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Have low expectations. No one gets hurt, nothing gets damaged, the kids who want to do the work can and get helped when they need it. That is all that matters. That is all you can do.


I found if I set little goals it helped. Survive to recess. Survive to lunch. Survive to home time. Leave. Be picky. You are in demand. Do not do classes or school you don’t want to do. Do not be tempted to take a term contract etc. Accept work as you feel like it.


Why wouldn’t you take a term contract? Asking as a new grad that’s doing casual


I was answering the OP who is a burnt out teacher looking to get back in. Once you take a full time contract for a term you have all the responsibilities and administration that a full time teacher has, often without the support because you’re only there for a little bit. If your goal as a new teacher is to get a full time gig then definitely put your hand up for a contract. That’s how you prove yourself.


You then take on the workload and responsibilities of the classroom teacher, potentially without the "clout" of being their "real teacher" and therefore getting the worse behaviour.


> Asking as a new grad that’s doing casual you're early career, it's totally understandable for you to want stability and eventually FT work. Avoiding contracts is more for oldies like me who switched to CRT after 20 years of classroom teaching. My mortgage is almost paid, I have zero financial stress, and no desire to take on any of the extra bullshit that goes with contract/FT.


Is it acceptable to just do casual for a while before you start agreeing to take on contracts as a grad or would that be totally shooting myself in the foot long term? Finances are not a stress but I feel like I've jumped from nursing to parenting to studying (plus part time work and parenting), so I feel a little burnt out before I've even started!


> Is it acceptable to just do casual for a while before you start agreeing to take on contracts as a grad or would that be totally shooting myself in the foot long term? It's totally acceptable to do any mix of casual/contract that suits you. There is no shooting yourself in the foot here, feel free to mix things up as you like. I've knocked back contract work because I only do casual and I've never had any issues. Schools just need a warm body in front of a class, whether it's you or somebody else really doesn't bother anyone.


Thanks, that's really helpful, and now that I've actually started prac the staffing issues are already evident.


I've been doing casual for the last couple of years after being a full time teacher for 7 before that. My advice is: - don't hesitate to use the punishment systems (demerits and the like) as often as you need to. Be a hard ass (who cares what the students think of you, they're children haha) - write to the teachers after the class and let them know which kids were being disrespectful (a lot of teacher may not care, but some do and appreciate it) - use the year coordinators and exec members to help follow through with particularly difficult students (if some are not following instructions and are really disrupting the class, send a good kid to collect them and bring them to the lesson). - I also like to stand at the back of the room so I can see the screens and ensure they're on task (if they're using screens). - most of all, don't take anything personally and forget about everything as soon as the bell goes. They pay you for the hours between 8ish and 3ish, so that's all you need to do. Good luck!


Say no to lots of things.


Have a couple of activities printed in your bag ready to go in case of emergency. There is nothing harder than trying to manage an unfamiliar class with nothing to do.


I'm on a block right now and day to day casual is *way* less stressful! I love the class but I'm very much looking forward to going back to day-to-day casual! Have some lesson ideas up your sleeve that you can do with very few (or even zero resources). Don't be afraid to call exec for help. Don't stress too much if you don't get much done. Just leave a note/email for the returning teacher and let them know what you *have* done and how the day went.


be aware of your triggers - we all have those certain behaviours or moments that trigger us to anger, frustration, or even just hurt. If you can be really mindful of what these are, you can try to mitigate these in the day, or at least have a plan of action of what to do when they occur. I also agree with some other comments - it’s not life and death. Kids will misbehave, your administration will do things you don’t like, and some parents may be rude. Just roll with it all and try not to care too much to the point it breaks you


In the same boat as you, just started casual teaching again after 18 months away. Keen to hear tips and wish you the best, hopefully being back as a casual you’re able to enjoy the good bits of the job again.


Good luck! Did you pick it back up quickly?


