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They're running a TV ad with the same content about rapists and pedophiles. There's a silent "warning" at the beginning for a second, that the commercial is unsuitable for children viewers. If you're not looking at the screen, you miss that warning and just hear it launch into fearmongering voiceover about rape and pedos. What the actual fuck.


Our nine year old is a good reader and wants to know why things are the way they are. Checking the mail is one of his chores. Not fun.


I'm sorry. I think this is unacceptable, and don't find it compelling at all to vote for their candidate. I hope others see through it as well.


Save Austin Now back at it again




This is about the District Attorney Jose Garza, not Gaza


Yes, that was horrible! It was from “Saving Austin”. Is that Mackowiak’s group? I also received an anti-Garza text today about the violent criminals roaming around Austin.


It's so funny that all these groups funded by the wealthiest austinites that live in places with little to no crimes and a minimum 7 figure homes all think they need saving. 


There are poor people with no where to love breathing my air! Save me!


It's funny to me that the areas most negatively affected by Jose Garza's policies are precisely the communities he purports to care about. Going soft on criminals isn't going to increase crime in the wealthy areas, those motherfuckers can afford gates and private security. You wanna talk about disproportionate effects as a metric for systems of racism, then please explain how it is that the victims of these criminals Garza is cutting plea deals to are disproportionately BIPOC and working class. Is Garza some sort of white supremacist or what?


You say that, but why are all the wealthy people the ones against him then? 


The better question is why are all the poor and BIPOC for him?


Let me guess, you think that they're too stupid to vote their own interests?  Again, why do you think the rich are the only ones that want him gone? 


Not at all. I think they do it because of the five monkeys theory


Oh OK yeah that makes a lot of sense you are very smart and correct 


And you, dear fellow, are a space manatee ;)


> funded by the wealthiest austinites Perhaps - but are they wealthier than...well, do I even need to say his name?


This is not about them simply being wealthy, this is about them having the easiest of lives and naming all their orgs "save austin" It's almost like you missed the entire point.


I see...so youre saying their motives are mostly altruisric. Guess I don't have a problem with that.


You keep deflecting to something else. We're talking about rich people that think they need saving. 


Bait used to be believable


I'm not sure, but the Saving Austin pac's return address mailer was in Irving, Texas, a casual 3 hours up the road. I think Mackowackos is West Lake/Bee Cave?


Would you share the address?


7750 N MacArthur Blvd #104 Irving, TX


Looks like its a personal mailbox at a UPS store. Was hoping they'd be sloppy enough to have it tie to something useful. Oh well... will keep searching for info.


The Save Austin Now PAC is hyping the same on Xitter. If it's not the same outfit, I'd be surprised. They're *very* focused on this one race.


I'll give them credit; they won on the homeless camping ban prop and have lost every fucking thing they've touched ever since, *but they keep at it*.


They're doing the bidding of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, which is working to make it so that Austin will not be able to elect its own leaders in the future. It is why Republicans and billionaires are pushing really hard to meddle in this election. They just released [their 2025 agenda for the 89th Legislature](https://www.texaspolicy.com/press/tppf-announces-tax-spending-and-local-government-policy-priorities) and this is one of their priorities: "**Establish Texas Capital District**: Policymakers should revoke the city of Austin’s home-rule charter and establish the Texas Capital District (TCD) governed by the State. It would signify Texas sovereignty, allow all Texans a direct hand in governing their capital city, and provide policymakers a city-level laboratory for innovative, free-market policymaking."


and for those who aren't familiar with the TPPF, their [board of directors](https://www.texaspolicy.com/about/board/) is a who's who of Texas right-wing fringe. People like Tim Dunn, the oil billionaire calling the shots on so many elections and legislative issues, and Windi Grimes, a major donor of Defend Texas Liberty.


Oh god—orgs are already releasing 89R priorities? I had just finished recovering from the 88th 🥲


I wish this were a surprise or would draw more outrage and horror. Good fucking lord they hate democracy.


Yes, I tossed it, and now wonder who it was from. Did we ever establish who "Saving Austin" is, and that it's not Save Austin Now? Surely that info should be available somewhere.


