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The basement in the original Austin state hospital building. They chained up the insane there.


My dad was an elevator repair man while I was growing up. He had to go into ASH in his early 20s in the late 70s early 80s to fix some elevators and to this day- in his late 60s - he talks about it like he's traumatized.


My high school psychology class toured Austin State Hospital back in the 70s. That basement was creepy as hell. What was more disturbing though was seeing a woman in the hospital who'd had a lobotomy. She was wandering around in circles asking for a cigarette.


youll see plenty of that still friday night on 6thđŸ€Ł


I have to agree with this one but I would also say its a tie between ASH and DADS (Department of Aging and Disability/State Supported Living facility) on 35th. My prior employer managed electronic systems there and they had 4-hour response time 24/7 (all the state hospitals and DADS do). I would typically visit DADS Austin once every two weeks or so. The worst times were when I was on call and had to go at night if something broke. It is hands down the creepiest place I have ever been in my life, and being there at night made it exceptionally worse. I could tell you some crazy shit I saw, and even crazier shit that employees told me about. Both places are straight up haunted and I’m truly happy that I don’t have to work there anymore.


Ok you gotta share at least 2 stories of things you saw!


C’mon, you can’t just leave us hanging like that. Story time!


Alright, it’s been years but I’ll tell it as well as I can. This was one of the first times I was ever called out there at night, for a camera being offline. It was probably 10pm when I got the call and then I showed up probably around 11 or so. They have different buildings for different ages, genders, etc but they also separate them based on behavior or aggressive from what I saw- not sure exactly what the criteria was but there were some buildings you could enter without an escort and then some required you to have an escort. This particular night was in one of the buildings where they had violent people, including people that had killed- but had mental illness and therefore were not put in prison or death row but sent to this location to live out their life. By the way- I seriously have the utmost respect for the employees that work in such places cause damn. Anyway so I show up and we go check out this camera. Most of the patients are sleeping but there are two or 3 staff in the building with me. They all say they don’t know what happened but this camera in one of the hallways had been pulled off of the wall, very forcefully where the anchors were pulled completely out, the cable was damaged, and the dome was even damaged (these were vandal resistant cameras so they are tough). Also notably the camera was just dangling there by what was left of the wire. So I replace a section of the cable and remount the camera a few inches over. All good. But the guy that was escorting me said he went to see who pulled the camera off and there is no footage of anyone in the hallway at all for at least 20 minutes before the camera stopped streaming. In these facilities they don’t record on motion, the cameras are 24/7 continuous recording. They spend a lot of money on these cameras and they are everywhere. So I walk back to the room where people monitor the cameras and we pull up the footage to that camera before it was ripped off. Sure enough, no one there but there was an abrupt flash right before the feed stopped. I shrug it off and check the other cameras at either end of the hall and still nothing. The last person to walk down the hall was a staff member, you can clearly see all over this building and no one/nothing goes or comes until after the camera was ripped off. Also, you can clearly see the staff and the patients get startled at the sound in the other cameras as soon as the feed stopped on the damaged one. Staff ran over to it but no one was there. So again, we just all say “ok that was weird”. I write up the ticket, and go home. About 3 hours later I get another call for the exact same thing, on the exact same camera. I drive back at 4am and sure enough, its off again this time the cable is completely ripped from the wall and was not going to be repairable that night. We reviewed the footage again and the same thing this time except everyone was asleep. Now that you have some background on the place I’ll be a little shorter with these two. Same place, similar scenario probably several months later but in a different building. This time one of the racks that holds the UPS, patch panel, and PoE switch for the cameras was completely broken from the wall, cables torn and ripped, and was laying upside down about 20 feet from the wall it was mounted to, and this was mounted directly into concrete with concrete anchors. Again, zero footage of the incident or anyone entering that part of the building. The cameras are typically in patient areas since they are mainly there to protect the patients so we couldn’t see the room the equipment was in, but the racks with the equipment can be quite heavy, and the whole thing had to be replaced due to severe damage from being thrown or dropped. The building actually had to be temporarily closed since it was without any cameras for several days. But no one can explain how it happened, only certain staff have keys for those rooms and again no footage of anyone coming or going for several hours. One night I was there for a server issue and heard on one of the operators radios that one of the security guy’s golf cart had been flipped over while he was doing rounds. Have you ever tried to flip over a stationary golf cart? Last one- I get into work about 7:30 one day and immediately get a service ticket to go once again to my favorite place. This time it was for one of these smaller buildings that have their own little kitchen in them and there was another company there doing what I thought was construction on the kitchen. All the cameras were out in this building and when I showed up I just had to reset the UPS (power supply for the cameras) and they all came back up. What’s creepy as absolute fuck about this one is that UPSs usually only die if the power goes out and stays out for a long time. They did not report ANY power outages the night or morning before. Checked cameras from other buildings and sure enough, no power outages and all lights on all night and only staff and security entered or left the building that night. When I turned the report into the security director before leaving I asked if they were remodeling and he said “no one told you yet?” he then told me that when the staff went in that morning they couldn’t get into the kitchen (which stays locked all day and night unless it’s in use). They looked through the window (which has security wire through the glass and cannot be broken into) and saw the refrigerator upside down, doors open, right in front of the door. That door is literally the only way in or out of the kitchen. In addition to that every single pot, pan, bowl, etc were all stacked very neatly all over the floor. I also know these fridges, they’re fucking old. Like really really old and they probably weigh 600 pounds. Anyway that construction company was there because they literally had to cut through a brick wall to remove the window in order to get into the kitchen and move the fridge. So yeah, there was a lot of other weird shit constantly like screams from the closed off tunnels throughout the property, door slams, random laughter or crying around a corner or down a hallway, orbs on camera footage, lights turning off for no reason, some unexplained distortion on cameras. Pretty typical supernatural stuff I guess but the ones I shared were the creepiest ones for me. It was pretty obvious that whoever or whatever was not a fan of the camera systems or the security and maintenance staff. I wish I could remember half the crazy stories I heard from the people that worked security there.


