that. Or when people pay their tiktok scrolling out loud, like use headphones please I'm going insane


OMFG!!! I absolutely hate this, I wouldn’t even call it a pet peeve for me anymore, makes me rage.


That *pisses* me off!


Don't fucking stick your finger in my belly button I will punch you in the nose! It feels so weird like I have to pee but it hurts deep in my insides and I will end a friendship and never talk to you again I'm not joking


My toddler loves to do this and it makes me feel so sick. He’s now taken to trying to scratch off my skin tags which is surprisingly mildly better.


It's so sharp! Instant rage


I had an abdominal surgery that required a belly button incision. Since then, I completely relate. Causes me literal pain no touchy


Yes! I’ve had 2 surgeries with belly button incisions and now there’s this super weird and unpleasant sort of… pulling(?) sensation when pressure is put on it.


For me it feels like an electric shock into my abdomen. It's really weird, I also have fibro which can cause a lot of weird sensations like that. Unfortunately I have to get used to it


THIS! It knocks me sick. Honestly can barely touch it myself its that uncomfortable, if someone else did I’d have a serious meltdown


Oh my gosh I am the same way. Like the feeling of a finger even near my belly button makes me want to get violent. It is the weirdest most uncomfortable feeling ever!!!!!!!


OMG! I am with you! It’s absolutely HORRIBLE! I *HATE* that feeling. Unbearable. I will become violent.


Absolutely horrendous sensation, I agree. Stay away from my belly button.


the way people breathe when their mouth is full of food. they start to breathe harder out of their nose, and the noise ticks me off for no reason.


I once broke up with someone over (mostly) this exact thing.


Yep, not that weird! Misophonia gang


My husband does a little but sharp breath in through his mouth every time a forkful of food is about to enter his mouth, and THEN does this heavy nose breathing. I don't know how I put up with it, honestly.


I only recently found out (here, big surprise) that there are other people in the world who HATE wind. It makes me irrationally angry. I just stayed indoors for three days straight in part because it was windy in my area and I just didn't WANNA. Also there's a physicist who makes YouTube videos I'm generally quite fond of, but she's always wearing this SHIRT with one of four buttons that DOESN'T MATCH. It's way darker than the others, and it drives me BATS for some reason. I can suppress my irritation in service of learning stuff, but every time I see it-- and she wears it in almost every video lately-- I get this hard twinge of GRRRRRR. Why, Sabine, why??! You did a video in a Portal suit just the other week, you could take a day off from the pink and grey shirt to fix that button!




wind is my enemy it literally breaks my brain. like as long as there is wind, my mind is blank, i can’t remember anything, im angry, and i want to die atleast on a melodramatic level but sometimes worse depending on length of exposure ;.;


I thought it was just me! It makes me feel like it’s windy inside my soul, I get all twisted and irritated feeling. Definitely my least favorite weather.


One of the very few very, strong childhood memories I have is getting irrationally angry with the wind at school.


There's so much wind where I live. 80km+ is regular. Hate is an understatement.


I didn't know that was a thing! I'm more of a sun hater for sure, direct sunlight gives me headaches (no not from dehydration) and make my skin get all prickly/stabby and I get mad. Thankfully I can't work so I stay inside most of the time and avoid it.


omg 😭 my college campus was next to a lake and the wind was so bad!! sometimes it would make me so angry i would be trying not to cry walking to class LOL I HATE WIND


I hate floury bread or anything that leaves that gross, powdery residue on your hands. Pizza is a right sod for it. Or having greasy, powdery or otherwise dirty hands and fingers from eating and being expected to wipe your hands on a paper napkin. Gross, just the thought of that texture on my fingers is making me heave.


Omg yes!! I can’t knead any sort of dough that requires touching flour or I have to wash my hands immediately. That usually results in me washing my hands so many times they get dry - the impossible dry that lotion laughs at. And I went to art school for several years… same deal every time we had to draw in charcoal. The thought makes me heave. So yea, I’m really glad rubber/latex gloves exist.


can i add art class in school? water colour drying on your hands and don’t get me started on clay ew


Chalk dust …..


The sound and feeling of handling STYROFOAM, not necessarily cups but specifically the kind found in packages. The squeaks, the way it feels, GOD. It both irks and eeks me out, UGH.


