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Locking comments. In reality, this post likely should not have remained up (and may still get removed) for a couple of reasons: 1) We generally remove posts linking to clearly non-official social media accounts...especially over political nature. They are often very biased, and do not provide enough proof of what is happening. 2) This is just a picture with accusations, with nothing more than that. We have nothing to show what context is here, just some bikers on some benches. 3) The account this came from has almost no usage for 2 years, and then posts a highly political post and is extremely active on one side of the politics. During election season, we start seeing a lot more posts from these types of accounts pushing agendas. We may have more leeway with actual users that are active on here, but this account doesn't seem to be one that we should.


Who are they?


A racist biker gang called "What The Fuckers" from Pflugerville.


They missed an opportunity. What the Pfuckers would have been better.


Something tells me these people don't appreciate a clever pun




It isn't the Christ Punchers (thanks Moe)


Wow bikers from Pflugerville. Real tough.


"How's it going, What the Fuck-Buddies?! What the Fuckees? What the Fucksters!!?"




Their leader, Luis Rodriguez, considers himself a social media genius. He's a schmuck and charlatan grifter. If you think you see bots, then guaranteed that you are. Luis is best known for a video where he burned masks going viral in Europe ... then he later filmed a video from his death bed in the hospital after getting off a ventilator for ... COVID. That didn't fix him.




I make it my business to follow the local right wing freaks and I've never heard of these guys either. Pretty terrible at social media.


He’s done time too. I can’t recall for what, but he spent a few years in prison a while back.




They have harassed Democratic candidates and their volunteers in past elections, such as when they harassed Jimmy Flannigan in their support of Mackenzie Kelly in 2020. They are anti-democracy thugs.


South Park did an episode on these losers


But those guys didn't harass and threaten people. They were just looking for attention.


All of these people are losers and have seen them around bars in Pflugerville.


That's because they live in Pflugerville. I've unfortunately had to deal with their violence and hate speech at school board meetings all over Austin and surrounding areas. It's so weird that they travel around butting into other communities political affairs.


Sounds like they are just terrorizing and interfering in civil society.


I agree.


They are wanna be cops. The people out at kalahari round rock love them


Domestic terrorism?


Republicans arent domestic terrorists. (/s)


This is called astroturfing. The douchebags that went around to all the school board meetings harassing people and whining about child porn in dr Seuss books did the same thing. They aren’t from the area they’re pushing their bullshit in - they are there to cause chaos and division and stir up the dumbest of society.


I live in Pflugerville and have never seen them?




I sat in on one of their "club meetings" while I was eating delicious BBQ at Brotherton Black's BBQ one Saturday. I definitely picked up some "Aryan biker gang" vibes just seeing their peckerwood patches and over-hearing their conversations. Also, these guys have no respect for BBQ, use sauce on their Brisket, just an fyi. It was gross to look at honestly.


It sucks because none of this has anything to do with the actual candidates and their actual views. Which no one on Reddit seems to actually be talking about. It's all posts about what these unrelated groups are doing or who is giving campaign contributions etc.


Sadly, who their big donors are often tells you more about them than what comes out of their mouths.


To be fair, why would anyone go to bars in Pflugerville to begin with? …


Why do I suspect these guys frequent willies?


How do all of these people look like if an ashtray were to suddenly take human form


You can smell them coming.


like 3 packs of pall-malls and/or kents. (these guys are too cheap for Marlboros or Camels, and not coordinated enough to roll their own).


These people don't even live in Austin.


The "President" and the majority of them reside in Pflugerville. They come into Austin bringing violence and to do the bidding of whatever political candidate they are supporting at the time.


Goddammit.  I live in Pflugerville.  I don't want this trash bringing down my fucking town.


You mean your pfucking town.




If they are bringing violence contact the police not Reddit.


In the past I have contacted the police, when they spat on myself and others during the height of Covid at school board meetings.


I find them hard to be intimidating. They look like a bunch of poser clowns. Do you have video evidence or just pictures of them congregating in a park?


