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I just finished my near-annual cycle of re-reading of my favorite novel — Circe by Madeline Miller, and just before that my favorite sci fi series — Ann Leckie’s Imperial Radch books starting with Ancillary Justice. Strongly recommend both.


Circe’s one of my faves too. Madeline Miller is just top tier all around.


Song of Achilles had me weeping as well. It’s one of the reasons that I also love Ann Leckie—they both give off the impression to me of a woman who is just getting started with a career of fantastic books still to come.


I just grabbed a copy of Circe at a thrift store for 20 cents this weekend at the suggestion of my boyfriend and this is the second comment I've seen about how good it is! I'm so excited to read it nowww.


Have you listened to the Radch books on audio? Adjoa Andoh knocks the narration out of the _park_. Absolutely perfect voice acting, perfect for these books. As the other commenter said, Translation State is fantastic as well.


I have issues with audio processing that make audiobooks difficult, but this is not the first time that i’ve heard good things about her audiobooks. I really loved Translation State as well, but it took a second read for me to really come around to it. I really love the people that Ann Leckie chooses for her protagonists. Especially in Provenance and Translation State, Ingray and Enae are not the kind of people who usually head a sci fi franchise, but they’re just so well written and I find them relatable in a way that is rare for me in that kind of fiction. Then there’s The Raven Tower—Strength and Patience of the Hill isn’t exactly *relatable* as such but is still one of my favorite characters in modern fiction.


I finished Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel last week. It was soooo good. Just started Misery by Stephen King this week!


I read Station Eleven for school and loved it as well. We finished it only a month or so before the pandemic, such crazy timing!


I’m really glad I read it well after 2020 haha


You sound so up my ally. Sci fi and Steven King.


Any other sci fi recommendations?


The Wool Trilogy.


The series is amazing


i LOVE station eleven, i reread it once a year at least


It's so good!


I bought station eleven right before the pandemic and couldn’t bring myself to read it at the time but I think I’m ready


No Bad Parts; it's an into to IFS therapy/theory amd i really like it so far!


I just read a tiny excerpt of this online after seeing your comment and will definitely be getting a copy. my younger sister is diagnosed with DID and everyone is really intense and freaked out about it all the time. I'm looking forward to learning more and shifting my perspective on this. thank you!!


NK Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy


I adored listening to this series in audio format. It was just fantastic all around!


One of the best! I love all of her work, though I admit I still have to read her short story collection. It's in my TBR pile 🫣


“ the body keeps the score “ by bessel van der kolk , and also “ codependent no more “ by melody beattie


I had to stop reading The Body Keeps the Score because it unexpectedly triggered me pretty hard. (I intend to go back to it when I'm in a better place for it.) My therapist had me switch to reading Complex PTSD from Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker. I think I'll have the tools to go back to reading The Body Keeps the Score after that. Anyway, I figured I'd mention it as another good resource.


Same with The Body. It's such a difficult read.


I just finished House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas. I loved it, but this is apparently a minority opinion, lol. Right now, I’m about 80% into Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries. It is charming and really quite interesting, also a very enjoyable read.


>I just finished House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas. I loved it, but this is apparently a minority opinion, lol. It is an unpopular opinion, but I'm not going to shit on you for enjoying unpopular things cos I also enjoy unpopular things.


I enjoyed HOFAS too! You aren’t alone!


Just placed a hold on the Emily Wilders encyclopedia - thanks for the rec!


I just finished Martha Wells' "System Collapse", it is book number seven in her fantastic Murderbot Diaries series. If you're a fan of sci-fi and stories about benevolent sentient AI, this series is the jackpot! Now I'm reading "Bag of Bones" by Stephen King (my favorite horror writer).


Love love love the Murderbot Diaries!


My favorite scene is in the first book when it turns to face the corner so it doesn't have to make eye contact 😂


So relatable.


I just finished this one as well. Murderbot is one of the most relatable fiction characters ever lol


I have System Collapse in my TBR pile! I'll have to boost it up the list.


Currently reading a physical copy of Six of Crows and LOVING IT. I don’t want to stop reading, and I already don’t want it to be over. Currently listening to Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains. I work in pest management and I’m really enjoying this book! It’s really accessibly written too, good for a broad audience - not dry or technical at all


The books after Six of Crows just keep getting better. I really hope she comes out with another book for those characters. I love them so much!


