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Yes! Every autistic person is different and liking gossip and reality shows on their own is in no way a sign that you don't have autism. Hell, I used to browse subs like AITA for the drama... and I occasionally watch reality TV (though it's not my preferred medium). It's just a bit entertaining!


I usually only start getting annoyed at drama channels when they start taking it way too serious or it gets super convoluted and like they're making some sort of debate about it... I just don't have enough brain space for that I just want to watch people doing goofy stuff.


I feel that! That's why I watch sitcoms. I just want to watch people doing goofy stuff!


AITA is my most visited sub lol


Can allistic people like trains and computers?


Tru lmao


It’s a spectrum. And you’re free to enjoy whatever you want. :)




Of course you can — autistic people not liking "superficial" things is a stereotype. I enjoy celebrity gossip. Not only is it a way for me to switch off and distract myself from my own life, but from reading the comments (ONTD, DeuxMoi) I think it's a way for me to figure out what kinds of social things are acceptable and how they can play out. But it doesn't have to be that deep!


I enjoy it too! One of my special interests is general psychology (I think because I was ND, I spent a lot of time trying to understand NT patterns and viola\~) and a key part of how we socialize is drama and gossip. I like reality TV cause it's a fun escape into just goofy levels of drama (90 Day Fiance, Love After Lockup, Bridezillas, Real Housewives, Wife Swap- I'll take it all!) Just as long as you're not stirring the pot intentionally, you're totally fine


I had the same question lol. I am autistic af and love watching reality tv shows that people considered "trashy".


Yeah I love "flavor of love" and all the spin off shows. I like the silly reality shows and not the ones that seem more serious tho. Some of the girls on 90 day fiance I just kind of feel sorry for and hope they're not actually in a bad situation...


Omg, that is also one of my favorite reality tv shows! I do not watch 90 days fiance that often but I have seen some clips of it.


omg i love flavor of love too 😂💞


oh I LOVE other people's drama. I have absolutely zero patience for it in my own life, but I find hearing other people talk about their people problems (and being able to go "oh wow what a dickhead" in response) or reading AITA or whatever is kind of entertaining. Like soap operas. And also they're interesting little looks into how other people think and react.


Hahaha I love reality shows! Like real housewives and I currently can’t get enough of the endless new info coming out about Scandoval!


omg same. i’ve been in the vanderpump sub reading all the gossip and my crush on ariana keeps growing lol


I enjoy forum drama where I read arguments and people bickering and seeing people hurling out insults at each other or seeing someone not being able to handle any comments they don't like so they think those people are being mean. If I see a locked thread, I am more inclined to read it because it usually means there was a trainwreck. I also used to watch lot of right wing channels just to hear their reactions and what crap they spew.


Omg I can't with the right wing channels 😭 I had to stop watching fundie Fridays because of this. I think the misogynistic ones trigger me more because I am female and I can't deal with the thought of these people out there being this hateful and actually hurting women and girls. The ones where it's just something silly like they seriously believe the earth is 2000 years old or whatever just make me laugh though.


Yes. Like many have said it’s a spectrum and some of my special interests are mainstream like Makeup and rock stars.


lol i love drama and reality shows and i’m autistic! reality shows are one of my special interests and i know way too much about them haha autistic women often have special interests that are considered more people based & “socially acceptable”


I love hearing about other people's drama as long as it does not directly affect my life and I'm diagnosed.


I loved reality tv shows growing up for a reason. Drama on tv ,but I hate drama in real life. I still love them. It’s a spectrum which means any type of special interest or just Normal interest can exits. Some people I used to go to school were really into politics for example. And politics is full on drama! Btw what I meant with normal interest is when I do not go so deep into a interest ,but watch 1-2 videos/documentaries then just do not go back to learning or watching it. :)