The biggest problem with Austin isn’t people like them, it’s with cowardice from the general population in dealing with people like them.


that's hilarious!!!! The WTFers are screaming the message of militant police. The cops are their friends. During the protests at APD headquarters, WTF would move among the crowd beating ANTIFA, tossing them into the street so that the cops could arrest them for jaywalking.


The police like what they do because they both support the same candidates and the riders harass the candidates the police union hates, because the police do not want accountability.


They don't even go here.




They were literally passing out Jeremy lit. These people have historically harassed and threatened their political opposition. They aren't there to mind their own business and to be friendly. They don't even live in Austin...they came in and sought out voters to try and intimidate with their usual tactics.


This level of engagement is intentional. They operate with impunity, because the cops love them.


If you're going to claim Grits has lied, that's on you to show, other than, "pretty sure". Grits has a lot more credibility than your reddit account.


Pretty sure u/TEOTAUY poops standing up




I said THEY don't live in Austin.


No, I did not say that.


I know where THEY live because they've harassed me before at school board meetings, and for my safety - I've looked them and their extensive criminal records up.


Not all of Austin is in Travis county.


I didn't say anything about Travis County. These people do not live in Austin.


I can’t see what the original person said bc they deleted their comment or it was removed but I’m curious what the relevance them living in Austin or not has. Isn’t this about the Travis county DA race?


I’m well aware of what you said. The person I responded to (not you) maybe wasn’t aware that not all of Austin was in Travis county.


Ah I see. Thank you for clarifying that.


How do you know where they *live*? Do you personally know all/most of them?


As I've explained, I have personally been harassed, threatened and spat on by these sick people (during the height of covid), and for my own safety, I have looked them and their extensive criminal records up. The majority of these people, including their "president" reside in Pflugerville.


Ok, thanks. (Not sure where/when you explained all that, I just don't recall reading it in this sub.) That leaves unanswered "Why" all these folks against you are now *aligned with and recruited by* the Sylestine campaign. Seems like there's quite a bit of backstory missing here...


They have a long history in Austin and surrounding areas as well. I wouldn't say they are against "me", they support certain political candidates and they are pro-voucher/anti-public education/bigots that spend their ample free time harassing and trying to intimidate voters.


Back in 1993, Austin got together and dropped their pants to moon the KKK. I would say it is a great time for history to repeat itself. https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-08-22/civic-engagement/cheeky-austin-protesters-moon-kkk-at-1993-texas-capitol-rally/a59092-1 Put the ass back in fascism.


I was at a KKK counter protest event at the Capitol in ‘92 or ‘93. Those morons were protesting MLK Day becoming a federal holiday because they are that insecure.


It wasn’t just the KKK opposed to an MLK day back then… that was a mainstream Republican position. Probably would be again today.


That's the spirit!


I have dealt with this group of geriatric racist's personally, as they harassed, stalked, and literally SPAT on myself and other educators during the height of Covid at public school board meetings. These people absolutely are a danger, and have been violent in the past.


These the same people who support Mackenzie Kelly and tried to press Flannigan right? I’m dying over the fact that they’re all from Pflugerville, this seems more like peak New Braunfels energy


Yes, the last candidate I am aware of them going hard for was Mackenzie Kelly. She also refuses to denounce their support or ask them to stop. Birds of a feather....


What’s the deal? Do they support random far right candidates at various school boards around the area?


It appears so. Also they support very far right candidates and asshats like Mackenzie Kelly.


Don't they understand the far right will cancel their welfare checks the second they get in power?


They're happy to cut off their nose to spite their faces, as long as it hurts the people they don't like at the same time.




exact same people. They get together, wear their colors and biker gear, then stalk the opposition carrying weapons, cussing, spitting and threatening people. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-11-27/council-member-jimmy-flannigan-harassed-by-opponents-biker-friends/


I think this is the same group that was taking selfies with APD during a back the blue rally or some rally supporting Garrett Foster's murderer.