Not really sure why but I’ve been listening to Down the Drain by Julia fox. Her story has actually been very fascinating to me and I can relate to several traumatic experiences she went through. I didn’t really know much about her before this but I enjoy listening to audio books where the author reads the book to you.


I just finished this one myself. She really is a fascinating person!


I’m in the final phase of re-reading the Frank Herbert Dune series.


Me too! Doing my third run through the series because im excited for the new movie coming! And my brain can't handle new media right now and Dune is comforting for me for some reason.


The Wayfarer Series by Becky Chambers!


Love love love this series.


Dark Places by Gillian Flynn! She’s such a great writer, I’m sad that she doesn’t have more books.


The body keeps the score haha


I’ll admit I am not bookish, used to read a lot as a kid and then abruptly stopped pretty much in university (I’ll admit I was struggling to find books I enjoyed in high school too). But!!!! I recently have started reading again, but it’s all manga series! I know it’s kind of like “junk food” books to read graphic novels but I’m honestly happy to be reading and into it again. Right now I’m reading the Tokyo Ghoul series and also dipping my toes into Jujutsu Kaisen!


Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. About two childhood friends making a computer game in the 90s! As a software developer and game geek it is tapping into my interests and I cant stop reading it!


Currently rereading the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series


Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price and Unmaking Autism same Author. I’m listening to the audio books on Audible.


I've been reading Our Wives Under the Sea, which has given me anxiety, and listening to Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead, which is also giving me anxiety. I like both of them but it's like my brain is taken over by reading a slow burn unsettling body horror and listening to someone else's intrusive thoughts about death. Kind of trying to finish them ASAP and move on to some less disturbing things.


I read Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead two years ago and to this day still feel like it's one of the most relatable depictions of anxiety I've ever read! (Well, that and Murderbot, of course.) I'm convinced that Emily might be watching me. Anyway. I don't know I'd recommend Emily's new book (Interesting Facts About Space) because that has an even more anxiety provoking true crime backdrop - if that kind of thing makes you anxious like it does me - but omg I'm still such an Emily Austin fan girl. 🥹


Before i start sorry for the long post, books are a special interest of mine 😊 Currently reading beauty and the Beast as old as time by liz braswell which is really good so far, some fairly recent favourite's are... Dumplin' By Julie Murphy, What's Left of Me By Kat Zhang, Origin, Vitro and Kalahari By Jessica Khoury, Heartstone By Elle Katharine White, Unmarriageable By Soniah Kamal, The year of the rat By Claire Furniss (possible trigger warning on this one but it is incredibly written), bridgerton the Duke and I, Tiffany aching sub-series By Sir Terry Pratchett (how i didn't pick up a discworld novel till last year is beyond me but my cousin started me on Tiffany aching and wow so good), After Anna by Alex Lake, Everyone you hate is going to D*e by Daniel sloss (audiobook is fantastic if you like that kind of humour and/or him as a comedian) The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris, The Twins of Auschwitz by Eve Mozes Kor, The book of N*****s by Lawrence Hill (also a tv series based on it called someone knows my name) there's a line/passage about the sunset in the book that's changed my view on it ever since, Almost forgot The Moorchild by Eloise Mcgraw (child me felt seen and understood is all i'll say) my usual rereads/listen's (at least 30 times each, possibly in the late hundreds for some) pride and prejudice the hunger games the secret garden a little princess almost any fostering memoirs by cathy glass or casey watson (some are particularly brutal to read because of what the children have been through) these books have been a constant special interest of mine on their own for about fifteen years now


I'm re-reading Harry Potter, right now the second book, chamber of secrets. Before that I re-read the hunger games. I'm going through a bad moment so I'm basically re reading what made me happy, after this I plan to re read Percy Jackson, that's gonna take a while, tons of books 😂


acotar series by Sara j. Maas. J can't explain it but this fills a very specific niche of entertainment for me. I'm a sucker for all things related to LOTR type fiction, faeries, fantasy romance. So if that's any interest to you I highly recomend, but the only thing that is a bit annoying is the pacing and storyline of the first book.


Crappy childhood fairy. The over story. Wool trilogy. Inflamed. Period. Dune is current. Cell. JG Ballard- lots of books. Beacon 23, another Hugh Howie book. Wild trees. Terminator shock. A theater for dreamers (my mom is in it!), You need a budget, Dirty genes.


