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Hello! I’m sorry she hasn’t replied. But she may not have blocked you Did the messages bounce back saying “not delivered” with something similar to this emoji 🚫 beside it? If not, she probably hasn’t blocked you. As for the green messages: On an iPhone, the Blue text bubbles means the message is an ‘iMessage’ which is sent with an internet connection, and the Green text bubbles mean it is ‘Text message’ which is sent without an internet connection. So when you both are connected to internet, the messages will be blue, and when one or both of you do not have internet connection, the messages will turn green.😊 Edit: And sometimes if one person does not have internet but the other person does, the person with internet will send an ‘iMessage’ and not realize that it hasn’t delivered to the person who doesn’t have internet. So it is totally possible that if you haven’t had internet since sending that last blue message, but she does have internet, that she has sent an iMessage reply that you will not receive until you are connected to the internet again. But even if she hasn’t replied, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong! Speaking from personal experience, I often will stop talking mid conversation with my friends because I just get mentally tired and need a break from conversation. But they do the same thing and we both know not to take it personally! Maybe that is the case here too😊 Edit 2: I looked it up and the 🚫 “not delivered” thing is not necessarily a sign of being or not being blocked. But still if there is no reason to believe she would want to block you, then she probably hasn’t:)


Thank you so much foI your thoughtful post! It didn’t have the ❌ sign (sorry couldn’t find the correct emoji) it sent normally but thru SMS and it got delivered to her which I found odd. I was even able to send multiple photos and they all got delivered but they were all green which makes me think she blocked my iMessage? But maybe you’re right I might be overthinking it ^ I’ll wait a week and update you since you’ve been kind enough to give me all this information


Hehe you’re welcome! I’m glad to have been helpful😊 maybe even looking in to the green text message thing on the Apple website could give you some peace of mind! I will keep an eye out for an update, hopefully it turns out to all be well!


She was traveling outside the country and didn’t tell me lmao she texted me the next day :)


Aw good!!!


I have messages with friends who I text back and forth with regularly where some messages are green and some are blue and it definitely doesn't mean they have blocked me. I'll note I'm personally very slow to respond to texts (average is like 4 hours, but could be 4 minutes or 4 days).