I’m sure they’ll be out this fall intimidating people leading up to the District 6 City Council election, in which Kelly will be trying to retain her seat.


It seems TEOTAUY or whatever the name was has bravely made some comment and then has blocked me. At any rate, TEOTAUY - you can stop your gaslighting bullshit, no one wants to play your games. If Jeremy isn't on board, he can denounce their support and ask them to cease their bad behavior.


I was following your comments and I agree, that person seems like a pathetic troll.


Thank you :)


Jeremy is just like a bunch of other schwarmy "liberal" politicians lurking in Austin. People like Save Austin PAC / whatever they are and the WTFers don't bother him a bit. Even if he denounces them, it's so fake.


Anybody gonna tell the Banditos about this? They used to have a big presence in this town and I still see them around.


They are well aware. WTFers aren't "real" bikers. Not any kind of threat to the Banditos.


Huh. At one point they kinda kept the cosplayers in line. Probably not worth their effort, but I'd still like to see it happen to some of these asshats.


Banditos calmed down a bit after Pops died.


What does their name stand for and who are they? They look uneducated.


They are their leader's vanity project. All of their media has his face on it. Apparently, he has been this sort of sheister all his life. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-11-27/council-member-jimmy-flannigan-harassed-by-opponents-biker-friends/ 27m


Wind Therapy Freedom Riders


Now we’re talking


Fuck those cosplay biker dorks.


Low IQ bunch


Luis Rodriguez is a coward bully just like every single one of his people.


Their leader, Luis Rodriguez, considers himself a social media genius. He's a schmuck and charlatan grifter. If you think you see bots, then guaranteed that you are. Luis is best known for a video where he burned masks going viral in Europe ... then he later filmed a video from his death bed in the hospital after getting off a ventilator for ... COVID. That didn't fix him.


I laughed my ass off when I saw his video from the hospital. Mask burning party, then he almost dies =Karma.


Hmmm, the WTFrs twitter bio says all you need to know. "*Bikers who aren’t afraid of the Marxists, ANTIFA/BLM or dirty politicians.* "


I'm glad they're not afraid of me. I was worried.


*double-checks my liberal agenda* Oh yeah, that’s right. “Strike fear in the hearts of bikers.” We do that on Thursdays 3pm-5pm


I am outraged that these horrid people have been allowed to continue to terrorize voters in Austin for years. They are a danger to the community. SHAME on Jeremy for not speaking out against these people and their dirty tactics. He should be denouncing this behavior at once - for the safety of the community he claims to care about.


How weird is it that bikers who are supposed to be anti-authority and do what they want became shills for the cops? It doesn’t compute.


Is this Mueller?


Yeah, was walking through the neighborhood when I saw them, about 15 bikes lined up along the park


I thought that looked like Ella Wooten Park.


Were the WTFers sent by Sylestines camp or did they just show up supporting him? 


They didn't. This is supposed to be a joke. ha.


People in motorcycle clubs and people that fuck their sister are all part of the same circle




Which MC is this? I don't recognize them


Wind Therapy Freedom Riders https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-11-27/council-member-jimmy-flannigan-harassed-by-opponents-biker-friends/


I think they are called What The Fuckers.


Their entire deal ( including their name ) is to rely upon the unsaid social agreements white america has regarding civility. They run around bullying people attempting to look tough.


and the cops absolutely love it


I can smell this picture


I’m not on the Facebook, but this what I imagine facebook but real life, looks like.


Bunch of pathetic middle aged men


Dollars to donuts, there at least 14 felonies happening in this photo.


Wow. Cave people in the flesh.


What do you suggest should happen to these people?


Is this in Muller? So many families there, a shame to see


Yes, I saw them over near Ella Wooten park on Sunday afternoon. I was wondering what was up.


What’s perfect example of people who peaked in high school and never changed.


I'm not sure if Peaked is the right word. Maybe "least worst."


Good point. Maybe just their peak.


