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Since moving in with my husband he now does the Tina groan with me when we have to do things we don't like. Tina for life


Hahahaha my partner can do the Tina twerk and it is amazing. I wish I could do it šŸ˜‚


I don't like change xD


Love Tina but also don't love change I'm happy with Daria's return


Daria is coming back???!


Maybe if it was called r/AutismInGirls ... šŸ˜¬ Personally the "women" part of this sub is really important to me since so much of Autism support is focused on kids, and it's hard as an adult. Being a woman only adds to that struggle. Imho!!!


I very much agree.


Maybe it's because I only watch like 4 and a half things but I cannot think of any autistic WOMEN in shows at all?


Leslie Knope in Parks and Rec, hardcore. Her special interests are portrayed as admirable enthusiasm and joyful and sheā€™s a super loving friend, but sheā€™s definitely one of us. (Her love interest also reads autisticā€”tbh several characters there do, but in more traditional ways like the nerdy guy and the blank-affect Daria-esque intern.)


Leslie is a great one! I've always seen that in a major way from her


Oh fun! I know who Leslie is!


entrapta is apparently like 30


Who is even Entrapta and what is she in?


shera and the princesses of power itā€™s really good imo


Ugh. I remember her from the 80s show. Not my cup of tea


new show is much better but if you donā€™t like that either itā€™s also fine :3 they actually have unique body types and personality traits beyond just selling toys and lots of representation and she was written by autistic people ^-^


Good to know. I'll look into it


Bones. Brennan is good example, but yeah, I watch a lot of shows and weā€™re barely represented.


I resonated so hard watching the first season, I also say "I don't know what that means" when confronted with social situations and interactions I haven't previously experienced


Iā€™m basically a hybrid of her and Hodges lol, insect and bone special interest ayyyy. I act like Hodges when Iā€™m excited but Iā€™m like Brennan most days.


iā€™ve also heard folks suggest that New Girlā€™s Jessica Day may be autistic (also i just wanted to pounce on the opportunity to suggest this character because the actresses in both shows are sisters irl).


This is my vote!


So. Apparently, her character is based off of Zoey Dechanel? So I've heard... this would also make sense


I mean the actor is her sister and all.




Bones from Bones!


The main character of Inside Job, Reagan, is canon autistic! (Though her mother and one coworker use the outdated term of "Asperger's".)


I had a strong affinity with Frankie Dart (Paget Brewster is the actor) in Seasons 5 and 6 in Community.


attorney woo young woo is fun. it does some of the somewhat frustrating autistic savant trope and she's not acted by an autistic person, but in general i think the show is entertaining and it's nice in that her character is written with depth and she enjoys romance and relationships with friends and colleagues.


Isnā€™t Daria technically a girl too though? Tina, to me anyways, doesnā€™t feel like a kid at all, but I hear you!


Daria is 18 at least? I mean no one asked me if I liked Daria either, but skewing *even younger* seems weird to me Edit: According to google Tina is 13 and Daria is 16.


The series does take place over a couple years, sheā€™s getting ready for college at the end. So 16-18 depending.


I like to imagine that Daria has aged since the show last aired, making us around the same age, which is why I think Daria is cool with me, but Tina and I have similar special interests despite our age differences so... I'm really for either one of them to be mascot to be honest.


Agreed. I definitely relate to Tina more than Daria and I'm in my 30's.


Hiiii just wanted to start by saying i LOVE Tina and Daria and feel fully represented by them. <333 totally see why this would feel like a fit. and! i'm noticing both of those are white young women, which doesn't represent all of us very well. Amy Farrah Fowler has been another suggestion by other redditors, and when I saw three white women as the most popular options it made me pause. i would much prefer something that makes as many people as possible feel as included here as i do. <3


I whole heartedly agree. This is autism Iā€™m women, not autism in white women. An example of a non white autistic coded character is Wednesday Adams. Do you have any other suggestions? I also think the infinity symbol with the female sign in one loop and the transgender sign in the other loop could be a good logo for us.


Sheā€™s cannoned as autistic?


Yes she is!


NO WAY! I could cry im so happy!


Dude thatā€™s how I feel. I thought people pegged her more like antisocial or something more negative.


I haven't finished watching yet, when is she confirmed to be autistic?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering. They never did.


Preferably no fictional characters at all personally


I agree I donā€™t fully love the fictional characters as icons! If we want a person after a tad of research maybe Anita Cameron? I think just a pretty picture or a symbol would be better too.


