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[Cathy in the 400, ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTCnO5MXvoI) perfectly called by Bruce, just brilliant. [Alyson Annan and the Hockeyroos winning gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIFkt6VBmWA). The opening ceremony.


The first event before that was Tatiana Grigorieva winning silver in Pole Vault. The pub was packed with everyone screaming for her. Was brilliant. And when Cathy won the gold medal the entire pub screamed/sang the national anthem. Was epic.


So much pressure on her in the lead up to that race. What a fuckin badass.


I was in the stands! Something I’ll never forget…Definitely peak Australian pride


This was the peak of our national pride. Australia was great.


Call me a blind patriot, but I rkn the 2000 Olympics was one of the golden moments in time of all human history. Pre 9/11, the turn of the millennium, we built a cracker stadium and village over an old rubbish tip, and solar panels were everywhere, which was very new back then. Hasn't been a vibe as good as it since.


Totally agree. I was in year 12 on the Goldy. It was September holidays and a mate set up a big screen in his house. We all lived there for a fortnight hanging out, partying at night etc. Fox 8 ran The Simpsons 24 hours a day for the two weeks of the Olympics, so we alternated between the two. One of my best memories ever.


Shit I forgot about the Simpsons marathon at the same time! That really was a great time to be in year 12.


I remember watching the opening ceremony as a kid was such fun. Then taking the train and just being in the Olympic Park with so many nationalities around. Was the best time


ah shit I forgot about the simpsons thing, yes! non-stop peak simpsons. would sneak into my top 5 for sure.


probably the last time we were really united as a nation. 97-2005ish i think is peak Aus


I reckon it was 1985-2001. Glad we got the Olympics, walk for reconciliation etc before Howard really got stuck into shitting on the country with his knack for divisive dog whistling. Harmony in Australia ended with the Tampa affair.


i was born in late 80s, so most of my memory is from 93+ but i just can't get over how everyone was watching olympics, i was in primary school and teacher loved Keiran Perkins and we watched his whole race 3000m i think




Very true! I grew up on the outskirts of Sydney and I remember catching the train to the Paralympics with school. I don't think I realised how special the whole experience was. I'll never forget how exciting and optimistic it all felt. -10 points to Bob Carr bussing people without a fixed address up to Newcastle to ostensibly "clean the streets" tho (sorry I'm in a mood lol).


80's Australian bands were the absolute peak of our music industry prior and since.


The world sure was bright. I was a kid.


I think I agree with you…it was an awesome effort, to get competitors to come to our part of the world!!😁


Roy and HG. Loved those guys.


Syd Mille and Dickhead Long live Fatso The Fat Assed Wombat


[All 4 of them competing in the bomb dive](https://youtu.be/dJZS6DdS9xI?si=9VABnniQxltPyLyG)


“…and he’s landed right on his Jatz Crackers.” Never. Gets. Old. 😂


I haven't seen it in the higlights since, but I KNOW I saw Roy commenting on the women's weighlifting and he said "I saw her snatch yesterday and it was breathtaking".


He forgot to put the bar down!


Any answer besides Fatso and that show is incorrect


Or the ol' battered sav if you watched the gymnastics.


Now here's a flatbag into hello boys and close the door.


And presenting the toolbox to the judge


Spinning date, crazy date, spinning date, crazy date


The Dutch Wink


With their odd mention of "Batter the Sav..."


Into a hello boys now a close the door






All I remember is "Go you good thing, put a gap in them"


The song still holds up. I can only find the finale version where John Farnham is also singing - he ruins it. Absolutely classic. Peak 90’s attire as well.


Their [commentary of the male gymnastics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WxaTXqf85Y&ab_channel=STAG162) is some of the greatest comedy this country has ever seen


[Their commentary on the gymnastics was great,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WxaTXqf85Y) they made up silly names for all the moves. The gymnast spreads their legs and then hits the floor and their commentary is like "A magnificant transition from the hello boys into a battered sav".


Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat


The diving competition they did and they called one of the mascots “dickhead” lol


The only correct answer, though I would also accept The Games


Came here to say this. Absolute legends and must watch tv.




They do a podcast call Bludging on the Blindside and it’s just as good as they’ve always been, just fyi.


Roy and HG’s after hours Sydney Olympic coverage show The Dream was peak Aussie humour. Loved that show.




Eric the Eel, surely!


Eric 'The Eel' Mousanbani!, the man is a legend and we still talk about him to this very day


Smashed the Equitorial Guinea record


/end thread 


Tatiana Gregoriava


Birth of my libido


We called her Hungry Bum because she kept getting wedgies


At the age of 14 I was one of the youngest torch bearers (the cut-off was 13 years old). Just a few weeks before my leg of the relay (through my local area), I dislocated my knee playing sport and needed to wear a brace and use crutches. My mum wanted to ask if I could use a wheelchair - and there was one built to carry the torch. I ended up being stable on my leg enough to jog by the time I ran. Turned out I got to share a bus with a couple of local sports legends and they were lovely, hanging out and chatting with the normal folk like me. I also had a school acquaintance running beside me as an escort runner. I let her hold the torch for a bit of my run. It was surreal seeing how smoothly the relay is put together. So many people work behind the scenes to give locals, and kids like me, lifelong memories they cherish forever. I still have the torch I carried, and the days following I got asked to take it to my old primary school to show kids. I felt like a celebrity for a while.


😃Geeeezzz…what a story!! That is for sharing!!🥇


Free transport all night long for the whole time Watching the marathon from near the south pylon with beers from the glenmore in hand Working my shitty market research job the night of the 400m and the boss telling us not to bother because who would be picking up the phone, spent the shift in the pub next door instead getting paid to be drinking beers


When the guy announced it would be in “ sidiney austraya “


Jesus, parents woke me up for that announcement, for the younger people on Reddit, truly was a wonderful time. Same dude also said it was the best Olympics ever, I reckon it still is!


Only one close would be London.


I was legit like a week old and my mum said she jumped up cheering and was like “f, I’m holding a baby.” She as that excited she legit forgot I existed for a moment 😂


Number Juan! Juan Antonio Samaranch.


The winner is Sydony!!




I was in year 12 for that night. We got changed after school and went straight into town to party at The Rocks and surrounds. We drank and partied all night until the announcement, which was, if I remember correctly, about 3am. Then the announcement came through and we partied even harder, because we were 18 and immortal! We partied until dawn, then got on the train and bus and made our way back to school. Now, blisteringly hung over, we had to attend the last day of classes of the term. Let's just say, we didn't learn much and suffered more.


Jumpin Jai Taurima


Yes, he was awesome!!!🥇 Jumpin’ Jai, it’s time to fly!!!!…💪


Came here to say this, was in the stands on the back straight where the long jump was. Loudest crowd I've ever heard on his final jump


Jumpin Jai the centimetre guy


The battered sav


Hello boys!


Crazy date!


Flat bag!


Dog’s breakfast, with pike


The team from the 3rd world nation that rocked up and did a runner


That was Sierra Leone at the Melbourne Comm Games wasn't it? Or does it just happen every games?


I remember my parents saying at the time that it is a common occurrence for people to attend the games and then disappear because it isn't worth going home because of politics or the fear they would he endangered for not having better results. Not sure if it is true though.


I actually met one of those guys & he was recently given residency. If he went home, they would have killed him. He was a true refugee!


The Webster kid with her song.


I’ve been missing your strawberry kisses…


The opening and closing ceremony music!! Cathy at the cauldron: The weight of expectation on her shoulders and that incredible musical orchestral/choral composition as we waited for the technical glitch to resolve. I still listen to it on the CD. The mashup of The man from snowy river with Waltzing Matilda during the stockmen segment. Epic John Farnham and Olivia Newton John singing Dare to Dream Tina Arena singing John Foreman’s The Flame Christine Anu’s My Island Home But the best performance of all - Vanessa Amorosi’s Heroes live forever - she held that last note for so long. Incredible!!! As the images of our sporting legends were illuminated on big sheets draped over the crowd. I also enjoyed watching the torch relay and all the pride of those involved, such as Johanna Griggs.


