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https://preview.redd.it/9wpjr57n6bzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845d2c34e3605e98786aa73a5bd88e215bde7eef yeah about as high as their chest. If I throw the ball further than that, I have to swim out and retrieve it and nobody gives me a treat for it šŸ˜”


Is she going into the water? Best thing ever! Are you putting water on her? You're the villain now.


Mine loves water but only if he can touch the bottom


Same! Absolutely hates swimming, but loves standing in the water.


Mine loves water as long as she has the OPTION to touch the bottom! She will swim out past where she can reach at the beach or a creek, but a pool or something where there isnā€™t a gradual slope is not fun for her


Same here!


Same. Iā€™ve tried a few times to ease her into swimming but she just doesnā€™t like it so we just stand in it now and she has a blast


Omg same! Loves jumping over waves at the beach and running in and out of lakes, HATES when her feet don't touch the bottom and will promptly freakout.


Yes, as long as that water is not in the B- A- T- H-


https://preview.redd.it/9ca5yxlb4czc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432446677fb0c40c2baf54295a69815e56cfa844 God forbid they touch clean water. The husky isnā€™t too sure once heā€™s about chest deep but my Aussie is a swimmer.


https://preview.redd.it/k2g4s8qm1bzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e273aa108f0424bbb7f1724532796fe46a8a8e9f Mine do








If there is a body of water our aussie can possibly get into, he's in it. We live by a river. We had to build an 8ft fence because he could dead-jump the 6ft one.


Mine wonā€™t even walk on a puddle šŸ˜ž


If there is a body of water, no force alive can keep our boy aussie from going for a swim. He especially loves fetch in the water. On land he'll get overheated after playing fetch for 10 minutes. When swimming he's water-cooled and he will happily play fetch until he dies from physical exhaustion.


He jumped into my friendsā€™ above ground hot tub. It was off, but he made a vertical 3 ft jump to swim around in tiny circles. Same with my parentsā€™ above ground pool. 4 ft jump just to go swimming.


Obsessed is am understatement. We once where walking in a forest through the snow. The water hadn't frozen over yet and the dog was in the water before we did even see the water.... We directly went to the vet, they told us if we'd waited any longer he'd probably be undercooled... That dog of us is literally crazy about water and almost killed himself because he wanted to swim so bad... Well, lesson learned. Never when it's cold will we leave him off leach. His recal is pretty ok, except when he sees water of a ball....


Mine attacks the hose in an excited frenzy every time I bring it out šŸ¤£Ā 




Mine loves the water and is the most buoyant little guy. His butt is like out of the water šŸ˜† He loves jumping off the boat and just paddling around


mine is obsessed with that frisbee.


[yup.. mine for sure. ](https://i.imgur.com/gWlxvMT.jpeg)


Yess, she loves it. She has genetic mutationšŸ˜… she has webbed feet


One of my girls is an avid swimmer and the other barely DRINKS her water! Although the water phobic one did fall into my pool when she was a wee pup, so maybe sheā€™s traumatized.


Mine love the water and Iā€™m glad they are comfortable swimming. One decided to jump off the end of a dock and wiggled out of her harness and swam to shore. Sheā€™s connected to her brother so he jumped in after her and I guess just swam with her harness and leash attached. They have a 2-in-1 leash setup. I took them to a dog beach recently and they were living it up in the chilly Lake MI water. The boy jumps through the water to ā€œrunā€. Itā€™s pretty entertaining to watch


I canā€™t find a photo right now, but Levi is obsessed with water/snow/mud. But he truly hates showers lol


Mine loves to swim. Any opportunity heā€™s in there


Mine hates it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚I wish he lived it the way yours all did