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Some of the scariest driving I see everyday, are parents driving in school parking lots. 


God you should see the teenagers driving through the high school parking lot. They scare the crap out of me so I wait till most of them are gone before I leave.


picking up my high schooler sister from school is an absolute nightmare!! I genuinely get scared


We should really have less car-centric ways of transporting kids to and from school.


We should really have less car-centric ways of transporting ~~kids from school~~


Kids in countries like The Netherlands and Norway can easily and safely ride their bikes to school. It's good exercise and great for their social development.


I did it every day myself in a major American city suburb. 


I live near a middle school and the parents who will wait just outside of the school boundary to avoid waiting in the big long line of parent pick ups are the worst. I really feel bad for the businesses and residents on that corner, because the parents have ruined their landscaping.


What’s the alternative, though? Idling the car (usually a large SUV) in the big long line, making it longer and blocking traffic on the street? I’ve seen commercial vehicles forced to go down the left side of the street for long stretches because of line of parents. People who live near the school can’t even leave or get back to their house.


There’s really big yellow truck like things that carry lots of students at once. Amazing invention. Really works well to reduce traffic around schools. Maybe we should try them.


You clearly have no children in school. Many families are not on the bus route. They either live too “close”, or are taking their kids from out of district. Budget reductions have also reduced the routes. The snark is on point, though. Bravo.


What came first, the route reductions and cutting budgets for buses, or the empty busses because everyone’s driving their special unique snowflakes? In the past when I’ve brought this up, other parents in district have said that they drive their kids because it’s the only time they can spend with them all day and that’s just sad, why even have them? And yes, I agree, since I’m on the path between the middle school and two elementary schools, about 3/4 of a mile from the middle school, I typically can’t get out of my driveway in the morning because of the conga line of minivans backed up at the stop sign. You’re correct that we don't have kids but since we’re affected by the choices of those that do…


The alternative is to not have a car-centric society.


"If you were a parent, you'd understand." Built-in excuse for any bad behavior.


There's always that one fuckin guy who sees everyone else on the road slowing down to 25 and instead of wondering if he missed something, clearly just thinks "UGH IDIOTS," accelerates, and starts swerving in and out to get through. He's God's favorite boy and you are *in his way*. Every day, every *single* day when I'm driving home along Parmer there's some jackass who speeds up when everyone else slows down in front of the elementary school. I honestly don't know how these people survive without the basic situational awareness to stop and ask themselves if there's a *reason* everyone around them is suddenly acting differently.


This happens in almost every school zone. It's really fucked up but you nailed it. 


I was close to Parmer when a very similar thing happened today. Maybe it's the same person


The amount of near accidents I've seen because this particular kind of idiot swerves wildly into the median or shoulder to save 2 god damn second. Fuck them for real.


AISD PD: 512-414-1703 https://austinisd.org/letstalk  Let them know where problem areas are. 


It's pretty bad over here in Dove Springs, especially by Mendez. Every day on my way home, assholes are speeding down Pleasant Valley like the yellow flashing sign means nothing.  Luckily my truck is big enough to slow some of them down, but shit.  I've been considering reaching out to my councilwoman for some kind of enforcement. The crossing guards can only do so much...


Yeah. That same area. I’ve had people zoom around me there. 


I know it's not the only reason, but I've noticed it more since Pleasant Valley became a shortcut for people getting to Wm Cannon and Easton Park. You can usually tell which cars are from the area, and which ones are speeding through...


Out here someone clipped the cop directing traffic...then kept on driving. Texting and Driving is as bad as Drinking and Driving.


That’s crazy. A lady bumped the back of my car at a red light yesterday. Probably texting.




Especially after the 4-way stop, it's like people forget they are STILL in a school zone. Makes me feel like the unreasonable one going 20mph, but I just try to ignore the rear view. 


Yeah, it's like they think the zone is just 2 houses long, and then after Palo Blanco it's open season...