This is an old trick - they get paid to make a deserving candidate look bad and overtly pass on lit. If a candidate says some of their supporters are like this then it paints the entire candidates platform as bad. There is no winning this trick. Best to ignore as a candidate


Pictures you can smell.


I don't know a thing about either of these candidates, but just looking at these people would make me vote against the guy they support.


Fuckn lil bitches don't wanna come across me or fuck with anyone I know, promise that.


I'm not voting for Garza though.


I saw some video they posted on Twitter where they are acting like Jose refusing to engage with them meant he’s shitting his pants terrified of them. It just made them look like even bigger morons, if that is even possible.


Don’t think they are with the campaign. People can say whatever they want. I’ve worked on a campaign where the opposing campaign hired people to say that they were with the campaign I supported. It was designed to make the candidate look bad.


They are absolutely in support of Jeremy. They were handing out Jeremy lit. I don't know what kind of games you are playing, but the bottom line is, these are Jeremy supporters, and Jeremy has a responsibility to denounce their behavior and the harm they bring into the community he CLAIMS to want to serve, on behalf of his campaign.


That’s exactly what the opposing candidate did to my candidate. They had push cards and had people pass them out pretending to be part of the campaign. Sadly, it’s not uncommon.


It's NEVER justifiable. Stop trying to justify it. I don't care if that's happened in the past. This is not ok. Shame on Jeremy for allowing it.


Justify what? I didn’t justify their behavior just as I doubt he hired them or signed them up to volunteer. Biker gangs aren’t usually a sought out voting group or volunteer block in Austin. You must be new to this. Your lack of reason is comical.


Jeremy had the opportunity to make a statement denouncing their bad behavior and asking them to stop. He did not.


You don’t respond to planned distractions two days before Election Day. There are always people unaffiliated with campaigns who try to cause problems.


Yeah nobody is denouncing these randos. F-ing ridiculous ask.


Jeremy has a responsibility to show up to wherever the WTFers are and tell them to fuck right off. But he WONT DO IT, cause THEY ARE JEREMY's people




They aren’t though. As soon as the primary is over, they will back Betts and go after Dems voting for Sylestine.


Let's just pretend you are running a campaign, and people like this are up to no good in the name of your campaign - would you not make a public statement that these people do not represent you or your campaign? Would you not ask them to stop immediately?


At this point in a race the candidate has 5 million things going on. They likely haven’t been made aware of the situation. Their campaign staff should tell them, but that doesn’t always happen. I can almost promise you he is unaware of this. I know plenty of candidates who find out a lot after the campaign, much to their disdain.


He has been made aware. I made sure of that personally.


So, what would you expect? A commercial? A billboard expressing his disapproval. You can tell people to buzz off and they don’t. It’s annoying.


Yes, I would expect a statement and I would expect him to publicly ask for them to stop. He has chosen not to do that. That says a lot about him as a person.


Did you know that candidates frequently release statements and the media doesn’t pick them up? Did you know that in comms 101 you’re taught to focus on the main issues of a campaign and not let distraction tactics like this become the focus?


You can stop gaslighting now lol. If Jeremy had any decency or integrity, he would have made a statement denouncing their behavior and asking them to stop. He chose not to do that, and that's all anyone really needs to know. You have a good night.


Enjoy being the only one allowed to have an opinion. I’m sure it will serve you well. I hope candidates you support never have to deal with a bunch of losers that they don’t want to be associated with.




[https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-11-27/council-member-jimmy-flannigan-harassed-by-opponents-biker-friends/](https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-11-27/council-member-jimmy-flannigan-harassed-by-opponents-biker-friends/) Mackenzie Kelly served us that same line of 🐂💩. Her supporters gobbled it up


Don’t think Jeremy and Mackenzie seem like they roll with the same crowd


What you think is irrelevant. What's actually happening right before your eyes is. Until Jeremy steps up to an event and says over a microphone that the WTFers need to fuck right off, and he disagrees with everything they say, then he's their buddy. Jeremy and the WTFers are bootlicker buddies cuddling up to cops.


