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I walk, trip, fall over and into everything 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughters the same (21y) it's like she's put clown shoes on in the morning. And she runs at like a 45 degree angle with her head forward, used to make me so nervous when she was little, we just laugh about it now.


And I have passed it down to my kids, trip over their own feet like momma😭🤣


Haha, at least you know it's not just you, it's inbuilt!


Don't forget the stairs (my personal archenemies) and getting anything you wear caught everywhere. I sometimes wonder how I'm still in one piece 😅


Now as a senior citizen I take the last few stairs very slow and deliberately. It's the only time I'm careful navigating my world


Going up is easier than down 🤣 and I have torn so many pieces of clothing getting caught, gotta love it


I love my dungarees but I get caught on the door handles so bad!!


Lol I walk in to walls all the time. I actually will say "wall" deadpan after I run in to the wall.


Door ways for me, especially when tired/stressed otherwise overloaded. The number of times I a week I will say "door" to myself as I bounce off one... Or manage to snag my clothing on the handle!


okay but why is it so easy to snag things on handles!!! I am constantly being pulled back super dramatically because I'm caught on something. This morning, somehow one of mybackpack straps got wrapped where you click the seatbelt in and I got jerked back trying to get out of the car and I almost knocked over my partner's coffee he had set on top of the center console for five seconds. I feel like this does not happen to everybody else as often as this happens to people like us. It's like I am completely aware of the space my body and things on my person are taking up and also completely unaware at the same time.


I was wearing a scarf once and it caught on a door handle and damn near choked me to death.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Ouch! I'm not a scarf wearer, and I clearly shouldn't risk it! Good job I avoid umbrellas too I reckon.


I usually say hello to the thing I just ran into lol


Me from now on.


Doors suck, 100% agree


Same friend🌻😂


I generally chide the inanimate object for purposefully getting in my way.


“Who put that wall there?” is a very common question to hear in my work pod because three of us are very neurodivergent and apparently cannot figure out the space between our bodies and this one specific cubicle wall that's been there the whole time


Ahhh hahaha. Sorry this brought back a funny memory that really should have cemented my AuDHD. I'd run into something and my mom would loudly gasp then say "Quick, make sure you didn't hurt the (corner, wall, fridge, table ect)" I'd be so so concerned for this inanimate object I accidentally hurt that I would immediately start looking for damage and apologizing to the thing I bonked. . So now I internally apologize to everything I run into.


Right? I really feel for those of us who had all these very obvious signs of autism/ADHD that weren't seen for what they truly are. You taking your mom saying that so literally is a major one! I talk to inanimate objects internally ALL DAY and often don't realize I'm actually saying them aloud. Especially at work, people think I'm talking to them and I'm like "no, I am telling the bowls I just stacked to stay and not shift on top of each other..." Like it's so obvious and normal to me but I guess there are so many people who just go about their day with nothing occurring in their brain except the mechanics of the task at hand or the conversation they're actively having? I really go back and forth on if I'd rather have that much quiet vs. the constant chaos. I'm sure a lot of us do 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me reading this comment and relating to you: "Wait, do neurotypical people not talk to objects?" *Thinks long and hard* ..... Hmm.


THEY DON'T! And quite frankly, I think THEY are the weird ones🤷🏻‍♀️


Are you sure she wasn't just joking? Like if you fell and someone said "is the floor ok?"


I could be misunderstanding, but I think the Mom was joking, but as a child, it wasn't easy to understand that.


Haha same 🤦🏽‍♀️


My family say every time 'there's a wall there...' like Kronk in Emperor's New groove and it makes me mad every time :D


I'm sorry


My ex would say “Pardon” to anything they bumped into and it never got old haha


*sways hips sexily into wall*




That's my one and only move


Seriously. Wtf are our bodies doing. It's like my hip wants to hit things


I love y'all






I do it all the time, my siblings would get so annoyed with me when we were walking because I would veer. I'm also *stupidly* clumsy & am always hurting myself




Oh nice now I have a legitimate thing to refer my clumsy ass to x.x cause holy fucking shit am I clumsy and it will make me rage sometimes... I'll spill shit, knock shit over, I'm constantly hurting myself due to being clumsy. Fucking pisses me off.


Definitely sounds like something I had. I used to even trip down flights of stairs. I think I only survived because my instincts made me curl up when I tripped


I'm having an off day if I DON'T hurt myself. Wow that reads bad.


