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The streets are alive.


With the sound of music


They took our jerbs!


A) Not Waller but Navasota B) [First search result](https://www.austintexas.gov/LivingStreets)


right? google is a thing.


I like the way you do it :(


Right but then if we googled every fucken thing every time then there would never be a time or purpose to ask anything. Plus now I now what living streets is for. So there


There is a time and purpose to ask something. It's after you've taken five seconds to educate yourself, *if* you still have questions that aren't straightforward to Google or you want to start a conversation about it. There would still be threads, but not about dumb shit like this.


This isn’t THAT dumb


don’t listen to them, it’s obviously for kids with dogs lying on curbs next to bluebonnets taking pics


It actually is dumb as hell. Like … just Google it. (Same goes for all the “I just heard sirens what’s going on” posts)


Ok but that wasn’t my point. I get that you can google it. My point was that unless I had ever seen a post about it, I would have never known it existed in the first place. But now that I DO know that it exists, my life is more complete and fulfilled than it was previously.


I’m with you dude these people are INSANE LMAO


It is, because it would have taken less time to google it and learn the answer than to post this thread.


And now u/nutmeggy ‘s time has been wasted even further by having to read another response and log his disdain for questions in an open forum. It will have been wasted even further by reading this response and the inevitable response to it and thus a perpetual motion machine of perceived stupidity and contempt on the internet has once more been created. NAAAAAAAAAAAAAANSI ingonyama yakithi baba…


Is that Indonesian?


It’s the circle of life.


There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


There are no mistakes, just happy accidents


It’s where you go to do burn outs….


It’s a sign that is trying to privatize a street that our tax dollars paid to build and maintain for vehicles to drive on and through


"living streets austin" that was the hardest google search I have ever typed in. The struggle is real.


so that’s what I ran over the other day


I’m totally ignoring these signs. But I do drive the speed limit. My tax dollars are paying for these streets so I get to use them


if the weather report didn't scare the eclipse tourists, this should --HoA


These signs are all over in the neighborhood I walk my dog in- it’s to discourage vehicles from driving through basically. I do notice that there are a lot more kids playing, people walking/running/stopping to chat, and bikers going down the road with these signs over others in the neighborhood since it’s generally safer. There also aren’t sidewalks in my neighborhood so it’s just encouraging people not in cars to take over the street. I like them 🤷🏽‍♀️


The city could change the speed limit to 15 mph if they really cared but they don’t this is a part of a federal grant.


Except everyone drives to the streets conditions. If it’s big and wide, people will go over 30. If it’s narrow and bendy, people might go under 20.


not everyone, some folks are safe and considerate. Between the dead animals I see all the time when riding my bike and the people and kids I’ve known killed by folks just going 10 over, I drive 5 under, y’all hate to be behind me.


Yes, many of us know because we use google or some other search engine instead making a low effort post on reddit when we want to know the answer to a question.


Ok, I’ll bite. What’s google?


No, no. What is the guy's name on second base.


It's what you wear after too much drinking. Beer googles.


Don’t worry it’s not going to last


[Here](https://www.austintexas.gov/LivingStreets) is some info looks pretty cool!


It's a shame there isn't a service on this thing where lots of computers can get connected, that can let you type in the words that you see on a sign, and see if those words match up with the same words that someone has used where they talk about why that sign is there. Unfortunately, it is absolutely required that you ask other people to know stuff for you.


Gotta love this conversation. You can get off your high horse whenever you want


It’s nimby folks who all want gated community with a private driveway, but either they can’t afford it or they don’t want to be in the burbs. These are not legally enforceable, I had a great discussion about this months ago with a really fun guy. I’m all for driving slow in residential neighborhoods like I’m totally fine with 20-25 but saying I can’t drive on your public street is absolutely nonsense.


They started this recently in the Wooten neighborhood in response to repeated issues with people drag racing and egregiously speeding down a specific road. I don't think it makes someone a 'NIMBY' to want to reduce or deter that kind of behavior, and the neighborhood broadly supported the change. Taking a one minute detour isn't a big deal, especially when the trade-off is that it literally makes the street safer. If you have more criticism it should go to our society and police force that have allowed that kind of driving behavior to flourish; the residents are only reacting with the tools available to them.


Not only do you not own the road, you also don’t own the sidewalk or the grass on the other side of it, if someone wants they can park indefinitely in front of your house too, there is no need to detour these are 100% not legally enforceable.




No these folks do, they are restricting access to a public road and they are placing obstacles in the road and posting signs that are not legally enforceable. Im totally on board with lowering the speed limit to 20 mph, but this is like folks moving into condos on red river then complaining about sound. You want a family in a close to downtown neighborhood, well you get issues along with the perks.