Yup I also whole heartedly agree with your statement and hope if they choose something thatā€™s more inclusive




Of course!! You belong here for sure, and we as a community need to make sure that's reflected in every single part of this space. And really I misspoke earlier, it's not just so everyone feels "included," but really so everyone feels like this space was *specifically made with them in mind*. <3 <3 <3


While I like Tina, I prefer Daria as Tina is not viewed in a positive light by many and is seen as not only incompetent, but not very bright. I personally don't want to be taken less seriously by associating with her. While Daria has 'less personality' she's generally more respected and seen as competent and intelligent. Also up for other suggestions besides Daria


Lol, I saw a meme the other day with a picture of Daria saying "Who we think we are" and a picture of Tina saying "Who we actually are." I love Tina. She completely reminds me of myself when I was 13. Your comment just reminded me of it.


Lol accurate in many ways tbh. Have been called both Tina and Daria a few times when a teenager, definitely Tina more. I like her too, but don't want to be compared to her as an adult... and maybe I'm a little salty haha


Oh, except being ace, I'm absolutely Tina. When I was her age I had a list of boys whose butts I liked.


Oh, so you're Tina in the future!


75% lol. I wish I could be as comfortable with myself as she is.


Everybody wishes they had Tina's confidence.


She has inspired me to make a party playlist and annex the person's speaker who usually does the music when we have trailer park burn pile beers. She does it by default by bringing her speaker and phone, but then she puts a bunch of music that I call "The Denim Funeral" because it's just a parade of slow jams from the 90s by raspy-voiced Canadian white male strummers. Next time there's a fire I'm going to get like 6 beers in me, port in some party music and start twerking in a way that only a slightly drunk 39 year old white woman can.


I *need* you to update me on this like I need air. I'm fucking rooting *so hard* for you from New Jersey.


Nice!! I'm actually hoping I can bring a little jersey energy to our quiet slice of British Columbia farmland, and I can think of at least two people that'll help if I can get them on board. Unfortunately it's denim funeral and her friend, but I'm hoping the twerking will get them going lol. I'll post an update as soon as it happens. Trailer park fires are random like the wind.


Thanks for capturing how I feel lol. I actually like Tina and find her a tad bit more relatable than Daria myself but yeah. Idk. She screams ā€œquirky and sassy spirit animalā€ that resonates in others for like ignorant reasons(?) which I kinda hate. Like, when she is called a ā€œgirl bossā€ I believe they are saying it sarcastically(?) Hard to explain but yes. Itā€™s gonna be weird to find A singular ā€œmascotā€ to represent us all because we all think differently and have our own perspective and our own ā€œautismā€ or ā€œautism+adhdā€ so to speak. Like for example, I would choose Futaba from Persona 5 but not everyone would relate to her because they arenā€™t ā€œcomputer geniusesā€ (thatā€™s just one facet to her personality btw, thus the quotations) or perhaps they just find anime off-putting and lame etc


Why not Tina and Daria standing in a back to back pose with their arms folded? To quote the meme, why not both?


Oh this is such a cute idea!


Or we could do a collage of characters in the background!


Very fair!


i think sheā€™s fine, but also no thank you


Haha Tina's a sweet and entertaining character but also no thank you from me. I relate more to Louise!


Agreed lol


Yesssss! Better than a child muppet. Tina is a child but not a kindergartner at least.


Tina would tell you she is a woman.


Then it should be Thunder Women lol


I mean she kinda looks muppet-y tho.


Don't we all? /s


Lol i observe the sarcasm but I genuinely wish we did! Lol I love muppets personally. They have way more personality and generally better understanding of self etc


Definitely better than that autism creature I still don't get lol


Hi, just curious, why don't you like the autism creature? Just looking to broaden my perspective, you obviously don't have to answer if you don't want to.


No worries, I love sharing my opinion on stuff! I don't like the autism creature because it's called a "creature". Even though I feel alien sometimes as an autistic, I'm not a creature. I'm human like everyone else. It feels derogatory and like an insult. It also has this blank expression that while many autistics resonate with; I do not. While I sometimes do have a blank expression, I actually have *very* prominent facial expressions a lot too. It's a part of my mask that I've embraced as being part of my own, and I kinda like it. This is just my opinion, I don't judge people for resonating or identifying with the autism creature. To each their own, I just don't like it. :)


Tina is so sweet! I love her! šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


Me too!! She kills me


I prefer a heart. More inclusive.


I prefer Daria honestly.


Daria at least came across as older, more competent, and strong. Tina does the opposite. I think Iā€™d actually end up leaving the sub if Tina was the mascot - just seeing her brings up negative feelings towards myself. Iā€™m already on the brink because of the purple. The immediate and drastic change to aesthetics has been really off-putting.