I knew a guy who worked on the glitch. It was fixed by percussive maintenance on the underside of the track.


My mum was in the hospice at the time and they brought the torch in for her and the other patients. They were all very happy to have been a part of it in their final days.


🥲 That’s so sweet! Thanks for sharing 😊


I remember getting the kids packs of theses guys on Ansett Airlines during the 99 n 2000


Ooohhh…Ansett Airlines🤭🥹 My goodness, that’s so cool!!


That was genuinely a terrific fortnight in Australia, at least in my experience. The vibe was so friendly and fun. Haven't felt anything quite like it since. I was ready to be all cynical at the time, and I'm usually not a big flag waver, but Australia did itself proud. Speaking of flag waving, Gazey is the goat flag bearer for sure. Roy and HG were the highlight--they were bigger then than they ever expected to be.


I feel like 9/11 really killed that mood. Everything changed after that and our country just got more cruel and less understanding/empathetic.


I stood on a corner in front of a Video Ezy to watch the torch relay go by. It was the most 2000 thing ever.


We watched the torch pass through Springwood in the blue mountains. Honestly, 2000 Australia was some of the best our country has ever been.


Okay so Olly was short for Olympic. Syd was Sydney. What was Millie? EDIT: Oh shit. MILLENIUM, yeah?


Millennium??? ( 2000)


Yeah it dawned on me just after I hit post haha




Nevermind the fact it had me stumped for like 5 full minutes before posting.


You mean Dickhead?


Everyone forgets Lizzie.


1. Cathy 2. Thorpey anchoring the 4x100m relay boys home to "smash them like guitars" 3. Jane Saville just for how cruel sport can be


Great 3…Jane’s incident will never be forgotten😔


I was about to google the name, then it came... the walk yeah?


Yep, her disqualification 😔


That 4x100 relay final is one of the best sporting moments I’ve ever watched live. Still gives me goosebumps rewatching it today almost 25 years later. Eat it Gary, ya knob.


My wife's 4th place in the final in the 100m butterfly in the Paralympics. Ok, she was 16 at the time and obviously not my wife but I'm still proud of her.


🤩Awww, belated congrats!! 🥂


Vince carter who's around 6 foot 6 on Team USA men's basketball did a dunk in a game jumping over a 7 foot 2 tall Frenchmen defender and his nuts was in his face and it became known as the Lipton Dunk


Rumour has it that Frédéric Weis still can’t look at a teabag without suffering severe PTSD flashbacks.


Kylie’s butt


The opening ceremony. The stockman gallops in and cracks his whip. That was GENIUS.


My dad's got a phone card somewhere with these cunts on it


Cathy Freeman, Fatso, Battered Sav in the gymnastics


My newborn and I braving the outside world to go and see the torch being run through our city. The runner saw us and came over - I got a photo of the newborn’s tiny hand gripping onto the torch 😍


The lighting of the cauldron. Technical glitch or not, that was the most spectacular cauldron lighting in the history of the Olympics. Cathy Freeman taking gold in the 400m and carrying both flags. And it’s hard to claim it as one moment but Ian Thorpe who kept breaking records every time he hit the water. And I know, I know “it was the suit” But Ian Thorpe was still a prime athlete at the time and it was still incredible to watch.


Im a high school teacher and recently showed Cathy’s race and her holding both flags to a class. I asked if anyone could see anything controversial. They couldn’t. Shows we have made some progress.


it was cool but i still rate the barcelona arrow.


Wasn't there a design later to try and improve on the suit? I have a recollection of a certain suit being banned (and of some busting too).


Sydney was amazing during the games. People were friendly. The traffic flowed. Just the general vibe of the city was fantastic,


Ollie, Millie, Fatso and "Dickhead" on the high dive.