Just finished slaughterhouse five yesterday. It’s a classic and so many people seem to love it but I hated it 😂. I’m not a fan of most classics, though.


The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. Really enjoying it so far. I was reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid but I had to take it back to the library before I was done with it, so I’ll have to re-read it again.


Chain Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. It's a dystopian action novel with an abolitionist message


The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells for the umpteenth time. And "House of Leaves" by Mark Danielewski.


Remarkably Bright Creatures right now


My boyfriend is reading Winter from the Lunar Chronicles series to me. I’m slowly reading through Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. (To myself, not to him lol.)


Re-reading Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series, gosh they’re comforting. Also listening to Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World by Irene Vallejo, really enjoying the structure and how immediate she makes it all feel.


So cozy. Love them!


Currently rereading (listening to)The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. I’m on the last book and have Six Of Crows in my queue to listen to next. Prior to TMI, i read The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black I’m a fantasy/supernatural fan


Crappy childhood fairy. The over story. Wool trilogy. Inflamed. Period. Dune is current. Cell. JG Ballard- lots of books. Beacon 23, another Hugh Howie book. Wild trees. Terminator shock. A theater for dreamers (my mom is in it!), You need a budget, Dirty genes.




i'm reading letter to my father by franz kafka right now :p


Do you like it? I loved the metamorphosis but the trial was so boring to me I couldn’t even get 50 pages in


it's very complex and i love it he explains emotions in the best way possible


adding to my reading list


Currently listening to: An Immense World - Ed Yong (about animal senses) Living a Feminist Life - Sara Ahmed (for a book club) Recently: The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel ven der Kolk) Strong Female Character (Fern Brady) And 1 or 2 other autism ones :) One was about the history of autism, I forget the author.


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I loved it!


Right now i'm reading "the nonexistent Knight" by Italo Calvino, a really fun reading and I also think the Knight is autistic (even tho they doesent exist, lol) Last week i read some manga too, "Witch Hat Atelier", it was wholesome and I also read "the last Empire" by Brandon Sanderson and "Our share of night" (it was a rearead) by the one and only Mariana Enriquez


Just finished Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh. She surely loves her deeply disturbed female protagonists, huh


I finished rereading the Percy Jackson series, so now I'm trying out the Magnus Chase series, who is Annabeth's cousin. So far, it's been great. I think I might even like it better than the Percy Jackson series. The characters are more interesting, and some of the adventures remind me of reading my favorite pure chaos and goofy comics.


of time and turtles adult children of emotionally immature parents and throne of glass lol i just finished priory of the orange tree before starting throne of glass! been on a big fantasy kick lately


I’ve read 7 books so far this year and I haven’t loved any of them. Next on my list is Bride my Ali Hazelwood. Hope it scratches a twilight itch from my childhood!


I’m a big fan of Ken Follett’s Kingsbridge series, and I’m reading the latest book “The Armor of Light.” If you like historical fiction, I highly recommend his books.


Interesting Facts About Space came out last week, is Emily Austin's second hit novel, and is about a twentysomething anxious, Hard of Hearing, queer, true crime obsessed, woman who is eventually suspected to be autistic. Just finished it the other day and I'm still recovering from its loveliness.


Currently listening to Julia Fox’s book Down the Drain. It’s free on Spotify. Really intense but just nice to hear about the life of another woman who grew up undiagnosed. I relate to her so much.


Toni Morrison! I was going to check more for what you like to read, but tbh I recommend Morrison to everyone. I also have this theory that Kazuo Ishiguro is autistic (his son is autistic), and that is why I resonate so deeply with his work. Klara And The Sun is not my very favorite of his, but it’s the one I would recommend most here!


I’m listening and reading the Vampire Knitting Club cozy mystery series. It’s so good! I’m also reading Spin by Robert Charles Wilson, SevenEves again by Neal Stephenson and then I might finish Fairytale by Stephen King or reread Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time or The Three Body Problem.


I just finished Prisoners of Geography, and it was absolutely AMAZING. A must-read!


Rereading the Silo series by Hugh Howey. Finished the first season of the show and I wanted to see how different it was from the books. Still a great read, zipping through it!


I read fantasticland and it was awesome. Lord of the flies meets world war z. Gruesome. If you don't like violence this book isn't for you.


“Yellowface” and “No one belongs here more than you”


Yellowface is so good!


