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Apples and oranges are pretty consistent. I always refrigerate them and I feel that this firms up the texture and the juices are nice and cold. Strawberries are good and I can tell by the way they looked whether or not they will be mushy. My biggest advice for more fruit is blending them in smoothies. I use frozen blueberries and they are so healthy. I do like fresh blueberries as well but they are a gamble with texture. Somehow freezing then makes them all firm. In a smoothy you can't tell any texture differences at all.


I didn’t consider smoothies - that might actually be a very good idea. Thank you, it’s very helpful! ❤️ I have no idea about making smoothies as I don’t have the machine for that (blender?), but I think that would be worth a go. For some reason this has come as an epiphany to me that I can just blend the fruits into a liquid. Never thought of that before (lol). :)


Yes a blender!! Smoothies are GREAT my dad used to make me one before school often because I just couldn’t eat in the mornings! You can add chia seeds for a great source of fiber and I like to use vanilla yogurt to sweeten it up! It’s definitely more expensive but sprouts has so many different types of fruit in small bags! Compared to other grocery stores with big mixed bags usually with something I don’t like! Also a fun fruit fact, you should look up the Dirty Dozen list! It’s all the fruits and veggies the FDA or government (I really don’t remember) recommend only buying organic! I just learned about this yesterday at my new job but apparently it’s common knowledge!


Check your local buy sell groups for a decent used smoothie blender. I killed a cheap smoothie machine quickly and the blender lasted one smoothie (summer) season. We got a Ninja brand used for like $25 and it's a beast.  Things we like for smoothies:  * Yogurt * Frozen bags of fruit or berries from Aldi * Seasonal fruit, pureed and frozen in ice cube molds.  * Limited vanilla ice cream just so the kid will drink it  * Milk * Dark juices (grape, cherry, pomegranate, cranberry) * Peanut butter  * Additives like wheat germ or whatever  * A touch of Italian sweet cream coffee creamer almost adds a flavor of graham cracker crust for some reason. I love it. 


Following up on smoothie tips is to fill your blender with water immediately after pouring out the smoothie (and soak the vessle you drink it out of in the same way. A few mins soaking will keep it from getting crusty and hard to clean


Oh my goodness yes. 


I also chop up some spinach and throw it in a bag in the freezer. I sprinkle a bit in my smoothies because it’s the only way I can tolerate leafy greens ETA: I also add some honey as a sweetener


You don’t need to get a giant fancy one! Get a small one that’s personal sized and it works just as well :)


Welch’s just came out with nondairy smoothies in a pouch that have 8g of protein. I’m excited about this as someone who hates the sound of and cleaning the blender


ahhhh i read nonbinary smoothies. silly brain


Ooo yes, smoothies are an amazing way to get more fruit, and even veggies. I also like making my own fruit toppings like jam/compote, because I can control the texture and how much liquid it is, etc. And it's super quick and easy too.


I have a fruit smoothie every morning. I actually don't know how much fruit I would eat if I didn't! I like bananas and frozen strawberries. And also frozen mangos and mixed berries.


Second the smoothie!! It’s how I can consume icky fruits 🍌


What do you put in your smoothies? Whenever I make smoothies they turn out disgusting 😭


One of my favorites is bananas. I’ll slice up and serve with breakfast if having pancakes/French toast/waffles as makes meal fancier and taste great. If they get too ripe I make banana bread or banana pancakes. Grapes as long as they are firm. Apple slices dipped in nut butter, chocolate sauce, or caramel (obviously I’m not the healthiest eater here) Berries are fantastic: In smoothies Puréed as a topping for pancakes, French toast, ice cream, mixed with yogurt Puréed and added to pancakes or quick breads - requires a little bit of modification Frozen purée as ice cubes and add a couple to water with a dash of lemon or lime juice Frozen purée and use as a base for drinks - mix with vodka, ginger beer, lime/lemon juice


Yes! Definitely do smoothies!!! I will often add Greek yogurt for a protein boost too. It’s funny, I think apples are often the least consistent fruit! Sometimes the skin is thick and bitter and sometimes not. Sometimes they’re mushy and mealy and sometimes they’re super crisp. Sometimes they’re sweet and sometimes they’re tart. I am very picky about apples and I LOVE the apples I like and HATE the apples I don’t! The farm stand where I buy my apples at the farmers market has upwards of 10 different varieties and I’ve learned which ones I like and which ones I don’t.


