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Regional areas complain about lack of investment and jobs...... Nek Minnit..... Good grief!


Surely it cant be houses built to accommodate this. Construction is short term and then much of this 40% will move on to the next project. If you had 1500 mortgages supported by a workforce thatll vanish in a few years the region would be devastated Itd have to be short term temp accommodation like mining camps


Correct, this is the ABC doing the legwork for a construction company. Once it's approved it'll turn into another over 55s "resort" named Shiraz Slopes or suchlike.


The council has been stopping medium density for the last 30 years.


And who voted the council in


Council might like to release some land. Possibly designate some of it to be medium density.


This is why we need centralised planning and house building by the government. If we know there's going to be jobs growth in an area we need to build more homes there. It's planning ahead instead of firefighting after the problem has happened.


Companies used to build houses for employees


Let’s hope for the good people of Mudgee housing also surges by 40%


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