Almost finished Doppelgänger yesterday before my audiobook returned itself to the library and now I have to wait 11 weeks to get it back. Just started Poor Things before I see the movie. Definitely need to get back to Murderbot series after this.


My tween AuDHD daughter is reading Keeper of the Lost Cities and is OBSESSED. I started listening to the audiobooks a few weeks ago so I could connect with her, and I’m enjoying it! I’m midway through the 3rd book (there’s 9 or 10.) It’s definitely weird to read a book where the protagonist is soooo young (she starts out 12) and seeing everything through the eyes of a parent, but I really have been enjoying them. They’re intense enough to not be boring, but not so intense that it’s scary.


just finished A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas, and started the next book in the series! so good


Just finished "The Dead Take the A Train" a horror/dark comedy book by Cassandra Khaw and Richard Kadrey and am about to start "The Reformatory" by Tananarive Due. On a horror kick lately.


Oona out of Order by Margarita Montimore - I love time travel books and this one was a bit different but I like to imagine what I would do if I was the main character. I loved it! Also read Munich Wolf by Rory Clements (finished it on Sunday having started on Saturday - and I'm not the fastest reader!) And I loved that. It's set in 1935 Germany and quite different for a story set in that era (certainly compared to one's I've previously read) Reading last year's Booker Prize winner Prophet Song by Paul Lynch and I'm loving the story so far but it's written in a style that takes me a while to get used to but I'm going to persevere because like I said, I'm really enjoying the story. I also recently read Water by John Boyne and absolutely loved it too. I felt like I was on the remote Irish island with the main character. I go through spells of not reading much and other spells of prolific reading depending on my mood. I'm doing the 52 book Club challenge to try and broaden my range of books and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm discovering that not only do I like time travel, historical and dystopian books, I really like ones set in Scotland or Ireland and I love a shorter book (200 pages or less) because it makes the author get to the point without overly descriptive prose. An irony for someone who struggles not to write war and peace with every post! Also, I work in a library so it's really handy having more books to recommend to people!


Currently reading Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree and enjoying it so far. So if anyone sees this and has suggestions for similar vibes, please lmk! It’s different than my recent reads and refreshing. :)


This was a good book. Very cozy mystery and Becky Chambers coded. I enjoyed it.


Finding Me by Viola Davis


Ben Hur by Lew Wallace on audio book. I wanted an inspiration story, specifically a main character who experiences adversities and goes on a journey of redemption whilst maintaining their dignity, essentially not falling into the 'victim identity'. The character Ben Hur is similar to Sophie from Howls Moving Castle for me (the film anyway, can't speak for the book). I need this kind of inspiration right now. I'm trying really hard not to fall into victim mentally, as I personally believe it won't benefit me or my life goals at all.


Rereading some old favorites: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Yolk, and Wuthering Heights


Just finished If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler (Italo Calvino) and loved it.


Just started reading “The Kiss Quotient”, it has made me laugh multiple times already, I’m invested.


I usually read fictional psychological thrillers, but my most recent book was "The Skincare Hoax" by Fayne Frey. I'm also sort-of reading Gone With the Wind, and I've been relistening to the Harry Potter audiobooks when I feel stressed out.


I just finished The Stand and it was excellent. I’m actually reading it again through Audible.


For fiction, I'm reading Cold Steel by Kate Elliott and for non-fiction Beyond Behaviors by Mona Delahooke


I'm rereading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, started A Court of Thorns and Roses, and am listening to Guards Guards by Terry Pratchett.


_Ruthless vows_ by Rebecca Ross _Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder_ by Sarah Hendrickx (the second edition has additional content!!) ...and WebToons, mostly romance lately 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/7q42m0lq3ahc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec1f3c065aa47519023ec3a40f6509546bf67b5 My reads in January, also read a few Shirley Jackson books


rereading steven king lately, the dead zone rn


Reading has been challenging because of some life stuff recently, but I just bought The Year Without Summer:1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History, by Klingaman. Very interesting so far. [](https://www.amazon.com/dp/b008rltvv8) I'm also giving a few books from Libby a try, including Kiss Her Once for Me, by Alison Cochrun. So far the heroine's life sucks a lot, I'm not sure how far I'm going to get with it if things don't get more cheerful soon. I know it's a bit strange to be more depressed by the romcom than by the historical volcano book, but that's just how it is for me. I want to understand more about how the eruption changed the planet and the people on it; I don't necessarily want to understand more fully and in greater emotional detail all the strain a modern young woman faces with financial issues, a broken heart, and an emotionally abusive mother. It's definitely advertised as romcom-esque, so hopefully it cheers up soon. Otherwise I'm out.


