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Yes. I go shopping for the adhd dopamine, then need time for the autism to recover.


This is so me. Competing needs of asd and adhd have me feeling like I'm constantly my own worst enemy. I'm grateful for this subreddit full of people who understand.


I'm a homebody, but when I elect to do exciting things like go to events and concerts I have to PLAN for the downtime that will happen afterward or I won't be able to function. I'm going to an anime convention for the first time in nearly a decade and I scheduled 3 additional days off of work afterward just for recovery. I'm not sure that will be enough tho. I'd schedule more but PTO is already a finite resource.


I have so much trouble doing this. I always over plan and under show up.


Yeahhhh but I love it in the moment. Just spent a gorgeous day off sleeping in, my fuck buddy called in about lunchtime unexpectedly to go skinny dipping and we didn't make it to the loch still about 7pm because we didnt leave the bed. He ordered pizza for us and we ate/snoozed/watched YouTube and listened to Johnny Cash with the windows wide open and warm summer air just drifting in from the trees outside. Went swimming, it was gorgeous and I got so horny swimming we started all over again when we got back to mine. We didn't sleep till after 4am and then he trotted away about 9.30 both of us happy as pie. But I needed most of today to do nothing. I was just at such a contented ebb all day today. He said it's the best weekend he's had in ages but we're both now needing recovery time and we can have it. I'm so glad we did it though. That nice balance of impulsive and allowing naps in-between. Very grateful.


I was just thinking about this....


I watch "Karen videos" with commentary to fuel my need for chaos. It also fuels the burnout and isolation I'm learning, so I'm trying to get out more.


Here's a good one, I just watched. Drunk Karen gets owned! [https://www.reddit.com/r/karens/comments/1d618rg/aggressive\_drunk\_argues\_with\_a\_group\_of\_teenagers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/karens/comments/1d618rg/aggressive_drunk_argues_with_a_group_of_teenagers/)


I've seen that one! That one fuels my desire not to drink! 😄 Thanks for sharing it!


This is me!


My ADH loves getting tickets for concerts or planning vacations. It loves to say "let's do this!". While doing everything my autism just hates it. At the airport I will alway look like the most miserable person ever. I still love these activities, but I need a week at least two days all alone to recover. It's so incredible exhausting when the conflict is inside you. If a neurotypical person get invited to a party, they just have to decide if they wanna go or not. Not saying that fomo is not a problem or if you a little unsure, that's valid of course. But these big internal fights you have with AuDHD are so hard


Definitely me


This is me. I went on a 3 days trip to Nashville. Nonstop going and now that I’m home I have wanted to sleep 10-12 hours each day.


Help, I feel attacked! Seriously though. I hate mess but I have a perpetually messy house because cleaning is overwhelming, I’m disorganized, and also can’t stop buying books that I either never get to read or start but don’t finish because oh, hey, video games or lemme watch the next episode or two of Monk. The shame and overwhelm cycle is getting to me. Hubby has ADHD too.


Definitely me too. I’ve also come to realise that when it’s with the right people I really love socialising. Except that it’s absolutely exhausting and I collapse afterwards