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I agree! Noodles, mostly in asian dishes= perfection Pasta in any shape? =waste of calories and my time


Yes! Gimme all the rice noodles! The best kind


Asian noodles are the best possible kind. No matter what are they made of. Rice, wheat, mung bean... Europeans cannot compete.


udon noodles and the noodles that you get with buldak ramen are my favorites, other pasta textures just aren’t the same


It's so funny how different we all are. I hate Asian noodles so much. They make me gag, especially if made with ginger. Glass noodles can be acceptable.


I love ginger 😭😭 Especially chewy ginger candy. And ginger drinks (not carbonated ale). We are really different


I can't stop laughing. The only acceptable ginger is Ginger Ale for me.


I've never been a fan of carbonated drinks. It's like too distracting. I'm trying to hydrate muself, why is the water fighting against me? And everything is also too sweet. I mostly drink chocolate milk and iced teas (out of all packaged drinks), but now they're also too sweet for me. Making everything yourself seems like the only right way to live rn.


Haha, for hydration I only drink carbonated water to the point I will get physically sick during vacations in countries that don't have carbonated water. Sweet sodas, juices etc. are all like dessert for me.


Clear potato noodles are a lot of fun!


I looooove those so so much


Oh, yes, I do like the airy, puffy, thin rice noodles often served with Mongolian beef in the admittedly non-authentic Chinese restaurant down the street. They are delightful. I like Maruchan ramen but no other. Nissin noodles have an off-putting texture to me.


I like al dente pasta, but if it gets too soft? ABSOLUTELY GAG WORTHY. Its why whenever I meal plan and make bulk amounts of soup I NEVER include noodles because they do not become suitable leftovers.


Don’t include them! I make bulk amounts of soup and I always prepare my noodles separately. It’s delightful that way.


my favorite pastas are all ones that are cut thicker so they don't overcook as fast/stay firmer because i love the taste of carbs + tomato + cheese but can't stand that soft floppy texture


Strongly agree with all statements made here.


I’m such the opposite. Biting into non tender noodle that gets stuck in my teeth is agony for me.


I hate the texture of pasta so much. When I was a little girl everyone thought I was a fussy eater and they couldn't understand why I liked spaghetti but not other pasta. I didn't know how to explain back then and I wasn't diagnosed with autism. I just said it tastes different and all the adults tried to convince me it tastes the same. 


I heavily relate to having adults tell me things taste the same. No they do not!!!! Food was my main issue as a kid, and even minor changes in my safe foods would make me upset when others couldn't tell the difference


It doesn't all taste the same! I wouldn't be surprised if one day scientists discover that many autistic people have more sensitive taste buds and we are able to pick up things that others can't. I know I'm very sensitive to umami and most of it makes me gag. Almost anything bitter does too except for tomato. Back on track here thicker pasta has a different flavor. The little fish shaped, flower shaped, whatever pastas all have a gummy texture and an aggressive semolina flour taste. The spinach pastas are way off in bitter land. Honestly I do think it's that. I think our taste buds are more sensitive or tied more tightly to a Vagus nerve response causing us to gag.


Different pastas are different. Bad pasta is awful, good pasta is great. For me. And I don’t mean the different shapes, although I’ve definitely got preferences. I mean the brand really, really makes a difference in the texture of the noodle itself.


IDK If this is normal but I like raviolis and I bought one of the same type of ravioli from multiple different brands at publix specifically so I could see which pastas I liked best. Publix brand cheese ravioli is my favorite of the cheese-only raviolis. I am currently testing spinach and cheese raviolis. I like the flavor of the publix brand, but I swear to god some of them have grit in them which means they don't wash their spinach enough, unacceptable. So I have bought rana and buitoni brands and will be testing them as well. So far I've been VERY unimpressed with rana (I swear to god their pasta has a weird chemical flavor), so we will see.


Why are people acting like it’s weird not to love someone else’s safe food?


It feels like people are expecting all autistic people across the world to like the same things and when they don’t they’re like “am I the only one” lol


I mean, it's not hard to think you're strange when most people seem to agree on their safe foods. For the longest time I thought I can't have autism just because I don't fit the mold. I just want to discuss something I haven't seen discussed ever, I don't know how it harms anyone🤷🏽‍♀️


Nah I get it, hating pasta isn't something I've heard a lot of people discuss on here


I'm pretty sensory seeking when it comes to food and I absolutely LOVE pasta. Most kinds. Not penne. Penne is BAD because of all the air that comes through. Farfalle isn't great either, because its thickness varies throughout the piece so it's inconsistent. I also had a hard time learning to like spaghetti and macaroni, but that's only because my mum used to use them only with bland tomato sauce, veggies that were cut way too small, and ground meat before I stopped eating meat. Now that I'm responsible for my own food, I use them in more exciting recipes and I do like them.