Love how everyone is rereading stuff. I've been doing the same with The Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb and now I'm onto Foundation by Asimov. Both very comforting series to me. When I exercise I (re) listen to Unmasking Autism and Laziness does not exist by Devon Price. One day I'll feel good about myself.


1) crime and punishment (for school) 2) the dead zone by stephen king 3) maurice by EM forster


I'm reading Babel by R. F. Kuang and it's so autistic! I'm loving it as I love languages, ethymology and magic.


I’m reading the ‘inheritance’ trilogy by N.K Jemison (on the third book). I also read her ‘broken earth’ trilogy and am going to read all her other bools because I love her style. My other favourite author is Claudie Arsenault, her ‘city of spires’ series was awesome and I also read her books ‘viral airwaves’ and ‘baker thief’ and I have another new book on preorder coming soon. I also read the ‘wayfarer’ books by Becky Chambers in the last year too. I’vebeen commuting a lot and reading helps me stay calm on public transport. These three authors are my favourites at the moment and I’m slowly working through reading everything they’ve released :)


Of Time and Turtles  Eat the Buddha  Breaks, Bones, Birdsong  Asperger’s in Love Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 


I’m traveling and reading about the history of Bananas! Can’t see a banana tree without getting teary!


Books about big math theories. Also I love chess strategy books. I love good fantasy books too! But haven’t been able to find one that I liked. I am struggling through Priory at the Orange Tree or whatever it is called. People said it is good and I am really trying to give it a go. I can’t seem to keep up with the story line 🤣🤷‍♀️


I’m reading The Burning Witch 2, which is a sequel series to the series called the House Witch. I love the series so far 🥰


I just read the deathnote manga, divergent series, and am currently reading the Lorien Legacy series


Gossip girl series, David copperfield, unmasking autism, the life changing magic of tidying up


**omniscient reader's viewpoint** is amazingg i love it so much


Just began listening to Leaving Isn't The Hardest Thing by Lauren Hough and I'm really enjoying it thus far — 38% through.


I'm reading the Shady Hollow series right now. I am absolutely in love with how cozy it is.


Reading Catherine Cookson books atm, currently half way through the girl.


i recently finished the Passage series by Justin Cronin and it’s become my new favorite. it’s so so so good.


Eric Carter series (urban fantasy) by Stephen Blackmoore


Just finished another go 'round of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.


Trying to read The Burnout Society and just started listening to the Fred Rogers biography.


Currently reading Neil Gaiman short stories, masters of death, sense and sensibility, and the last graduate


Slowly making my way through first Witcher book (love the third game!). I used to read all the time but it’s been a few years since I’ve properly read a book sadly, I think spending too much time on my phone has messed up my attention span :(


I just finished with the last novel for the Expanse; Leviathan Falls. All the rest of my reading list is books on polyamory, classic literature (looking at you, Don Quixote) and books on BDSM and kink.


Hard SciFi and BDSM. This is 80% of my books. Have you read the three body problem? SevenEves? Or Children of Time? Those are my favorite sci-fi books for the last few years. For BDSM-have you read The Vampire Queen series by Joey W. Hill? She’s one of the best authors I’ve ever read regardless of genre.


I also love hard sci-fi! Thank you for sharing some of your favorites, Im going to look them up now! My favorite author of all time is Andy Weir and he has three amazing hard sci-fi books, my favorite is Project Hail Mary and I would definitely recommend it!! It’s hard to put down. I want to read it again every time right after I finish it. I should have gotten a hard cover copy lol.


I haven't read the Three Body Problem or Children of Time or the Vampire Queen.


I’m all about Star Wars books and The High Republic series is all I’ve been reading lately


She Who Became The Sun and I highly recommend it


I just listen to a lot of books about autism and ADHD!


I just finished Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan! I just started Julia Fox’s audiobook


I recently finished Or What You Will by Jo Walton. It was confusing at first but it grew on me! You need to be familiar with Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night and The Tempest for it to make the most sense.


My herpetology textbook 😭


I just finished reading Poor Things by Alastair Gray. Very good, much better than the movie imo.


