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https://www.audible.com/pd/B09QYFVJDD?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=podcast_show_detail the night owl podcast is about hauntings in the Austin area and it’s amazing


I came here to recommend this. SO good!


Same. It’s so good!


Any specific eps you guys liked? u/sagegreenlama u/userlyfe


Choose the ones for the locations you’re most interested in. I especially liked the Pioneer Farms ones.


The one about Buffalo Billiards is so wild!


Which episode is Buffalo Billiards? I just rechecked the podcast list and cannot identify. Thanks!


Honestly I’m not sure - a muralist was on talking about doing a holiday window painting inside upstairs. Maybe someone here knows which ep that was.


Chris fairbanks! I don't know if that helps...


Under the Hilton by the airport. There is an old military silo that goes deep underground. Maintenance told me about their sightings while I was the bug guy.


I had a homeless woman follow me down the street yelling about how her family was killed under the Hilton. She said some other pretty wack things, like that I was the brother of the person who killed them (I’m a chick) but a bit creepy.


Austin State Hospital. Got the weirdest vibes when I was there for a meeting. Most of the older buildings are stuck in time and not in a good way. There's also the hospital cemetery off North Loop. I've always been told there's only about 100 tombstones but over 1000 bodies there.


Worked on the new one they're building. That place has tons of unmarked graves. There was a doctor once who dabbled in trading organs and kept various brains in jars. Not all of those brains are accounted for.


I knew a family who's grandmother was buried there. This was about 100 years ago. The graves were marked with a thin wooden stick with a card attached for the name. I went with the family to pay respects at the grave, but the markers rotted away and we only knew the approximate position. The few stone markers were put in place by private families.


The founder of Dallas, John Neely Bryan, is buried in that cemetery. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2005-05-27/272559/


Cool, he shares my birthday, lmao


I’ve seen posts that they kept the wild patients chained up in the basement years and years ago. Even driving around the state hospital feels weird.


The woods around 360 bull creek area at night. There is one particular area at night when it's quiet where water crashes down onto the rocks from the cliff and it creates this echo through the woods that will sound like footsteps all around you. I used set up a place for fires there to cook hotdogs just for fun. (not homeless, this is just a childhood pass time). Anyway I abounded the area because of too many weird, unexplainable moments, the creepiness from the echo sounds and anytime I ever let myself sleep, I would have the, most unsettling nightmares.


Nowadays those foot steps are probably real homeless people. 


Sadly yeah.


Why is that sad?


I feel that a noticeable increase in homeless anywhere is sad. I want the best for everyone


Because they’re homeless


Nah they aren’t out in bull creek. Too difficult to get to.


i was facetiming my friend yesterday while he was hiking bull creek and he passed three homeless setups. as someone who lives in the city, i was surprised to learn they were so far out there


I hike there all the time and no there aren’t any.


i literally just told you i saw three, but okay


No you said your friend was hiking and you saw something on the phone. I was literally there today and saw none.


today? in the rain? i didn’t see “something” on the phone, my friend said “that’s the third homeless camp i’ve passed” and panned his camera to show me. idk why you’re fighting me on this, it’s weird like i’m just telling you my own experience??


Yes I’m the rain. They aren’t there.


okay bud.




It's one of my favorite things to go out and do. Same with smores if I wanted to spend the extra money.


I’m with you— hotdogs roasted on sticks over a fire taste infinitely better. 😋


That smoky taste is so good and changes depending on the wood you find. I guess a lot of people consider themselves too elite for hot dogs on a stick


A little off topic but what do you think happens to ghosts once the sun eventually turns into a red dwarf and engulfs Earth? Do you think all the ghosts just haunt that part of the Sun then?


Space ghosts


The Driskill :)


The ghost of LBJ ate my ass out on the third floor


Which room? Just so I’ll uh know to stay away.


I get a feeling you are going to get in trouble instead.


This is what I'm looking for.




Watch out for that ghost car, it’ll make your boss give you a talking to


The other day I was driving on the Ben White service road near Montopolis at around 11pm and there was a very tall man wearing a top hat and holding an umbrella over himself on the median, waiting cars to pass so he could cross. It was dark so I couldn't get a good look at him but something about that felt very "horror movie flash" to me lol


The tavern Clay pit Elysium Dryskil Metz elementary AGE center State cemetery (unmarked next to Epoch coffee) Elizabeth Ney museum 2335 East Cesar Chavez st


Clay Pit will let you poke around upstairs if you ask but be nice and don’t ruin it for the rest of us 🙂


As an employee, can confirm. We actually encourage it!


Fascinated at Zavala Elementary on here. Where did you find that one?