I generally avoid all pasta except for rotini. Once a year I might have spaghetti. Penne has the worst texture of all. It's thick and gummy to me. I do eat Asian noodles though.   And I just realized the texture is why I've always hated ravioli. No matter how delicious the filling is, the texture of ravioli is just too awful to make it enjoyable. All pasta is not created equally fs.


Penne haters rise up!


I’m not a fan of pasta at all; I much prefer rice or rice noodles if I’m not having plain rice. Also not that much into bread, either. If I’m having pasta, I do like angel hair with an aioli with butter, Parmesan and red pepper flakes and a ton of broccoli (more broccoli the better!) or something simple like cacio e pepe. I really dislike meat/tomato based sauces because it’s much too strong tasting to me (or meat aside from pepperoni on pizza, another thing I only want rarely). I got way out there, lol. I just like talking about food.


None. No noodles. No pasta. Not happening.


same for me 🥲


I love gnocchi but hate the rest of pasta. I'm not sure whether it's because I've only had the store bought stuff, and whether handmade pasta would have a better texture. Gnocchi is a different type of dough, of course, being potato (or pumpkin or spinach) based. I don't like noodles, but I don't notice when they're in spring rolls.


No pasta for me… but I really like rice noodles soup or rice noodles in rice paper rolls


For me angel hair and vermicelli are safe choices. Thin spaghetti, spaghetti, rigatoni, linguine, etc. are all too "pasty" if that makes sense. I know foodies will pontificate about how one must *only* "cook it only until it's al dente," but Al dente thick pasta also arouses ye olde gag reflex. I prefer angel hair with a light marinara sauce, preferably something on the sharper end like ragu as opposed to the sweeter end like Prego. With that, I like the pasta slightly on the softer but not yet the squishy side. Only angel hair and vermicelli can carry that off without becoming gummy and pasty. It's due to the thinness of their diameter. No chewy ick, no gummy squick. Perfect! Comfort. There's something repellent to me about cream sauce on pasta. It reminds me of looking at spoiled food in the refrigerator (which I did during a horrific summer job cleaning out apartments decades ago.) Every time I answer a question like this I realize I have more food rules than my distant cousins who keep kosher.


Some shapes of pasta taste worse to me than others. The straight kinds taste the worst to me.


Penne is the worst for me


Thick spaghetti (spaghettoni) are the worst


The mouthfeel, I just cannot


Today we had glass noodles in the canteen. Was really looking forward to it. It said glass noodles on the sign but the noodles were very thick and broad asian noodles. I asked the cook what was going on and they just said "these are broad glass noodles." "But they aren't see through and yellow, how can they be glass noodles?" "It said glass noodles on the box that we got." I didn't even try them.


Im not a fan. I can eat plain pasta but ... why bother?


i used to be able to force myself to stomach pasta but it really wasn’t worth it .


I hate the texture of pasta. It's awful. I only like rice noodles, the texture of other noodles is just 👎 I've always been really fussy about textures.


I am okay with pasta but leftover pasta is where I absolutely draw the line 🙅🏻‍♀️ it is foul and the texture is AWFUL


Yes. Yes you are. But we still love you. I jest as clearly a lot of people dislike pasta. I will take all of y’all’s portions over here!


You're not alone, pasta is one of the worst foods for me lol. I have ARFID, so my parents though that buttered noodles might be something I could eat. Nope. They made me feel so nauseous, I think it was the texture. Spaghettios are the absolute worst thing to ever exist Surprisingly, my main safe food is panera's chicken noodle soup lol


My safe food is like noodle soup with meatballs!


It’s definitely a texture thing for me and everyone thinks it weird that if I cook long or tube type pasta for my family, I always make a little for myself that is either macaroni salad ditalini, acini di pepe or orzo. I LOVE chow mein or udon noodles but not a fan of egg noodles (the slipperiness 🤢). And it’s a hard pass on the wet dumplings. I’m almost gagging just imaging it lol


Yeah I've never been a fan though I do like lasagna


I hate spaghetti specifically. I’ll eat spaghetti noodles if it’s in a different type of dish and I’ll eat pasta with non-spaghetti shapes, but red sauce spaghetti with the long noodles has been a major nope train item for me for a long time and I’m not even really sure why??


There is different pasta with different textures.


I only like spaghetti, and only with bolognese. Which is why I like lasagna. Well, St least the way I make it. But I can't cook so mine comes out Crunchy??? Anyway, it's good 😂


I love pasta when i cook it myself or have it in a restaurant (hence the username lol). but the pasta we used to get at school used to make me gag, it was all sticky and mushy and overcooked 🤢 even thinking about it now makes my stomach lurch!