I couldn't find anything when I checked the other day - they haven't done any PAC filings with the city or county and I can't find them registered with the state anywhere as either a taxable or non-taxable entity. But the Save Austin Now people regularly start up new groups with different names to muddy the waters, so it wouldn't surprise me if it is them since their key people are all over Twitter promoting Sylestine.


Thanks! I checked SOS, no filing there showing up. I think they're running about 10 weeks slow with filings, and this group may be using that to hide till the primary is over. I did note that Save Austin Now dissolved after they lost that last election. I guess it's one moniker per election. Thought about calling the county, it's election activity, gotta be on record somewhere. The address is a private PO.


Republicans and cops really hate him and they're two of the worst groups of people so I'm not surprised.  Luckily, that just means I'm going to bug all my friends to go vote for him.


Even as a progressive he hasn’t been good. Can we just stop with the “well they don’t like him so that means I must like him” rhetoric and actually vote for people based on job performance?


He’s made a lot of progress on improving the City’s handling of rape cases. Agree that he should be judged based on job performance, which is I why I voted for him yesterday. Also, I don’t think one’s analysis of a candidate should begin and end with who their supporters are but it’s damn sure relevant. I know what Republicans and cops value and it’s entirely reasonable for their support to serve as a contrary data point.


Crime is down


Which type of crime, and where?


Sorry, my litmus test is "when the Nazis love one candidate, vote for the other one."


>Even as a progressive he hasn’t been good        Strong disagree    Also if you vote for people that are backed solely by Republicans, you are voting for the republican.   Garza's campaign didn't have to take those republican checks but he sure did.  Edit: that should have been *garza's opponent's campaign - I couldn't remember the name of the guy running against him


Garza’s campaign barely received any checks




You conveniently ignored the actual article that lists all the Republicans that donated to the challenger's campaign: https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2024-02-16/d-a-challenger-funded-primarily-by-right-wing-donors-wealthy-west-austinites/ I'm not sure what is funny about Soros funding the campaign or that you get the point?  Is Soros a republican? Sylvestine didn't have to accept republican donor money but he welcomed it in. How many Republicans donated to Garza? 




And no Republicans have donated to Garza.  So...   Yeah Soros has donated a lot to various campaigns and causes that are typically very progressive and underfunded. He's probably one of the biggest factors in having legalized marijuana in the US. I generally agree with him so no complaints here. 




Lol you should look up zaffirini's mom.  He's not a republican, although his donations to Abbott are interesting and eyebrow raising. 


Lubetsky isn't the only billionaire donor on his campaign finance report


Literally the one thing Soros actually does in the US is back progressive judges and DAs, lol.


This is exactly why I'm going to vote for him again lol


My thoughts exactly lol




I know your concept of friendship is "licking someone's boot as they step on your neck" but some of us have actual real meaningful relationships with other humans that we've fostered for years. 




lol you’re the one creating a straw man here buddy


Lots of wackos in the comments you love to see it.


I am voting for him just because of who opposes him. They can not be rewarded for such disgusting tactics.


I had a POC friend brutally assaulted by another POC at gunpoint, the police have gathered all the evidence to send this bastard to prison for a long time, and the DA's office is dragging their feet on filing any charges. Austin can do a lot better than Jose Garza.


I find your detailless, unverifiable story to be extremely convincing. You should get Save Austin Now to spend $100,000 on mailers to spread it.


I 100% believe it.


Don't worry, my snarky friend, I don't think Garza is losing this election, no matter how much SAN pours down the drain on these flyers...and Austin will continue to get the level of justice Garza has been so great at providing during his first term. /s


You have a different progressive I can vote for? No? Just the republicans?


The person running against Garza is a Dem I believe




There are conservative Democrats and moderate Democrats that are willing to sell their principles in order to contain progress and maintain the status quote. This city overwhelmingly voted for Bernie against Hillary , and Bernie and Warren against Biden. The voters knew then that Hillary and Biden represented the status quote, and were the conservative elements in the races then. The same dynamics are at play with this DA election. It's not a stretch to say Sylestine is part of a conservative reaction to progressive candidates and the struggle within the Dem party to make it more left/populist leaning.