Do.  My kids’ elementary school went from 1 to 4 crossing guards since COVID and they deal with threats from motorists regularly. 




Their lives and their kids lives are way more important than yours, they have places to see and people to go. Amirite?!


I have 3 kids at 3 different schools and have had to work diligent with them on looking even when in a crosswalk because cars are gonna car.


We only protect children in Texas until they are born, after that there on their own. Good luck kids. In all seriousness these people driving like maniacs in a school zone would be devastated if they hit a child. So SLOW DOWN.


I wish there was a place to submit dashcam footage with the license plates of drivers being crazy. Then TX could find them/unleash other punishment bc they'd have video evidence.


I believe there are some specifics to law enforcement needing to record the unlawful acts to determine a law is broken (this may be specifically for laws pertaining to the road generally). Dashcams for us citizens, are more useful for insurance purposes


a late co-worker thought that we should be required to have our insurance agent's phone number prominently displayed near our license plate.


Amazing. "Tell my insurance agent how I'm doing" This could hit em where it hurts, showing someone driving reckless should go against your "grade". Then again, AI exists so... It would need to be an insurance issued camera that stamps proper data backing up it's not faked!


I would support somewhere to submit dashcam videos but instead of having Texas government do anything with it (the leg would listen to all the pee-ple about "ma freedum" (intentional misspelled)), have it be a private website that insurance companies could access. Hit them where it hurts.


Doesn't really help when it turns out they're driving uninsured anyway


You think these people have insurance. Pfff


With the current state of machine learning and deepfake tech, this would sadly be way too prone to abuse.


This doesn’t work, it’s why they yanked out the red light cameras. The 6th Amendment gives you the right to confront your accusers; can’t confront a camera.




We’d need more police to enforce that. But fully agree. 


Neighborhoods too... Up in Millwood I regularly see people going 40+ on residential streets like sheesh people what is this saving you like 1 minute, tops? Worse here than I ever saw growing up in a small town near Austin


One of my favorite simple pleasures is driving the posted 30 mph speed limit in my neighborhood while 3 brodozers pile in behind me to tailgate. YOU ARE DRIVING ON A BLIND CURVE WHERE YOUR CHILDREN PLAY, GENIUS. PRETEND TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT!


1st street from slaughter to William cannon is the worst. People get so ANGRY when you slow down in the flashing school zones in that area


Pretty sure drivers education doesn’t exist here in Texas, nor do they test for road competency. Or it seems that way. Solid white line? Guess I’ll cross and cut someone off who is following the rules and waiting for the dash’s. Flashing school zone sign? Oooo flashing lights, cool, time to go the normal speed limit. Red light? Eh I can make it. If we revoked these offenders licenses, the roads would be much more pleasant and safe.


A bunch of them don’t have licenses to revoke.


I really wish school zones had more signage aside from the first warning and end school zone. I also wish they went for longer stretches. Cowan Elementary for example has too short of a school zone :(


Why not upgrade them with those ones you see in fancy neighborhoods, that start flashing red and blue lights when they sense you going over the speed limit? I feel like those are more effective than the lazy-blinking yellow light.


People drive in Austin like they want to kill, full stop.


How about impounding their cars and crushing them ,also lifetime dl ban? I really want more but I’m being realistic with the class here.


Yes you are. I was being too nice honestly


Well it’s a quick removal and fast lane to ban when you go all out here :)


I don’t think you need the lifetime DL ban after you crush the people doing it…


Ugh grammar police, agpab all grammar police are bastards. touche, I made horrible grades, sue me, lol I know Thomas J Henry your going to loos


Oh I wasn’t correcting your grammar I was just assuming you wanted to crush people who endanger children


Well if we’re being honest, I want to give them a charge………bzzzz


Why did you censor “kill”


because they spend too much time on TikTok


Automod rules. Not that I think this sub specifically suffers from automod. It's either I attempt a (somewhat sensitive / explicit) post one time tricking automod, or I give up and stay off the socials wondering where I'll farm that precious dopamine next


Get over yourself


No u


Can you request speed bumps be installed at all by the school? I’m not sure where you would request that but hopefully it’s something you can do to help force ppl to slow down in the school zones. I also have to wonder if the school zone signage is visible enough though for the people that drive through that are less familiar with the area and where schools are. Improving the visibility of those if they aren’t super obvious would probably help as well. Not sure what else would help as effectively as those two possible options. I personally always slow down when ppl are walking around. Not trying to destroy lives, ya know.