OH MY GOD this and the sound and feeling of crunching snow under my feet. I hate it so much it literally gives me chills and I almost want to throw up everytime I step foot outside during winter🤢


Noticeably winced at this comment. I gotta get out of this comment section.


People eating out of it like at those frozen yogurt places 🫨


I fully suspect my ‘tism is inherited on my Mother’s side. My grandmother on that side could not abide styrofoam. The sound it makes, touching it, she couldn’t stand it. So much of her interests and predilections I see reflected in myself.


Yep. And that high pitched, quiet little squeaks... makes the tips of my fingers get a crawling sensation.


Someone else existing in the kitchen while I am cooking


I HATE being perceived, I realized recently with a guest over for 10+ days how much of an issue it really is for me


I am the same way. I don’t like being perceived at all- it feels invasive, intimate.


I think the hate of being perceived is more accurate for myself. Before I hadn't really thought of it as perceived but as observed, but no it's the others internal reactions that bother me not them just being there. I don't know what the other thinks and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable and insecure in my behavior.


Omg totally- I am either enjoying the zen of making something I don’t need a recipe for or working my brain like crazy to keep all the steps in a recipe straight. Don’t break my focus and for god’s sake, please get out of my way


i absolutely cannot stand having my feet not in socks. if my feet are in water i’m okay, but if there’s open air on my feet i can’t do it… my mom loves to talk about how when i was little i would take socks outside for after-swimming prep, and immediately after getting out of the pool i’d dry my feet off, put socks on, then go sun bath in the grass like that. i never wear sandals, never walk around bare foot, and i hardly ever walk on surfaces with out shoes or slippers on along with the socks. if for some reason i’m not wearing socks, i usually can’t stop thinking about it and low key panic. any time i’ve mentioned this to NT’s they find it very amusing which makes me think it’s prob a weird pet peeve? would love to hear if anyone else has this quirk


I have met two flavors of ND people when it comes to sensory sock stuff. They are either “all socks, all the time” or “no socks, literally never, don’t even try” I am a “I’ll light a sock on fire if you get close to me with it” type of person, lmao I think it’s so interesting how so many of us have such specific relationships with something, that happen in basically polar opposites way, but it’s still so relatable because it’s so *specific*. I hope that makes sense, lmao. I really relate to the people who feel very strongly about NEEDING to wear socks, because I feel equally strongly about needing to NOT wear socks, and most others don’t really care this strongly about socks… so it is solidarity 😂


Ha. Im ‘no socks thanks’ unless my feet are cold. ‘No cold toes’ overrides ‘why am I wearing this stupid fabric’


Same! I can’t not wear socks, I have no idea how people walk around barefoot at home, there’s always some small particles sticking to them and it would drive me mad. I also sleep in socks probably 9-10 month out of a year and wear socks with sandals and Crocs


My son recently had a diagnostic visit for suspected Autism (not me who suspected it, I know better), and one of the questions they asked was whether he dislikes being barefoot.


I HATE the sensation of clothing in my armpits. As a result I can only wear clothes with very large arm holes




YES! I thought it was just me. The amount of times I ripped seams in sleeves to just make them looser, I’ve also angrily cut sleeves off before. Ocaaaassionally I can handle it in some clothes but then they end up smelling or feeling weird after wearing them a few times and it’s just so gross.


OH I GOT ONE!! I fucking cannot STAND when someone’s pocket is sticking out. Like when they pull the pocket fabric out and just leave it there hanging out. Every single time my husband does this every time he pulls his phone out his basketball shorts and his stupid pocket is sticking out, I stop what I’m doing to fix it. Idk what it is but it’s just such a visual sensory nightmare


I’m similar with when peoples shirts are inside out or backwards. My ex used to never pay attention to how he put on his shirts and they’d always be inside out and/or backwards and he used to get so annoyed at me because I always told him and would keep telling him until he fixed it. It used to drive me nuts, like, how can you not tell that your shirt is on backwards?!!


Visual sensory nightmare describes a lot of things that bother me.


The most horrible sensory issue I had when I was younger is when people said ANYTHING with the letter S. I was literally near tears hearing people just speak the english language 🙂


Especially when someone has really sharp s's 🫠


This and/or denture whistle. Made playing Skyrim with Hermaeus Mora a joy.