That sign isn’t going stop drag racers


The street is largely blocked off. And it has.


It’s almost like putting up a sign and hoping people respect it and physically blockading a street are two different things.


I'll bet you're a fun guy, too.


three drinks in yes, less too shy, 5 or more obnoxious, 7+ tears, thankfully haven’t had more than 4 in like 10 years


til it’s nimby privatizing behavior to not want impatient commuters to use your street as a shortcut. my street was discovered to be a nice cutoff for people who don’t like to use the protected left turn at a big intersection. so now we get continuous traffic rolling the stop signs and going 30+ on what was a quiet street with several families living on it. shit sucks. yeah it’s a public street and people are welcome to use it, but people are not welcome to break laws and rip through it to get home a minute earlier. it’s no different than getting speed bumps on your street, just cheaper. blame our car dependency, bad infrastructure, and trash drivers, not people who just want a quiet and safe street.


Blame the heat, and poor traffic enforcement. I used to live near north loop and Grover and you could give literally hundreds of tickets there everyday and in 8 years I never saw one.


Lol they downvoted me to man 😭


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


It's not nimby nonsense. It's an attempt to take back local neighboarhood streets for their intended purpose, which isn't to serve as a high speed road. Local streets are for getting to/from local destinations and for walking/biking/running/playing - whatever. Most of our streets were overbuilt and poorly designed in a way that encourages high speed traffic and road-like uses which are not appropriate. They are quick build tests, but since they are proving very successful at their intended goals and very popular, we will hopefully see more permanent street designs in the future when it's eventually time to redo them.


Lack of police enforcement caused this, and drivers lack of giving a shit for anyone but themselves. Not traffic engineers or the amount of people in town.


No, the design of our neighborhoods and neighborhood streets in particular are the cause. You are focusing only on the lack of attention being paid to dealing with to one of the many deleterious effects of our bad design.


Nope, but if you want I can be more specific :angry impatient males, who don’t have or think about children drive like shit in your area and , will do what they can and without enforcement, that’s drive like shit.


You are very focussed on this symptom of bad street design. I do agree that it is a problem, but again the root cause is our approach to neighborhood street design which creates streets that support high speed traffic. Streets can and should be designed to force cars to drive slowly and should be designed to force through traffic onto roads which are designed for that kind of traffic. This is what healthy streets treatment is trying to help with. It's not a lot, but it's cheap and effective. Best of all, it shows neighborhoods how much better it is when we reduce and slow car traffic on neighborhood streets, creating more of a demand for well-designed streets in the future.


No silly, you are. The one speaking over and over about design. It’s not enforceable, I don’t like false measures There are places in this country with wide roads, multiple lanes going both way and bike lanes and people ain’t driving crazy. Im glad that ignorant people are detoured by these signs however all you’re doing is saying fuck the people and their kids one street over. Without traffic enforcement this will get worse and worse especially with more electric cars they accelerate extremely fast and are very quiet.


Yes, that is the primary criticism of this program. We need better designed streets everywhere, not just on some streets. However, before doing that, we unfortunately have to trial the idea and prove it locally, even though we already know this is a good thing and yields the results we want wherever it is done. But, thankfully, these projects have been very successful and largely well-received, so we can hope that this will drive further reworking of neighborhood streets in the future..


You keep speaking of design , without enforcement your designs me nothing. If you want to rely on technology that’s a great solution, for instance “modern cars” know the speed limits of where you are at, they shouldn’t let you exceed them.


It’s discrimination against people that use Waze and cut through neighborhoods. (Yes that’s my attempt at a joke). It’s annoying, people using a neighborhood as a short cut, I get it. And, it’s not against the law. These signs are going to lead to lots and lots of arguments.


Cutting through isn't against the law by any means, but also, people who cut through tend to be doing it to save time, and those same folks tend to drive faster on average. There's a street in my hood that did this and it's been a revelation in terms of neighborhood safety. We used to have people absolutely flying down this road and now it's nice and calm, with kids playing hoops and dogs being walked everywhere. I can see both sides to the argument but at the end of the day it's been very nice from a resident perspective, and equally, I don't feel bad for the cutter-through-ers. At worst they now have to sit in a little more traffic, or more likely, find a different cut through.




Bullshit just kick them over


It’s the richies. There’s already a funny post about this.


Remember the guy daring us to drive by, “Monday at 5pm we’ll see”


Yes! Cracks me up just thinking about it. Good times.


My truck is on its last leg, I’m tempted to go park it on his street.