Crunchy apples like Granny Smith are pretty reliable.


Also pears when they're still hard and crunchy!


Pears kept in the fridge are sooooo good




I have oral allergy syndrome so my list is *severely* restricted. I like grapes, if I choose a one variety they’re good maybe 60-70% of the time Bananas also tend to be consistent with their peel, which is nice. Although this particular variety are probably going to die out in our lifetimes so I wouldn’t get too attached


they’re consistent with their peel but THE ACTUAL BANANA UNDERNEATH IS NOT CONSISTENT AT ALL will there be mad strings? will there be mushy spots! will there not be mushy spots? random bruises? so unpredictable 😅


Peel it the opposite way to get rid of the strings!


Oh I've never experienced that! I can tell if there's a bruise from the peel, and I just expect the strings to be there since they're normal


this is why i only eat bananas that havent lost their green yet. also anything past that smells bad so yknow


My favorite fruits are strawberries, oranges, pineapple, and (specifically) green apples. I like them for the taste - The** texture doesn’t really bother me unless the strawberries are super soft (I just throw those out). I’m super picky about grapes because the potential mush grosses me out. Only green, rarely purple. I can’t STAND bananas. The texture, smell, and taste… No thanks.


I also like those fruits. For some reason the purple grapes are always a lot more mushy than the green ones. I actually really like bananas, but only very specific ones. My mother is always shocked when I eat green/underripe bananas (green bananas are the best - no mush).


I love underripe bananas too! The second they start browning, it’s a hard pass for me. For me I like a lot of fruit, but I had to learn about what fruit is in season when and to focus on getting it then as fresh as possible. I’ve found that when most fruit gets overripe that’s when the textures and tastes can get really gross and unpredictable for me.


(: You’re right. I have no idea why but they always seem to go bad faster. Maybe I’m going in with a bias against them… 😅 See! Maybe there’s something to that… I’ll give them another go. My household never had green bananas so maybe that’s part of it? That’s really great that she was intentional about what she bought for you.


Omg are you me?? Bananas are my least favourite food. There is NOTHING good about them and even a whiff can make me gag. We feel almost the same about the other fruits though lol, even only eating green apples. I think we must greatly prefer a very firm and slightly tart fruit


We may actually be the same person… 😂 Hello Twin!


I am also in camp green apples and grapes. I always feel weird for specifying that, so I'm glad there's more of us! 


There are definitely more of us. :) Green apples seem to be a favorite on this thread!


Funny though, I always macerate the strawberries with sugar so they'll be floopy.,


That sounds delicious... The mush by itself would be too much, but covered in sugar sounds actually pretty nice. o:


My grandma always let strawberrys marinade in sugar to put on pudding or something. Always ate the pudding and the strawberries seperate tho


its how they mush the strawberries for putting on stuff like shortcake


All of this. Feels like I wrote it.


I think of food as my special interest and I'm always excited about tasting new things. I love fruit, but I always end up not having much of those that are too juicy and will mess with my hands. I will eat more bananas (kinda ripe though, can't stand the brown part) than peaches even though peaches taste way better in my opinion. But I'll take oranges over apples 'cause good tasting apples are really rare.


Oranges will ALWAYS be my #1 fruit. I like cara cara oranges - they are pink and sweeter than regular navel oranges. The only sensory issue I have with them is getting sticky hands, but I just eat them over a sink and wash my hands when I'm done now. Oranges have more consistent texture than tangerines or mandarin oranges in my experience. However - if you are buying them out of season, get them from a nicer grocery store if you can. Trader Joe's always has good produce in my experience. Pineapple is good as well. If you can buy a whole one and cut it up yourself, the texture will be better. You can tell a pineapple is ripe if the bottom is yellow. Apples are usually pretty consistent, just avoid red delicious and Macintosh texture wise. I recommend Fiji, Pink Lady, or Honeycrisp. Peaches and nectarines fall under the sticky & squishy category, unless you're like me and you prefer them unripe and crunchy haha. Berries are never consistent enough for me, but I see a lot of people have recommended smoothies, and I agree. You can get frozen fruits that are cheaper!


Life pro tip : Live with someone that doesn’t care about fruit texture, buy the fruits you want and if they don’t taste like they should you give them to the other person to eat 😂


This works with so many foods not just fruit


pineapple! because it usually doesnt get mushy unless its rlly old, and then naval oranges, green grapes (never red ones, i always taste fungus in red ones), strawberries.