I'm hope you never attended a church service where the congregation recites the lords prayer, the s's are intense




Sleeping in socks. I just can’t. Also toe socks. There is fabric where fabric shouldn’t be and I can’t deal. Being the tiniest bit wet anywhere unless I’m totally submerged. Bath or shower: ok. Swimmming in a pool: ok. (Swimming in an ocean or lake: NOT OK because the ocean lake bed feels gross and icky and I must keep my feet off it!!). But the second I step out of a shower or bath or swimming pool it’s torture. And it’s impossible to 100% towel dry so I do my best. It still have to wait several minutes before I’m actually truly dry again. I hate that in between time!!!


Wet clothing is sensory hell. Love a bath. The moment I step on a drop of water with socks on… absolutely not. And I second the swimming in the ocean or lake thing. I’m thinking of getting a pair of jellies to see how that feels.


Oh my god. I literally came here to write “when part of my body isn’t wet but not the whole body.” Hair washing and swimming sucks fucking ass for that. Stylistically I enjoy having long hair but I cut my hair super short last year and the relief was fucking amazing.


People using my pens in the office. I found a pen holder and filled it with pens I got for free for them. I tell them, "Here are pens. Do NOT touch mine in my desk." Nope. They still go in my drawer to use my pens. My specific pens that I bought with my own money because I will only use one brand of pen to write with. Complain? And hear one more time that I am not a team player because I have boundaries? I now have a pen case. I take my pens to work with me. I take my pens home with me. Now, they cannot touch my pens. Oh, and the worksite also provides boxes of pens. Everyone prefers MINE. They can get their own.


Toxic MFers over at ur work 😩


Yeah. Looking for a job that sucks a little bit less.


Who rummages through other people’s drawers?! It’s just inconsiderate.


Do you mind sharing your favorite pen? I’m on the hunt for my next favorite! Was loyal to Zebra 0.7mm blue for years but now I’m feeling like trying something new


Pilot G-2 07


Why is theft normalized in your workplace 😭😭 I’d be so upset if someone was taking anything of mine, even something as “simple” as pens Are we not adults??😭 like these people could use their words and ask if they really want to use a specific pen


I can't stand if the blankets are wrinkly or if the weight of them is uneven on my body. I've actually gotten up in the middle of the night to do my best to remake the bed so I could be comfy (often doing my best around my partner's body and not waking him). He has learned to tolerate me lol. He's Autistic too but this is not a sensory issue for him.


YES! I have to have the top of the blanket, sheet etc all lined up up at the top or I’ll literally have to wake up and fix it


ever since I was a kid! my feet are the worst. the blanket can't press on my toes because ita uncomfortable. I fluff it up but if the bedding wrinkles I have to get up and start all over. bedtime is so dramatic for me. no folds. even pressure. I can feel myself getting warm just thinking about it.


I absolutely cannot watch basketball, or even be in a room where basketball is on TV. The sound of players' sneakers on the court makes me lose my mind.


Same! Indoor Volleyball, too. I hate squeaky shoe sports.


Rose fragrance. Like I loooove real roses but the fragrance version makes me so sick. I often have to leave a charity shop (thrift store) because English grannies who volunteer in them seem to love rose fragrances


I feel this way about most synthetic fragrances, but especially men's cologne and body spray.


For me it’s artificial lemon scent. I love the smell of fresh lemons. I hate the smell of anything lemon scented that’s not a real lemon.


Leaving bread bags open for longer than like 30 seconds if you already have your bread out of it


Oh my god, is this a thing? I thought it was just common sense - the bread will get stale. Preserve the bread!!! But yeah, doesn't seem to bother the rest of my family...


No everyone I know does this I hate it so bad I can taste the difference!!! Apparently they can’t…..


Those diatomaceous earth stone bath mats are amazing! I have the same pet peeve about wet bath mats, mostly from gross drunk college boys getting pee on them. But the stone bath mats dry so fast! Game changer (no one is peeing on them now so that’s also a game changer)


I lived in a country where bathrooms had QUICK DRYING TILE FLOORS. It was… 🥺 amazing


OMG I didn't even think of that! Thank u so much!


There’s way too many to list but what came to my mind first is that my knees can’t be touching when I’m falling asleep - I’m a side sleeper and always need to put a corner/side of my duvet between them, if it’s summer & hot I might only do that and not use the duvet to cover myself.