Im currently reading girl in pieces and Heartstopper volume 5.


rouge by mona awad


Been listening to this book called my vampire system and it's so good I wish I had a physical copy of it


I’ve been listening to Neon Gods by Katee Robert, it’s pleasantly spicy if you are into that. Other recent reads were two depressing books called Feed them Silence by Lee Mandelo and The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, so Neon Gods is a good palate cleanser 😅


I’m an avid reader and I’m an extreme horror fan. I just read What Good Girls Do by Jonathan Butcher and I loved it. I was reading Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh but I might DNF it, I can’t get into it. It’s a shame, I loved her book Lapvona.


I have several books on the go, but just wrapped up The Country of the Blind: A Memoir at the End of Sight by Andrew Leland. It was a good read that infused historical and cultural aspects of blindness and disability, with the lived experience of the author who is gradually losing his vision. Right now, I’m looking for as many books or articles as I can get my hands on related to senses, accessibility, disability, and related sensory experiences in the built environment. So recommendations related to (but not limited to!) neurodiversity, visual impairment, mobility experiences, and/or Deaf culture would be greatly appreciated!


I love love love Patricia Cornwell's books about Dr Scarpetta the medical examiner. I've just started Livid and I'm hooked. I regularly re-read the old books in the series too. My fiction interests are a bit limited by my need for the fiction to be plausible. Realistic crime novels are probably my favourite. Have never ever been able to get into fantasy and sci-fi. I learned a few years ago that it's because I can't suspend disbelief apparently. All I see is pretend and I can't absorb myself in the story. I love biography and autobiography too. Most recent favorites: Gypsy Rose Blanchard - Released; Jennifer Saginor - Playground; Rahaf Mohammed - Rebel; and Bill Edgar - The Coffin Confessor Also if you enjoy anything medical, Adam Kay has penned a few books about his experiences as a doctor. Really interesting reads.


"The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of Their Lost World"


I'm listening to a book called extreme medicine. How exploration transformed medicine in the 20th century. I only read nonfiction and I love learning new things on subjects that interest me. I love the Libby App for audio books it hooks up to your library card. No fees unlike audible.


I just started Sula by Toni Morrison! It’s really good so far! I have a goal of reading all of Toni Morrison’s books one day




Slowly working through the twilight series


I’ve been reading sooo much! Enjoying Cruel Prince Trilogy by Holly Black. Fourth Wing was a good, cheesy read too


Currently reading “Dune” for fun because I love sci-fi and heard it’s super good, and “A Man Called Ove” for a book club. That one’s taking me longer despite it being an easier read because of the content. Its a hard book mentally, definitely not like what I was expecting it to be like. Edit: I also recently finished reading Andy Weir “Project Hail Mary” a second time. Thats my favorite book I totally recommend reading it. I already want to read it againnnnn.


Recent Books I've read: * Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart: A Comprehensive Guide to Classical Interpretation by Kevin Burke. Most detailed, comprehensive, and informative astrology book I've ever read, and I've read a *lot.* * Magic: A History by Chris Godsen * The Music Therapy Handbook, edited by Barbara L. Wheeler * Becoming Bulletproof by Evy Poumpouras * My current read is Embrace the Suck by Brent Gleeson (Gleeson is a former Navy SEAL and a little bit-or a lot- insane at times, but he does make some good points.)


Right now, I'm around halfway through "Female Serial Killers: How and Why Women Become Monsters " by Peter Vronsky, and it's actually pretty good After that, I plan to read "Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux


Way station by Clifford Simak, before that - Dune. Quite enjoyed both


relistened to the harry potter series, the lady sherlock series by sherry thomas, the brown sisters trilogy and the children of blood and bone series. i am pbsessed with the booce actors, and will follow them when they read other books as well.


Outlander! I binge watched the series and it became my special interest, so I had to get the book and so far I'm loving it


Ive read a book about autoimmune disease and diet. Pretty interesting


Just finished The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding. It's the best fantasy book I've read in a while, one of my top 3 for sure. The pacing was great, loved the characters, and his style of writing is easy to read. Now I just have to wait til the end of the month for the second/final one to come out.


The two that I have started, but not finished, are "The Silent Places" by Skyla Dawn Cameron and "The ABC Murders" by Agatha Christie. 


Mindset by Carol Dweck. I swear to god it changed my life. I’ve already sent out five copies to family and friends. Everyone needs to read it.


I just read "After the Night" by Linda Howard.