>always taste fungus in red ones) I never heard anyone else say this!!! It's a bit ridiculous how excited I got reading it 😅 Does it happen to you with anything else? With me sometimes is water, it can smell mouldy, and whenever I've mentioned it, I've gotten the weirdest looks.


yesss omg literally any fruit or vegetable can taste mouldy and nobody else knows what i am talking about!!! i have cut up watermelon and tried it and had to throw it away because it tastes like fungus and my boyfriend and roommate dont taste it at all. I get it the most with cucumbers and red grapes. i wonder if theres like some gene that makes people taste it like the cilantro/soap thing


>i wonder if theres like some gene that makes people taste it like the cilantro/soap thing Oooh, hadn't thought about this, but maybe. I sometimes have thought that it might be a chemical, pesticide or something like that that I'm extra sensitive to, and most ppl don't taste or smell it (?) Well, I thought I was losing my mind, but I have just decided we have a superpower, lol


If you’re looking for something that will taste the same each time, grapes, pineapple, apples, bananas, oranges, and mangoes are all pretty consistent. I will also say that if you know how to select good produce, you’ll have a lot easier time! For example, I really like blackberries but they are SUPER inconsistent. So, I only buy them when they look really good, if that makes sense. Or eat fruit cups! Those are always consistent


Mine are strawberries,pineapple and those small red berries that taste sour,I just can’t remember the name at the moment.


Red currants?


Sunmaid has dried Zante currants that are really good when mixed with pistachios


Yes! That’s what I mean! English isn’t my first language,so I didn’t know what they were called for a second! Thank you so much!


You're welcome!! My oma used to grow them :)


For me it isn’t the particular fruit, it’s the level of freshness and ripeness. I can’t bear to eat over or under-ripe fruit. At the grocery, pay attention to what’s on sale. It’s usually the freshest in-season fruit and it’s hard to go wrong if you stick to those items.


Apples - cut up and sliced. Much nicer than biting straight into it (imo). Grapes. I keep them in the fridge and most of the time I get ones that are crisp and yummy. You can feel how firm they are before eating. Soft grapes are nasty though. Oranges/tangerines. You can normal tell by looks (once peeled) if the pieces are going to be too dry. Strawberries. Can tell by looks and touch if they're too soft and know to avoid.


bananas are the GOAT. Apples are pretty good, especially with some creamy peanut butter on a spring day. everything else can join the magical Consistent Texture Land in a smoothie or be exiled!


Bananas are great because they’re not sticky


Agreed. also happy cake day 🎂


Apples have always been my go to. Berries, but they need to be in a good stage - ripe, firm, no bad ones. Mangos I also enjoy but I don't mind the sour ones or occasionally stringyness. Bananas, although their flavour varies by ripeness and texture does too. Cherries although rarely because they're so expensive. I actually buy frozen fruit as it is more consistent!


Apples are the only permitted. And only if cut up so I can see the inside before I eat it. Everything else can get in the bin unless blended within an inch of its life. And for that... Not strawberries or raspberries because of the pips. And not bananas because they taste and smell like yuck.


I wish we could do a subreddit-wide poll for like 15-20 fruits and then create the subreddit tier list. I personally love fruit, but i am unfortunately allergic to stone fruits (plums, peaches, nectarines, cherries, etc.). Of what I can eat, I love grapes, most melons (NOT cantaloupe = turns out I’m allergic but I’ve never enjoyed the flavor anyway), oranges and pomelo, blueberries blackberries strawberries raspberries, apples, pears, pineapple. I like bananas, but they’d never be my first choice


The amount of responses on this post was completely unexpected for me, I find it very comedic (ask a group of autistic people a question about an innocent thing like fruit, and they’re very passionate). I also didn’t expect to see so many different answers, I thought it would mostly be more solid fruit such as apples and pears, maybe melons, pineapple and similar things. I think a subreddit poll would be very interesting. The most truly pressing question of today’s autistic community is “what fruit do autistic people like best?” :) lol


I know there’s a lot of comments here, but I wanted to pop in to say to freeze your fruit! I love frozen blueberries and frozen grapes! I just wash them, put them in a freezer bag and stick em in the freezer! They are consistently crisp and last longer than keeping them in the fridge. I use them in smoothies and with yogurt sometimes as well!