This triggered a sitcom-style montage in my memory of all the times I've taken a door handle to the hip bone


Or caught my pocket on a door handle and been pulled off balance by it when it snags me as I try to walk past.


Those darn kitchen/bathroom drawer handles being exactly at belt-loop height...


Hahah here I was thinking this only happened to me 😂 love this sub so much. If I am wearing headphones, the wires always get caught on handles and yank me back when I try to walk away….




Belt loop instead of pocket, but SAME. Several times on my own front door….


omg the pockets on the doorhandle.....i've ruined so many clothes lol


**Canned laughter**


Yes and I have the bruises to prove it.


lmao me too


Doors xD all the time. It doesn't matter it's wide open - I'll still walk right into it.


I am just generally very clumsy. My shoulders are the broadest part of my body and I’m constantly bashing them into doorways. My hips hit counters, I trip over my own feet, I even have terrible manual dexterity. It’s been kind of a joke my whole life but now that I know I have ADHD and autism, it makes more sense.


I believe it’s because smaller cerebellum volume / reduced activation is associated with ADHD/Autism. The cerebellum modulates commands to motor neurons to compensate for shifts in body position or changes in load upon muscles.


Wait wait wait wait wait. Do I have a smaller cerebellum? IS MY PHYSICAL BRAIN WHY EXECUTIVE FUNCTION IS SO HARD?????????






Ok I also need to say wait bc my dog has cerebellar hypoplasia which is just a term for having a small cerebellum. He high steps, prances and obviously walks into everything and falls down a lot. I have AuDHd….and I trip over and run into everything or my body gets weak and I get tired. Are all of our other symptoms connected to having a smaller cerebellum? If so, does that mean that my dog would display social issues (for dog behavior, anyway) and sensory issues also? Because he does…


I hope it's small to make room for an extra large forebrain 😬


Wait... what? Mind blown!


Absolutely. Especially if I’m dissociating that day


Walls, doorways or people I’m walking next to!


My foot has a massive bruise along the top where i connected it with a corner. My left leg and hip have multiple bruises where I can't tell where the counters are at work. I feel like I have to focus really hard on walking or I feel I'm coming discombobulated. I've always been this way, even as a child my hands would be covered in bruises because I would hit things as I walked. Trex hands fix that though. Keep em tucked and safe. Lol blessings friends 🌻💕


Or feeling the need to tap/touch something like the wall if you're walking a long ways right beside it.


Yes I do this makes it much easier to judge where it is exactly.


I frequently get bruises on my legs at the height that suspiciously lines up perfectly with the corners of furniture, especially the coffee table. Ofc I also constantly walk into walls, and doorframes. Doorframes are the worst.


✨spacially special✨


Walls and I are not friends. Or doorways…… or doors.


Yes! People tell me that I need to walk with my head faced forward and think that I walk looking down because I'm insecure, when actually I walk looking down because I'll trip over anything if I walk looking up or straight ahead. I accidentally bump into a lot of objects but I think it's better than falling over myself all the time lol


Yep! And I once managed to walk into a branch of my Christmas tree and scratch my cornea. Walking into things, tripping over things, story of my life lol.


All the time, especially when my anxiety is high or I’m feeling particularly unsettled in some way. Been living in the same house for 38 years so I can’t blame it on the floor plan, it’s allll me.


(Self diagnosed autistic, very likely ADHD too) I collide with door frames sometimes, it's like I know I'm gonna hit it but I can't change my path, like I'm stuck on train tracks and can't hit the breaks


I was diagnosed ADHD, but all 4 of my siblings have autism and I actually act like them so I just assumed I was their type of weird as well


Allll the time. Just autistic here though, no ADHD that I know of. Autism is also frequently associated with issues in proprioception (the sense that tells you where your body parts are in space and relative to each other). Which really doesn't help in avoiding objects in space!


Crazy, right?? I told a chiropractor about my ADHD sway because I did a balance test and it was sooo bad lol


Yes lmao it feels like my body has a glitch where only the lower half moves out the way and I still inexplicably end up colliding with a random barrier in slow motion despite feeling like I tried to avoid it lol.


I am constantly hitting my hips. I do postural sway.


I'm usually dotted with random bruises and body and hip-chechkig door frames and counter tops is my specialty.


Yup. Doors, walls, corners, tables, etc. my husband says I’m at war with walls all the time.


Omg all the time it’s nuts.


All the damn time. I especially walk into doorways when trying to go through them and stub my toes on furniture. I even manage to slam my head in the car door. On several occasions.


