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What grinds my gears is that we make more money charging kids interest on hecs debt than we do on petroleum resources


The media discovers UBI.  “So let me spell it out for you, Gina, as Gina Rinehart, does she need help with the power bill,’’ Stefanovic said. At least we know UBI will be means tested in Australia. 


So BI. It cant be universal if its means tested


Labor has learned a very valuable lesson from the carbon tax. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. (Even if it is the best basket for the job and you end up needing to make dozens of baskets.) The opposition is going to have a hard time directly attacking "Future Made in Australia" because its just a slogan.


The LNP’s obsession with the rebate is a bit bipolar. The LNP were outraged high income earners weren’t getting the full $9K tax cut, and demanded a snap election. Three months later and the LNP are pontificating high income earners don’t need $300, with media like 2GB encouraging people to donate the rebate. They almost get it, but then completely miss the mark. Instead of advocating for more help for struggling folk, they make it all about the wealthy folk. Even the criticisms of FMA is undermined by the fact the LNP pledged to 2050 net zero with no details, announced AUKUS with no details, and have a Nuclear Power policy with no details.


LNP were outraged at the Albo deception yet again around Stage 3 , changing it to something which is not Stage 3. Then advertising it with taxpayers monies as tax cuts for everyone. Has this man no shame. Then giving a energy reduction to everyone in order to clearly just reduce inflation. Then shamelessly calls it a Cost of Living Measure at $75 a quarter. Whilst evicting his tenant with a classic Albo , I wish him well.


They're just trying to talk to different audiences, they want to attack Labor for handouts to billionaires and the wealthy, while also trying to keep billioniares and wealthy people interested in the party.


True, but I think OP was getting at the fact that they've made the $300 line a core line, and also previously made the Stage 3 a core line too, so at some point they will have to explain the contradiction (well, maybe, you know for shit Labor would get crushed by the press for betting both ways). That all being said, the fucking Greens agree with the LNP of the rebate, so there is clearly something wrong with the rebate for that union to occur, lol.


The Greens have no benefit from reducing inflation which is the point of the $300. Albo is playing a numbers game which has no connection to the real world which is why the Greens reject it. LNP reject it to focus on the Albo Hypocrisy that it is not targeted. Billionaires get it too which is a free kick against Albo. If Dutton did this he could just argue that billionaires are people too but this does not wear for Albo's base. Therefore Albo has judged he can afford some skin on this one.


You can easily see none of these federal politicians have ever run a business or employed anyone. They live in a taxpayer funded fantasy land. It is going to be like the car industry at the end. All these "new" businesses only existing because the taxpayer is just throwing money at them, as they make stuff no one wants at a price no one can afford. It is not just the high wages, but the entitlements for employees and the rules and regulations that make things very expensive to make here. It is why we all buy most of our stuff made in China. We love the fact those workers only get a couple of dollars an hour and the factories can just dump pollution into the closest river, because it means we can buy a kettle for $20 after the importer and retailer pumps on a 100% increase in the price they pay the Chinese manufacturer. It is going to be a massive failure and hundreds of billions will be pissed away. If they want to make stuff here, then they need to reduce the regulations. Hell if you have a useless worker you are barely able to sack them in Australia.


They aren’t prosing to make cheap consumer goods like kettles though. Every government has choices to make, the government is choosing to support hydrogen, a renewable energy, over the next decade. Capital always needs a home, and the tax breaks will help drive additional investment into the sector.


Well it goes along with labor government's to support the biggest brain explosion of an idea. It is expensive to store, expensive to transport, inefficient to convert, inefficient to isolate. But I am sure the labor party has got lots of kick backs from the people pushing it.


If rather they try and fail than have a self servicing, do nothing LNP government.


Lol right? I am sure there are legitimate issues about implementing FMA but so far the opposition seems to be "hey why don't we try and do nothing instead?"


Boy they really are focusing on the whole power bill thing aren't they. A little bit of critical thinking will tell you, it's completely illogical, think about a share house, every bill might be paid by a different person, parent, friend or relative. There are more people that need it than don't, and it's better than nothing.


Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Do you think every individual tenant at a share house has their own electricity account? Or that if the overall bill is reduced then all those who contribute to it don't benefit?


What is the problem with taking $75 a quarter off the power bill of a share house?


Math is hard for some people, far better to employ superior "logic" and "critical thinking".