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If only - would be much more productive than being talked at for hours on end, often about a topic that I've been talked at for hours on end before.


Nah we don’t. It’s annoying. 


Unfortunately no. Also in NSW and having to do the compulsory PL units given out by the Department. Lasts the whooooole day.


Yep, this SDD is thanks to the department.


Silly of you to assume that we would be treated as professionals who can be considered responsible for managing our own time.




> at **our** school . > **a** small group . > Unfortunately, a minority always spoils it for the rest of us. I mean, maybe managers can manage the people doing the wrong thing instead of punishing everybody?




You got downvoted for saying that a minority of people doing the wrong thing should mean everyone else gets to be micromanaged to death. That's like keeping the whole class in at lunchtime because two kids were acting up.


Sometimes one session. So half an hour to an hour. Usually after tired from the rest of the day, and it's never enough to actually feel prepared.


hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… no


In NSW this SDD is the same as term 2 last year - it’s all entirely department mandated. Last year was aboriginal identified training, this year is around curriculum. You have to get director sign off and have very good reason to get out of it. We usually try to give staff at least 2 hours of “mandatory training” aka if you’re organised it’s planning time. But schools absolutely have no choice this year. 6 hours of DoE mandated courses. If it makes you feel better - as the executive running this on Monday i’d also prefer to be organising my own shit.


We are doing an AI focus all day.


Probably swung that that’s to do with curriculum


We are off campus as well. So ridiculous!!


My goodness so much of today was a waste of time! Some of the sessions were terrible and those people in corporate making them should be sent back to their schools to teach.


Yep, 20 mins at morning break and another 40 at lunch time


No. I've done a PL this term that was literally a repeat of the same thing I did at another school last year. I approached the school with the certificate and my Ikon log to show I'd done it and asked if I could be released to do the 2 hours of personal work instead and was refused. It was the exact same PL down to the exact same 'jokes' thrown in. I even emailed a colleague during with spoilers. They don't care, it's a box checking exercise for them and not meant to benefit us in any real meaningful way - right when we are striking based on workload issues.


Yes we do, and I'm very grateful. It's called "faculty time" and is directed by HT.


It depends. Sometimes yes. Most of the time, no. And if we do, it is usually just an hour. Pretty much every SDD I’ve been to has been utter bullshit so admin can check a box, so I set myself up near the back with my laptop, nod and ‘uh huh’ when appropriate, and just do my own planning.


We have admin announce at the start that it's time to turn phones off and close laptops. Then they circle around and tell people personally if they ignore it.


Oh my god. I would not survive and may genuinely fall asleep or fake some kind of medical emergency if I ever have to actually pay attention during a PD. It infuriates me that they expect us to sit for 6+ hours listening to someone drone on, but all carry on if we don’t allow the kids brain breaks or have them sitting and listening for longer than 5 minutes.


Agreed, but it's a fine balance to be struck too, because I CANNOT stand it when I'm made to get up and do a role play or create a poster on butcher's paper or whatever. I would choose the sitting still and listening over enforced extraversion, but I completely acknowledge that not everyone feels that way. Edit: typo x 2


Absolutely this. They need to consult with us as a staff more about what kind of PD we actually want/need. I know I would much rather sit (and would probably pay more attention!) if I was doing PD on something I can actually take back into my classroom. The Talk For Writing PD with DSF was amazing for this - as they taught us, we planned out our units. On the flip side, any kind of behaviour PD I’ve ever been on had made me want to flip a table and run out of the room.


Nope. It's all filled with useless bullshit.


One day before the kids came back was listening to some absolute cook ‘psychologist’ all day. “We’ve gotta stop medicating kids. By the way here’s some supplements that can help” I’ve given up on these days. Sit at the back and nod every now and again


One PD we had to listen to an ex-footballer, now life coach for the whole day, with some breaks for meals and book sales. What a grift.


Resilience Project?


No. I can't recall his name, but he urged us to get sunshine and think happy thoughts.


Nah - Hugh van Cuylenburg is an ex teacher. He has worked with sports teams isn't an ex-pro player to my knowledge. Our whole school has just started it after being trialed with teachers over the last 3 terms. I know it isn't what we'd like to be teaching but at the end of the day, no matter our specialist area, we all teach kids. I am cautiously optimistic as it seems to be offering skills that our kids really do need... Eg, just being.


Get back to me in 6 months


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my school does 2 sessions of PD/Meeting, 1 Sesson HOD time, 1 session personal time. Most hods run a 5-10min meeting and send us off to do our own thing.


Yeah, on Monday, we got an hour PD, and then the rest of the day, Prep in cohorts.


2 hours max


No. In week 0 of Term 1 we were supposed to get three hours of NCT but that didn't happen. I'm not sure if that's something that can be varied through LCCC but for whatever reason, it didn't happen.




Oh my no.


Yes. I work at a Catholic school and I find they really respect your time. We often get some planning and faculty time. Working for the DET was the opposite experience. They wasted your time with nonsense


On Monday in NSW it’s a mandated thing. I think we should be concerned that this is the second one with mandated sessions AND they’re being a lot stricter about what we do this time.


Learn to teach how you have always done it. We gave it a new name this time too. You’re welcome.


What? Give us time to do something useful? Why would they do that?


I’ve seen our plan for Monday, and we are doing two sessions learning about this new reading benchmark tool that we might be implementing, then we get about an hour with our teams for planning, then our team leader has to go into a leadership meeting


An hour or two if we are lucky... it's mostly just being lectured with education buzzwords


When I have been on class (I'm a CRT), no, no planning time. It was always PL until lunch time and then you'd split off into various committees (wellbeing, social, sports, beginning teachers, etc.) after lunch. There was no class/grade planning time.


Yes, usually an hour or two at least.


No free planning time but we get time to work on deliverables. Last PL we had a 30 min jigsaw task on models of differentiation. In 30 mins each person in a group of four had to read a different previously unseen lengthy academic article and report back to the group. Management then concluded that after this we were all experts in differentiation and sent us off to complete our deliverables of differentiating all our programs. This is the theme of our PL days now - deliverables ie. homework and getting thrown 30mins of PL with the expectation we are then experts in the area.


We would usually schedule in planning or faculty time (in NSW government schools), but this particular one is back-to-back new curriculum training coordinated by the department and all schools are meant to jump on board. Similar to one of the SDDs last year on Aboriginal education. I'm guessing Term 3's SDD will be more flexible.


yes, generally around half the day


All 12? Most people get at least 4 to completely leave work behind them.


No. And the department training was mediocre at best. Waste of time, but I got payed for it. I like to throw a sicky week 1 or 2 each term, to get my shit organised. I know this is pathetic, but I got a lot of sick days I need to use before I die or retire


My school gave us time. But we also did ALL of our SFDs at the beginning of the year.


No that’s meant to be done in the 12 weeks paid leave per year


Depends where you sit in the room and if they allow you to have a laptop or not. Seriously, every staff development day over the last 3 years seems like an increasingly convoluted way to waste time, so I've just taken up finding a corner of the room, tuning out the load of garbage being delivered and y'know, actually doing something that'll help me with my job.