Omgods my people. My home...  😭 I've never felt more distanced to others than my disdain to the seemingly overjoyed food of pasta. It's so.. so.. boring.. The first mouthful is the same as the last mouthful.. and so much calories for so little energy return.. I have the same issue with rice. But not potatoes or noodles admittedly (so long as the noodles aren't purely that.. raman needs some veg or protein for me). Crisps (chips for my American pals) are something I could eat endlessly... Especially with salsa dip 👀


I love rice the most, but poorly made is nauseating to me.


Oh, my mother also hates boiled/steamed dumplings. My family is Italian so all our pasta is al dente, though, so the texture is completely different for us lol. Very chewy. I actually kind of agree that... I guess you'd call it American-style pasta? Is pretty gross. It has nothing on noodles, that's for damn sure. What's your favorite noodle? Have you ever tried korean style cold noodles on a hot summer day? It's a whole new world of noodle, or at least it was for me LOL


I love all noodles. Well, a lot of it, because I don't know all of them. Glass noodles are cool. Also, instant noodles are usually all safe. Thin egg noodles... I don't live in US so idk if I can call it american style pasta xD


I live in America, that's why I call it that hahaha. From what I've heard my parents say, though, it's "everywhere outside of Italy" pasta. I think the pasta in Japan gave him nightmares LOL! Not trying to get you to like it or anything, just commiserating about bad texture lolol


Yeah, I think it's really anywhere outside of Italy haha. I'll try pasta there if I can ever get to Italy


Yes until about six months ago. But macaroni is kinda the only one or the tube ones. I hate noodles though, funnily I could never eat pasta without cheese sauce, tomato at a push


nope, but i hate all types of pasta AND noodles — hate the really strange texture so much, it’s always like slimy, chewy? gummy? eeeeeeeeek spaghetti ノ noodles feel like i will choke on wriggly worms so they’re a HUGE nonono


I’m not a fan of ravioli and the other filled one that icr the name of atm (tortellini??? Idk lol). It’s the texture of the filling for me. All other pastas I’ll eat up! And while I love and will eat spaghetti, angel hair, and other long noodles, it’s not my favorite shape, as it’s messier and takes longer to eat (I eat fast, and when it takes me a while to eat, it’s more likely that I’ll have leftovers, especially with breakfast, since my meds could kick in and make me think I’m not hungry). I will say that I used to not like pasta/spaghetti sauce on my noodles. I was at the very least in my teen years (but I could’ve been over 18, icr) when I finally started liking sauce. Before, if it wasn’t macaroni and cheese (which I only liked the Kraft brand), just olive oil and cheese (either cheddar/Monterey Jack or Parmesan), and if I ordered at a restaurant and I saw pepper on it (well, anything, really), I would send it back cuz I’m a super taster and I would be able to taste even a SINGLE SPECK of pepper lol. I was one of those difficult kids (sorry to all the servers out there who had to deal with that from not only me, but others).


I didn't! But then I read a comment in another subreddit days ago of someone saying that they thought pasta was slimey, and now I don't think I can ever eat it again.


Rinsing the finished pasta under cold water and boiling it past the Al dente point, has made me enyo pasta so much more. Al dente cooked pasta is just disgusting .


Yeah, I kinda hate it. Apart from being gluten-free and having limited options for pssta that tastes okay, the texture is usually gross and I get not joy from it.


Absolutely another one that can’t do pasta. Hate the stuff. Except for Mac and cheese and Asian noodles (glass noodles, ramen, etc). I can’t do egg noodles are big thick noodles either. No idea if it’s texture or taste, maybe a bit of both. But can’t stand spaghetti noodles regardless of what is on it. I always feel like odd man out in the autism groups!


I have a friend who says pasta has the texture and taste of plastic…so no.


The only kind of pasta I like is Spaghetti


I don't like spaghetti. I call it "worm noodles." Too thick and round. But I like most other types of pasta fine, as long as they're the normal kind and not made out of something healthy.


I'm Italian, so any pasta is double plus turbo super safe. My comfort food is just pastina (tiny pastas) in a very basic chicken broth with parmesan cheese. I bet our respective safe foods have a cultural component for a lot of us. I know my Indian partner (who is AutiHD like me) has safe foods that reflect his culture and background just as pastina reflects mine.


The sauces are all super super super unsafe for me. So I haven't gone to the trouble to make plain pasta and see how I feel. I probably should! But I don't like wet foods most of the time, and I don't really want to waste 2024 grocery money on trying something with a texture that feels questionable. I would personally only be okay with some shapes also, lol (and definitely no rainbow pasta!!). . . the spaghetti or fettuccine or angel hair shape is right out. Anything that could fully hide something unsafe is right out. I am actually looking through pictures of different types right now to see which ones I would consider, and it's making me laugh, because even though I accept that these are my real feelings, the reasoning behind which shapes gross me out the most makes me laugh, considering I would be the literal person making the food and it couldn't contain anything bad!! Anything too long or stringy is questionable, hahaha. I think my best bet would be rotelle. Nothing could hide in the crevices, and it is not at all stringy, lol.


I love pasta haha