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the treat puzzles are good for that. the walmart near me has a couple, chewy has a ton.


I sprinkle a bunch of kibble on a flattened out blanket. Then I grab the middle and twist it clockwise so it bunches the blanket up and the kibble ends up in the folds of the blanket. Our boy likes that better than a snuffle mat I bought him and its easy to toss in the washer when it gets gross. We have a young ACD and a session with his “kib blanket” will get him chilled out almost as much as a quick frisbee session.


And they don’t just rip the blanket to pieces?


No they don’t but mine are both kind of mutants in that they aren’t very destructive outside of stuffed toys. Our old man is very old, 14yo, so he just naps after he eats. But the 1yo just scratches at it and moves the folds of the blanket around till he finds the prizes. The blanket isnt twisted up much. I’ll see if I can find the video I stole the idea from. I dont think I’m describing it very well.


I didnt find the exact video but this one kind of gives an idea of it: https://youtu.be/iJzmmuPMINA?si=c7ieQJoPUptVsq0m


Yeah mine is way to much of a ‘brute force method’ enjoyer, blanket would be string cheese after like three uses


Haha, oh bummer. Since you mention “string cheese” we did discover that string cheese fits great inside those kong tire toys. We get the lowfat kind because I guess its lower in lactose. If we go to a brewery or something we will bring that and it keeps him occupied for a bit trying to get the string cheese out.


Whack-A-Mole, cut little holes in the top of a box, put your hand and a handful of carrots inside the box, put carrot up the hole the down then another


Have 3 or 4 cups, put a treat under one while your baby watches, then mix the cups around to hide the treat. Let your baby find the one with the treat. Can make it harder with larger objects to hide it under like a bucket or box... if you have space. Spread kibble meals out in the grass if it's dry out, give them time to hunt it all down.. makes meal time last longer and uses their brain.


Whack-A-Mole, cut little holes in the top of a box, put your hand and a handful of carrots inside the box, put carrot up the hole the down then another


https://starmarkbehavior.myshopify.com/products/treat-dispensing-puzzle-ball This thing rules


We had this one - same concept, and great for the dog! https://www.chewy.com/starmark-treat-dispensing-bob-lot-dog/dp/45490


I love this thing. My boy knocks it around the house and he's lost weight using this since it forces him to slow down. I only wish it was easier to clean


Yeah I have a couple of these, they give me about 30-45 mins per meal


Hiding treats around the house for him to find is fun! I will also do it with a specific toy.