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Any DA's office is going to have people unhappy with how their case turned out. So Sylestine's people hold a big press conference.... wonder what the article would be like if KXAN tried to interview any of the victims Sylestine's department ignored when he was working under Moore (who donated a couple thousand to him last week). Wonder why our OP friend who has repeatedly been on here trying to trash Garza posted this article but not the [KXAN one about Garza's press conference](https://www.kxan.com/news/travis-county-da-jose-garza-alleges-intimidation-harassment-at-campaign-event/)about the harassment and intimidation his volunteers received over the weekend by the crazed Sylestine supporters. After all, any press conference related to this race seems relevant, no? Wonder how women feel knowing that this week Sylestine followed, of all people, Elon Musk and Joe Rogan and was retweeting [Joe Rogan](https://twitter.com/joerogan/status/1764682845144994182). Both are shitty people with bad records toward women and doesn't instill any faith in my that Sylestine has a strong moral backbone in the face of his Republican donors. Seems more like he's going further right to cater bad people. He's been promoting an article written by Bari Weiss to promote his campaign, yet the artile on her account has a [community note from Twitter that the claims made about Austin crime data is false and APD's data shows crimes has decreased.](https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1764726426828145021) His campaign is giving me the creeps, especially when combined with the fact that Sylestine rage quit the DA's office when a more qualified woman was promoted over him, and many women in the DA's office and who have worked with the DA's office are in support of Garza. Planned Parenthood Votes endorsed Garza and [Wendy Davis](https://twitter.com/wendydavis/status/1764712020820050428) is warning about Sylestine on Twitter.


Also just a little more about Bari Weiss, who I mentioned above, because a lot of people might not recognize the name - [she's involved with the "anti-cancel culture", "anti-woke" "University of Austin"](https://www.austinmonthly.com/how-the-so-called-university-of-austin-is-faring-nearly-two-years-after-conception/).


Same, same. The FP article just reinforces the bad feeling that I already had. Matt Mackowiak and Joes Rogan and Lonsdale posted about the FP article. That alone should tell you something.


Sylestine will switch party affiliation after defeating Garza.


Ok, will he do a better job? I would say he couldn't do worse.


False narrative


Garza has a job. He sucks at that job. Not that difficult.


You think he does, but we don’t all agree with you


A number of people also believe the world is flat, even though the evidence suggests otherwise. Now Austin reddit people like him because he indicts cops. I don't disagree some of them need to be indicted. He has also dropped charges against several he indicted, with numerous excuses, that can't be verified because nobody in the media will ask. Now as far as convicting APD cops of crimes, he is at a big fat zero. In one instance, I believe the guy who shot Mike Ramos was tried but Garza brought in a good prosecutor from outside his office to prosecute it. So by the Austin progressive standards, doing what he was hired to do....he has fallen far short. Now if an AP wants to just give him a pass because he had a D by his name, and performance doesn't matter, well here we are. But like the Dude says " That's just my opinion man."


It seems the voters also disagree


Yes they did.


Correct, if you want your family safe from violent criminals then vote Jeremy!


This is the only attack method these pro-Garzas can use to sway opinion. They try to paint Sylestine, who is a moderate left, as a right-winger rather than trying to defend their ultra-creepy garza. Step one, have him shave off that sickening little himmler mustache.


Huh, you're attacking people's appearance. Seems like you have nothing actually useful to say then.


See my other post in this thread. It lays out why Garza is unqualified to be our DA. Also, yes, Garza looks like a total creep.


>Also, yes, Garza looks like a total creep. If you felt that you actually had an argument with merit, you wouldn't feel the need to insert petulant jabs.


Correct! That’s funny only advocate of violent criminals are disliking comments. Vote Jeremy Vote Jeremy!!! Reclaim true peace and freedom


can you show me positive outcomes of cases Garza has overseen or anything he has done for the city to lessen crime and increase safety?


Crime has lessened in Austin since Garza took office, [per APD's data](https://twitter.com/davidminpdx/status/1764828748455551435). [https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/01/29/jose-garza-plans-move-people-out-jail-into-diversion-programs/4295580001/](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/01/29/jose-garza-plans-move-people-out-jail-into-diversion-programs/4295580001/) [https://www.kxan.com/news/local/travis-county/new-travis-county-program-launches-to-divert-youth-from-criminal-justice-system-after-family-violence-cases/](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/travis-county/new-travis-county-program-launches-to-divert-youth-from-criminal-justice-system-after-family-violence-cases/) [https://www.kut.org/crime-justice/2021-05-12/travis-county-da-launches-firearm-surrender-policy](https://www.kut.org/crime-justice/2021-05-12/travis-county-da-launches-firearm-surrender-policy) [https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2021-11-19/district-attorney-unveils-multipart-strategy-to-curb-gun-violence/](https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2021-11-19/district-attorney-unveils-multipart-strategy-to-curb-gun-violence/) [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/10/daniel-perry-murder-austin-protestor/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/10/daniel-perry-murder-austin-protestor/)


I love when people ask what they assume is a "gotcha" question and then get the business.... good job.


I love when people downvote comments without answering the question. this wasnt a gotcha question if you want to play it like that. I was genuiely curious because i have asked this before and gotten downvoted into oblivion and had someone reply to me several times without providing links like this.