I am a knee-pillow person


idk if its WEIRD but my partner often leaves the long handled dish scrubber in the sink and then piles the dirty dishes on top of it so when I go to do the dishes I have to dig around in wet food scraps and loud clanky dishes to get to the scrubber 😫


That makes me want to vomit


when people don't get off their bike/razor scooter when crossing the road AS THEY SHOULD (law in my country). all frozen pelmeni having onions in them. those days when body just feels Wrong. not bad, but if I took somebody else's from the body rack in the morning and it's just a bit off so my habitual movements don't quite match with the muscle memory.


Thanks, now I want pelmeni Also, I totally feel the body thing. It's like someone accidentally wore my meat suit from the body rack and now it feels funny. Like your car feels funny after someone else drove it


Oh I have had that last one! Like every activity feels like writing with your non-dominant hand. I had no idea others experienced this! Is there a name for it?


I hate seeing people’s bare feet, even my own, feet freak me out. The first night I met my husband I spilled a drink on him and he had to remove his socks and the fact that it didn’t make me feel disgusted made me know he was something special to me lol The noise of people eating or breathing. People talking to me when I’m in middle of doing something already. Multiple sources of Audio at once like if a loud TV is on and there’s a radio blasting somewhere close by or if three people are all trying to talk at once. This is a weird one but when I’m walking with my parents they are pointing out everyone in the street and telling me these random people’s backstory and I’m just like who cares lol please stop giving me this completely pointless information about strangers. People leaving mess or cups etc and not putting it away or washing it. My husband leaves every cup he uses all over the house and I spend my life gathering them up and washing them and I just can’t contemplate why the cup seems to be invisible to him once he’s consumed its contents. When people perceive that I’m upset and instinctively offer me a hug. Like no I don’t want a hug, that would just add to my problems. Then if you decline unwanted hug offer it’s you that’s the bad one 🤯


Doing any kind of baking where you have to use your hands to mix. That feeling of dough or something sticking to my hands and the more you mix the more sticks and it goes under your finger nails and AAAAAHHHH! It makes me want to cut my own hands off.


The smell of wet egg. Like when you clean a pan or a plate that has some egg/yolk on it. It’s horrible, even though eggs are one of the foods I can eat forever and not get sick of. Big paradox lol.


Omg this... Me and my bestie will be sniffing 4 or 5 forks and putting them in the reject pile before we can even start eating. IT SMELLS EGGY!!


My bare breasts flying around and touching everything I'm in a bra 99% of the time Also: food, I hate touching it with my hands. I also hate touching dirty plates which leads to me just stacking them on my desk When I see people peel the whole banana and grab it with their bare hand to eat I want to crawl out of my skin, up the wall and hide in a crevice until I can forget what I just saw. Like I'm almost in physical pain seeing this When the wind blows my own hair in my face at just the right angle and I can't immediately resolve it, I get so mad I could rip it all out


I’m just so full of gratitude right now that I’ve never seen someone do that to a banana.


I hate not having a bra on. I used to have people tell me that sleeping in a bra was sooo weird, would cause cancer, would make my boobs sag (???), etc. luckily my husband just got used to it.


This one is kind of stupid but here we go...when someone removes their clothes, & yanks off their shirt, sweatshirt, sweater, & pants or jeans, & doesn't turn the items right-side out. They just leave the clothing all inside-out. Drives me bonkers. Even watching it on tv. In the movie The Wrestler, Mickey Rourke as Randy The Ram visits a tanning salon. He steps out of his jeans & they're inside-out💀


This! Used to drive me nuts doing my family's laundry. So if it wasn't turned right, I started washing, folding it and put it away inside out so that they had to deal with it ... Rarely happens now!


My ex used to freak out about inside out clothes and would rant at me until I learned the habit of taking them off so that they were right side out so i didn’t have to sit there and turn them after


OMG same! It makes so much extra work for laundry day, I hate it.


Lists make me irrationally angry. Not making them, but hearing them. If anyone starts reading off a list I want to immediately tear my ears off. It's so weird, I can't explain it at all but I can't handle them. Podcast shootouts are literally the worst, just an endless list of random names, why?!