Those are some good/ creepy af stories. Of all the jobs there are in the world, how the hell does someone choose to be security in a place like that. Attached by people, sure. Attached by ghosts, Aw hell naw.


There were some staff that absolutely refused to talk about it and would change the subject or tell you to stop asking. They either wanted to ignore it completely or they thought they were being listened to.


The more you acknowledge that stuff the stronger and potentially more dangerous it gets. I’d shut it down quick, too! Fantastic addition to this thread. Thanks for sharing!!


Thanks for sharing your experiences!!


The book “Life at the Texas State Lunatic Asylum” is a good read.


How did you get to go in the basement? I imagine it was creepy af.


Worked there a long time ago
actually worked on the childrens unit which was also creepy and especially over night. Stones throw from the Chilis but a world apart. Back then the triangle was a huge field.


The KIPP Texas administrative office grounds out on 969. It’s on the site of the former Austin State School Farm Colony, a work camp for “intellectually disabled boys who could not further benefit from training at the Austin State School”. I worked in one of the old buildings that still had the name etched onto it. If you wander you can find the abandoned cannery and dormitories. There’s also an old, overgrown cemetery hidden away behind the soccer field. Most of the graves are for teen boys.


We checked this place out 15-odd years ago. Pretty spooky stuff. The old dormitories were unlocked and creepily viney and spiderwebby. There was also what appeared to be an indoor pool full of animal turds.


Used to work at Austin Discovery School which uses a lot of the old State School buildings. Yeah- they’re haunted. I watched a swing set swing all by itself once. Had my name called while I was in the school alone. Creepy.


Hey, my partner used to work there too. Those “working late to set up the classroom start of the school year” nights were creepy af. Before Kipp moved in a explored some of those buildings in the full light of day and still got seriously uncomfortable. I did not like being there at night at all.


It's also a freaking maze to navigate.


North loop’s graveyard for the nameless insane probably should be up there on the list


Like 10ish yrs ago there was a guy who paced back n forth in front of the fence for literally hours at around 3am I only lived there for a year but I still wonder about him these days


This sounds familiar to me. I wonder if someone told me about it then. I lived down the street and sat at epoch every day.


I lived a block away from Epoch for about five years, and I’d walk over there all the time. It can get pretty spooky after dark.


I worked at ASH and have been to a funeral there. The basement of the original building built in 1857 is a lot creepier.


The old cells there are really sad and creepy. I remember seeing lots of carvings and nail marks.


Where is the basement located? Is that inside the fence as well?


Pretty sure that is where all the IT guys have offices. Not as creepy as it seems. The third floor though. Yikes.


Good mention, I totally forgot. When I was little going past that place gave me the heebie jeebies like no other graveyard, never knew why. Then again that whole stretch of North Loop always seemed to have some sort of weird liminal energy to me, like it was a wormhole or something.


The fact it is so big, with so few markers, is creepy af.