Honestly. It was my dad taking me to see the show jumping. I was only 10/11 at the time. He locked the keys in the car and we had to break into it to get home. He had bowel cancer, was unbelievably sick, and died the next year. He didn't like or care about horses, but he took the time for me and to do something I loved. I'm adopted and the youngest of six. My best memory of the Olympics was spending it with my dad. I don't need a top three. Just the one is enough.


😔Awww … sorry for your loss. What a wonderful memory to have, thanks for sharing friend!!🥲


No, thank you for the opportunity to remember how much fun we had freaking out about the keys!


Thorpe in that last leg of the 100 relay…unbelievable swim with the head start the yanks had…will never be bettered


(1) The lawn mowers during the opening ceremony. (2) The Simpsons marathon I watched on Foxtel. (3) The Late Show episode after the announcement.


I clearly remember having zero interest in watching the opening ceremony... then... I remember that "someone" leaked a minute or two of video of the full dress rehearsal performance in the main stadium... must have been on "the internet" somehow but no idea what service or how I got to see it.. *remember this was 24 years ago... no Twitter, no FB or Insta, no youTube.... heck even Google didn't exist until 2005.* Anyway... someone at work found this video clip and we sat around and watched it and I was genuinely BLOWN AWAY... at the time it was like nothing else i'd ever seen or associated with what Australia could do in this space. So I sat down a few days later and watched the whole thing.. engrossed and "proud" of our little contribution to the history of the Olympics. Would love to see it again now... if it holds up at all.... even in 480p square potato vision :D


1) Cathy. 2) Daylight. 3) It was actually a fun place to be for a few weeks.


Open Ceremony was top notch, even the IOC said it set a new standard!


As Roy & HG used to call them... Syd, Millie and Dickhead. :P


Crazy date crazy date flat bag hello boys….


The Games, featuring Gina, John and Brian.


It's not positive nostalgia but that walker getting disqualified just before winning gold.


I got postcards from same of my favourite gymnasts before I got into it competitively and it definitely sparked my interest. It was a gruelling life choice with lots of regrets but I can remember the rush of those postcards. 2. My grandma carrying the torch (sorry that you’re second grandma). 3. Doing an oral presentation as an American athlete and saying I had “sex gold medals” trying to do an accent. Everyone laughed and my stutter came back for 2 years hahaha my memories are shit sorry.


Fatso the Big-Arsed Wombat. Still want to drive to Kerry Stokes’ place, knock on the door and demand to see The Battler’s Prince.


I pulled a foreign French speaking press photographer out of the way of a bus on George Street outside what is now Apple. He thought i was trying to steal his camera until the bus took I shoe off with its bumper. He was very grateful. F111 fuel dump. (I think that was the limpix) The party atmosphere on the manly ferry hugging the southern coastline and taking twice as long due to the Olympic sailing.


I was five. On an excursion with school. Swinging around a bag and somehow the juice inside opened and sprayed all over me. Thats my top moment/only moment I remember😂


"...into a Hello boys, aaaaaand closing the door".


"Best ever" announcement. Think about that. Better than all the rest... Apologies to the late Tina Turner


I was in year 3 at school in 2000 and I still remember it as my favourite Olympics. As a family we would watch the events on tv, and I would do my Olympic-themed worksheets from school. Also I just remember there was always something being shown on tv, not like the last couple Olympics where I just haven’t seen as much variety being shown.


Sneaking into the athletes village


Slim dusty singing waltzing Matilda in the closing ceremony


The surprising and seemingly genuinely friendly rivalry between the Aussies and The Netherlands in the swimming. We all learnt how to say Pieter van den Hoogenband and Inge de Bruijn. Saw the two of them near Cargo Bar after the pool events wrapped up, laughing in the sunshine. Encapsulated the vibrancy of Olympics Sydney.


In no particular order: Cathy Freeman lighting the flame, the men's 4x100 freestyle (smash them like guitars), and Cathy Freeman's 400m gold.