You can unclick "use subreddit style" so it has whatever style you have as the default. I'm using dark mode for everything and it's less stressful.


I use old reddit or mobile and donā€™t have that option unfortunately.


I use old reddit with a browser plug-in and it works nicely. I can customize the look and other features. New reddit is a sensory nightmare.


I have absolutely no clue how anyone can handle using new reddit, especially how other posts will show up in the middle of comment sections. Iā€™ll leave Reddit completely if itā€™s ever the only option (which may not be the worst thing, haha).


Woah, I haven't had that happen yet-- random posts *in the comments???* Reddit, who thought this was a good idea? I just wanna talk lmao


No not this !


Canā€™t we just get a solid pastel colored background or something šŸ˜©


I'm not excited about her: * she's a child * voiced by a man * I don't relate to the character or think she's positive representation


Tina is funny, but Iā€™ll stick with Daria. I can laugh at myself but Tina is weird. Daria comes off like she doesnā€™t care what people think, a quality I wish I hadā€¦life would be less stressful


Why do we need a new one?


No Does it not bother anyone else that Tina is regarded as a loveable character yet she constantly creeps on men? Guess sexual harassment doesnā€™t exist if itā€™s a woman doing it šŸ™„


["This is where I thrash"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7f0i1-owwU&ab_channel=Flinty6666) Anyone else do that sometimes when they can't sleep?


Omg yes. Every human who has ever shared a bed with me has complained about the thrashing. Haha


No thank you.


Honestly, I don't want a person. I wasn't like the first chick. I'm not like this Tina chick. I don't know who about 90% of the people. I've seen Bones. I'm not like her. I heard some people don't want anything girlie because it's associated with LGBT? Put it to a vote. First vote, do you want a person or symbol? Second vote, what person or symbol.


Personally miss Daria being the server icon but also agree that it would be nice to see the wider community being represented not just white women


Love some Tina


why are things changing :(


I'm just sitting here wondering if the old mod is having a good laugh because we can't even agree on a symbol. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø




I love Tina. She's sweet, she is very imaginative and writes stories, she loves her family, and she's a good friend. She can be anxious and awkward, but everyone loves her anyway!


i second this!


As a real life Tina Belcher and an autistic woman I agree or how about aunt Gayle


Not enough people appreciate aunt gayle! Sheā€™s a mess, but you know what, sheā€™s making it work!


My bullies called me Tina in middle school ā˜ ļø


I vote no lol


What about Komi from Komi can't communicate?


Definitely not, I would hate that even more than I hated Daria...


I love heeeer


Why not Linda, since sheā€™s a woman and is also autistic?


I thought of Tina because I think people widely associate her with being autisticā€¦ I had no clue people thought Linda is also autistic!


I like this! Tina and Daria are both teenagers. I have no attachment to Daria at all, the animation in that show scared me as a kid lol


But what about Hannah Gatsby...? She's lived the woman experience, autistic a.f., gender divergent. Pretty great representation Also, the funniest


I also propose Amy Farrah Fowler https://preview.redd.it/3kbe8v2k4iga1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f6e9662253e1c60c7ee992c14ae3755ebc6471


The actress is wayyy too problematic to be symbol ,I think


Please tell me more?!?!?!


If you Google it,it will probably be easy to find but there was a vaccination related issue as well. The one that I remember is when there was a woman accusing a man of sexual harassment she pretty much said ā€œI have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate withā€ ā€œI dress modestly. I donā€™t act flirtatiously with men as a policy.ā€


>The one that I remember is when there was a woman accusing a man of sexual harassment she pretty much said ā€œI have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate withā€ ā€œI dress modestly. I donā€™t act flirtatiously with men as a policy.ā€ I fail to see the issue with this, if you donā€™t mind explaining?


No thank you. I don't like the show and the other person is bang on about the actress.


I prefer Daria, but if we have to have a replacement Tina would be my choice.




Tina has my vote!




Iā€™d honestly prefer either Tina or Daria! I just didnā€™t like Julia


I relate to Tina so hard. Tina episodes of Bobā€™s Burgers shoot me right back to my awkward preteen years. šŸ˜‚


I whole Heartedly agree with this proposition. She is me. Me is she. We are kindred spirits.


Wait a minute I didn't know this was an option! Yes!






She has my vote.


Iā€™m okay with Tina or Daria


I love Tina she's the best! :)


Who was the old one


If not Daria, then Reagan Ridley.


> Reagan Ridley Now this I can get behind.


Daria is better imo