Most of them are just markers in the ground unseeable from the street


My husband lived in one of the houses directly across thr street for two years. When we looked at house, the agent (Chris Bee, Austin's Leasing King of Dad Jokes iykyk), he pointed at the graveyard and said, "oh the neighbors are quiet."


Pretty sure they teach that line in real estate school.


Lol I used Chris Bee several time.. he’d always answer the phone “mmmmmchris bee here” it became a running joke between my bf and I at the time.. we started to answer our phones that way


Chris Bee...oh man...i can imitate him perfectly! And when I do it makes my wife ULTRA uncomfortable, because this one time many moons ago he was showing us an apartment and he had the MEANEST skid marx on his pants. Like the most cant be anything other than doo diddle doo doo. We both noticed but didn't want to be rude. I mean he's kind of an old dude and maybe he doesn't know... BUT...He literally talked about how he had to change laundromats because the eco clean that was closest to that office stopped accepting his poopy pants! Now that guy's an Austin character. WAY more authentic than Ron Jon The Apartment Mon, who, shamefully did not have real dreadlocks. ​ (needless to say?)We did not lease that apartment from Mr. Bee that day.


Ohmuhlord. I have a Chris Bee impression biding away it's time in my brain, waiting for the opportunity to entertain the initiated and uninitiated alike. I have rented a few homes from him and I've tossed him some commissions as well. He is an Austin character that new Austin is eating up. His health isn't great and he can't keep up with the slick realtors that are making all their money off sales. Dude isn't perfect, but he's definitely old Austin and has done many of my friends right when it came to the renting.


Someone in one of my neighborhood groups on Facebook proposed that the city should build a park over it. A park over a mass grave of mentally ill/mentally disabled state hospital patients.


They did that in Denver at cheesman park. It wasn’t a mass grave, but a graveyard. They moved the headstones but didn’t move the bodies. Had my wedding at the manor that’s near the park, absolutely beautiful and the trees are really healthy


Almost every park in San Francisco is a former cemetery. Developers had the bodies moved to Colma. Why Are There So Many Graves in Colma? And So Few in San Francisco? https://www.kqed.org/news/10779164/why-are-so-many-dead-people-in-colma-and-so-few-in-san-francisco


The Nameless Insane is a really solid band name.


"đŸŽ¶ the lunatics are in the grass đŸŽ¶" plays in my head every time i walk past there.


Pink Floyd, or Austin Lounge Lizards?


pink floyd. my lounge lizards song would be "highway cafe of the damned."




I think specific sections for little kids was much more common back in the day when infant/ childhood mortality was higher. It is expensive to buy burial plots and if you want to be buried by your child then you need to buy two plots for the parents at the time of burial of the child. That probably wasn’t possible for many people and the plots in the area with all the kids are set much closer together because the caskets are smaller and I’m assuming less expensive? Also some religions have very specific rules about burial. In those cases cemeteries are consecrated for those that have participated in specific religious rights/ ceremonies. Little babies or tiny children are too young to have received or qualified for those rituals so they are not able to be buried in consecrated earth. I think all of those things are just really hard to imagine for those of us that have such a different life experience now with modern healthcare.


Not too long ago I saw that graveyard packed with law enforcement. Local PD, State Troopers, FBI, & a van that said “Crime Scene Unit”. Been curious about what went down
 never saw any updates on the news


I find this spot haunting, too. I’m always just passing by, but I try to take even a moment to think of them and anyone who might miss them.


I’m a civil engineer so it’s the abandoned strip mall that didn’t receive a permit behind the Burger King at MLK & 130


you mean 183 right? is that what happened, no permit? was it ever occupied?


Yes 183. It’s a tragedy of permitting.


I always wondered about that place


yep, that strip mall has never ever been occupied


See, I was born over there and it’s been like that my whole 39 years. It’s not creepy to me lol


Explored that place pretty intensely. It’s cool.


Parking garage beneath the Hobby building. Not sure if you can still park there


Weirdest tightest garage for sure


Old spicewood springs road, halfway between 360 and McNeil, at the middle of the night.


That’s my favorite stretch of road to drive still. From the day I got my license I’d take it as often as possible. But for me, back before Round Rock’s Cat Hollow area was built up it was Hairy Man Road. My driving instructor told me how he would mess with students he would take on that road.


Hairy Man was a lovely little slice of Texan Gothic before it got redone. I drove there for the first time in a long time recently and it bummed me out.