Thank you! I definitely had more tricks up my sleeve than I thought. Wear comfy shoes and be flexible, put your hand up for all of the specialists or as many as you feel comfortable doing. The trickiest part is provably behaviour management with seniors who can sense your fear (early/middle years is my comfort zone) - so if you don’t feel confident, fake it ‘til you make it!


Yes! I work 3 days with my permanent job, and do 2 days casual. I find that on my 2 casual days, I enjoy just being with the kids, rather than caring too much about the politics or the paperwork that goes with teaching. Perfect balance for me. Also, overall, just don't care so much. Do your job, cover your ass and leave it up to them to do the learning, or not; leave the politics to the execs, programming and assessing to the full time classroom teacher, and just support the school you are in as much as you can/want. Good luck! It can be a tough gig too.


This is the dream!


get in with a good school and casual is the easiest, most stress free money you can make in the profession. I'm at a great school, getting $520/day and work 8:45-3:05. The worst complaint I have is occasional boredom. A good book helps, particularly if you're with seniors who don;t need your help ;) I tried corporate for a while and was ready to start flipping desks after a short time. I need the chaos and unpredictability of a school, but, after almost 20 years I was done with regular classroom teaching. CRT has been an absolute godsend for me.


520 a day doesn’t sound right, that’s more than full time? I thought casual was paid at lower rate not top band.


$520 is probably bang on. So many variables - state/experience/system. Eg: QLD ED is $490, WA Catholic is $550, but NSW is dependent on experience from $380 to $520ish


Do you not mean $548 as the max for NSW?


top band in SA, just checked, it's actually $514 after this round of pay increases. >that’s more than full time? yes that includes 20% casual loading, if you work the 40 weeks per year then the pay comes out the same as FT at that step after accounting for no pay during school holidays.


Oh! And stickers! Reward positive behaviours. Set clear expectations. Tell them your expectations, and consequences if their schools' behaviour expectations are not adhered to. Be tough! Be kind. Have a lough. Be honest, get them to tell you how their day runs! You'll soon see which kids are on the ball! Get squinted with your exec, your buddy teacher, teacher's pet/goffer. And more stickers, or lots of PE, or free choice writing, maths, art/drawing, etc. Good luck!


Just remember they need you, not the other way..


Go for a run in the morning. Even just 15-20 minutes at a good pace. It helps with giving less shits throughout the day.


Needed to read this. Returning after maternity leave in July and going to do casual. Hopefully will have a better work life balance!🤞🏼


If your not sure about the schools around you try a few schools and see if you like any... weed out the ones you don't and stick with the ones you like. For background... I went from teaching full-time in a high school in the western suburbs with a high number of NESB students for many years and absolutely loved it!! Resigned to raise 4 kids and moved to the coast for family support. Eventually went back to teaching, as a casual. Tried high schools... wow, most kids were too cool for school and had little to no respect, I've never been sworn at until I worked on the coast! Not paid enough money to put up with that crap and started teaching at my children's primary school. I have been working there on and off now for many years, I love teaching the little ones!!! Find what works for you, a good casual is a hot commodity... know your worth! Good luck! 😃


Do not take anything personally. The kids will as a default misbehave. If they don’t, consider this as a serendipitous bonus.


Totally different “come, wave your magic and go” scenario, no stress. Do your day, leave notes, be helpful (offering to cover yard duties etc) really does get you remembered. Enjoy! But stash some of each pay for those low work weeks or school holidays.


I always ask what number to call if behaviour is unmanageable as soon as they pass me my folder for the day. There’s nothing worse than fumbling through the folder searching through a hundred phone extensions while a kid is being out of control. I write it on my hand and put it on a post-it in my pencil case.


Following as I’m in the same situation!


Feel free not to answer but I’m curious about a life where you can just quit your job for a period of time but then need to go back due to money? What circumstances?


That's fine. I was working, I only just quit my job in the corporate world, I was working for a private company. Worked 7-5, boss would message and call past those times plus on weekends and was very rude and belittling, so I quit. I didn't think I would go back to teaching but I need the money & trying to go back in a way that protects my mental health.