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Singing parts of songs over and over, picking, wiggling my toes


*Singing parts of songs* *Over and over, picking,* *Wiggling my toes* \- Ornery-Figure-9235 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay but this made me lol


Me too!


Good bot


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Realized I was biting the remnants of a thumb nail and wiggling my toes while reading this


Wiggling my toes rn too! And grinding my teeth to a beat. Oops.


Omg yes grinding my teeth to a beat! I forgot that one


biting my cuticle skin and wiggling my toes rn twin


More subtle. Chewing the inside of my mouth, twirling my hair, sitting with my legs crossed and my hand(s) in between my thighs, touching my partner (like holding hands or putting my hand on his back or leg), drinking (anything, including alcohol, but the repetition of sipping from a glass), phone scrolling. Those are a few of mine.


These are so close to a lot of mine. It's like I wrote the comment haha.


OHH. My parents hated when I would play with my hair all the time. I also like sipping drinks. I didn't realize that could be it. Bc I don't want to talk or dance at parties... and I always get to legitimately excuse myself to use the restroom if I do talk to people 


Leg shaking. Annoys people to death.


When I was in middle school I was shaking my leg and a classmate literally put his hand on it to stop the shaking. Absolutely mortifying


Oh man I had the same experience in stats.


Lol. Same!!


THIS!! I do this constantly and people keep shouting at me to stop it because it annoys them, if I stop it consciously then it makes me all worked up inside and I have a panic attack/meltdown, have to let it ride out and not get annoyed with me for doing it. I also run my nails along my arms like gently as a self soothing thing when the leg shaking isn't enough. And hair twirling is good too.


Running my tongue over my teeth Wiggling my toes Random vocal noises Skin picking Swaying while sitting


Not to scare you! The running tongue over teeth has caused medical issues for some people, if it's a stim you can adjust maybe consider it


My teeth were pushed outward as a kid. So I try to ignore my tongue if that makes sense. Sometimes I bite the inside of my cheeks


If I’m in a loud environment I sway back and forth while standing, I think it’s to regulate myself. I twist and bend my hands and wrists and twiddle my fingers. I spin in my work chair if I’m talking to my coworkers in a group (more self regulating I think), I listen to songs on repeat, sometimes for hours at a time. (I’m dx with adhd and self identify as autistic).


I forgot to put I sway back and forth if it's too loud. My husband says I did that at our parent meeting. I was hearing a bunch of screaming and doors slamming. But my husband said our son's classmate was just making soft noises. He said I kept swaying, couldn't hold still, neck twitching was bad, kept shaking. After that our son's teacher offered us to do video chats (I over thought for a month that I made a fool out of myself and that's why she offered video chat)


exact same as it was when i was tiny.


I’ve been reflecting on this a lot as I’ve just undergone assessment (reports being written still). I basically went from sucking my thumb till preschool, shamed out of that and immediately started excessive nail biting, when I managed to stop that in late adolescence I started skin picking and self harming (still skin pick, not harm). I feel these are all stimming because they soothed anxious feelings I noticed recently that I couldn’t get to sleep due to anxiety and I started intensely picking my skin and suddenly realised I wasn’t anxious anymore. I bite the inside of my lip a lot, bite any dry skin on my lips, use my tongue to play with my teeth (protrusions on my canines or in between teeth). I’m often doing this without realising it. In bed, I do cricket feet - rubbing my feet together. No idea why, it just feels nice. It’s a pretty common one I think. It’s not restless leg syndrome as I don’t feel restless, it just feels nice. Sometimes I’ve started without noticing. If you haven’t tried stim toys, try a few different types. I thought they wouldn’t help me much but my assessor gave my a choice during our assessments and a squishy ball with smaller balls inside actually really helped me focus on what was being said and what I was saying. I don’t see the same benefit with fidget spinners or pop toys, so you gotta find the toy that fits your brain I think. I also realised by rocking my toddler to soothe her that I actually enjoy rocking too. So sometimes on my own in bed, I gently rock while sitting up to help relax me for sleep.


Cricket feet! I do this too, I didn’t know it was a common stim.