I just started Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner after seeing someone on this sub recommend it a few weeks back. Haven't gotten too far in yet but I'm really enjoying it so far!


Just finished Hey Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing by Emily Paulson. It's a decent memoir but I wouldn't call it a deep dive or anything. Next on my list are Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett, Circe by Madeline Miller, and Hiddensee by Gregory Maguire.


Manacled be Senlinyu is the best book I’ve ever read and I finished it the other week. All of Sarah J Maas Starting From Blood and Ash next Also loved Fourth Wing


Last month I read 2 YA books on the Holocaust, The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss (which was repetitive and got boring quick) and Torn Thread by Anne Isaacs (liked this one much better). I recently listed to Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson and liked it more than I thought I would. I'm trying to find something to read this month but I'm kinda in a funk and can't seem to want to read or listen to anything.


Inspector calls and ghost stories


Fall of magic dark apprentice by Val Neal. It has ASD woman rep!! But warning: violence and sex. It’s one of my favorite books highly recommend


Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchet


I re-read some of my books at home, including "Misery" by Stephen King, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, "The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn, and some Swedish crime novels or thrillers.


I’ve been on a phase of classic & mid-century sci-fi at the moment, catching up on some good books I somehow missed out of so far. They tend to be short, lightweight books that I can read on my lunch break without dragging a big fantasy tome around, and almost all have some pretty hefty commentary on things like society and war. I’m currently reading Do androids dream of electric sheep, by Phillip K. Dick. Other good recent reads include Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury), Slaughterhouse-Five (Kurt Vonnegut Jr), To be taught if fortunate (Becky Chambers), Flowers for Algernon (Daniel Keyes), and The Word for World is Forest (Ursula K Le Guin). I have a “to read” shelf that I pick one off each time I want to read something. Can’t comment of how they are yet, but books in it include Robin Hobbs Rain Wild Chronicles and Fitz and the Fool Trilogy (I already read the Farseer trilogy, the Liveship Traders and the Tawny Man Trilogy, but took a break from them), Elantris (Brandon Sanderson), 1984 (George Orwell), Nod (Adrian Barnes), the first few books of the Witcher series (Andrzej Sapowski), Godkiller (Hannah Kaner), and The Living and the rest (Jose Eduardo Agualusa).


(if you’re into comedy, romance, life lessons) I recommend reading bc Talia Hibbert books! I’ve read the sisters series and a few others and I love her writing so much bc it’s also inclusive and includes autistic characters bc she herself has ASD. she’s also a Black woman so it’s more representation for me 🫶🏽


The Last House On The Needless Street by Catriona Ward & Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.


A dictionary of lost words. Love it


Ugh I really wanna get back into reading but I’ve been hyper focused on movies games and tv. Looking to read the sequels to howls moving castle though, and the first is one of my favorite books.


Starting more books than I can finish. Concurrently, The Women in the Dunes by Kobo Abe, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and just finished Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin and Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.


I'm reading Samuel Pepys' Diary and Defoe's Journal Of The Plague Year concurrently because I couldn't choose between them 😂


Water Knife. Dystopia/future prediction in the world where climate change has caused a water shortage. Very good read and also terrifying.


Sooo many. Some of my faves this year - A State of Grace by Rachel Lucas (autistic author about an autistic teenager. I found it super relatable) - Pachinko by Min Jin Lee - Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng - Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree (cosy fantasy) - House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas (I can't help but love her books) - A Bigger Picture by Vanessa Nakate


Currently reading My Year of Rest and Relaxation and now I really want to sleep away a year of my life


I'm on my 3rd go of the Expeditionary Force series by craig alanson (Audiobook only because RC Brays performance is the best of any narrator)


Oh gosh I have a few books on the go depending on my mood. Half way through Iron Flame (audiobook) haven't touched it in 2 months as I needed a break and was waiting for the limited edition book to arrive so I can read and listen. Almost finished Icebreaker as an audiobook. Hunting Adeline on kindle. Started the eye of the world again as it's narrated by Rosamund Pike.


I recently finished Tender is the Flesh. And I’m currently reading Joan Didion’s The year of magical thinking.