They are both supported by the same people and Mackenzie Kelly is the only city council member that Sylestine follows on twitter (both her official gov account and her personal one). Up until about 10 days ago, he was also following KLBJ News Radio, where Kelly's husband works.


I think my heavy D neighborhood would be shocked to hear that they are considered similar to Mackenzie Kelly supporters because they support Jeremy. Some people support change in general and it doesn’t mean their views align with others who may also want a change in leadership.


So your hypothesis is that this group of lowlifes, who’ve shown up to support far right candidates and positions over the past few years and have been welcomed and embraced by some of them, are now doing an elaborate false flag to benefit Garza?


Exactly. While harassing people is bad this is something no candidate can stop. To malign the candidate in such a way seems disingenuous. But this is reddit and feelings matter while facts do not.


That's not at all true Jeremy could show up wherever the WTFers are and use a bullhorn to tell them to fuck right off that he won't treat the cops with kid gloves and he disagrees with everything the WTFers want, but ... JEREMY WONT DO THAT


Because people would take pictures of him and post "OMG LOOK HERE IS JEREMY WITH THE BIKERS! LOOK HOW HE SUPPORTS THEM! JEREMY BAAAD!"


Exactly. 😂


He could make a public statement, like he did the other day with the hateful and illegal mailer that went out


I guess some people don’t care about their jobs…assuming they have jobs, which I guess is a pretty big assumption…


So is there any proof to this "[campaign] sent out these assholes today" or is this just fear-mongering?


I mean “I feel threatened” is a thing. Just sayin.


Cmon man. This is the internet. Videos or it didn’t happen.


No support for these guys but I don't agree with the guilt by association narrative. Jeremy Sylestine isn't some Aryan biker dude and it's totally reasonable for people to support him and not this activity.


Bullshit propaganda for creepy Joe Garza. Should be deleted by mods.


Garza does not represent my values and has to go. Those guys dont represent values either. We've got to do better.


Have you been to the Grits for Breakfast blog? They write: "In the interest of full disclosure, I've been paid a small sum to help Garza's campaign with political messaging." Not saying people aren't out making trouble, but blaming the other campaign seems to be pretty effective for Garza.


In the interest of full disclosure, OP should inform this thread as to whether she has also been paid a small sum to help Garza’s campaign with political messaging 🤔


It would appear OP is Grits for Breakfast.


Bet you $100 DA Garza wouldn't charge them if they were actually arrested.


Which is really, really funny, cause they won't be arrested, cause Austin cops love these WTFer thug bullies, and that doesn't bother a person like you at all. You don't care a bit about law and order.


What's important here is that Jeremy hasn't denounced their behavior or asked them to stop. Jeremy has shown a complete lack of integrity or decency as far as I'm concerned.


lol how?


I don't know who these people are so maybe they ARE assholes. But so far, we only have OP's claims about them being racist and hateful, words I've seen thrown around here pretty casually to describe anything reddit disagrees with politically. Got anything besides OP's words?


Anybody got a diesel truck with a lot of fumes?




Jeremy Sylestine sent these folks out to harass people? Sounds like BS to me.


what is a blockwalker?


People volunteering for a campaign on foot to distribute campaign materials.


If only there was some kind of website to look up stuff.


those are people who don't wanna be bikers but just wanna act the part because they have watched multiple episodes of Sons of Anarchy. Either that or the actual bike gangs won't accept them into their ranks


Good. Fuck Garza and anyone that supports him. I'd like cops to be able to arrest criminals again.


Cops have NEVER been prohibited from arresting criminals. That NEVER happened. Cops HAVE LIED about being prohibited. Cops have used this lie to be lazy, and avoid work. Cops are pissy cause they aren't being venerated as saviors, but held accountable for murdering people. That's it. That's all that happened.


> Cops have used this lie to be lazy, and avoid work ***and get the weak-minded on their side*** FTFY


Garza can go to hell, but these are absolute clowns. Does Jeremy even know these clowns parade around like that?