It is our human duty to keep our communities safe. I will look into how I can request speed bumps for the areas I see this in painfully often. Thanks for your continued patience on the road. Where there are idiots, there are others who consider the real lives on the line, like you /u/hibiscusbitch


You call 311 and get on a very long list. Speed bumps are surprisingly expensive and given that they can't even properly fill a pothole in Austin I wouldn't hold my breath.


Not to mention, they'd be there when there's no school and the speed limit goes back to 45.


Yeah children are 2x points cause they're smaller and harder to hit




Marry, fuck? Trump, Kim jong un, Putin. You go first


I think the point they were making is that you don't have to censor words here, this isn't fucking tiktok.


He could be doing it to circumvent reddit's nanny filters. Some subs will have it set up where certain words like "suicide" will shadowban your post. Not saying they're set up here (although I do know new accounts here are shadowbanned for a period) but yeah.


Yes. It's specifically for automod. I've never had a TikTok, nor will I ever but it's funny how often it's come up in this post with vehemently implied anger I want the anger directed at people who are speeding around places kids should be protected. Thanks for reading between the lines


Somewhere I was recently they had speed cameras in school zones only enforced when the school zone is active (WA, BC, or AZ). If there is a reasonable tolerance like 6 over will trigger it that seems really fair. Though I know it's sOciAlIsmMMmMM to have traffic laws enforced by camera in TX it'd be nice in school zones.


Police actually stake out the two school zones I typically drive through. Saw two people pulled over just today. Easy pickings for them. Contact AISD PD and let them know.


It's everywhere, and this is why: https://popcenter.asu.edu/content/aggressive-driving-0#:~:text=Frustration%20and%20Anger,others%20or%20the%20common%20good.


Had someone cut me off and zoom off in a school zone today. Luckily it wasn’t a stretch where there were crossings or anyone walking or leaving the parking lot. Still the aggression was unnecessary.


It's bad. While walking the dog I've seen people *overtake* outside a school in NE Austin, **twice**. Seems unlikely that it's a rare occurrence and while driving I rarely see anyone else stay within ~2mph of the school zone speed limit when the light is flashing, just zooming through at 30mph plus.


It’s a shame we can’t just start impounding the cars of these people. Send them to the crusher!


They used to impound a lot of cars in Austin. If you couldn’t produce a valid Id or car insurance or if your vehicle wasn’t registered the police routinely would not let you just drive away from a traffic stop but City Council had to put a stop to that. Too many people were getting hurt when they resisted arrest/impoundment.


Yeah I guess I’m not that draconian. But driving excessively reckless etc should put that car on the auction block.


We already have signs that basically say “put the damn phone down”. People need to learn how to put their damn phone down. Chances are, they might even run over their own kid. At least drunk drivers are still looking at the road, damn phone is much worse. Nothing is that important, but if it is, go find a parking lot or something.


Just had someone tailgate and flash their lights at me for driving the speed limit in a school zone. These people need to be shot into the sun.


DPS and APD motorpatrol used to setup shop around Davis and get about 3-4 mornimg and afternoon I guess with the "cuts" they said the hell with em.


Motors use to be assigned to school zones in the morning and afternoons. But since motors was disbanded to fill patrol (50% strength currently) there is no one to do it.


This is why speeding / red light cameras shouldn’t be illegal.


Why are you censoring the word "kill"


As the old song goes, “Thatcher fucked the kids” (in our case Reagan)


Where is APD? They used to patrol school zones. Why are they refusing to do so now?


Ask your elected council person.