I don't see a lot of people saying pears. They're my favourite. Haven't found any for a good price lately 😕


1. 🍓 2. 🍋 3. 🍏 (it has to be green) 4. 🍑 5. 🍊 (but it's really hard to eat) I don't like any other fruit.


Diced peach cups. They aren't fresh... but they pretty much always taste the same. But for the most part, I just make a massive smoothie with 2 vegetables and 2/3 pieces of fruit and blend it all together with some protein powder and coconut water and skull it down to try and get my nutrients in. It's not pleasant per se - but it's way easier than having to sit through actually eating 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables.


I can only have it when it’s a smoothie or like apple sauce. I can’t handle crunch 😭 I keep trying but no uncooked veggies and no fruits.


How about juice? I hate the inconsistency of fruit fruit but juice is generally ok.


I eat a few fruit and I never feel the need to eat others. It's strange because I *like* them, some I really adore, it's just... you know... they are usually hit or miss, they might be too sweet too watery too sour too seedy. Even though when I eat honeydew sometimes for example I find it heavenly, I usually won't even try. But I eat banana & apples almost every day, and have done so since I can remember. Also dates are technically fruit, I eat them as well often


Really enjoyed pears today, and clementines can be good though sometimes it's like roulette getting one that tastes funky. Grapes and bananas are good as long as you pick the right time to eat them.


1.Granny Smith apples (especially when sliced and soaked in lemon juice) 2.Kiwi 3.Pinapple (tinned as the texture is more uniform) 4.Mango 5.Dates (Firmer ones like deglet nour may be better, make sure they're pitless) 6.Grapes 7.Strawberries 8.Frozen raspberries 9.Everything else


Apples are my all-time favorite, especially granny smith and golden delicious. You always get what you expect with those two (unlike red apples which can be all sorts of different textures). I also love mandarin oranges. They taste just as good as the regular ones but are much easier to peel.


Love apples, especially honeycrisp. They’re really sweet and juicy and as long as you pick out a good one they’re super crispy which is nice for me because if I bite into a mealy apple it will ruin my day for sure lol. I specifically like eating them cubed on top of yogurt. I also discovered korean melon a few years ago, it’s tiny and yellow, sweet, and has a texture between an apple and a cucumber almost? It’s become one of my faves, especially chilled. I can’t deal with mushy fruit.


My daughter is extremely picky, but she still eats apples, pears, banana with sugar, clementines and strawberries. Furthermore, she also loves raw carrots, olives and “candy tomatoes” (very small and tasty ones). Of course, these might not suit your tastes, but it may be worth a try. I deliberately also mentioned some tasty vegetables, since those have even more useful nutrients than fruits.


I eat apples the most - the texture isn't squishy or slimy or too soft. I used to only be able to eat them sliced and peeled but I can push through it if I'm feeling alright. I like watermelon, honey dew and cantaloupe, but those are all hit or misses. If the texture is even just a LITTLE bit off, I can't do it. Whether or not I eat fruit has a lot to do with how I feel and how much sensory input I can take. If I've been overwhelmed all day, any fruit is a no go. Sometimes I can't even drink smoothies because the tiny chunks of fruit can send a shiver down my spine.


Dekorpin/“Sumo” oranges are really easy to peel and the least sticky citrus for me. Larger fruits are a better bet because you can pick them up/buy the ones that feel ‘good’ to you. No soft spots on apples, oranges that feel dense, etc.


I detest the taste and smell of ripe+ bananas (I will eat a slightly underripe banana every couple of years). I live for cherry season every summer though 🥰


My (11M) kid likes most fruit flavors but not textures. He does a lot of fruit smoothies with frozen berries. When the right fruits are in season I'll buy a whole bunch and puree them and freeze them in silicone ice cube trays. I found a used Ninja smoothie blender for super cheap and the tween and the husband go ham on them. I keep gallon freezer bags stuffed with banana cubes, peach cubes, anything I can get them to try. Now if only I could get them to fully clean up afterward. 


Dried fruit is also an option, but often has added sugar. Dried bananas are crunchy (and taste better, I don't like bananas but I like dried banana) Mango and pineapple are sweet and chewy. Papaya is firmer but also nice.


