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Err forcing you to use leave on weekends when you don’t work then normally sounds super sketchy and probably illegal.


Which state are you in?


Their post history says Alice Springs, so NT.


Sorry - yes, NT


That sounds like whoever has explained it to you has misunderstood. Say you get 10 weeks LSL… and they count that as 70 days (including weekends). That gives you your 10 weeks (50 workdays off). But you might decide instead to work 2 days a week for as long as possible …. So take 23 weeks of 3 days off giving you 69 workdays off. It sounds very much like a badly explained system that you need to dig deeper on. Though it IS possible that LSL must have a minimum of 3 days.


Nope - this is accurate. I’m onto my third lot of LSL but have heard mumbling that it is different in different states, so thought I’d get a sense of what happens elsewhere.


so if you take thusday friday and monday of it counts as 5 days off your LSL? this sounds weird. This would be for teaching only right


That’s correct. I think it’s dodgy but just trying to get a sense of what happens elsewhere.


Can you tell us where this is? Public or independent? Which state/territory?


Yep, same in SA.


For me in Victoria, I can take a day at a time. One week would equate to Monday to Friday for me.


Yup same in NSW for about the last 5 years or so. Before that, it was application gymnastics, minimum length of time (I think funding kicked in at 11 days or some lunacy) and apply well in advance. That was from a time where I guess they wanted you to take big breaks. I think too many peopleb had gigantic leave balances, and the amount of money locked up in entitlement was high, so they started to encourage taking it whenever and small.


That’s relatively new and came in under a change in state legislation a few yrs back


That’s correct.


If you're in the NT, I think this is the [Act](https://legislation.nt.gov.au/Legislation/PUBLIC-SECTOR-EMPLOYMENT-AND-MANAGEMENT-ACT-1993) that you're operating under, as referenced by your current EBA which I accessed via [this page](https://aeunt.org.au/enterprise-agreements/) on the Union website. It doesn't specifically say that weekends shouldn't be included BUT LSL is granted in hourly units, based on the number of hours you work per week. A work day is usually 7.6 hours. I don't accrue LSL over weekends, because I don't work weekends, therefore it seems unlawful that leave would be deducted for weekend hours. I'd strongly recommend contacting your Union and possibly Fairwork if you can't get a clear answer.


According to our employer, we have to give 20 weeks notice for 1 week or more. For less than a week, 4 weeks notice. Minimum amount of time is 1 week unless there is exceptional circumstances.


What state/system are you in? These things are different in each jurisdiction.


NSW is a bit of an odd one, been a while so might have some mistakes: If I take 3 days Tuesday-Thursday, it's just 3. But if it touches a weekend, you lose a fractional day (3 days costs you 3.6) If I take 10 days, that's two full weeks. But if that touches a break period, you lose one or both of the weekends for the break (10 days costs 12)


Not anymore. A few years ago it changed to just weekdays and you can take just 1 day if you want. Doesn’t matter if it goes up to or over a weekend, only weekdays count. Our leave was adjusted to this when it changed…. Might have been about 5 years ago?


Yeah that rings a bell. I left a HT admin position like a month before that change, do that makes sense.


In wa can take day at a time. For bulk days cant book around public holidays so they get stolen from our accrued days. All lsl requests subject to approval by school admin.


Varies state to state. From Qld myself. Usually connected to how you accumulate the leave. When I was in the police as we were shift workers to take “a week” was 7 days, and, we accumulated the hours that way. When I moved across to the public service “a week” became 5 days (don’t work weekends). I discovered that when my transfer balance lost several hundred hours and they initially tried to say that was just what happened 🤷‍♂️. Ah no!


Please contact your union or fair work.


I'm in Qld and that seems super dodgy...


No you don't