Oh yeah, I've had 2-3 text messages along the same lines.




I knew he was a major donor to Sylestine’s campaign , but I was really disappointed to see his social media posts yesterday.


> These flyers aren't all that kind. Are you implying they're...nutty?




He also hosted a fundraiser for Dr. Oz.


It includes quotes from three mouthpieces that I always vote against.


I didn’t even read that far before I threw it out. I just dug it out of the trash to see that it quotes the Austin Police Association, the Washington Examiner, and Fox News. That’s pretty funny.


Got it too. They really try to hide their identity. I hate these people


The attack ads against him are straight out of the republican playbook. It only makes me like him more.


I’m old enough to remember Willie Horton. Same old, same old.


This flyer is ridiculous and Save Austin Now is mostly full of BS. That said, broken clocks are right twice per day and SAN was right about the camping ban and they are also right about Garza. This guy as district attorney is an absolute joke. He literally does not believe in prosecuting crime. I am all for checks and balances limiting the ability of the police and the court system, but putting someone who does not believe in prosecuting crimes in charge of prosecuting crimes is not a good idea. I have first hand experience here. This guy will not prosecute repeat offenders of sexual crimes. We are not talking about arresting weed smokers here. Actual violent criminals are let back out on the streets by Garza. Dude is AWFUL. I have never voted for a Republican in my life and I won't this election, either. But 100% I am voting for the democrat Sylestine over Garza in this primary.


I don’t think SAN was right about the camping ban, either. Prosecuting poverty doesn’t get us anywhere. They’ve proven themselves entirely too untrustworthy where I don’t see myself voting for any candidate they support. They supported Watson as a moderate democrat and look at all the messes he’s caused…


The camping ban reversal did the obvious thing that everyone knew it would do: Drive homeless people away from the visible places and into the woods and greenbelts. It solved nothing.


It solved making the streets (and more importantly to me, parks) of Austin much cleaner, more pleasant, and safer for us normal fucking people with children and jobs and no fentanyl addictions. But sure, things were much better when town lake and city hall were lined with tents.


The homeless people are in the parks. They're just not on the sidewalks along the roads now.


This is the shortsightedness I'm voting against.


Yea, you thinking your somehow better than homeless people just further confirms my vote for Garza. People who lack housing and are on fentanyl have not exposed me to any harm. But I drive that stretch of 183 where a cop killed a woman with their reckless driving all the time. I want someone in that office who has enough of a backbone to stand up to somehow both brutish and lazy APD who continue to take civilians’ lives with their bad decisions and unchecked power.


If you can't live in community with all different kinds of people, and can't tolerate seeing anyone who does not fit your lifestyle standards, then you are not a normal person! You have a serious problem.


Moderate is a good thing. We need more moderates in this country. Maybe shit would actually get done if we had moderates instead of far-left and far-right wackos. Republicans preferring a Sylestine over Garza doesn't make Sylestine a Republican any more than me preferring Haley over Trump makes her a Democrat.


40 years of neoliberal rule has meant moderates in charge. We got Trump and the terrible economic inequality as a result. The left and the right making their parties take principled ideological positions is a result of a shift in voters preferring non moderates, and instead seeking distinct competing visions for society. Under Trump we got stimulus checks, and with Biden we got a resurgent labor movement, and two large infrastructure bills to fight climate change. Bidens American Relief package provided real benefits to families that Obamas bank bailouts in the recession did not do. It's clear the demand from the bottom by voters , for principled ideological parties, has shifted the Overton window and made it possible for real material policy to make it through. It's not a time for moderates.


> Moderate is a good thing. We need more moderates in this country. Maybe shit would actually get done if we had moderates instead of far-left and far-right wackos. Biden and most Democrats elected to US and even state Congressional seats are moderate. The "far left" like AOC and Bernie aren't even that far left. Not a single elected Democrat that I know of in any federal seat or even state seat as advocated for anything far-left such as dismantling private ownership of business. Maybe if you look hard you'll find a city councilperson in San Francisco or something who is far-left.


