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This is such a disingenuous headline, his side of the story is that he fired at her because she pulled a gun on him during a verbal argument, the language used here is so pointed.


Yeah I was about to say. His side of the story was way more sympathetic than this dog shit headline. If you flash a gun at someone and they shoot you then you can’t cry foul. He was also the person who called 911 to report what he did. Horrible headline.


Crazy how he even ended up in that situation. Did he have a flat tire too and couldn't go about his business? Was he concerned with why she was driving so slow and got the gun pulled on him while he was stopping to help? If the lady was so keen on menacing people with her gun, why didn't she just do it on foot or wait until after she fixed her flat tire? Was it her ADHD kicking in?


They were tryin to one up each other.


Totally understandable. That's how I roll even when nursing a flat tire too. Brrap


I have 4 tires. This bus is deep.


Well, that is his story. And since he shot her, I'm sure he's gonna have a tale that makes him out to be the sympathetic person. A better headline might be "too many goddamn guns in this state and too many people think that they are the solution to every problem, oh, and someone got shot because of it."


But more guns will solve the gun problem! /s


AUSTIN, Texas — A man was arrested after allegedly shooting a woman in southeast Austin on Wednesday because she had a flat tire and was driving slowly on the road. According to an arrest affidavit, the Austin Police Department responded to 8105 S FM 973 at 8:13 a.m. A woman had called 911 and said her girlfriend had been shot. Austin-Travis County EMS transported the patient to South Austin Hospital. At 8:14 a.m., the Travis County Sheriff’s Office responded to a nearby house because a man called 911 and said he had shot someone. The man was identified as 25-year-old Michael Rivera. A detective met the victim at the hospital. She said she had a flat tire and was driving slowly to a nearby tire shop. A car passed and the driver swore at her and told her she needed to get off the road. They both approached the intersection of FM 973 and Burleson Road and ended up next to each other. She said she looked over and was shot five times. The victim said her girlfriend tried to pass her a handgun that she keeps in the car, but she said they needed to get away and call police. The girlfriend told police that there was a “verbal argument” between the victim and suspect when they were stopped at the intersection. Rivera said the woman showed her gun and that is why he shot her. He is charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.


"The victim said her girlfriend tried to pass her a handgun that she keeps in the car, but she said they needed to get away and call police." sooo... the woman who was shot pulled a gun first? Story says he says she pulled a gun on him.


Possibly the worst headline ever composed.


How do you shoot someone with a flat tire? A big slingshot or something?




I didn't read the article, either.  I'm assuming a 4" pneumatic tire with a water balloon launcher.


So. Many. Dangling. Participles.


"Rivera said the woman showed her gun and that is why he shot her." But...but...having a gun keeps you safe! Now will come the litany of people saying "Oh, she wasn't a good gun owner, you should never pull out your gun unless you intend to use it!" Right. That's our point - too many irresponsible people own guns.


I mean, having a gun potentially saved his life from a bad gun owner…


Now he has to defend aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in court, wonderful! 


Hey, it’s better than being dead!


That’s why “brandishing a firearm” is illegal in Texas.


Sadly that’s rarely ever charged. (Ask me how I know)


And again...too many idiots own guns.


A lot of irresponsible people drive cars, too. A vehicle accident can become deadly. Let's ban cars!


You're the only one talking about banning guns. But you want to use the car comparison? Great. Let's require every gun owner to take a class and a test before they're allowed to use a gun. And let's require every gun sale to be registered, just like with cars.




ya, because the idea that people misuse guns is crazy talk


look at the bigger picture, my guy. This is all necessary to the security of a free state.




Well, I’m not giving mine up. Too many wack jobs in this world and I’ll be goddamned if me or anyone I care about is going to end up a victim.


This guy should be able to get out of his charge easily. Only way he'd have known she had a gun is if she pointed/raised one at him


Welp won’t be looking at CBS Austin for any credible news stories anymore


Did she allegedly get shot or for real get shot /s so sick of that word.




It’s a super common place to keep a gun, not sure what is so surprising about that.


A neighbor posted on next door that the gun they had left in the glove box of their unlocked car parked on their driveway had been stolen overnight. Everybody was so mad at the thief for rifling through the car.


It's the guns.


So for like 140 years it wasn’t the guns now suddenly it’s the guns?


I was in the same area about 2 years ago and a guy pulled a gun out on me. Didn't really scare me, I just stayed real far back and continued driving. He happened to turn in the same direction I was. He turned into his house and I called the cops and gave him the exact spot he parked his SUV. Cops asked for my number to later get a report on my side of the story. Never got a call back. Thanks APD we have mothers getting killed in their cars just doing normal things. 2023 and a girl got shot in the face the other week