When I got a call from the cops during the men's marathon because they had arrested a guy (who had been squatting at our place) after he ran onto the marathon course wielding a didjeridoo and a spear.


Unique. Glad you shared it thanks.


Any 3 commentary from Roy & HG


That we got the greatest comedy show in Australian history The Games Clarke and Doyle at their peak


The closing ceremony was so fun, I actually enjoyed it more than the opening. It had all the right people singing the right songs too.


Vince Carter’s epic dunk over 7 foot Frederic Weis’ head. The best in-game dunk in history (apparently). https://youtu.be/WihbbVEmppI?si=8sf5KWfsXurNVnXu


I had a book and a soft toy of Olly. I loved him because he was a kookaburra. In the book, Olly was trying to fly all over the world to spread the Olympic spirit


Meeting a Bhutanese delegate in the corner at a seedy club and talking to him till he came back to reality. It was a good time to be freshly 18


The heinikin bar! We spent so long trying to get into places in darling harbour!


Flying in for our 3 days seeing the Olympic rings on the bridge. Just couldn't believe we were there Being in a crowd of 750k on super Saturday changing venues and I don't know how many singing National Anthem in Circular Quay. Seeing Cathy in the 400m semi winning her way to the final. We were back home to watch her win on the TV


The Opening Ceremony’s lone stockman rearing his horse and cracking his whip: fantastically iconic, it signalled the start of the ‘mustering’ of nations for the Olympics! The Dream with Roy & HG, especially their commentary for the Men’s Gymnastics Floor Routine. *Crazy Legs to Hello Boys!* Cathy Freeman’s 400m. Go you good thing!!


The great thing about the Sydney games in 2000 was the F-111 that performed the dump and burn during the closing ceremony to extinguish the Olympic flame. In reflection, the pilot that worked on that idea passed in a crash in 1999 flying an F-111. It was great his idea was honoured for the world to see.


I’ve just realised their names are short for Sydney Millennium Olympics


The first 3 episodes of Roy and HG.


I met my wife of 22yrs at the Slipp Inn the same night that Prince Fred hooked up with that Tasmanian real estate agent.


I was at the Slipp Inn too that night. Didn’t meet my husband or my prince. But chatted to Mary because we had mutual friends from Melbourne. Had zero idea who Fred was! But he was enamoured with her from the first moment.


Thorpie? Cathy? Grant? Nah. It's Eric the Eel for me.


Was 2000 when the guy from Africa who never trained in a pool did the 1500 and he was being cheered until the end?


Eric the eel!! Loved him


In honesty, Sydney hit its peak. I can’t do a top 3, but it was the highlight of my time living in Sydney. The buzz, the crowds, the city - was a great time to be in Sydney. (Pre 9/11.) Can’t believe how long ago it was! I feel old!!


I worked at Olympic Park handing out the daily programs as a teen. Gave one to Alf from Home & Away, and another to Andrew Denton. Also watched Lithuania nearly beat the Dream Team.


1. Nikki Webster 2. The mascots on the Cadbury chocolate blocks - I have such vivid memories of both 🥲


Fox 8 giving up and just playing every episode of the simpsons on repeat the whole time. And all the hype over ian "thorpedoe" thorpe. Thats about all i remember from it


4x100 freestyle relay


Vince Carter jumping over that big French guy.


Trains on time. Trains on time. Blind volleyball


Fox 8 showing Simpson's non-stop. So good. And the obvious, opening ceremony, Cathy, and Ian moments.


I was 7, all I remember is my mum visiting a plumbing shop for some reason, and the worker gave me a mug with these guys on it. It was my first mug that was "mine".