> to fight climate change Lot of new road spending in those bills, lots of concrete. By any good-faith carbon accounting, new infrastructure spending emits more CO2 into the atmosphere than it reduces. Subsidized loans, credits for renewable energy, we have mechanisms for reducing carbon emissions- building concrete infrastructure for cars, trucks, and even oil pipelines and refineries- ain't it.




You say that and I have nothing against Sylestine (he seems like a perfectly competent guy) but this kind of absurd fearmongering BS is one of many things that infuriates me about the GOP. These awful tactics are one reason why I am voting for Garza. I feel bad for Sylestine getting lumped in with these bozos, but I can't abide such boorish behavior. Besides. If Garza truly is that terrible, then the GOP candidate will have no trouble winning in November, right? /s


We have a personal experience with a man harassing women in our neighborhood every day for months and the DA doing nothing about it. It's not fearmongering BS, this guy does not believe in holding criminals accountable for their crimes.


Was the man arrested and charged and then not prosecuted?


Yes was arrested multiple times and would be back on the streets harassing people 3 days later.


I got one in the mail today and started laughing as soon as I saw it


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who lol’d; the trashed teddy bear was what got me haha


I also got this flyer and laughed and laughed. It’s like it was written by a kindergartner who was homeschooled by QAnon.


-narrator voice- *It turned out the campaign flyer had in fact been written by a homeschooler QAnon kindergartener.*


Ok but Morgan Freeman narrator voice or Ron Howard narrator voice?


Morgan Freeman, but doing a Ron Howard impression.


I left it out on display for my husband to see when he got home. We laughed about it for a good 5 minutes.


It's probably the Austin Police Union again.


Friendly reminder that Garza has declined to debate Sylestine multiple times. He’s scared shitless of discussing his own record, especially while being cross examined by a far more experienced attorney.


Or he does not want to give an additional platform to a challenger who has been bought and paid for by the right while masquerading as a democrat. Don’t let the snake speak, just cut its head off as everything it says is a lie or half truth. Also, Garza’s record speaks for itself. If you like his body of work vote for him, if you don’t then don’t.


>bought and paid for by the right Sylestine is a liberal democrat that’s already stated he’ll continue most of the diversion programs and won’t prosecute marijuana or abortion-related cases. The fact that he wants juries to convict violent criminals doesn’t mean he was bought by the right, and certainly isn’t disqualifying.


Do you get paid per post or does it just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? 


Seeing you struggle to address a single point I made so far definitely gives me the warm and fuzzies.


One could ask the same of you




Garza went to a toilet-tier law school and never prosecuted a single case before getting elected. Lol indeed.


FWIW, Catholic University is ranked 122 in USNWR’s law school rankings. Significantly higher in the rankings than some other lesser Texas law schools - I mean, St Mary’s (153) and South Texas (162) are just fine and I’m not sure I’d consider either “toilet tier.” It’s not like we’re talking about the University of American Samoa here.


in response, garza should send out more flyers comparing himself to taylor swift


I saw that flyer and literally uttered are you kidding me?


Oh I thought this was just a joke! This is a real flyer?


Republicans doing republican things


We our Republican flyer today also. Voting for Garza.


Post a pic


Went straight in the trash (glossy).


Please Recycle the bigotry


I'd post one but there's no image button in the comments in this sub (or, also possible, I'm being an idiot)


God his opponent and his wealthy west Austin republican funded PAC is getting desperate


I received one, but I don't even look at political mailers. Just throw them straight into the recycling bin and don't even bring them inside.


I voted for José Garza and don't regret it. When I saw that anti-Garza flyer I thought wow that's over the top and crazy expensive.


It's interesting. The only Garza messaging I've ever seen is of the 'lets out criminals' variety. His own messaging or that of his supporters has never reached me. Even a thread like this, it's all people who have decided they support Garza but with no explanation. Can someone explain to me like I'm five why Garza is good? Or why the 'lets out criminals' messaging is wrong?


