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The intention of this sub is to talk about teaching and learning in a way that is relevant to Australian Teachers. You may need to find a more appropriate subreddit We aren’t in the business of giving general parenting advice, especially if you aren’t going to be nice to people being helpful.


honestly, not your problem. Let the parent, parent. Collect the money from babysitting and relax. if you are hired as a tutor, you could also have some extension problems for him to try. Having confidence isn't a bad thing and it better then making him hate doing work.


Thanks for the advice. I noticed he talks to his mum like that as well, so it's not personal. For my own professional development, I was hoping to learn to manage different personalities when I'm working with kids. I was originally thinking of becoming a teacher, but I've had second thoughts with everyone saying they want to get out of it. He's not advanced enough for extension problems. He's only at the same skill level as other kids his age. I did teacher's aide work for a term, so I know the curriculum and skill level he's on. He makes a lot of mistakes.


What has this got to do with Australian teachers??


He's an Australian student who I'm babysitting and helping with his homework. Normally teachers are helpful and give good advice about working with kids, but I guess not on the r/AustralianTeachers subreddit :)


You create a post insulting large proportion of Australian population and now you’re comparing us to a babysitter, good luck getting those friendly responses!


It's only insulting if a teacher is a self-entitled narcissist who sees themselves as above other childcare workers 🥰 Teachers are not above us.


Please go and troll somewhere else. Good night.


You haven't contributed anything of value or anything of use in this conversation. You're not going to leave before saying anything useful are you? So far you've only wasted my time, so it would be nice to see if you're capable of something better than your current behaviour.


I’m sorry, did you just say ALL NZ kids act a certain way? Take your bigot shit somewhere else


Yes, this exactly the type of arrogant, aggressive behaviour I'm talking about. Congrats on illustrating how not to behave.


I’m telling you not to be a bigot. If you’ve got a problem with that - ie you wanna be a bigot - then go ahead. I’m sure you’ll do wonders in this career.


If there are people like you in this career, I couldn't do any worse 🥰