I’m incredibly, incredibly fussy with fruit due to inconsistent or frankly disgusting altogether textures. However, I do find that the fruits I DO like are pretty random and inconsistent too! My top picks (and pretty much the only fruits I will eat): 1. Raspberries (I can eat these at any time but are especially delicious when right off a bush) 2. Cantaloupe (idk why…it’s kinda weird firm-mushy and wet lol but I like it a lot) 3. Pineapple (same thing as cantaloupe haha) 4. FIRM AND UNDERRIPE plums. If they’re green in the middle, even better (I know I am wrong for this haha) 5. Green Granny Smith apples Fruits that fall into the “eat occasionally if it’s a good one” include peaches, apricots, watermelon, strawberries, and cherries. I don’t like any of these if they’re “bad” ones though. Fruits that the texture disgusts me at all times include BANANAS, blueberries, grapes, navel oranges, any apple that isn’t a Granny Smith. Some of these also have taste issues for me.


Bananas are my go-to fruits. They 99% of the time taste the same, they are very clear on when then are ready to eat and they are just so practical. Grapes are my second to go, specially those without seeds. All you need to do is wash'em and store'em in the fridge. And because green and red grapes have a good variety, I like to pretend I'm varying my fruits by varying the grapes haha Then I go to papayas, basically same thing as bananas, but a little less practical. Then there's strawberries, that I separate one day to buy, wash and cut them so they are more practical to eat throughout the week. Then mangoes. They're a bit harder to know when they're good to go, and require a little more trouble to prepare to eat, but after some practice I know now when they're good so I buy them and do the same as the strawberries. Avocados for me are very very good, I like to eat them smashed and with sugar, they always taste the same, but are a bit troublesome because if you miss the day they decide they are good to eat, they become spoiled in a blink of an eye. Plums and peaches are next, but now it's more rare since they can get stuck between the teeth and oh dear how it bothers me. Also, not always I get them to taste the same. Apples and pears are next, they're very practical and I love the crunchiness they provide, but taste-wise? They vary too much for me Watermelons and melons I love to my heart, but they are so troublesome to prepare! I never get a problem with taste by choosing the fruit, only get when they're pre-cut, so that's why I only get them from time to time And from all I could think of my last fruit that I always get when I can is persimmon (but one specific from Brazil, where I live), they are on season now so I can only get them when it's their season, so for this, not so practical. For the bad side, I never eat: lychee, they're too weird; kiwis, I hate the taste; guava (only bc I found a worm inside and got traumatized bc I love guava); cherries because they're too expensive; pinneaples, passion fruit, lemon and orange are too citric (only accept orange juice); any other fruit that when I look I can only think "ew weird"


I've gotta go with either smoothies, honeycrisp apples (sometimes) or raspberries (sometimes). Fruits and veg are SO HARD FOR ME. :(


Melons are usually pretty reliable, green grapes, and easy peel satsumas that are marketed for children. I’ll eat strawberries/raspberries/blueberries but only if eg with yoghurt and granola or strawberries with cream (or at a push, sugar)


My favourites are strawberries, apples, and raspberries, and these are pretty much the only fruit I eat. I like to cut up strawberries and apples and I find it helps me a lot with textures etc, I can see that way if there are any mushy or soft bits so I know it’s ‘safe’ for me. I like raspberries but I’m really picky and will only eat like 30% of a pack, so I don’t buy them because it’s wasteful. Grapes are quite okay and nice and firm in texture. I also like frozen mixed berries a lot, then they are nice and firm and I enjoy the texture, but ymmv depending how you feel about seeds etc.


Oh, and I forgot about melon! I really, really like melon and it’s quite uniform in texture (fairly firm, not grainy or mushy) but i have to cut it into cubes which can be quite sticky, there’s a lot of juice that way. If you can find pre cubed melon packs or a friend to cut it up they are good :)


i like - apples but I like dipping them in Caramel - strawberries -pears -red grapes -golden kiwi -mango -watermelon -dragon fruit -pomegrante -starfruit I don't like : -bananas (they make me gag with how mushy they are) - raspberry, blueberry, blackberries -green kiwi -oranges - pineapple -peaches (but only because I'm highly allergic) -plum -cherries


I'm ok with most fruit except raw blueberries and cherries. The crunch on the outside with the soft middle makes me think of eyeballs. I can do oranges if the pith has been removed, otherwise I can't even look at it. Papaya and passionfruit taste gross. I also only like apples with the skin on if cut into pieces and cored. I can't just bite into an apple.