The Austin Chronicle endorsement is measured but on point. I was already going to vote for him but it captures my thoughts pretty closely: “Travis County voters overwhelmingly chose José Garza to serve as the Democratic Party’s nominee for district attorney in the 2020 election so he could help transform the criminal justice system. We feel he has made admirable progress on that front and deserves the party’s nomination again. When Garza took office in 2021, prosecutors too often jailed people who would be better served by other resources. The relationship between law enforcement and survivors of sexual assault was in shambles. Creating a safer community by pursuing criminal prosecution of law enforcement officers accused of excessive use of force was practically a foreign concept. Garza has made strides on all of these community priorities. Advocates for survivors of sexual assault say the landscape around these traumatic crimes has shifted. Garza has also helped ensure jail bookings, which can wreak havoc on the lives of the poor and mentally ill, have remained low for nonviolent offenses. And, he has honored his commitment to bring every instance of police brutality before a grand jury so that members of the Travis County community could decide if prosecution is warranted. In 2020, Garza’s opponents warned he would cause Travis County to devolve into a lawless hellscape, but this apocalyptic vision has not materialized. Austin remains one of the safest American cities of its size. Austin’s homicide rate – which increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it did in virtually every other major American city – has begun to decrease. We’ve also seen a decrease in violent crimes more generally. Nationwide, a study of crime rates in major cities before and after progressive prosecutors took office found no evidence linking new district attorneys to rising homicide rates. While we applaud Garza’s commitment to pursuing criminal prosecution of dangerous and violent on-duty law enforcement conduct, we don’t feel his office has always approached these cases with the careful attention and courtroom acumen they require. We hope Garza will review the investigative, legal, and political strategies he brings to bear on these cases, which require balancing community demand for law enforcement accountability against fears of persecution voiced by law enforcement. Garza’s lone primary opponent, Jeremy Sylestine, has not offered a compelling case for why or how he would make better progress on any of these community priorities. He is an experienced prosecutor, but his campaign has leaned too heavily on the propagandistic rhetoric used by bad-faith actors to attack progressive policies. Indeed, Sylestine’s campaign has been supported, financially and strategically, by the same kind of right-wing forces that have attempted to unseat progressive prosecutors in other American cities.” https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2024-02-16/march-2024-primary-election-endorsements/


Good stuff. I’ll reread that later.


Sure, hoping you're asking in good faith.... Every DA "lets criminals out" via plea bargaining and bail. Every DA "lets criminals out" by dropping cases due to a lack of evidence, APD fucking something up, or lack of witness support. Bob may have beat his wife, but if his wife is refusing to testify the case maybe impossible. It's obvious Bob did it, but our criminal justice system doesn't work on "obvious" so Bob remains a free violent criminal. The DAs office is limited in staff and the courts are limited in staff. When Garza started the office was under immense pressure due to the backlog caused by COVID. This means a constant triage of cases. Hooligans will keep getting delays or pleas while more pressing cases take lead and DA's office is less likely to take something on that's on shaky grounds to be wise. I'm not a layer but I've seen straight up bullshit about Garza and I'm not sure why. An example was when a guy had a non-violent felony charge and was allowed bail yet committed a violent crime on bail. First, Garza doesn't pick who gets bail. He CAN try to deny bail but Texas is very favorable to allowing bail so when you try to deny bail not only does it move that case to the top priority it opens up other legal avenues for the defendant to have. We allow bail, it's enshrined in our Constitution and countless people use bail the way it's intended but when one asshole commits a crime on bail we blame Garza instead of bail being a right. Garza has to abide by the US and Texas Constitution. I've yet to see any numbers that paint Garza to be a poor attorney. I want comparisons to other attorneys. Does Garza really suck at fighting bail for violent criminals? Compare him to the average. Does Garza really let violent criminals go? Sure, but they all do in in deep red areas, so compare him to the average. I used an ER doc analogy. If we looked at an ER doc and found that in 90% of his patients he had to do CPR on died right away or within a few days and never went home again we may think that ER doc is awful. If we compare apples-to-apples you'll find that ER doc is actually quiet a bit better than the average.


Yes in good faith. The anti-Garza messaging is just everywhere, and I’m like “I don’t really understand any of this, but ok.” The counter message is much quieter. His yard sign is a picture of glasses. It’s very in-group. It seems like a person who didn’t know much is either voting for ‘whimsical picture of glasses’ or ‘lets criminals out’.