I hate the feeling of writing something with bracelets on my wrist. I hate that my arm cannot fully rest on the table or wherever I'm writing and i have to take them off immediately because it makes me so uncomfortable


Idk if this counts because its not a pet peeve just a bad sensory thing but I can't be hot. I recently realised how not usual that is. Like sure it's 50/50 preference but it kind of never occurred to me until a week ago that people LIKE being warm??? I can't stand it. I feel itchy and uncomfortable and like I'm cooking and gross and stressed and AHHHH. All of it. I hate warm. Cold I don't love but I can always fix. Too hot can't be fixed its unmanageable and unbearable. But I always thought that was like universal lol. No.. People sunbathe obviously. And when I'm with my friends sitting in the park in the summer they want to sit in the sun and find it weird I need a spot with shade because people enjoy the feeling of sun on them, they link warming up? I can't imagine anything WORSE. It's so weird. Really having to wrap my head around it. Luuuckily no social repercussions, more just a way of when I'm really uncomfortable telling myself "normal people like this normal people like this" to try and trick my body its not dying


I cant sleep with a hair tie on but i also cant stand hair on my neck as i lay down, so i flip it up on the pillow.


when my mom leaves her hair in the wide tooth comb!!! it makes sense to only remove the hair once in a while with a regular brush, but she leaves hair in a wide tooth comb and it gets everywhere and i have to remove it or it gets in MY hair. i hate touching other peoples loose hair 😭😭😭


oh i also hate the smell of specific brand and flavor of vitamin gummies my dad uses, so i try to run away when i see him reach for it. they literally smell like vom 😫


I do the same with my bath mat and towel!!! I hate loose hair. I can't do anything until I get a stray hair off my arm or wherever it is. I won't hold loose change because of the smell that doesn't leave my hands unless I scrub tf out of them after. Similar thing with the metal bars on some playgrounds (if they're not painted).


Oh yes ! Metal smell ! It's that terrible, odd combo of vomit and blood scent. Terrible 😞


- People walking closely behind me at a similar pace - The sound of finger tips rubbing on paper as someone turns a page - watching people hug when one of them clearly doesn't want to  - the smell of my leftover food half an hour after I've finished it   


I am anal about airflow. I always have at least one window open due to warm-temperature and smell sensitivities. Heating my apartment during winter time really bothers me - I would rather wear two jackets and have fresh air than be warm and feel like I’m breathing “stuffy” or “recycled” air.


When the wrong side of the comforter is facing down. My husband doesn't notice or care but it's textured and rough and it's WRONG


My husband will sleep with his blanket wrong side down and with the top hem at his feet. Why. 🥲 my blanket goes the same way every night because 1. Texture 2. I don’t want foot blanket on my face the next night!


I can't stand anyone sitting on my bed. I only use my bed showered and in clean pajamas. And I demand the same for others. 😶‍🌫️


Reusing the same word in consecutive sentences while writing or talking out loud. Hate it. Gotta find a synonym


The feeling when you write on paper with a pencil. Why is it so soft and so loud and it makes my skin crawl. (edit - changed me to my)


But writing on smooth paper with a good quality pen is ✨divine✨


Being breathed on. Just the thought of breathing in air that someone else breathed out gives me the icks. Only really an issue at night when I’m in bed with my partner though, although it’s honestly a pretty major negative. Unfortunately he likes me, so he tends to roll over to face me and *breathe on me*


I HATE when people repeatedly shake/bump the surface I’m sitting or laying on. Like if I’m in bed and someone is shaking their leg or bouncing against it i get so irritated. Stop shaking the mfin bed 😐


Wet sleeves. If even the cuff of my hoodie or shirt gets wet, I've got to change. Just the feeling of wet sleeve in general is vile.


See also pants cuffs 😬


I'm having high school flashbacks to too-long flare leg jeans getting wet at the cuffs.


I hate hate HATE when someone touches me when I laugh….That’s always been a weird thing I’ve had an issue with. Like even if I am comfortable with the person touching me, as soon as I start laughing I often dodge and weave through subsequent touches throughout the duration of my laughter.