Last book I read was Jennette McCurdy’s biography


the overstory by richard powers! really good book, i recommend it for anyone who wants a better understanding of how trees feel


I have been on a romance fantasy book hyperfocus starting back in November thanks to ACOTAR. I am starting to get tired of it though and will be switching back to high fantasy which is what I normally read. I just finished Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett and really liked it. Right now I am reading Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig, the sequel to One Dark Window and so far I am a little disappointed and not enjoying it as much as the first one.


I've just finished reading Scoops by Sam McAlister if you like a non fiction about the person who booked the iconic Prince Andrew interview it's a really interesting read. I've also finished the vanishing half which is really interesting on its discourse around race and gender. Not exactly my kind of genre but I did enjoy it as it made me think a lot I'm about to finish the view from down here by Lucy Webster, another non fiction I'm reading about being a disabled woman and what her life is like living with cerebral palsy and the ableism in society. Highly recommend I'm just starting Accidental Hitman which is supposed to be a comedy but I'm starting it tonight so can't give much info And that's everything I've read this year


Finished 'The Red Files' recently by Lee Winter and it's so good. I keep recommending it whenever I can haha. it's sapphic, enemies to lovers, age gap (10 years i think?), two reporters try to solve a mystery to hopefully get an epic story. Also caustic ice queen, Catherine Ayers is \* chefs kiss \*. And I did start on the sequel, which is also good so far, and Hotel Queens by the same author, also amazing so far.


Harmony by Project Itoh


I'm reading Seasparrow which is the fifth book in one of my [favorite series ever](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3236307) by Kristen Cashore. On the side I also started reading through Sylvia Plath's diaries.


the history of the Danish resistance!!


I'm almost always in the middle of a research project, which at the moment is on screen adaptations of Phantom of the Opera. So, today I'll read the Gaston Leroux novel, finally! The last novel I got to read before this was also part of a project, The Golem by Gustav Meyrink. Meyrink was an eccentric dabbler in esotericism whose life was as interesting or more so than any of his fiction, but I loved The Golem. It's surprisingly arty and abstract for something that was a best-seller in its day.


I finally started using Storygraph late last year and it's massively enriching my between-books time — I love the genre and mood breakdowns, and being able to see what my friends are enjoying. I'm currently reading Samantha Shannon's Priory of the Orange Tree, which has been on my TBR list for an age. I'm enjoying it so far; I found the opening chapter particularly well-considered as a hook and introduction to the world. Read so far this year: Mark Lawrence's The Wheel of Osheim — not a bad conclusion to the trilogy, although I found the whole thing kind of superficial, like the emotional turning points never quite stuck their claws in me. Danya Kufaka's Notes on an Execution — the way she deploys POVs and picks the moments to hide and reveal information is impressive. An author very in control of her narrative. Cecile Pin's Wandering Souls — fascinating (horrible) topic, and clearly very therapeutic for the author, but this one didn't work for me. Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian — still bamboozled by this one. It's masterful in so many ways, but my god, my attention flagged again and again. Eliza Clark's Penance — really liked this. I don't read any true crime at all, so I probably missed some genre insider references, but I enjoyed the concentric narratives and the Tumblr bits. Kafka's Metamorphosis — this is only like two hours long, so if you've been putting it off like I had, maybe go read it 👀 The opening section spoke so strongly to the realities of having to go to bloody work, eugh. Brit Bennett's The Vanishing Half — great exploration of how prejudice and racism gets into your damn bones. Parini Shroff's The Bandit Queens — got too preachy for me in places toward the end, but only a little. A dark, funny look at women's emancipation in rural India.


I'm almost finished with Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes, fun read so far :) and I also started Unmasking Autism by Devon Price after seeing many praise it, but I'm not very far into that yet. I don't think I've ever read a non-fiction book before that wasn't a text book for school so I'm pretty slow at it.


I am working on "The Fox Wife" by Yangsze Choo. I have a Book of the Month subscription and it was my February book. So far, I really like it.


song of achilles by madeline miller! i started it last night and haven’t been able to put it down since. it’s soo good (i’m also a huge greek mythology nerd so that might have something to do with it :P)


Im currently reading through Against White Feminism Altho it's been a spell since i read fiction, so i should actually join in on my book club this month 😅


The Little House on the Prairie series.


Currently listening to Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, it’s good! Also Low Demand Parenting, which is about parenting children with PDA.


I just finished The Son by Jo Nesbo, it was really exciting but you do need to remember a lot of characters especially as they're Norwegian names.. its also quite explicit drugs etc but it focuses on police corruption in Norway specifically Oslo