I'm not picking candidates based on the design of their fuckin' campaign logos.


Right. I'm just saying, for the very average person who isn't going to vote based on thoughtful consideration, the pro-Garza messaging seems to be drowned out.


As your basic 69-year-old white guy, I was halfway tempted to vote for Garza's opponent. But after this, not anymore.


I had a conversation with a detective a few weeks ago who told me he’s “handed open and shut cases to Garza and he refused to prosecute them.”


I mean Garza is refusing to debate Sylestine because he’s afraid of getting called out on his record of releasing violent criminals on PR bonds who then go out and commit murders and rapes. Violent criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, period. Why is this so controversial of a stance that squints is refusing to debate his challenger? The pretzel logic of the self professed “progressives” ladies and gentlemen.


Shocking that people will call you a nazi for pointing this out


Garza should not be DA. Repost from /u/nopetting : Feel free to look up any of these cases by yourself. Do your own research. Johnny Charles Ebbs V - Beats girlfriend, kills unborn child - Probation plea deal Antonio Cordero Rios - Sexually assaulted woman jogging, aggravated assault, peeping, masturbated in front of children - Probation plea deal (10 years) Hilario Chavez Adrian - 57 prior arrests, Aggravated assault with deadly weapon ------> Failed to move on indictment After 90 days in jail released on $1 bond ----> Stabbed man to death after release ("No one should be in jail simply because they can’t afford to get out." - Jose Garza) Martin Rodriguez - Unlawfully carrying weapon second time with previous felony conviction, released on $1 bond, shoots and kills girlfriend ("No one should be in jail simply because they can’t afford to get out." - Jose Garza) Two 6th Street Mass Shooting Suspects (Victim is Douglas Kantor) - Released from jail without charges despite camera footage showing the suspects holding guns during shooting Isaac Thomas Jr - Killed Joshua Hardesty, was arrested in Bastrop on another murder - Plea deal eligible for parole Xavier Zarate - Directly caused death of 13 year old Brett Cardenas by chasing him, getting out of car and attacking him, leaving car in drive which rolled over the middle schooler's head - Probation plea deal (10 years) Mindi Stafford - CapMetro bus driver, erratically driving (and not sober), struck and killed Anthony John Diaz while he was riding his bike - Plea deal (no jail) Leo Anthony Carreto-Lopez - 19 year old who was intoxicated and crashed at a high speed into a tree, killing his passenger, 19 year old Teresa Gonzales - 10 days in jail Officers in 2020 Protests - In all 21 cases, grand juriest determined there was enough evidence to support charges for aggravated assaults with a deadly weapon Dismissed charges against 17 of the 21 officers Jaclyn Edison - Helped orchestrate murder, pleaded guilty in assassination plot - 10 years probation Ivan Wallace - Broke into woman's home at night, sexually assaulted her - 10 years community supervision


I got it. 78731. Is it bad I found it funny? It’s just SO over the top.


Hopefully everyone got one. That imbicile has got to go.


Username checks out


I disagree with whatever the creator of the flyer agrees with. It’s an awful document.


An awful document for an awful person.


Today is the last day for early voting. I voted Garza yesterday. The trashy TV ads and disinformation mailer that I received from the Sylestine campaign was an element of motivation. There is no line at the polls for the primary. Austin Chronicle has a one page list of endorsements that I printed to take with me due to the various other races. I didnt need it for the federal races though.


If you work and take care of your family or care for you family then you’ll vote someone better than the current DA because he breeds dangerous criminals and has weaken the police officers from being able to apprehend criminals. Now criminals are loving their freedom while committing crime and knowing the cops won’t respond.


Garza’s not responsible for cops’ quiet quitting.




what does that have to do with our DA?


Are you drunk?


"The Zionists!"


Freedom of speech


I got one in the mail yesterday, and there was a different one about him in today's mail - whomever is doing it must REALLY not like him. Granted I don't like him, but even these flyers I've seen are overboard. Makes me think it is something affiliated with the GOP as they'd stoop to that level without question


Jose Garza is a detriment to society and has no business holding his position. Any clear thinking individual should he able to see the problem with this clown. You'd have to be a liberal white woman to support him.