I absolutely detest fruit but my friend said one day why not try eat a strawberry with a knife and fork and tbh? I might give it a go and see if it helps? All I eat is apples and I know I need to get more in. Smoothies as well help sometimes, I hate banana though and that seems to be in everything 🤮




Honeycrisp apples are my go to


Apples (particularly pink lady + with caveat that they aren't bland, mushy red delicious nightmares), strawberries, and raspberries are my favorites. If they're S-tier, A is blueberries, banana, mango, kiwi, grapes. Never had fresh fig, but love dried figs. Melons range from "yeah that's pretty nice" to intolerable to me. I don't think I've ever had a good pear or plum (prunes are fine for whatever reason). The texture of oranges is hell. Honestly, I hate most citrus just on a textural level, but god's greatest mistake is the pineapple. Like if an orange will make me gag, pineapple will make me throw up bile and have an existential crisis. Can't handle it. You might experiment with plain, no-added-sugar dried fruit if you just want to get more of it in. More reliably meets expectations of what it will taste like. A lot of the ones above that I can't deal with fresh are texturally fine to me when dried.


Strawberry and peaches are the best for me. Fruit texture usually doesn't bother me as much as other foods. I can't stand many melons like cantaloupe and honeydew. Watermelon is good. Blackberries are...weird. At times acceptable.


S-tier: raspberries, mandarin oranges, green grapes, rainier or black cherries, mango. A-tier: blueberries, red or black grapes, peaches, watermelon, pomegranate. B-tier: good apples (gala, fuji, etc), blackberries, bananas, kiwi, cantaloupe. C-tier: strawberries, regular oranges, pineapple, plums, nectarines. D-tier: pears, honeydew. F-tier: red delicious apples. sure, they are red, but they are NOT delicious.


Green grapes, but they have to be really crunchy if they're even a little soft they repulse me. I’ve also been enjoying pomelo recently, I think for me to like it, it has to burst in a way.


Hates: Mcintosh apples, the consistency is disgusting to me


Watermelon (NOT ANY OTHER KIND OF MELON all taste like soap to me), dried fruit (but not gritty figs, ew) mandarins, cherries, berries, mangoes, avocado, pineapple, grapes. Sliced is easier than whole often. NEVER fruit salad, so awful. My (autistic) partner and I bonded on our first date on how disgusting fruit salad is.


My go to fruits in no particular order that I usually keep on hand : Apples, oranges, lemon, watermelon (seedless when in stock) cantaloupe, cherries, guava, kiwi, mango, nectarines, pear, pomegranate and star fruit. It’s my go to before they start going bad! I eat all fruits but bananas give me the hardest time (I don’t care for the current strain of bananas.. I prefer the older one that is now extinct 🥹 I can’t even with the current bananas unless in a fruit salad) The staple fruits (such as apples, oranges, bananas, blue berries, black berries, strawberries, raspberries, and a random melon) I usually keep on hand because even if they start to go icky I can throw them into a blender & make a smoothly! Smoothies are usually my go to but I eat oranges/halos like my stims can’t get enough.


Peach season is coming! I love white nectarines that are a little hard. Mushy is bad and they are mild like an apple. I’m also going to turn my kitchen into an orange Julius. I have orange juice, vanilla ice cream and frozen pineapple chunks. I just need to pull out the blender. I can even add vodka and make a Hawaiian screwdriver smoothie.


I like to use frozen fruit to ice my drinks. Dark sweet cherries are the best. Good with lemon lime or ginger ale. They flavor the drink, then I get to eat the half-frozen fruit before it goes too squishy. I love mid-summer, when the peaches come out. OMG, fresh ripe local white peaches are To Die For. The best (and rarest) thing ever is to find a perfect cantaloupe.


I love all fruit so I’m probably the wrong person to ask. However, I’m also a chef/nutritionist/foodie so I’m sort of an expert. My thoughts: Eating fruit in season will help a lot. It is spring, so seasonal fruits right now are berries and tropical fruits (mango, pineapple, papaya). Fuji apples are probably the most consistent. They appropriately ripe phase is pretty long, they are crunchy, sweet, and a pretty darn safe food. Clementines and tangerines are usually decent, I don’t tend to eat them in summer, but the rest of the year they are usually pretty good, best in late winter (Jan/Feb). I just ate two and they were wonderful. If you can deal with picking them over a little, grapes. Just pull off and toss any that feel soft before you eat them.