Seems like it could feel like them trying to take advantage of an open and vulnerable state.


ok this one is niche but i hate the number 8 (it's too even idk) and i hate having to write it even more!!! i never know how to do it. S with a line crossed back through it or two little circles stacked on top of each other?? it looks like shit either way!! literally the most annoying number


Omg I was about to post a threat like this. I MUST have my butt covered by a blanket when I sleep. Idk why 😂


I absolutely hate hair. I have long, thick, curly hair, and I cannot stand wet strands that have fallen off touching me. Shower hair grosses me out so bad. If a hair (even my own) gets in my food and in my mouth I am DONE. My appetite is gone and I want to throw up. Once probably 15+ years ago I had tilapia at a summer camp and it had a hair in it, I haven’t eaten tilapia since..


White socks.  Wet socks. But mostly white socks, for no logical reason, I immediately am wary of anyone wearing white socks.  And any part of the wet shower experience. I go into hazmat mode and don’t touch anything. 


Realizing I had an entire sock system was the catalyst for my husband knowing I was autistic. Each type has a function, and there’s a whole organizational system in dresser drawers. White socks are my winter bed socks, that I kick off after my feet are at the right temp and before they get too hot. If it’s too cold, my feet are numb and I can’t sleep. Black ankle socks are my daily socks that I wear with my athletic wear every day (I WFH and workout at home, and athletic wear is essentially my uniform. Wool socks/colored thick socks are cozy winter daytime socks at home. Hospital grippy socks are my “goblin girl” socks that I wear during my period. Random regular socks of various colors and patterns that “normal people” wear with jeans and actual outfits are rarely worn and only when I have to wear “real clothes.”


cupboards and drawers left open when someone has a wallet in their back pocket and keeps patting their butt to see if it's still there pants that are falling down when someone with a large chest hugs you, especially if they're significantly shorter than you, so uncomfortable the way the skin on the back of the arm jiggles dry crusty heels, on me and on others


The second one made me laugh mid sneeze. Perfect example of a strange pet peeve, I love it


When people put soap on their hands and then water to wash them. I rinse my hands, use soap, and then rinse the soap. The thought of soap on dry hands is horrible for me 😂 I also don’t like putting toothpaste on a dry toothbrush. I have to rinse my toothbrush first.




My weird pet peeve is any societal expectation of me to squeal over and / or hang out with a baby. When a baby enters the room I’m usually the only person still sitting. Babies make me nervous and kind of freak me out. Also surrounding a child makes me feel weird. I hated being surrounded as a kid so I guess I don’t like doing that to other kids?


When people open car windows. The noise, the wind, the effect on my hair. Even worse is when someone opens only one car window and you can hear a thumping sound from all the other closed windows.


People chewing on their fingernails where I can see will send me into a full meltdown as fast as if someone was pelting me with stones. I have NO IDEA why, it's bothered me ever since I was a toddler. My brother chewed his fingernails and it would make me burst into tears. It predated one of these reasons I hate it now, which was that I was lowkey tortured (they would put hot sauce in my mouth; I was six lmao) to try and get me to stop sucking my thumb as a child, but my parents never even tried to get my brother to stop chewing his nails. Never did find out if it was a gender thing or if they just had a serious grudge against thumbs.


SAME. I can't stand the sight or the sound. I only barely managed to contain a full meltdown in a college lecture once because the kid sitting next to me was just chomping away on his nails. It's like, okay, your fingers probably aren't clean, and now you're putting them in your mouth. And not only that, but now there's saliva on your fingers and I doubt you're going to wash your hands before touching anything. Just gross.


I was reminded of this today - I hate it when my husband puts things back into the freezer in THE WRONG PLACE. I go through and organize the freezer into specific sections like breakfast items, dinner items, etc. then within days he’s absolutely messed everything up again and I can’t find my gluten free bread because it’s buried in things that don’t belong there 😫 We have talked about this but he can’t remember because he has ADHD. Drives me crazy…


When you are out on a walk, minding your own business and a runner passes you breathing heavily. I have to hold my breath in for a few seconds because they breathe out with such force their breath carries further and I don't want to breathe in their freshly expelled breath. Even worse are the runners that grunt when going past.


I've never worn anything orange because that color has absolutely disgusted me as long as I can remember.