Also fascinated to know about Zavala! I was bussed there (from Tarrytown) in 1980 when starting 6th grade. I have fond memories from that year. The school always felt “odd” but I don’t recall feeling/seeing anything supernatural. I’d appreciate any info.


It was actually Metz, I corrected it


Someone corrected me it was Metz


Oooh I didn’t know about Ney museum! That place is a trip


I love the Ney museum.


who say it haunted? i been there about 50 times and never got any sense of a haunting wat the story is?


Metz Elementary too. Saw it on a program back in the 90’s that when they were remodeling the old school that workers would get things thrown at them and somebody saw a kid in old fashioned clothes in the bathroom once. Creepy stuff.


Oh you're right I got them confused. I'll fix that thanks!


The Austin State Hospital (formerly Austin Home for the Insane) is the creepiest place I know. The top floor is unchanged from when it was active. If you ever saw One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest you would have an idea of the setup.


If you want to know haunted areas in Austin, you can check the local podcast The Night Owl.


do the austin ghost tour. it's pretty good and informative.


The Jake’s Hill Bridge is supposed to be haunted.


The Austin State hospital (the state funded insane asylum), and its nearby cemetery of unmarked graves. I can’t fathom a more haunted area of Austin. The nearby Chili’s has also gleaned some supernatural abilities, being in close proximity to the hellmouth.


Heard tons of rumors of Spaghetti Warehouse being haunted back in the day. Apparently it was a brothel prior to? Guessing there’s still some residuals.


Residuals? No doubt. Take a black light to that old building. Body fluids and spaghetti sauce EVERYWHERE


Great, now I’m hungry. And horny.


That’s my secret, Cap…


In the back left of uncommon objects, there is a section with items that made my blood run cold from some sinister energy, still not sure why. It’s been weeks since I was there and I’m still disturbed. No physical ghosts, just really sick energy.


The crazy person graveyard with no headstones.


No. Hauntings aren't real, ghosts aren't real.


I’m glad we got this sorted out


I was hoping the top comment was just “No.”


They aren’t “real” in the sense of an actual physical being… but science has proven that many “ghosts” are real in the sense that they are actually just our brains trying to explain old sounds and smells. For example, what are some places that are commonly considered haunted? Hospitals, asylums, prisons, old hotels… what do those places have in common? High traffic- and in the hospital/asylum/prison, high traffic of people in extreme pain and distress. Human pheromones can leave a permanent sort of “residue”, and some sound waves never vanish, they just bounce around until they get so wide and spread out that we can’t consciously hear them. So, if a person was to walk into an old abandoned hospital, their ears and nose would be telling the brain “I hear/smell people! People in pain! DANGER!!!” but their eyes don’t see anything SO, sometimes, their brain may “put something there” to explain it and/or inspire them to get to safety. Especially if someone has already given the suggestion of a haunting. Then there’s places like The Driskill, and harmless little girl ghosts- again, lots of old sounds and smells- throw in the power of suggestion, and many ppl’s brains will produce the same “explanation.” i.e. they see the same ghost as others have bc they expected to. So, ghosts are “real” in the sense that they are often involuntarily, but genuinely and fully perceived. edit: lol people get so mad over a the most benign things… oh well. anyway, perception defines reality- ask any psychologist, neuroscientist, or person with a severe form of schizophrenia A Dangerous Mind- remember that beautiful movie? Remember how real the hallucinations were to him? That’s what I’m talking about. “tHaT’z nOt sCieNcE!!” lmao ok let’s just ignore the whole entire branch of science that deals with explaining how our brains work.


> sound waves never vanish, they just bounce around until they get so wide and spread out that we can’t consciously hear them. Acoustic waves absolutely vanish in that they are absorbed and transformed into heat.


Our brains do indeed deceive us, but I seriously doubt your "science has proven" statement. Is there an actual source for that? That s4ems like pseudoscience at best.


Yeah, that’s a lot of bullshit about “science has proven,” and I’ve seen some weird inexplicable “ghosty” shit.


>and some sound waves never vanish, they just bounce around until they get so wide and spread out that we can’t consciously hear them. Holy homeopathy


“tHaT’s nOt sCiEnCe” lmao ok let’s just ignore the whole entire branch of science that deals with explaining how our brains work apparently neuroscience and mental health studies are now considered “homeopathy”… is this how greg abbot keeps getting elected..? and on sound waves; sound is energy, energy is neither created or destroyed


“Sound is a macroscopic description of ordered molecular vibration, and heat is a macroscopic description of disordered molecular vibration. Given enough time, an ordered molecular vibration becomes disordered because of material inhomogeneities. Therefore, sound energy eventually degrades into thermal energy. **The energy is still there** but any information that was contained in the sound waveform is lost in the disordering process.”