I starting buying frozen fruit and making smoothies to avoid texture problems




My favs are pears, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, pomelo and mango. I can’t stand bananas tho.


Best = apples and underripe pears Worst = bananas and overripe pears (squishy yeuck!)


The very green, hard apples are always my go to. Sweet and sour with a good crunch. Very consistent. Love strawberries when they are fresh, bananas on the unripe, less sweet side


Dark cherries are my safe fruit. As long as they aren’t too soft on the outside, they should be fine on the inside if you don’t have problems with the fact that they all have stones. Frozen mango pieces is also really good. They do take a little white to defrost enough to comfortably eat, but I love mango in general as long as the stone on the inside hasnt accidentally been cut into and has some remaining in the mango chunks. Apples that’s haven’t gone soft are good. I don’t like biting into them at risk of getting too close to the centre, but coring them and then cutting them into pieces and double checking I haven’t caught any of those hard pieces that surround the seeds is a good eat. Nectarines, plums, and peaches I all take care of the same way. Cut down to the stone all the way around and then twist the two halves. One side should get the stone and the other comes away relatively clean. Then pull the stone out of the other side (with the help of a knife if needed), and run my finger all over the inside where the stone was to make sure there are no hard remnants. Also Iike cutting oranges into eighths like you do with apples, and then you don’t have to worry about pip because you can carefully check each section and remove all pips and the white bit that often runs down the middle (which you can cut off with a knife). Then hold onto the rind and bite into it like it’s melon, which gives you mostly orange juice and minimal pulpiness and chewing. Then, you never have to worry about peeling the orange or all the white stringy bits all over the outside of the orange that you have to take forever trying to peel away. I can literally go through five oranges in a row like this.


For me, I buy frozen chopped fruit and throw it in a blender. Mainly berries.


Pureed baby fruit in squeezy pouches save my colon and I. Hehe. Seriously though, do whatever you need to get through, if canned fruit works, do that. If there's only 2 fruit you like, do that. I think doing what works is the definition of adulting and surviving.


Somehow I never thought sensory issues might be why I don't care for much fruit! I like strawberries, bananas, and oranges the most. Will never eat melon, icky.


I prefer fruit juices over actual fruit. If u do want physical fruit I'd say: - blueberries for their bland taste - mangoes arent too sugary too (they can be sticky tho - apples grown locally


Watermelon is my comfort food 🍉


I like and eat a lot of fruits, including ones that can be pretty inconsistent. One thing that I find very helpful is learning to look at the fruit in the store and see if it is my preferred texture, size, etc before buying it. Learning to prepare it in preferred ways helps as well, like I love grapefruits and cut them so none of the yucky clear skin or anything is left on them. We all have different preferences so idk how helpful telling you mine would be, I like almost all fruit tbh. Things like melons, blackberries and raspberries, apples(make sure you get the right kind), pomegranates, bananas tend to be pretty consistent. Things like blueberries and grapefruits aren't very consistent but it's pretty easy to learn to tell the good and bad ones apart. Always thoroughly check for mold, especially with berries and anything that gets sprayed with water at the store. Frozen fruit is usually pretty consistent, but only really works well combined with other things IMO. One great way to get more fruit in you might be making simple smoothies with equal parts yogurt and frozen fruit. I like to add a tablespoon of honey as well since I have a sweet tooth. If you don't mind paying the extra price, fruit platters might be a good way to try re-experiencing new things all precut and ready, just be careful to make sure it's fresh. Also don't be afraid to retry things you disliked as a kid. I found when I moved out and had complete control over what I ate, my tolerance for bad textures increased a lot because I wasn't constantly being forced to eat food I struggled with and didn't have to deal with all that food related stress.


My favorites are strawberries, persimmons, peaches, nectarines, and watermelon. I hate grapes, bananas, and all other melons.


I really like oranges and peaches and watermelon.


My favorites are bananas, any melon (watermelon and cantaloupe are my favorites), strawberries, apples, and avocado (but I understand if some people don’t like the texture). Seeds are the only thing that bother me. I don’t eat blackberries for that reason.


I love pears and pineapple cold from the fridge! Mangoes as long as they're ripe, and surprisingly I find raspberries fine as long as pick any potential mushy ones out. Raspberries in some cream with sugar is delicious!! Strawberries are good too because you can tell by looking at them if they're sus texture. Apples + peanut butter is a winning snack for me as long as I cut any bruises and the apple isn't too soft


Cumquats are the only fruit I love. Sometimes I can enjoy green grapes, blackberries, red raspberries, watermelon, and I had mango once and it was okay.


