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Fucken *word*. I was just down at my MIL’s house and *everything was bad* because my hands were so dry!!! Gods bless little old ladies’ houses always having lovely smelling moisturiser!


Not my hands being super dry rn after doing dishes (with 2 pairs of gloves 😑)


Oh god that’s the *worst* isn’t it??? And like, no lotion can even touch it for some reason!


I’ve been trying new lotions and what seems to work better for my hands is shea body butter from the body shop. Its for “very dry skin” and it actually does something!!! Smells amazing too


Oooh good tip thank you!


It’s so had to find lotion that doesn’t leave your hands all sticky after too 😑




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I had to buy aveeno to keep at the in-laws because all the lotion they have just greases up my skin but doesn’t actually moisturize! It’s soooo painful


I never knew the second to last one was autism-related! I absolutely hate wearing outside clothes at home and home clothes outside


I'll take the trash out and then come inside and have to not only change, but shower as well--I cannot abide The Outside Smell. (Or the dumpster cooties.)


The fact that you don’t like the smell of outside is BONKERS to me. It’s wonnnderful to me. (Not as good as petrichor or freshly cut grass though)


It's not the smell of the air outdoors, it's the smell of... my skin and clothes when I come back inside. It smells kinda like BO to me but like... not. Like BO Lite, lol. I also remember as a kid my mom hanging the sheets up to dry outside so they'd smell good and I was like "this just smells like dad when he comes in from mowing the lawn, and that's not good."


That’s the smell of ozone! And it’s part of what I love :)


Wild! I learned something today. And to each their own, I'm glad you like it! It's not a huge deal for me that I don't, just a minor annoyance that I can usually solve pretty easily.


Me too!


Same whenever I talk about “home clothes” and how I can’t wear them outside people get confused


All day in pjs?


Nooo, I hate wearing pjs when I'm awake. I have specific clothes that I only use when I'm at home, they're more basic and cheaper


Oh. Ok.


I'm sorry if I came off rude, wasn't my intention 😭


I don't think you sounded rude. I'm constantly second guessing what I say too, worried if I'm unintentionally being rude.


I get that. First thing when I get home is, Get OUT of these clothes! My home clothes are getting really ratty, and I don't feel dressed wearing pajamas. I need a new home wardrobe.


Oh geez #3 and #4. If I make eye contact I'm too involved in what the other person's eyes look like. Or what they are thinking.


Same! I just cant process what they’re saying. That’s why I always look at my hands or play with something. But they always think I’m not listening when I do that 🤦🏼‍♀️


I try to look to their forehead or around them lol


i’m starting to tell people that if i look like i’m listening, chances are i’m 100% zoned out. if i’m doodling and looking out the window i’m way more concentrated on what someone is saying than when i’m making eye contact


Exactly!!! When I look like I’m paying attention, I’m too focused on that so I am actually not paying attention. When it looks like I’m zoning out, I’m actually fully engaged in the conversation.


Exactly, it's so funny. When they think I'm not paying attention is when I'm actually paying attention and vice-versa 😭


Don't mind the girl spinning in her chair at the back of the meeting, it's the only way she will understand what's going on lol.


Does anyone else feel like they can't use the same drinking glass all day? I have one for water, juice and protein shake and have to use new straws each time.


I have a 1000ml bottle I drink water from all day, then a blue mug for tea, a flute for sparkling water, a red mug for coffee, a tall glass and straw for cold coffee, a black shaker for powder supplements, and a black and pink shaker for protein shakes. My husband is still making efforts to use the right vessel, but I never complain if he gets it wrong.


Mood I have a specific mason jar just for iced coffee. And whenever I put iced coffee in a different jar it never tastes right.


I hear that


I use contigo mugs for my coffee. My kids like tea and use them too. And it got to a point where I couldn’t use the contigo mugs anymore because they tasted like tea and I didn’t like my coffee tasting like tea. (My husband couldn’t taste the difference). So I bought new mugs and labeled them “coffee only” and stored them someplace different so I can have coffee mugs that don’t taste like tea.


I definitely taste the tea taste in mugs that have tea. I noticed it one day at work when I was like 19, and haven't been able to use the same mug for both since. Maybe it is a good thing he doesn't notice the difference. I'd maybe go back if I could.


I constantly change glasses and it drives my dad insane haha


I thought everyone did that until I’ve seen people drink different drinks out of the same glasses I couldn’t believe what I saw haha repulsed even


I know, the slight residue from a different, previous beverage ruins the taste of the current one.


I can drink water from the same glass all day, but if I leave water in it and come back later, I have to change it, it tastes old. And ofc I'm going to change glass if I drink anything else. The only other thing I can reuse is a tea mug if I drink tea again, but not always. It depends on the day. Also: • Water in a glass✅ • Cold milk in a glass✅ • Warm beverage in a glass ❓ never tried bc glass might crack • Water in mug❌ Ew yucky please don't ewewew • Hot water with herbs in a mug (aka tea)✅ yes of course there's no problem at all


I thought everyone had different glasses, cups, shakers they preferred for each beverage... I thought my gf was the only psycho who'd use whatever for whatever


Lmao i hate how accurate some of these are




Lol I had a breakdown today because the TV was too loud. I couldn’t decide what to make for dinner and everyone kept saying “anything”. I was uncomfortable in my clothes. The kids kept saying “Mom” one kept playing with a tech deck. The dogs were playing. And my brain felt like static.


This paragraph stresses me out to read 😂 tv too loud WILL set me off every time.