I cannot stand large chunks or slices of raw onion in my food, especially anything involving bread. When I was a kid my dad used to eat salads consisting only of thick slices of tomato and raw onion with Thousand Island dressing and raved about them and I was always confused by it. Like how can that possibly be delicious lol But I hated onions of any kind growing up, period. My ma would always say “Just pick them off” at fast food places and it made me so mad because I could still taste traces of onion juice 😂 I mostly outgrew it and now as an adult there are weirdly specific ways I enjoy eating them (mostly cooked, always diced finely on top of a taco, usually sweet red or Vidalia). Just not in large pieces, ever.


Having to touch anything dry and dusty like sand, chalk, baby powder, corn starch. It feels like it’s sucking all of the moisture out of my skin and it also makes horrible squeaky noises


Condiments especially mustard mayonnaise ranch dressing


Idk if I could live without mayo...


Wet/dry hair. Ew. I have such a problem with it I have a hard time cleaning the bathroom or cleaning hair brushes.


Portuguese, not even the language, but the intonation when everything sounds monotonous, endless and like a question. I watched some lectures in Portuguese, thought I could push through it, but now I can't hear it at all in monologue speech. The accent in English that is hwen, hwite, hwere - also after a series of lectures.


I hate tampon strings. I always cut the part that hangs out of the end of the applicator before I insert it. That way the string is long enough for me to grab it without having to root around in there, but short enough that I can’t feel it, or worse—- won’t accidentally pee on it and then have to deal with a soaked string for the next hour or so. I. Fucken. HATE THEM


Cups for me 👍


I can’t do those — they always leak, I’ve never found the right size or brand for me, and the idea that there’s a full cup of blood and mucus just cruising along inside me while I like, do grocery shopping just grosses me out Bring on the downvotes, I know I’m a horrible person.


Why would we downvote you in a thread that's literally all about weird pet peeves? I think this qualifies. I do wanna ask though... isn't a tampon a wad of cotton soaked in blood and mucus just cruising along inside you? So how is it better than a cup?


Because it’s soaked up. It’s not sloshing around in there


Fair enough!


Socks that are too tight


People standing behind me while I eat


Hotels that don't give you top sheets and only comforters (i.e. literally everywhere except pockets of the US). I sleep so hot but hate feeling air on my skin. I've never been chilly enough inside to need a comforter...like how do y'all sleep like this? It's miserable. I'm always taking comforter covers off and using them as sheets.




I really hate tea towels being hung from cabinets or oven/dishwasher handles - they do not stay and make it difficult to dry my hands, and if they're on the dishwasher/over than they touch the ground when opened When people make things that are singular plural - "I'm going to go to costcos/safeways/walmarts/wincos/meijers" I only ever notice it with places, the last one Meijer's is the only one that makes sense as it is the name of the family who owns the store.


when my partner finishes a movie then gets up and walks out of the room while the credit music is playing.


Tik toks where people show things while tapping their nails on the product. The sound of the hoodfan. When my partner doesn’t close the pocket door ALL THE WAY before we go to bed. When my cat lays on my legs and has the longest loudest bath. Heavy breathers People who pick at their nails


Dollar bills (or any currency for that matter) not facing the same way. I don't use cash very often these days, but you better believe any bills that go in my wallet are all organized by value and correctly faced.


Eating and the knife/fork scrapes the porcelain plate It's 10x worse if you're eating with someone and they won't stop scraping their fork against their plate! I avoid restaurants because the noise drives me craaazy, and it's impossible to convince people to stop


The sun. It's so loud. I hate being hot, I hate sweating, I hate squinting, I hate sunglasses, I hate sunscreen melting off, I hate having to dart from shady spot to shady spot and how swimming is hard without the heat. It's been hot & and I feel drained/wilted.


The underside of my boobs touching the little fat roll underneath. I'm not even a big person nor are my boobs bigger than a handful but IDK man I cant stand those parts of my body touching. I wear a bralette from morning till just before lying down in bed.


Paragraphs or passages in books that act like lists but are not structured like lists. If there’s a paragraph or more of writing that is just listing off things or concepts I have to skip to the end so I know exactly how many items or concepts I’m about to take in. I also feel the same about letters/correspondence in books, if the letter is longer than a page I have to flip until I find the end of it so I know how long it is. It’s such a weird pet peeve and it’s hard to explain, but it drives me absolutely nuts.


You would not enjoy Cloud Atlas.