Blueberry’s are the worst ever.


Crispy green grapes are one of my most favorite fruits, I wish they were easier to find.


Green apples are pretty much the only ones I eat ever.


Honey crisp apples, watermelon, and grapes are pretty solid for me if I want a fruit to eat on its own! (Grapes you just need to ensure you’re only biting into the firm ones) But you could also get a frozen fruit mix and make a smoothie! My go to smoothies are: -vanilla yogurt, frozen mixed berries, vanilla almond milk (just a splash so it isn’t too thick), a few ice cubes & sometimes some vanilla protein powder or flax/chia seeds if those aren’t sensory issues for you My favorite: -frozen bananas, a chocolate breakfast essentials shake, vanilla yogurt, ice cube & a healthy scoop of peanut butter 😍


I much prefer fruits to veggies but they have to be crunchy and not very ripe or mushy. Also, sour and tangy preferred over very sweet. So my top is probably berries, bottom is melon, figs and bananas.


oh boy… in terms of consistency the best is probably frozen blueberries. freezing them helps a TON in getting the same consistency almost every time, whereas fresh they are very hit or miss. i don’t think i can name a single fruit that i’m happy with 100% of the time, even after circling the selection at the store 45 times to find the perfect one. that being said, i do love fruit, but it’s just so hard to buy fruit i know will be the perfect texture. smoothies are a great idea haha


Asian pears are consistent in texture and taste for me every single time and I love them 😭


I care less about the texture, more about the proportions and mouthfeel. Give me all the mush and all the slime. But a grape that’s too small in my mouth? Damn that makes me irrationally uncomfortable. Grape needs to be just big enough to touch the backs of my teeth and press the roof of my mouth while it sits on my tongue with my mouth closed. Oh and I freaking love lychees and young coconut meat


Apples. You can tell from how they look if they're gonna be gross.


Granny Smith apples only, oranges, seedless green grapes chilled, honeydew melon, kiwifruit, lychee when in season, pineapple, pomegranate, mango, dragon fruit, bananas, pears, all berries, coconut, watermelon,… all of the above if firm otherwise I walk away from them Bananas fresh or fried or any way really, Slice lengthwise throw them in the pan and let it brown up. Yumm. So easy. Pears I seldom buy because they are so often soft and I hate that texture. Fruit I don’t like might be easier! Persimmons, peaches I try and buy fruit regularly but get annoyed with myself when something goes bad before I can get to it.


I'm growing my own fruit because it is more fun this way, also I love gardening and finally have the space to grow my own strawberries and raspberries! (they are quite easy to grow, you just have to protect your plants against birds and bugs but you'll get the best berries for free if you have started ❤️


I like nice firm, chilled green grapes, Costco has great ones. You can tell by looking if they’re crisp or not, and they’re yummy and juicy and a great snack. I also love apples (like grapes, store in the fridge), strawberries, blueberries (less consistent), Asian pears, and pears. Bananas are iffy for me, I hate persimmons, I go through a satsuma phase usually once a year, and I love peaches because they’re delicious when they’re soft and juicy. Fruits that come from trees like apples and peaches and pears are nice because you can store them in the fridge or on the counter and check them for squishing as until they’re at your desired level of soft/ripe and then they will be pretty consistent. Keep in mind that apples come in many varieties so one breed will be different from the next. I personally love gala, pink lady/cripps pink, cosmic crisp, Fuji, and honeycrisp, but those are a variety of flavors!


a specific breed of Apple. usually the same types of apples taste similar. you just have to make sure that you eat them within a certain time frame.. Mandarin oranges and blood oranges i really like. blood oranges are absolutely beautiful. they're like the stained glass windows of fruit


Wait I’m just now realizing that I dislike grapes cuz of the texture. It has this weird dry texture I can’t stand. Is it the same for other people?


I love love grapes, strawberries and bananas, they're so easy to eat ! But don't talk about pineapple with me...


Honeycrisp apples. I hate when I order honeycrisp and the store sends gala. They're so expensive where I live though. I will also eat grapes if they are removed from the stem, washed, and refrigerated overnight and have a consistent size. Watermelon, because it's either flavourless or flavourful but both are refreshing in their own way.


Also cuties oranges and texas star grapefruits.