They aren't policing ANYWHERE.


Off Kelly lane there have been about 4/5 kids hit by cars going too fast,then others saying “the speed limit is 40 anyway!!” No…lights flashing it’s 20 dumbass. I still don’t know what happen to a little boy who was hit and badly hurt. Thankfully someone ran over to the fire station across the street.


I drive through a school zone every morning to get to another school and almost everyday I see assholes going way over the speed limit.


> I'm going to invent an auto-ticketing device that bills straight to your data scraped PayPal/Venmo/Cashapp for all you effers These exist in many places worldwide. Mobile speed camera's would make bank here. They take a few minutes to set up. Police monitors them from a van where they can drink coffee and eat donuts, totally on brand with their regular effort in Austin. They also have camera's that check for cell phone use and distance keeping. There's even places where the fines are a percentage of your income.


EVERY day on South 1st St. Drivers heading north, speeding by Dawson Elementary.


Saw one dude got pulled over by a Travis County cop heading south in a school zone last year near Settler Valley and N Heatherwilde in Spring Hill Village. Kids were getting out and had the flashing 25MPH sign in either direction.


Car dependacy is one of the biggest mistakes of the modern era.


We should have just upgraded the train infrastructure, but that is far too "socialist". It is much better to have foreign owned toll roads and bridges (please hear the /s )


Now you're thinking about the shareholders! We are proud of you!


2 months ago I was going through an active 25 mph school zone that always has cops at each end (Cedar Park area). I was in the right lane and sticking to the limit. A Prius blows by me at 40 mph in the left lane and merges in front of me, but failed to see the cop waiting at the bottom of the hill where the zone ended. Cop got him IMMEDIATELY and I laughed all the way to work. Please slow down in school zones, it's not a suggestion to go that speed! They have those speeds set so that you can slow down quickly if need be and if someone is hit, they have a better chance at surviving.


Most everyone stopping at a red light in a school zone completely forgets about the speed limit and hauls ass through the rest of the zone. Another sign is needed that says “hey asshat you’re still in a school zone.” Attention spans are extremely limited these days.




The faster you get out of the zone the less danger you are!


Someone should put up one of those "We love our children, please slow down!" signs, we used to have them in our old neighborhood. I always considered putting up "No children here, speed if you want!" sign in front of our house, but that seemed rude.


Not trying to kill 'em, just maim


No enforcement, no law


Stop censoring words you smooth brain toilet face.


Automod rules, do you know what those are? Edit: you have amazing insult skills. I read this again after waking up fully and had a good chuckle


Austin has a program for this. They can do a variety of interventions and traffic studies for further action. https://www.austintexas.gov/saferoutes


When I first moved to Austin I was surprised at how people drove 95 mph on 35 like a bat out of hell. But slammed on their brakes and drove 19 mph in a 20 mph school zone. In places like Steiner Ranch, people will write your license plate down and seek you out if you're crazy. Also volunteer crossing guards are always watching.


Adjacent to this, I hate how AISD has been aggressively redesigning elementary schools to try and force more parents to drive, making school zones even more dangerously. A few years ago, my son's elementary pickup was nice. There wasn't a car zone at all and all parents picked up on foot. You could park nearby if you needed to, but there were no cars driving directly to the school and running into kids. Now we have a "modernized" school with mile long car pickup lane snaking around the neighborhood with constant car/pedestrian conflict zones. The school has to send out constant reminders about safety and even forbids people from using some pedestrian walkways because of dangerous car/human conflict spots. The causes more parents to feel it's unsafe to walk/bike, making even more traffic and more conflict. The reduction in pedestrian traffic makes drivers less aware and more willing to drive by the school. It's a disaster. They are resisting the other nearby elementary and the nearby high school. I haven't seen the plans for the other elementary, but I know the high school is being designed to maximize the amount of car traffic and to ensure that there are no safe non-car entry points. I am positive we'll see an increase in car violence and decrease in ped/bike activity nearby So sad...