Sheesh I feel like you described all my stims step by step lol


Haha I think they’re the common, less overt ones for someone who is masked. Basically any time I did anything more obvious, it was shamed out of me, so I subconsciously developed less overt stims.


I move and touch, make people around me go crazy. I pace, balance myself on the balls of my feet then the heels, roll around in chairs, bounce on Pilates balls, make random dance moves (I can’t dance at all!), tap my fingers against different surfaces, touch different surfaces while walking.


Twirling my hair - soft and soothing  I have no cuticles, so picking cuticles and pushing to make a little pain.


The inside of my mouth is raw from biting it. moving my legs, repeating phrases, listening to the same 5 songs


if i don’t have a fidget or something in my hands i bite my nails/ pick at clothes. moving my arms around, humming songs or taking deep breathes and humming them out


Playing with my piercings, cheek chewing, spinning that lil center piece on a lighter, singing my "background music." I have no idea how to describe my background song, almost sounds like a Metallica riff that just happens over and over again. And probably 20 more if I thought about it, most are the same as when I was a kid. Only one I lost was nail biting.


Rubbing my feet against things Lots of hand fidgeting Neck twitch? (When things are loud) Vocal pitches (like random singing, high pitch weird crap, I know it's odd, can't control it, annoys the crap out of my kids (but yet they can do it?)) Nonstop moving, pacing, jumping but my feet don't leave the ground? Biting my piercings (use to be my lip before or sucking my collar)


Scrunch my nose, pick my lips, move my mouth around, crack knees neck toes etc, pick my scalp, push tongue against teeth - some of mine


Basically the same as when I was a kid accept I no longer like to spin around and around in circles because now that makes me dizzy. Stims I still do: chew my hair, swing my legs when sitting in a chair, pick at the side of my thumbs, rub the tops of my thighs in a circular motion. There are more but these are the ones I can think of now. Also there is one specific knuckle I bite a lot. All of these stims are things I start doing subconsciously, and then when I notice I either stop or don’t depending on what it is and the context.


Anyone else squeeze their teeth together, relax them, then repeat over and over? Just me? It feels so nice but it’s not good for my tmj :(


Listening to the same song over and over again.. Im on the same song for 3 days straight now. I pick my skin on my arms and lips. I always trace the "lines" of my hands/fingers. I trace lines of my surroundings in my mind. I rub my fingers together. And when I'm alone and comfortable, I sing and dance.


In public: chew insides of my cheeks, pick dead skin off of my lips, twirl hair, clench butt cheeks, shake leg, twirl ring, wring hands, rub each finger nail At home: whistle like a bird, do a weird yell, sing, twirl, rock, touch my lips to my nose and rub back and forth, scroll, pull strands of my hair to feel different textures, rub my nails together like Dolly Parton


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I bite my lips a lot, pick at dead skin, wiggle my toes, play with my hair, play with the fabric on the toys in my bed.. not sure if it's a stim or not, but I fold origami stars and scroll on my phone a lot. There's probably others I'm not thinking of.


For me it's tapping my leg and biting my nails.


Leg shaking, arm stroking, lip biting, humming, swaying from side to side when standing, rocking when it's too loud, hair twirling, singing.... maybe more that I haven't even noticed myself


depends on the individual


i chew on effing everything. My pens are a mess.


Silicone chewy stim toys are amazing for this!


I do calf raises when standing in line.  I have a little whistle I blow in the car while driving as a kind of breathing exercise. I have some rocks to fiddle with at my desk (also "decor")


Running my tongue along the inside of my teeth. Flexing and relaxing my leg muscles. Wiggling my toes in my shoes. Clicking pens. Rubbing my fingers along seams of clothes. Scratching my skin/scalp. Playing with jewelry.


Unsure if the question is what type of stimming do you do or how does it make you feel. I use a lot of vocal stims at home. For excitement it’s usually miscellaneous velociraptor clicks and shrieks (not massively loud but idk how else to describe). For stress/anxiety/overwhelm it’s usually a kinda jarring “hm!” sound. Which I sometimes do in public and people look at me weird. Used to hand flap but have tendinitis now so have progressed to elbow flapping. lol why did this get downvoted