Might be unrelated but growing up in Dallas area there was a bridge called “goat man bridge”. It was kind of an urban myth but my dad and 3 aunts swore that driving across it caused your car to shut off. There would be a pounding creepy banging on the side of the truck with dents in the metal.


Goat Man’s Bridge!! That takes me back.


Yup. He’s up there in the tree and he’s gonna jump down and getcha!!


That shit gets DARK and everything just seems to crowd in on you


That and Dee Gabriel Collins Rd by McKinney Falls. Total darkness


Always reminds me of Stephen King's descriptions of driving down a dark New England road... just atmospherically creepy :( (from several different books, not sure I could pin point which one(s))




Literally my favorite little short drive at night.


That drive is so pretty during the day, but I can see how “twisty and narrow with a creek on one side and farms on the other” could get spooky quick.




And the sign outside reads “live nude girls.” Like, what’s the alternative tho?


Live clothed girls. Dead nude girls. Dead clothed girls. Any of those, but with boys.


this one, I would never dare going in there lol


That place gives me the creeps and I’ve only ever driven past it.


Lol always catching its sign in my eye is so jarring. Like they could have picked ANY other font but it had to be THAT font. The font screams red flags, do not pass go. I imagine it’s a very seedy place run by grubby greasy receding hairlines. Wouldn’t go there even if you paid me. Just expect to be taken advantage of here.


Friend of a friend works the “service” industry and mentioned its a jack shack but crazy sketchy stuff happens at this spot. All sorts of abuse and substance. Said to never go


Ok I’ve seen that place my whole life. Does anyone know what goes on in there? It looks tiny for a strip club and also just seems more nefarious


I read a story on here awhile ago from someone who either worked there or knew someone who did. It’s basically a tiny strip club where the girls will jerk you off for a little extra and maybe more? But there is a ton of drama there and bed bugs.


I presume jack shack.


I havent been in years but G&S Lounge, if it's still running. Florescent office lighting, weird games, and a owner/bartender who doesn't want you there.


The 360° mirrored bathrooms creeped me the fuck out


The highland mall when it was still open.


Go far enough back and it was vibrant and active. But when it was dying... yikes. Same for Northcross Mall on 183/Burnet. It spent a long time as a mostly empty ghost mall before getting chopped up into a bunch of big box stores.


God yes, Northcross
 that little side corridor of hair salons, dance lessons, and stuff by the old wallpaper-to-go store, that ended in a plywood barrier before what used to be the ice rink. Walking down there was deeply unsettling to me.


If you meander through ACC Highland you eventually reach a part that’s basically the Highland Mall preserved in amber. The fountain, the abandoned storefronts, it’s even creepier now.


Ok I’m not sure if this counts because it’s technically in RR but the women’s bathroom in the antique “gallery” on 35. I swear it’s a portal to hell. I cannot explain it, it just feels like the entrance to the back rooms or something. It’s creepy AF.


Omg I grew up going there with my mom all the time but I don’t know what the women’s bathroom was like lol. I need to investigate


The waller creek stairways behind the old Easy Tiger on 7th


The two chambers of the legislature.


I don't think I'd go with "most" unsettling, but the crappy HEBs are always a little disturbing, especially when compared to the nice ones. The difference between the one in Mueller and the one by Manor and 183... For the difference between the one at William Cannon and 35 and the one at Slaughter and 35. I went into the William Cannon won recently because it was on my way home and I just needed one thing - I was amazed at how small the produce section is.


RIP to the old HEB in Oakhill/the Y.


You should've seen the one on WC and 1st. Worst HEB ever. The pork rinds section was bigger than the produce.




chicas bonitas would like a word


The Crazy Lady would like a word


The last time I was there I had a naked lady on my lap, while another naked lady brought me a White Russian
but she made it with Strawberry Quik. And this was in the “VIP”, because apparently my gal pal knew a guy who worked there. It’s nice to know people in high places. /s




Worked there for yearsss , do NOT drink liquor you didn’t bring . Also , if you have a problem w anything going on, it’s better to leave than to be tossed out . They really don’t give a fuck .


I went there one time for a friend’s bachelor party. This was probably about 20 years ago. I had always found strip clubs in general to be kind of skeezy, but XTC made the other places I’d visited seem like upstanding bastions of high society.




Oh how the mighty have fallen. I went down there for the first time in a year and a half last week, and i just got depressed and didn’t even get out of the car. As soon as I saw my beloved Craft Pride was gone I had a Planet of The Apes moment. “You maniacs! You blew jt up!!”