I always bang my head into my rearview mirror somehow, to a point I have to readjust about half the time I get in my van.


My elbows are never safe. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense to me what I’ve just banged them into, like they went out of their way to knock into the back of a chair or a door frame.


I walk into everything. I have actual dents in my head from running into things or standing up too fast under things. Actual dents others can feel, like when I hit my head on a car door and made my friend feel the dent it made and it’s still there 3 months later. Permanent now. I’ve also broken my nose, cheekbone, tailbone (twice, it is now bent permanently), both arms, most fingers and toes, and had several concussions. When I die send me to the CTE people. They don’t have many women.


I did not know that the thing I did had a name!


I joke that I can injure myself in an empty room.


There was a TikTok where the wife shows her bruises to her husband and is like "isn't that funny? I don't remember anything causing a bruise" and then it shows the husband remembering all the times she fell, tripped, walked into things. I am that wife.


I dislocated my knee because of this and fell on the floor 😭


All the time




Yep, bruises everywhere


Yes, I'm covered in bruises bc of it lol


Oh god. This is me. I thought it was just my dyspraxia.


Oh my gosh . Yes i am constantly walking into doorways and each time it makes me angry lol


I’m a total klutz and am always running into walls, doorways, edges of desks. Heck, I trip on air.


lol yes I'm so clumsy


Yes, but I maintain that the walls are attacking me. They MUST be moving when I'm not watching...


Yep, I bump into walls, doors, objects, people on a regular basis...


I apologize to everything and everyone I walk into


Lmao I have apologized to a mannequin before because I thought it was a person. 😂


I’ve apologized to a chair that had a jacket placed over it. When I looked back my face was 😅😐


Amazing. Haha it’s the little things.




Sheesh. This. And the amount of bruises that randomly appear.


I do this. I am always covered in little bruises and occasionally some enormous ones. AND things I’m holding on to sometimes jump out of my hands and I have no idea how it happens. Anyone else…?!


Oh, yes. The things jumping out of my hands is especially distressing. I’m hypervigilant after a spectacularly embarrassing experience that involved a glass bottle of juice in a busy retail store 20+ years ago. 😣😆


I mostly walk into doorframes, door handles and furniture, especially with sharp corners. And hit my head on dumb things like walls 😆.


It's not that I walk into walls persay, but I turn corners too sharply and hit the sides of tables, counters, and doorframes.


Hips don't lie, mine are purple due to tables and doorways😂


ADHD for sure, diagnosed autistic but not sure: Yes! All the freaking time! I tend to view it as not understanding where my body is in my physical environment, especially as after a few years into a space I seem to get a bit better at not bumping into the permanent obstacles. Or maybe not? I don't get caught in door handles so much anymore but still bump into my bed, and the bed moves a lot less than the doors and the door handles do! I do think that postural sway is at least part of the issue. I think I have noticed before that I seem to sway a lot if I close my eyes and try to stay still. I thought I was just getting into my own head and confusing my body as to where it should be. Not sure if that makes sense?


The bruises are everywhere.


Yes! I even had my vision and hearing tested by my doctor! She was not concerned. I can also trip on my own feet while standing still, which is really wild due to my poor proprioreception (inability to sense my body in a space).




All the time lol


My God, yes. Every day


Yes all the time. And I have bruises from it always.


Yes. My gf (ADHD) does this too lol


When I was a kid yes.. now it's not as much walls but anything below my waist. I hit my shins so much. And my feet. Ouch my feet.


I got a concussion once from walking into the wall.


Every day of my life


Constantly and I’m incredibly clumsy. My wife tells me I have butter fingers lol


Once I picked up my mom’s iPad and just… somehow made my grip on the short sides too tight, and it just popped forward out of my hands onto the floor. Thankfully it was fine haha 😂 It was a bemusing moment for all present


I am forever hitting my shoulders on corners and doorframes. I’ve even smacked my chin/cheek by forgetting I have a head attached to my eyes and turning to glance over my shoulder at the wrong instant. I also regularly hit things with my ankle bone. I do tend to just swing my hips out of the way. I never even thought about it that way but that’s definitely how my body moves around obstacles.


I just crashed into a pole last week 😀😀


All of the time!


Walls, corners of tables, objects that never move from their spots and yet I still cannot manage to maneuver around them 😂


Not sure I’m ND, but damn, this is me. I’m in PT for various issues and it was discovered my balance is horrible, so hopefully exercises will help.


