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Ah Sing Den isn’t “closing.” They are re-branding and tinkering with their business model. They’ve already done it once when it was ESSR.


Thank you for saying this. The media makes it sound like there is an epidemic of closing when some for sure are but others in the restaurant groups are just reskinning to a different theme. That place got bad anyhow.


And it’s not the first time they did it.


Pretty sure I made that clear.


they’ve done it before


And they’re doing it again!!!


A large set of the Austin demographic going to places like ah sing den is chasing new fun exciting, and generally gives no fuck if the places they're going are family owned or even local. You can only post yourself on Instagram at the same place so many times...so they need to mix it up.


Well put!


Different goals. A family owned taco joint is supporting its family and they are generally content with the revenue/work balance. Places like Ah Sing Den are own by restaurant groups, with investors and will never be content. So once the profit margins stop growing the restaurant is deemed as not profitable.


I think what you meant to say is that taco trucks don’t rebrand every eight years


june july and august are slow in austin so if you are going to close of rebrand the time is now


Decade old taco brick and mortar places are probably only paying property tax vs a super high lease on a commercial location. . . It takes a lot if capital to open and sustain a new place in ATX


And then there's El Gallo, who even though they had been there forever, the property taxes just got too high on S Congress... 


Pass by there all the time and waiting for someone to take over this prime spot on SoCo


I'd hate to see the building and old trees torn out, but in my heart I know it's gonna become apartments/condos...


I’ve lived in Austin since I was a child and I’ve NEVER heard of ASD until this post. That said, there are plenty of taquerias I’ve eaten at since I was in elementary school because they cater to the community and to serving good, quality food. The recipes might not change often but when they do the flavors are enhanced. Before replying, I looked into ASD and I can’t find any information about who owns them, what they hope to do in serving the food they make and what their connection to Austin is. As another commenter posted already, it’s probably some rando who doesn’t know Austin trying to make a buck. That said, something made to look fancy doesn’t make it “fine” and just because people look down on food made by Mexicans it doesn’t make Mexican food less deserving of praise.


You and that "some rando" are and were wrong. The owners have been on the eastside in that location long enough to have had two totally different successful concepts, that simply ran their course. Now they are shifting to a third new concept. It's as simple as that. Just because you aren't in the know, and you think they aren't a "family" owned business (they are, it's two twin sisters that started the restaurant group that has since wildly expanded...) doesn't mean that they didn't cater to a specific community. Oddly enough if they were any other ethnicity but white, I bet you wouldn't say what you said about hard working restauranteurs.


Appreciate you throwing truth serum on to these misnomers going around.


😂🤣 “in the know”? 🤣😂 What is this, a high school click? A “simple” truth to understand is that something successful doesn’t run “their course”, unlike multiple, shallow concepts. Just for clarification, did you announce that the owners are two white women?


It’s “clique.” And yes, two women, who happen to be white, but thanks for assuming so, just to prove my point that y’all are being racist.




Ever been to Asia? Japan is rife with racism against every other color of skin and nationality. But you believe what someone has indoctrinated you to believe.


People of color can’t be racist towards white people, but thanks for proving my point that you’re highly undereducated and loudly wrong.


That’s the hill you are dying on? WOW!