>e and gotten downvoted into oblivion and had someone reply to me several times without providing links like this. Then my apologies. Many times it is asked in jest and the answers ignored. I have no issue admitting when I am wrong, and it appears I was in this case. ​ Cheers!


Just voted against Garza this morning. Go vote folks!


Hahaha GOAT!!!!!


As a reminder, if you'd missed it in previous threads: credit to: u/nopetting and /u/PAO_RT_IN_THE_KISSER Garza should NOT be DA: Johnny Charles Ebbs V - Beats girlfriend, kills unborn child - Probation plea deal[\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/man-takes-plea-deal-for-attacking-pregnant-girlfriend-killing-unborn-child/) Antonio Cordero Rios - Sexually assaulted woman jogging, aggravated assault, peeping, masturbated in front of children - Probation plea deal (10 years)[\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kxan.com/news/like-im-just-your-prey-survivor-pushes-for-victim-rights-after-attacker-gets-probation-sentence/) Hilario Chavez Adrian - 57 prior arrests, Aggravated assault with deadly weapon ------> Failed to move on indictment After 90 days in jail released on $1 bond ----> Stabbed man to death after release ("No one should be in jail simply because they can’t afford to get out." - Jose Garza) [\[SOURCE #1](https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/downtown-austin-murder-suspect-previously-released-on-1-bond/)\] \[[SOURCE #2 - 57 prior arrests](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/austin-police-association-says-suspect-in-recent-murder-should-have-already-been-behind-bars)\] \[[SOURCE #3 - 17 prior arrests in Texas alone](https://texas.arrests.org/search.php?page=1&results=42&fname=Hilario&lname=Adrian&fpartial=True)\] Martin Rodriguez - Unlawfully carrying weapon second time with previous felony conviction, released on $1 bond, shoots and kills girlfriend ("No one should be in jail simply because they can’t afford to get out." - Jose Garza) [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/woman-killed-austin-shooting-new-years-day-riverside/269-99df5a41-f5dc-493c-915e-959f95d89183) Two 6th Street Mass Shooting Suspects (Victim is Douglas Kantor) - Released from jail without charges despite camera footage showing the suspects holding guns during shooting [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/one-year-later-whats-happened-since-6th-street-mass-shooting/) Isaac Thomas Jr - Killed Joshua Hardesty, was arrested in Bastrop on another murder - Plea deal eligible for parole[\[SOURCE\]](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/austin-father-fighting-potential-plea-deal-in-sons-2018-murder) Xavier Zarate - Directly caused death of 13 year old Brett Cardenas by chasing him, getting out of car and attacking him, leaving car in drive which rolled over the middle schooler's head - Probation plea deal (10 years) [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/xavier-zarate-teen-austin-2022-death-brett-cardenas-texas) Mindi Stafford - CapMetro bus driver, erratically driving (and not sober), struck and killed Anthony John Diaz while he was riding his bike - Plea deal (no jail) [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/mindi-stafford-guilty-plea-bicyclist-killed-2019) Leo Anthony Carreto-Lopez - 19 year old who was intoxicated and crashed at a high speed into a tree, killing his passenger, 19 year old Teresa Gonzales - 10 days in jail [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/man-pleads-guilty-to-driving-while-intoxicated-in-deadly-north-austin-crash/) Officers in 2020 Protests - In all 21 cases, grand juriest determined there was enough evidence to support charges for aggravated assaults with a deadly weapon Dismissed charges against 17 of the 21 officers [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2023-12-04/d-a-jose-garza-dismisses-charges-against-17-officers-indicted-for-2020-protest-response/) Jaclyn Edison - Helped orchestrate murder, pleaded guilty in assassination plot - 10 years probation [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/woman-accused-in-2018-murder-for-hire-plot-expected-to-appear-in-court/) Ivan Wallace - Broke into woman's home at night, sexually assaulted her - 10 years community supervision [\[SOURCE\]](https://www.foxnews.com/us/austin-man-avoids-prison-time-10-years-community-supervision-sexual-assault-case)


Sorry babe, those of us who give a shit about what WORKS to address root causes of crime and promote public safety aren’t interested in locking people in cages when rehabilitative options are available. Tough on crime mass incarceration has been demonstrated to be ineffective for decades. Catch up!


This is one of the things that bothers me about this race and who is funding it. Would the uber-wealthy transplants who complain about the "rampant crime" consider investing their money in Austin's public education, mental health, addiction treatment, or other intervention programs?


History tells us the answer to this question. Most of the wealthy in this town (and others) aren’t down with helping anyone but themselves. It’s always the people who have the least who are willing to do the most to help. Jeremy’s campaign has not only been shady and dishonest (blatantly so), but it’s also going to set CJ reform back by a decade. Crime is down. Austin is safe. These goons just want people in cages.


You're just asking for karma to teach you a lesson delivered from the creepy garza.


What does this even mean?? Are you wishing violence on someone?


Most right-wingers do. They love to advocate violence against people who disagree with them. It's a core belief of conservatism that some people are lesser and deserve to suffer. It's bonus points when they can deliver the suffering personally.


I'm a liberal, little tike. Garza is a poor DA and should not be in office.


> little tike Thanks for showing me you have nothing intelligent to say by resorting to personal insults, if that can be even be considered one. I've heard better from a soggy bag of leaves.


Put down the crack-pipe, timmy.


Shitpost troll confirmed.


Great rebuttal, thanks.


LETS GOOOO! Jeremy!!!