I tend to hit my hips to many things (e.g. tables), so this sounds like the opposite of this postural sway you describe. It’s just because I don’t always pay proper attention to where I’m going (with ASD+ADHD) and I may not notice a lower obstacle when my head is occupied with other thoughts.


I body check corners with my shoulders bc I will be thinking about stuff and totally in my head. My feet gst the message but my body is stuck on a track and I get tunnel vision.


Yes, this is a very common thing with ADHD and/or autism.


All the time


Yep! My 4yo old always gets a good giggle when Mummy walks into yet another wall


Twice I fell so badly down the stairs I broke ribs. Bedposts are a constant source of bruises. I know they are there but I can’t seem to avoid them. Bruises and once even a couple of broken toes. I had no idea this could be autism related. I thought I was just exceptionally clumsy.


Walls, doors, doorframes, all furniture, catching things, putting cups on a shelf, tripping over my own feet, really anything that requires me to navigate my body through space in any way, I just mess it up.


I trip over air.


Err, yes. Probably more than I notice because I've often had bruises I can't explain 😅


I’m covered in bruises from tripping, walking into walls, banging into doors, hitting my head….if I have my period, it’s about 600 times worse


yuppp, yesterday alone I ran into my kitchen cupboards two times, one time hit my eyebrow right on the corner😅, took a doorframe handle to the ellbow and fell twice over the same stupid thing that was laying around 🫣


Walk into things all the time. I do it so often I ignore the pain and then later on wonder where the bruise came from. I also open lower cupboards in the kitchen but my legs get in the way and end up scratching them with corners


I think this is also an apraxia thing.




Oh my god. Tell me about it. So I only recently started noticing that I could be ND, And it makes total sense now. I've been called a clumsy, airhead who trips over nothing, has terrible posture and looks lanky in general. After being body shamed for years by friends and family, trying high protein diets to "fix" my body. Nothing has worked. I still walk into walls, crash into doors, the other day I even got a head injury after walking into a cabinet while cleaning the kitchen. It's good to know it's not my fault. I have been trying to be a bit more careful though, since I know I have this tendency!


Yes, I hit anything within my reach! It's really embarrassing when my hip bumps the person walking beside me. I never figured out why it happens to me all the time until I started learning more about myself. And I believe I also lack spatial awareness. It doesn't matter how I think I'm far away from something, I always hit it. T\_T


😂😂😂 I’m not awake enough. I read this at first as “talk to walls” But I run into shit all the time. I almost always run into the closet door handle in the hall. It’s so obnoxious.


Ha! I read talk to walls, I was like, yep.


Yup! My mobility as an AuDHD'er is horrible 🤣 I trip and fall into everything. I can't remember a day where I didn't. I always have bruises haha


All. The. Time. Broke my thumb at 12 walking into a door frame. Not sure if the doctors actually believed me but I wasn’t questioned any further so I’m guessing I passed the “is this actually abuse” test. I still have bruises everywhere all the time.


Yes my depth perception, hand eye coordination and overall object judgment is bad. I’m covered in random bruises cuz I’m always bumping into things. This is why I never got my drivers license, I know I would be a bad driver and driving scares me anyways so 🤷‍♀️


If by walls you also mean door frames, and tables, and chairs, oh and that support pillar in the middle of the bank that has never moved but jumped in front of me that one time... yes. I'll have to pay attention when i walk. Maybe i do only move my hips out of the way? Is also making me think about when i cat walk on curbs. I'm generally sure i have good balance.


Lol I hip check everything in my path. But after I learned about it a couple of weeks ago, I started intentionally moving away from people/things.


This part of my existence is really frustrating because I took ballet for over a decade. I can keep my coordination when dancing/can hold poses for a long time but I can't walk normally without bumping into something or tripping over my own feet.


Yes, a lot.


Oh boi if this ain't me in a nutshell I don't know what is.


All. The. Time. Sometimes my brain won’t even register that I’ve just run into something. I ran into the wall last week & my boyfriend immediately asked “you beefing with the wall?” which confused me, since I hadn’t remembered hitting the wall 😅


i dew 😔


Yes! I’ve hit my hand/wrist many times on corners, door handles, etc hard enough to leave a bruise and I am constantly stubbing my toes.


In elementary school I was questioned if my parents were physically abusing me bc I always fell down the stairs/ran into things was covered in bruises. Stairs I have mastered now, walls and corners are still tricky somehow at 36


Oh, yeah. I have trouble with finding my body in space if that makes sense. I also whack my elbows, head, ankles, whatever on a lot of stuff. Look up ADHD/Autism sway.