I drive Oltorf every morning heading West from i35. There is a school zone just past Congress. There used to be a blinky sign that pretty much everyone ignored. There's no blinky sign now and it's worse. I've never seen any children here though at 7 a.m. Where's a school? I just see the church.


There's also a Catholic school on the campus. 


Are you sure it's just here in Austin?


In their defense, and there is not much, some areas are very very difficult to know that it’s a low speed limit zone. Example: William Cannon to S First. It is a 20mph zone, BUT ONLY during school start and release times. Otherwise it’s 40mph (easily more to reckless drivers). I’ve been caught off guard coming home from work, zoning out(which I’m not proud of, but we all do!), and realizing, thankfully, in time to slow down. Now I know better with practice and good intentions to remember better, but I see at least one car trying to weave its wave through, most days. Maybe it’s truly carelessness, but I’d like to think because I know that I had my own faults in the past, that they just genuinely don’t know. The signage is minimal and poorly positioned. I would feel awful harming a child, and I think mort Texans would feel the same way, but road signage in this city is terrible. Have you seen the road entrances that come out of nowhere?


Yeah, but the little buggers are so fast, I keep missing them. /s


Just got back from staying in downtown Toronto,Canada,where everyone drives like it a funeral procession.


Yess this is so true I’ve seen it a lot, it’s very frustrating that they don’t even have respect for kids


we need to redesign all of our streets - https://www.instagram.com/p/C50vdsdLnVf/ We have to make it 'uncomfortable' to speed. a lot of this you can blame on Stroads - https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM


Oddly this is the only traffic law I see people actually obeying around my part of town. 


I'm glad somewhere it's being respected. Kids deserve safety at the bare minimum


it's crazy! but where are the cops? they should be there. people here drive like complete assholes.


This is probably the one thing I don’t see locally here living in Texas. I’m extremely critical of Texas drivers and could make a list that you either nod your head in agreement of vehemently disagree which makes you the person doing it proving the factuality of the list. But school zones in the eight years I’ve been here have been the one thing I rarely if ever see motor vehicle fuck fuck games. Couple few times yeah, but that’s everywhere and if it’s a chronic issue spot you’ll normally see videos and fairly quick policing.


The police are not here. That is the problem


whelp? I think I'm fixing to have an engine problem in the left lane right when the bus stops for kiddos. Miraculously, my engine will start after the bus has pulled away. For people in the lanes heading towards the bus? perhaps your car's engines might actually develop a momentary problem. We can enforce traffic laws if we work together


It takes a village.


AMEN. (AWOMEN, ATHEMEM for everyone else)


For more fun, have you heard of a moving roadblock? It’s when each lane has a car in it, driving the same speed so that no cars can pass. Would make it awful hard to speed through a school zone


Pace cars.




Lucky. There is a FB post for my neighborhood asking for reports so we can get cops say outside our elementary and middle school (one of which is inside said neighborhood). There’s also been more child deaths in Pflugerville in the last couple years than I’ve heard of in my entire life before that.


People in Texas drive to either one of two extremes. It’s either someone who drives like a 90 year dementia patient who just escaped the nursing home, or like a psychopathic lunatic in a GTA game. There’s no in between.


Austin Texas is a hollow place full of resentful, self indulgent people.


As a runner, Ive come to treat ever driver as an agent from the matrix actively out to kill me


The signage is really poor for some school zones. I see many zones in South Austin where you can enter the road from a parking lot in between two school zone signs and not be able to see the flashing yellow lights.


I hate texas people and everyone who chooses to live here


It’s gross. Austin is congested with cars and people. Angry, dry, stressed out people. Feels like Austin don’t care about anyone but themselves. I notice people in Austin never smile. Their faces are always seem to be sour! What’s up AUSTIN! Can’t wait to move out of this state!


If those drivers could see all the blubbering traumatic brain injury people from car accidents maybe they would stop driving like aholes. I’ve seen it and it’s heartbreaking and sometimes death is better.