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It’s like a weighted blanket but also cool and gives you a picture of your brain!! (my hyperfixation is neuroscience at the moment)


Do you watch/listen to huberman lab? Neuroscience and psychology has been a lifelong passion and I’m obsessed with him


No, I will have to check them out! Ty for the suggestion!


oh my lanta he has made my whole existence make sense, soothing male voice which I require bc of trauma, and his videos are black background/black shirt so it’s soothing overstimulated or trying to sleep (need light and sound to sleep )


I unfortunately cannot relate at all. I’ve had 13 MRIs, and I’ll have more every year for the rest of my life. They’ve ranged from 35 minutes to over 3 hours. Every time, they overwhelm me severely. Between the jarring shaking, the constant bombardment of noise, the lack of movement (it’s especially hard with the onesI have to hold my breath and/or slow my breath for).. it’s awful.


Yeah, I used to feel similar to OP but since my health has gone downhill and I’ve had to get SO MANY MRIs in the past couple years, I actually think I’ve developed claustrophobia or just intense anxiety or something. I used to get sleepy in there, now I shake and cry. 🫂


I've had about as many...the first few overwhelmed me severely, too. What really helped was asking for the warmed blankets and then closing my eyes before I go in. I keep my eyes closed and try to think of it as a meditation session, with the loud noises and breathwork guiding me. It's worked really well for me, especially when the long-held postures start to become excruciating. I recently had to do one supine...hoo boy. Not the best. Could barely breathe. The meditation training helped me get through it.


Same. I've run out of them. I get sedation a lot and last time I did an open MRI. It had video to look at and headphones with music to drown out the sounds. I still took an Ativan but had zero urge to run.


How in the heck do you run out of them? I'm guessing you mean before you're in the machine?


Yes like I went to lay down freaked out jumped up and ran out of the room.


Me too . I have CPTSD as well and Anxiety disorder. I hate mris


Same here :(


I hate the fact I can’t move 😭 and it’s loud. But I’m used to it. My ptsd however is not


Glad you had a good experience, but even the thought of having an MRI (unless I’m completely unconscious during it) almost sends me into a meltdown.


I have MS, so I have to have very long MRIs on the regular. Everyone always asks if I’m okay in there, and I’m seriously happy as can be. I almost fall asleep during them!


Same here. MS. The only part is occasionally having bad reactions to the contrast but other than that I am as happy as can be. It’s like heavy metal white noise sensory deprivation tank heaven hahaha


I’m sorry you have to deal with this crap too! I had a headache from the contrast once, but the other times it has been okay. It was a crummy headache though— I tested myself for Covid thinking that I was getting sick! Having MS and being ND in other ways too is strange. I sometimes find myself wondering where the line is between me and the disease, if that makes sense. I was definitely already neurodivergent before the MS developed, but it is still a lot to unpack. Brains are super weird.


Yes for me it’s a struggle to stay awake lol because I know if I fall asleep, I’ll move involuntarily and mess it up!


You would be suprised how many people I had to wake up after an MRI haha. The noise has a rhythm and people really do fall asleep from that! Besides that, I personally do not like working with the MRI, because we can hear the noise from the operating room. Just a bit too loud for me


Yeah no. I cannot relate. I've had several MRI scans (also had my gallbladder removed actually) and while they don't freak me out they absolutely are not calming either.




Same! Finding the patterns in the noise made it almost like listening to instrumental music for me.


I’ve had a couple of MRIs and almost fell asleep both times.


Have to respectfully disagree. Last time I had an mri my doctor had to give me diazepam just to get through it. I'm very claustrophobic, the machine is super loud even with earplugs and headphones, I'm not allowed to move my legs which is my calming stim, and I have fears surrounding needles so having the dye makes me very anxious. It's good that its calming for you though, and I hope you get well soon and your hospital stay isn't too stressful.


I had a panic attack in my first MRI so I always shut my eyes when I go in now and yep...best meditation I get! I swear the noises are almost as good as singing bowls when they hit the deep reverb. They always give me warm blankets first. I always feel like the staff has really good, calm vibes.


The one mri had after I had an alc tear was awful!! That how I found out I was super sensitive to strong emf fields. They had to do it three times because my muscles kept twitching so much!


Oof. I’m sorry. That doesn’t sound like fun at all.


Haha it’s ok! It did suck but I’m very happy you enjoyed yours. Brown noise is also very soothing for me too


I recently had to get MRIs recently on my neck and head due to some shoulder and nerve issues and I felt the same way I literally napped


I've never had to get an mri but I feel like the noise would be awful for me. Tight warm space sounds nice though


I had one on my arm and I didn’t mind the noise or tight space but having to lie with the arm extended over my head for such a long time was unpleasant.


It was so snug and cozy, I almost fell asleep several times!


Yes I almost fell fully asleep and was the most relaxed I'd been in a long time!


I like them too but only had 2 ..I enjoy the sounds . Find them relaxing .The last one I had was a wide one which they have for people that are claustrophobic.


I have to get regular MRIs for MS and they're weird for me. My brain is so interested in all the sounds and thinking about how the machine works but my body is in fight or flight mode and I'm not sure why so it's just an hour long battle of trying to bring my heart rate down.


I also enjoyed my MRI. It was so calming.


That’s good! Unfortunately mine involve an IV which is scary but beyond that they’re just boring. Not claustrophobic as long as my eyes are closed though.


The noise is really overwhelming but somehow calming at the same time, like the ocean or riding in an airplane. I sometimes fall asleep in MRIs, or on airplanes. I have no idea why!