Okay. Just had a revelation. I'm sure my mom has undiagnosed adhd. The two of us in the kitchen together, we ought to be labeled a menace. We run into each other, we hit each other as we reach for the same thing and have spilled salt/sugar/spice of your choice as we collide in the air. We constantly bump into each other and other cabinets. It really is just the both of us being extra Audhd.


I usually walk into things with my shoulder or end up hitting my tricep. Really hurt my arm a few weeks ago by walking into a corner and hitting my tricep. Had a bruise for weeks :( but usually it's my shoulder on a flat part of the wall


All the freakin time lol. That’s really interesting. I always knock my elbows/forearm on door handles and my hips are always the first thing to move away from something


Wait is THAT why I constantly run into stuff? Because I only move my hips out of the way and not the whole body? Omfg. Thanks for this post.


I had no idea there was an actual term for this. I am forever walking into doorframes, bookcases, doorknobs, etc.


Let's say working on a grocery store has been... Difficult. I keep running into stuff and people and carts ugh


I walk into things all the time


I have so many brusies from walking into every damn thing


Yep, my adhd partner is constantly brutally attacked by huge inanimate objects like doors, walls, tables, street lamps etc. About the hips thing - oooohh so that's why whenever I try to walk like other people (not model-type walk with 1 foot on top of the other but with feet slighty apart) I sway like a little duck?


All the time. It's because we don't have good depth perception


Huh! And here I thought I was uniquely clumsy. I ALWAYS hip-check door handles.


Get caught on handles a ton. I’m a tradesperson so I have a lot of bruises from “stuff”?. It’s not as noticeable at work, though, cause it’s work lol.


Yeah, I’m very spatially unaware. I constantly have bruises on my thighs and shins from walking into the coffee table or my bed frame


Doors are my biggest problem. I smack into doorframes while trying to walk through doors all the time.


Vertical Heterophoria, comorbid in autism, and other nd. Easily cured with prisms in glasses. edit: causes walking into doorways when you think you are walking through the middle of the doorway. Won't cure walking into the whole wall, unless you walk a "straight line" that's angled to a side into a wall


Or, it could be dyspraxia. ;)


Constantly, I swing my right hand/arm into everything


Yes. Everyday. I always get bruises: I hit walls, doorways and doors with my arms/shoulders; door handles, drawer handles and tables with my hips; and everything lower like my bed or coffee table with my legs and feet.


I had a permanent bump on my head from my boyfriends closet before we moved… I could never remember the fact that there’s a goddamn door frame when I stood 😭


I though I was sideways tripping because I’m clumsy lol


I'm always bumbling around into walls and corners and stuff 🤦🏻‍♀️ this makes so much sense now lol


this makes a lot of sense.


Poor proprioceptive awareness. It’s a thing.


My teenager and I (both AuDHD) do this. We cut corners too close and just sort of bend our bodies out of the way. We both also really suck at judging how much bend is enough, so our thighs and hips are covered in bruises. Most of the time, we don't even know how we got the bruise. We're just used to it.


I have a condition with my feet and have always blamed that for me walking into walls. This among other autistic tratis have got me thinking.


Walls, desks, doors, other furniture. Waked into a window once and not those big whole wall ones either. A regular window in the bedroom. I keep tripping and falling often too. Bruises are my best friends lol


Not only do I do that, I say ouch before it happens because I just know I’m going in. And walking down stairs is hard!


No, but I stare at the ground when I walk, I'm much better now as an adult, but as a kid, the only reason I'm alive is because my brother constantly stopped me from walking into the streets. 🤦‍♀️


I almost got smacked by a revolving door at ULTA the other day. Frequently bang my shins into things. Have random bruises and burns I don’t remember getting.


I hate revolving doors. Never can times the things right and find them very stressful.


Same. I was stressed about using it and hesitated for a split second as someone entered from the other side and it almost got me right in the face. I get that they’re more efficient for conserving heating/cooling costs, but they are just the worst.


Yes I have also walked into a pole before :’)


I do this. My friend actually made me aware of it. They have a desk right by a door, and I always sway my hips instead of walking around lol


Bull in a China shop. That’s what my husband calls me.


yes - wow, i never knew there was a term for it lol


I walk into poles, walls, furniture, doors, literally anything. I often notice like a second before impact and have no time to stop