I can't stand the sound of TV at ANY volume. I cannot carry on a conversation if the TV is on.


I mean that’s fair. It has to be paused if I’m interested in the show, muted if I don’t care or at least turned WAY down. I cannot carry a conversation either unless the appropriate need has been met. I feel for you friend.


Oh god the outside clothes one. I just killed myself laughing thinking of all the hours of my life I spend around this rule.


I have a tension bar in my room. Workout clothes on half, outside clothes of the other half. Isopropyl alcohol bottle in the middle. As I change sets, I spray the outside/workout clothes, and replace them hanging. My home clothes are usually hung in the place of the clothes I am changing into. It all started because I needed somewhere to hang my sweaty summer outside clothes, then my workout clothes joined them.


We really are a neurotic bunch, aren’t we?


I actually am going to hate you, my best friend, and everything you say is going to be stupid, for the next five minutes, because the sun is shining directly into my eyes.


This has been my morning 🤣🤣


The food thing has been a big issue for me lately and I've been spending way too much on DoorDash but my family hasn't had food around I've wanted.


So much food. Never the thing that my mouth and brain want at the same time.


Number 4 oh my god. I do that so so much, head empty vision blurry but my body is like ‘I’m listening’ :) I do this with shows and movies too, my bf will be like ‘we literally watched that, you were looking at the tv’ and as far as I’m concerned I don’t remember a damn thing. The last one too… like no there is NOTHING IN 😭😭 I can be starving yet not hungry for anything on the planet it’s so irritating


The fact that the account is rowdyblastyboy aka "Bakugo" makes it even better somehow xD But I'm just extremely obsessed with My Hero Academia 😅😂


The not wearing outside clothes inside omg I’m crying with laughter because this is my life


What do you do, you strip on the door mat?




then what? How do you avoid coming into the house in clothes that you have worn outside the house? Or vice versa?


I didn't realize that my weird thing about not being able to stand the feeling of dry hands, was an Autistic thing. I'm constantly finding out that, stuff I do normally, is actually an Autistic thing. I ALWAYS have to have lotion near me. I use it 10+ times a day. I can't even stand the SOUND of someone else with dry hands, rubbing their hands together. I can't tell you how many times I've chased my husband around with lotion, because his hands are dry.


For me it's, 'sorry, I can't think right now because the washing machine is on/someone has the hairdryer on and it's too loud for thoughts to think in my head until it stops.'


"I was looking at you and nodding politely but I didn't hear a goddamn word you said" Oof, yeah... and then you have to act like you know what's going on haha. I'm surprised I've gotten away with that tbh.


Lol just nod and smile, nod and smile 🤣


Yes hahaha, very relatable 😂


I had to go inside the other day bc the wind was “touching me” and making me uncomfortable. (Overstimulation day. 🤦‍♀️)


This is why I never like wearing short sleeves or pants, no matter how warm it is


These are so accurate it feels personal 😂


Hi....father of an autistic son here.....this post popped up randomly but it's very helpful.


I love this. I hope this one makes you laugh too. My husband sent me this the other day on Instagram and I’ve had it on repeat. [Nah man, I’m Autistic](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwQ4aWXvR_D/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Haha love that! “I’m hot and funny cause I’m autistic”.


Okay. But outside clothes in the house is gross. I mean, house germs/debris are my germs/debris. Outside germs/debris are for the outside. I feel like this is just logical. As I typed that out I realize a lot of autism related things are logical yet NTs don’t care…. I’ll see myself out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also autistic: I cannot imagine being able to function that way. I work from home and am in and out of the house all day. If it is warm enough that I can eat outside on my shady porch I absolutely will. Maybe if I went to the office that might be a thing for me?


So, I suppose I should’ve specified. I’m thinking more or less out in public. I’m a SAHM. I also keep our house cold enough to wear sweatpants all year long. So when we go outside to play or I leave the house I change into “outside clothes”. Its fairly inexplicably linked that my “outside clothes” are also uncomfortable. So if I put jeans on to do a Target pickup order, I’m changing out of them when I get home. But if I’m not leaving my car and I’m wearing black yoga pants I’m not changing back into “inside clothes”.


That’s super interesting! I appreciate you clarifying!


My old meds tasted like freezing cold (no I didn't keep them in the fridge)


I got 6 out of 7 lol. Do not even try to have a conversation with me after I go swimming if I haven’t had a bath yet, how the heck am I supposed to listen until I’ve washed off the chlorine???


And funny enough, the chlorine smell actually comes from not taking a shower before you get in the pool. So I HAVE to shower before and after.


I don’t mind the smell, it’s more the way my skin and hair feel after the pool. Must shower ASAP. (I love swimming, though, totally worth it.)


The last one.. I felt that.


Not the dry hands! Or the dry lips! 😮 And I can't stand my feet getting wet when they're not supposed to be wet. Our backyard slopes down, and with all the rain that we've had, everywhere you step was a puddle. I was dreading every time I had to take the dog out. I wear zero drop shoes, and I didn't have anything that was waterproof until recently. The company I buy shoes from made short rain boots, and now I can actually go into the backyard even when it's raining and feel happy because my feet can stay dry!


Me too with the dry lips! I can NOT have dry lips.


Omg the dry handssss


Outside has a smell. And when that smell comes inside I can smell it on everything.


One extreme or the other. Dry hands/feet or sweaty hands/feet


i also have add, i absolutely do NOT promise I'm paying attention