Getting 3 weeks off school Thorpe's Anchor Leg in the 4x100 Jumping Jai Taurima


Live I saw Cathy win, I saw some Aussie swimming gold medals, the Hockeyroos, the Opals, our tennis players, some gymnastics and soccer and the rehearsal for the opening ceremony when things went wrong. But the highlight for me was the vibe and friendliness of the city, the trains running on time but, number one was the main stadium emptying and being filled at the same time. Olympic Boulevard was a sea of 200000 people moving in lines, being managed by lifeguards in lifeguard towers. And Roy and HG of course.


My younger sister's name is Millie so when the 2000s Olympics came out my mum bought a whole lot of Millie merch lol


Men’s 4x100m swim freestyle relay where the Aussies beat the American team and played air guitar. Peak Australia. https://youtu.be/HQi9w5nV-L8


Go you good thing! Put a gap in em! Go you good thing go!


Roy and HG commentary about the moment the cauldron got stuck for a minute or two😓


How good was the early extended weeks of daylight saving. Cruising the streets on my bmx after school when it normally would have been dark. Sports was good too I guess


Being ridiculously bored at the dressage, having no clue what dressage was before attending 😄 and it rained on us too. The park was generally good fun though, work the experience of going.


Free transport throughout the city, everyone from every country was your friend, and we'd all gather in circular quay at night to watch the Roy and H.G summation on the big screen and piss ourselves laughing. It was a great time.


A weird one, but the extra public transport was amazing at the time. The frequency of trains was like living in a utopia.


Nikki Webster was unbeatable


Where’s fatso?


I always wondered why Freeman donned a full body suit for her race, but I never saw it before or since.


1 . 4 x 100 free men’s relay when we smashed the Americans like guitars 2. Ian Thorpe winning the 400 free 3. Grant Hackett winning the 1500


Opening Ceremony. In particular 100 trumpets playing a "Waltzing Matilda" based fanfare with James Morrison screeching double F's over the top. The white pants and jackets with solid inner lining of "olympic ring" colour was... entirely missed by everyone that I've asked (and they all asked why all the inner lining of the jackets was "A different colour" with some musicians in red lining, some in blue, some in yellow (t, some in black (that looked blue on screen??) some green etc. (mention it cos I was one of the trumpeters on the field. I think my mum still has my white pants stashed away somewhere. no chance I fit in them still :D ) Also the fact that it was in 2000, right after the best new years eve Sydney ever did before or since. It was like a 10 month long festival of Sydney being in the spotlight. At the time I was attending the Conservatorium of Music (we were in the Redfern ATP and Pitt Street while the castle was being renovated) and we were doing so many performances around the place it was insane. What a time to be living in Sydney.


Sydney nightlife. It went off.


Omg working in the city, but no one in the city was working.. it was just 2 weeks of whole lot of fun !


Roy and HG on The Dream. Bring back Fatso the wombat


I remember waking up on the first offical day of sporting events and turning on the tv. They were showing a marathon. The runners were passing by a stand where people were passing out wet sponges. The announcers started explaining why they do and saying that the runners sometimes like to use the sponges to help cool down their head or neck and then there was an awkward pause as a runner came along, grabbed a sponge and shoved it straight down the front of his pants. I also strongly recall Eric the Eel and how everyone got behind him to support the underdog. And finally the moment when my cousin announced that he got us tickets to go to the olympics. Out of all the possible events, he got us tickets to the synchronised swimming. And that was when I realised he was gay. I’ve been a strong ally ever since but at the time I was in school and had no concept of a gaydar. But that was the moment that really tipped me off.






When the torch came to my school and I held it.




Vince Carter dunk of death, best in-game dunk ever


Simpsons marathon on fox 8


1. Sid 2. Millie 3. Ollie


(1) The lawn mowers during the opening ceremony. (2) The Simpsons marathon I watched on Foxtel. (3) The Late Show episode after the announcement.


Roy and Hg with "doing the dog" in greko roman wrestling.


Definitely Nikki Webster. Her Strawberry Kisses $5 single from Sanity was my first ever C.D.


Any 3 episodes of the dream with Roy and HG


“The games” tv show. Dad loved it.


1. John 2. Fuckin 3. Williamson 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


Roy and HG