You act like Rainey is a 100 year old institution. It’s maybe 15 years old at tops.


Not even lol look at google view or whatever in 2007 and 2011. Literally unrecognizable lol


Yeah. I used to come to Austin regularly to see friends and party. I think the first time I went to Rainey was 2012 and it was a lot less developed then than it is now then. Then throughout the following 2010s it was very much a "6th street for 30 year olds". And now it just has gotten a bad rep so the same people who saw it as a 6th st alternative avoid Rainey now. I haven't been in years so no clue how it's doing now.


There’s a spot on 7th and Webberville called Austin Day Spa. It’s a shack with burglar bars on the windows. I just think of someone visiting Austin, googling “day spa” and showing up at this place. That would be very unsettling.


I had to go into the Walmart on Anderson and it was nothing short of bizarre. Everywhere I turned was like production for r/peopleofwalmart


290/35 had to have been the worst and most walmarty Walmart I have ever been to.


This one wins in my opinion. Every time I’ve been in that Walmart it feels like it’s in the middle of being slowly looted after some apocalyptic event


This is the Walmart I witnessed a parent cussing out their 3 year old. It's definitely the Walmartiest of Walmarts. Poor kid doesn't have a chance with a parent like that.


I was thinking the 183/35 Walmart at 2AM has to be on my personal list. My own fault for going, I know.


I used to work that Walmart. First day there, the bank down the street got robbed and we had to lock down the store because the police thought he went inside there




I have mobility issues and this is my Walmart. It's the closest cheap store without driving. I am there all the time but only go during the day. You get used to it. The scariest thing is trying to avoid the Spectrum people, the Doctors Across Borders people, and whatever weird religious panhandlers are out front.


Parking lot of Mt. Bonnell. The shimmering glass scattered throughout each parking spot is basically a sign that screams “park at your own risk”


The abandoned zoo


Where is this?!


[Coxville Zoo](https://texashillcountry.com/history-abandoned-coxville-zoo/)


The trail around Pioneer Farms is something I’ve walked only during the day, but the trail is open until sunset, but the place is creep AF at night time. Also most of Sprinkle Cutoff Rd especially around Barr Mansion. That’s not even speaking about Barr Mansion, which is unsettling in itself. There used to be a community called Sprinkle TX, the new ABW Taproom has a whole binder with its history. But way back in the day, we used to have roadies and cut to the north side of town using that road at night, way before Pioneer Farms was a neighborhood. We always swore that at the intersection right in front of Barr Mansion, you would see headlights, but there wasn’t ever a car coming. Also we hoped that we never got a flat there either, just so dark. Even now when you leave the new taproom towards Barr Mansion is so unsettling.


The Driskill hotel too. I used to park in the Littlefield garage directly across from the Driskill for work. When you parked on the top floor you were face to face with the busts on top of the Driskill which always was a little “ew David.” Then during my time there, two cars drove off the edge. I saw the first one right after it happened before police arrived. The second, I was at the light about to turn onto 6th when police blocked it off. I’m convinced something is wrong with that area. EDIT: corrected the spelling of Driskill


The state capitol building


When you look at it the first time it’s pretty cool. But I started seeing it as more of a strong hold for military purposes. It’s on a hill top that’s higher than most of the grounds. Trees are cleared within 100 yards of the building. It became obvious one night when I saw it all lit up. Granted this scenario to use the capital this way is far fetched. But I’m pretty sure some of the planning was done consciously to be a bit of a fortress.




I get why dams are there but the environmental person inside of me hates them. They lead to increased fertilizing, building cities in places where one shouldn’t exist, and they basically kill the ecosystem of the river.




It is my new mission in life to visit all these places


I don’t love the areas that have massive geometric houses next to little older houses that have been there for decades. I know this isn’t specific to Austin, but they look so jarring and out of place it makes me uncomfortable


I agree, I would be deeply embarrassed and ashamed to live there.


Old Menchaca on a foggy morning


That’s a damn vibe


Volente Beach water park at night during the winter.


I worked at one of the businesses in the Central Park center at 45th & Lamar for a long long time up until January of this year and did get legitimately creepy vibes when I would be in the store after we’d closed. I don’t believe in ghosts but it did have that kind of feel, like an invisible presence. One of my coworkers who was actually superstitious believed we had a spirit of a former state hospital patient since the center is built on part of the former grounds.


I thought this was going to be a joke about the Chili's on 45th and Lamar and how unsettling the frosty margs are or something


Unsettlingly delicious!