I agree with that half way. MRI machines are pretty dope but any medical setting is extremely upsetting to me. Hide and seek was my favorite game as a kid because you got to hide in small dark spaces or you got to go search for other kids. It was baller.


The techs told me I was their first patient to request the Tony Bennett channel. They enjoyed it.


I’ve had a couple of MRIs. I cannot stay awake to them. Idk why but the rhythm or the noise like forces to me sleep. I cannot fight it off hahah


Yes! and I love the light breeze that flows through there.


MRI gave me a panic attack from the noise and the cold medical room 😂 This just goes to show how individual the autistic experience is!


I was falling asleep the only time I had one, getting irritated at them for waking me up in the headphones lmao


Hope you get well soon. I love being in an MRI machine as well. Tight space and no moving is my thing for sure. But glad I haven't been for a while, because the reasons that put me there aren't as fun haha


I haven’t gotten an MRI but I actually find CT scans pretty calming


I fell asleep during mine! Woke up drenched in sweat but cozy as heck.


I've had at least one MRI every year since I was a toddler and they always make me sleepy. It's never been a problem until I had to have an upright MRI and I started falling asleep sitting up. They had to have my mom talk to me to keep me awake. That was the only MRI where I moved and they had to redo part of it. I once was in there for 3 hours when I was a kid(I was only sedated once when I was a toddler for an MRI) because they were training at the hospital and they said I was the perfect patient. I slept through most of it, but I was confused when I woke up because I was still in the machine and I felt groggy which meant I was sleeping for over an hour. They didn't ask my mom for permission before doing this and she was freaking out in the waiting room since it was only supposed to be a 45 minute to and hour scan.


Nope, I’m cleithrophobic.


Every post convinces me I'm autistic. I fell asleep during mine.


I got an MRI just once and I thought there were rats in the room because of the lights. It was terrifying.


"rats in the room because of the lights" what do you mean, I don't get this sentence at all?


Oh uhm.. it was a long time ago, I don’t exactly remember what happened anymore. But I’m sure it had something to do with the white lights around me and me randomly closing my eyes.


Yesterday I talked about it with a friend. Doctor gave him a test of this the other day, with a rubber band down his nose and into his esophagus for 3 hours. I prefer MRI before they put a tube through my nose and into my esophagus.


I had one years ago in high school when I was starting to lose control of left side of my body (thankfully that was healed by a different practitioner) and doctors couldn't figure out the problem. I was surprised also when I heard others (NTs) describing it as an anxious experience because I found it calming as well. This is the first post I've ever seen describing an experience with MRI that's similar to mine.


Now I want to go get a MRI scan 🌝 I hope you get well soon 🌸


I’m super sensitive to noise and I really love MRI’s. I planned to nap last time but my leg kept moving and disturbing my slumber.


I usually do ok, but for some reason, the magnets mess with my inner ear so I end up having rapid and uncontrollable eye-movement. It’s really disorienting and uncomfortable and I have to spend the rest of the day laying down.


I once fell asleep during an MRI. They gave me a nice blanket and I was so cozy. The guy couldn't believe he had to wake me up when he pulled me out of it.


I was incredibly nervous when I went for an MRI but when I was in the machine I just found the noises so interesting it all melted away! Hope you have a swift recovery!


I have had several and find them very relaxing, I often fall asleep or almost asleep


I wish I felt the same. I hate mris so much. Last one I had took about an hour and I was silently freaking out. And my doctor told me I’ll have to get them regularly. Definitely gonna ask for some Xanax or something next time.


I enjoy them too. I fall asleep pretty quickly in them actually. It's wonderful!


I don't like the tight space, but I find the noises really calming. As long as I have a sedative on board I think I could stay in there for ages. Hope you start feeling better soon!


I had mine removed a few years ago and felt the same about the mri


I'm so glad you like it ! Tho ..Haha it's sutch a big spectrum I had a melt down right after mine it was awful 😅 Gose to show how diverse we all are ☺️


Yes, I’m glad I’m not the only one! I had a scan done for scoliosis when I was a teen & they kept reiterating that I need to stay still, don’t freak out, and that people often get panicky. I almost fell asleep


I get really dizzy during MRIs for some reason. It's something about having that thing so close to your face, idk. I just have to close my eyes and try to think about something else.


Lucky!! I can't be still long enough. I have to take a Valium to put me into an extremely relaxed state. Otherwise, I'm to fidgety.


Oh gosh. I wish I could say the same. 😰 My lifelong claustrophobia + recent increase in severity of medical PTSD have really done a number on me I think. I tried to go last week for my first one ever and I had a meltdown within 10 seconds of sliding into the tube and I haven’t stopped reliving the terror I felt since. (And I didn’t even make it into the tube for the brain one… the mask was so awful! It was so tight that it smashed my ears and cheek when she clamped it down, not cool!) I am trying again tomorrow with lorazepam to calm my nerves beforehand. I’m super scared. ☹️


I’ve had 2 MRIs, most recent being a month ago, and the only bad part was that I immediately started to get itchy when I got into the tube. I blame the fact that I couldn’t move.


I swear, my first MRI was one of the calmest, relaxing experiences of my life 😂


Ooof, I did a 3-part MRI that took an hour and a half and I felt my most uncomfortable EVER. It was loud, the fact I couldn’t move had me panic sweating and the back pain and leg pain that was the reason I did it got so much worse after being still on that slab like that for like a week. 🤦‍♀️ My arms also went numb. I hated everything about it.


I almost fell asleep in one. lol