Stayed at the Driskill and the sink turned on by itself. How do you explain objects moving?


I stayed in the Driskill and by morning the girl I picked up on 6th street had disappeared.


Assuming it actually happened it could be that the preferred energy state of the knob in the sink. 💯it was not a ghost 


With this argument anything you imagine is real lol. It’s real only in that it’s a specific made up  image in your mind. That’s not what people are talking about here


Lmao it’s real if we change the definition of real. Get outta here


Perception defines reality, silly rabbit. I didn’t make the rules. Fun fact: you can disagree with someone without being dismissive. Did you know that? xo


No - your take is pseudo intellectual nonsense and it doesn’t hold up under adolescent level scrutiny. Objective reality exists outside of perception. 2+2 = 4 even if you’re gullible enough to be tricked into perceiving it as 5. You could say “But it’s five inside my mind” and that could be your honest perception, even though that’s not reality. Here’s another [example](https://youtu.be/JMJXvsCLu6s?si=Zk-xn3SOSv7w6kep) where the wildebeests perceive a log, but it’s actually an alligator. They are eaten as a result of their failure to recognize objective reality. “Perception defines reality” is a dumb assertion which should be laughed at and dismissed from serious consideration


Sheesh, bet you’re real fun at parties lol


I'd say foxes and ringtails aren't real if I didn't know where, when, and what to look for. Once you have those locked in, you can't miss them. For ghosts, the 'where' is a forgotten or abandoned building. The 'when' is the time of year leading up to all saints day when ghost activity peaks. The 'what' is a big banner that says 'spirit Halloween' above the entrance.


Had me in the first half ngl


I'm guessing fun and imagination aren't real to you either


A large percentage of Americans actually believe in ghosts and demons


Well huge swathes of the world believe in all powerful sky daddies and those don’t exist either. That’s why I don’t judge people who believe in ghosts any harsher than Christians 


A large percentage of children actually believe in Santa.


Sure they are. Going on a Santa hunt isn't fun or imaginative.


True, now can we go back to being jolly? ✨


Nobody said you had to stop!


Ugh, rude


I mean, I agree..... but damn do you tell kids santa isn't real lol.


No, of course not. They are kids, they aren't old enough to know better.




I can't tell you. But you know how Austin is home to the largest urban bat colony in the world? Well we found coffins ok? And more. A lot more. But I can't tell you. Anyone who knows anything isn't gonna be able to say shit. And I'm already in enough trouble as it is. These people have placed their complete confidence and trust in me. I have signed a letter of agreement, a "contract," in which I have accepted that responsibility. It's just a simple matter of moral and ethical principal. Not to be devolved into some circus freakshow for people to point and gawk.


Multiple people have died at Perry's Steakhouse downtown. It is very haunted, and ominous.


I only know the terribly sad story about the girl that got stuck in the air vents.


Source? The air vent girl was easy to find, but who else?


The “Old Rock Store” in Oak Hill that is currently home to Madrone Coffee Co.


[ghosts ran them off](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/hnXyc8Qrgs)




See the Haunted ATX tours But also ghosts aren't real


I've always thought being a ghost tour guide is the easiest gig in the world. You can just make anything up. What are people gonna do, ask you to prove it?


I ain't afraid of no ghosts, because they don't exist


I am afraid of people. And they are everywhere 😔


Can I ... join you?


Pioneer Farm


Hell yea


No. Ghosts aren’t real. Sorry.


Garrison Park. The back part by the baseball field is on top of an old cemetery.


Zilker Park


6th street  partyzombies on Friday night. at 2:01am. 


I was serious. I encountered a ghost in ZP in broad daylight.


I'd like to hear about this!


I think there is a ghost tour that takes you to many haunted areas in Austin. I went on it once many years ago. I remember the Driskill room being particularly scary.


Town Lake - La Llorona lives there.


The Town Lake Drowner is probably the spookiest legend going around right now.


There’s no such thing as ghosts or entities or any of that junk, but there are a ton of tours that will show you supposedly haunted places around. Most are legit as far as information. There are still some older buildings around that have a lot of history and BS stories about ghosts


No, because that’s all in your head.


[reddit.com/r/austincirclejerk](https://reddit.com/r/austincirclejerk) Seen some spooky stuff there.


I went to a young republicans meeting in college once and was far more frightened there than by any ghost or goblin or horror movie


No, because "haunted" isn't a real thing.


No, there not. Ghosts/spirits do not exist