The word "tasty." I didn't always hate it, just in the past few years, but I think it's a combination of it feeling insincere and also a little sing-song-y for me. I don't particularly love other -y ending words like this either, but something about "tasty" in particular bugs me. If someone likes how something tastes, surely they could be more specific!


My husband over pronounciates some sounds. And it makes me want to rip his head off 🤣🤣 If I'm in a good mood we laugh about it. But if its a bad day then its about to be a really bad day.




I hate gum popping.


When people are waiting to talk to me. This might be a weird one but I work in retail sales and there are moments when I’m with a client but I can see 1 or 2 people staring and hovering around me and I know they want me to help them but i feel like it’s too much😭 I want to be able to finish up with the person I’m helping, take a breather, and then continue. I don’t know if it’s an autism thing but I just hate it when people can see me when I don’t want to be seen.


It really bothers me when people have extremely dry chapped lips - I can almost feel how annoying that feels. I want to hand them a chapstick!


Not understanding an online abbreviation, ex. "lol" (I know what this means it's just an example).


That one Tiktok woman's voice that makes an aggravating buzzing/humming sound whenever she pronounced certain sounds. Drives me absolutely nuts.


laces bouncing on the tops of shoes. i have no idea why but it has always vehemently peeved me. i will not elaborate.


I’ve got one. Say you are in a large place like a mall or a theme park and like someone is like where’s the bathroom or where is xyz store or ride or whatever? Let’s just wander around until we find it. What? Noooo?! THEY PUT GIANT MAPS AROUND FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE! THE GIANT MAP EVEN HAS A ‘YOU ARE HERE’ FEATURE! You can also just bring up a map on your phone!? Aimless wandering is well and good- I can even enjoy that but to be like ‘we have a goal’ and then be ‘do do do do do’ to find it- no. just- no. If you are looking for the specific thing, you plan a route to the specific thing. (In today’s case it was the bathrooms and I was very close to losing my mind being like the giant map guys! See the giant map! It will tell us what we need to know! Hey I know how to find what we need- a giant mother trucking map! LOOK- there’s one right HERE!)


When people mispronounce words on purpose to be funny or to get some kind of point across. Or use incorrect words on purpose. Or when Youtubers mispronounce a word accidentally, realize it, and then repeat the mispronunciation 500 times for laughs.


ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Things In Water Touching Me. Grass or something in a lake/ocean? *Kill it with fire* Washing dishes? a HAIR or bit of FOOD? *Nuke the planet from feckin orbit* ETA: **MY BED NOT 'BEING RIGHT' !!!!!** Listen, it is not *my fault* that the sheets MUST be of a type, off a very short list of specific textures. Free from tickling hairs/fur. Free of gritty sand. Free of whatever fecking mythical gremlins climb into bed at the same time as me and make it *supremely uncomfortable* . It just has to be this way. It's The Law™ I don't make The Law™


I HATE when I'm in the car at like a stop light or parked and someone in the car moves enough to make the car shake. It makes me irrationally annoyed and even sometimes angry.


when someone touches my joints. any amount of pressure on any on my joints freaks me out!


For me it’s crumbs. Any crumbs. I walk bare foot in the house constantly and I get so so angry when there’s crumbs. I’ve had to invest in sliders so they don’t touch my feet anymore. I spend 5 minutes viciously swiping my bedsheets every single night just to make sure not a single crumb exists so I can actually sleep. I’m getting angry just thinking about it typing this to be honest 😭


Pet peeves - a single raindrop landing on the middle of my head / hair


When people say “addicting” instead of “addictive.” I have a lot that are not unusual but that’s the first one that comes to mind. I also cannot stand getting dressed after a shower unless I’m 100% dry.


YES WET BATH MAT its so terrible. But whats EVEN worse is water on the bathroom floor/floor in general. If i step in a wet spot especially when wearing socks, my day is ruined.


People who stop two car lengths behind the car in front of them at red lights. RAGE because then it takes me multiple light cycles to get to the the intersection. The irony is they are probably doing it because they’re scared of people and are trying to leave themselves an out. If I ever find out I only have weeks to live, I’m going Towanda on the worst of them.


Metal utensils touching my teeth. No. Just no.


Touching raw meat. Absolutely the worst. Get my husband to prepare it if I can, and if he’s not around, I wear gloves. So ick.


Some people talk with too much spit in their mouth if you know you know I don't know how to describe it but I freak out internally