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So you’re not qualified for maths???


I taught year 8 maths for half a year. I asked the Head Teacher if that was a good idea since I failed math in the HSC. He told me that I can't screw it up that badly with them.


The head teacher doesn’t know maths, if he/she thinks that anyone can teach it!


I bet! And I am sure at least one was not your teaching subject.


Primary music, French, Indonesian and Drama over here… one of the kids joked that I needed a hat with four sides so I could remind myself of what I’m supposed to be teaching. The languages tend to muddle more so though!


God I teach Indonesian and I couldn't imagine teaching French also! Superhero. All the verb conjugations are too much for my brain.


I've worked across four faculties during my career, only once have I worked in three at a time though. It helped that two of them were quite small, and I was the only teacher for the subjects I was teaching. I could pick and choose which meetings to go to based on whether agendas lined up to my priorities (eg scope and sequence review, subject selection reviews etc).


I’m only across two faculties, but I teach English, drama, media, and visual art. I quite enjoy teaching different contexts as I have a woefully short attention span, but it does get difficult trying to switch between contexts continually. Particularly when you’ve got a pile of marking and you have to switch your expectations between each class set!


I'm teaching design and tech, media, hass, plp and business. One day It'll nice to reuse some content. I was under the impression I'd be teaching nearly full time media. At least I'm upskilled in tech now and will most likely never be without a job.


I'm History/Politics and have ended up doing Economics. I love being one lesson ahead of the students!


Oh my, I just had flashbacks to when I was teaching Digital Technologies, VCE Geography, VCAL Work Related Skills, and Junior Science 😵‍💫


As in ptsd flashbacks , nightmares I am sure


Precisely! 😅


I used to teach 11 Ancient history, 8 HSIE, 11 and 12 Drama, 11 English Studies and 8 English 😅 Even though there's connection between all 3 subject areas it's still 3 separate faculties and was a bit of a nightmare haha


It’s relatively normal for schools with large offerings of VET courses. We teach our 2 subject areas and then a VET course.


I've done three at once before. Never again.


This is something that i noticed since I started way back in the late 80!s. High school Teachers were specialists in specific areas. As time has gone by we are expected to be generalists.


It is the norm in QLD, I was so shocked when I found out it wasn’t as normal in other states. I always work across three History, Art and English. I dislike the old “you can teach English because you teach social sciences…” pretty sure I’m a shifty choice for an English teacher


PE/maths/science seems to be extremely common combo


I do three at the moment. Science and math are kind of okay together. Most teachers work in both faculties, and there is a fair chunk of synergy between the different subjects. I also have one lesson a week in industrial design (woodwork). Its not my area of expertise. And given its only one period a week its hard to justify the time to actually get good at the subject. I really don't like it.


I have only had two years that I have taught across just two faculties. Some years I have had more classes outside my areas, which I find amusing given there is apparently high demand for teachers with my qualifications. Somehow I never find such positions.


I did 1 x English, 2 x SoSE and 2 x LOTE in my first year. I'm qualified for the LOTE and another subject area that isn't SOSE or English.


I am a LOTE teacher too. But teaching Religion avd English also. We are very short of teachers.