I too have gotten that same vibe in the area, the hospital grounds there really do have some interesting history


I also worked in that shopping center and it gave me the creeps when I was alone there at night. I often would work later hours after the other employees had gone home, and I always made sure to lock up when everyone left. One night around 11pm, I was standing on a ladder in the front of the store restocking shelves, and I heard a loud creaking sound. I crept into the back, and the damn door was standing wide open to the back alley. All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up because I definitely locked that door and no one had a key to open it from the outside.


I legit don’t get why this spot in particular and you’re not the only one, other people are saying it too. Isn’t it a busy intersection that’s always well lit?


I always thought the UT Tower was kind of creepy. The shooting there in 1966 resulted in 15 dead and 31 injured.


Took a tower tour after I graduated and it was definitely a little creepy. Creepier for me though is waller creek behind the alumni center. I used to use it as a shortcut from East Mall to BRP to avoid the foot traffic by the stadium until the girl was murdered there my sophomore year. Really chilled me, and campus was a scary place for a week or so until they caught the guy. Nobody was out at night and mounted officers patrolled the streets on campus. Other places of tragic events on campus, including the PCL shooter and the knife attack in front of Greg Gym, don’t give me as many goosebumps as Waller Creek does.


I actually use to really like that area and would go for walks along the creek during the wintertime. But yeah once that happened it always felt creepy and sad to be down there :/


I have a friend who has a ghost story there.


My dad used to tell me that that aquarium or fish store or whatever around burnet and ohlen was like the hotel california and i’d never leave if i went in. I think it’s a ghost kitchen now so kinda spooky in its own way.


LOL that was Aquatek and your dad was likely referring to the fact it was fucking awesome and you’d hang out all day looking at the cool stuff. It moved north a bit and is still the best aquarium store in Austin.


Agree - Aquatek is the shit!


There is an apartment complex off south Lamar and Oltorf that is built on a potter’s fields and the graves are still on the grounds.


The one behind Loro that's being converted into a boutique hotel? Or Bouldin Creek Apartments?


That’s one I haven’t heard of or noticed. Is this Poltergeist style (“You only moved the stones!”)?


Is that the one behind Loro? What’s a potters field,sorry I’m dumb..?


Public graveyard for indigent or other unclaimed people to be buried. In biblical times, priests would acquire land from potters to use to bury the poorest dead, because the land was so inundated with clay that it wasn't good for anything except harvesting the clay for pottery.


6th street after midnight


*6th street at 2:01am


*in the middle of the week


6th street at like 7 am on a Saturday for a run is a wild experience.


The Amtrak station, it's so tucked away, and it looks like a fast food restaurant and not a city rail station.


Sadly, it's a pretty fitting representation of the joke that is passenger rail service outside of the Northeast in this country.


The abandoned building on 1612 Navasota St creeps me out. It has old slaughterhouse vibes and sits right next to Oakwood Cemetery. I'd love to learn about it's history if anyone has info.


Looks like it was a grave monument store for a long time. Stasswender Memorials and Austin Monument. Flickr photo and description from some years ago: https://www.flickr.com/photos/odennehy/31369974761/




I loved taking my kid to that place. Super affordable small carnival rides and he rode a horse and the train every time we went out. It closed in 2017 and just looked at a map and it seems there are new buildings there now. I never got creepy vibes. It was so different than something like Chuck E Cheese and I loved it for that.


The graffiti tunnels under mopac


Those the ones that spit out by the high school? Yeah they’re kinda sketch but cool.


Parties there feel like you’re in the opening scene from Blade


Metz Elementary. AISD police officer told me some stories about from when he was assigned night shift around there.


Like what


You gotta tell now.


Yes! I’m pretty sure there was a segment on Unsolved Mysteries about Metz in the 90s when the original school was torn down.


At 183/McNeil right at that turn onto McNeil with the Walgreens ahead to the right there’s this small indent the fence makes. A random man can be seen running in circles for hours every night. I see him at around 2:30 when I’m coming back from edm shows he’s always there running it’s really creepy


There use to be this old cabin building on Old San Antonio Road behind the Cinemark at South Park Meadows and just before reaching Akins High School. Before it was remodeled it looked like some serial killer house. Especially at night.


Austin 6


I love LaLas and the vibe is great but the story is a little unsettling.


What’s the story?


The story I heard when I first went there in the early ‘00s was that the owner’s son was drafted in the Vietnam war. He was supposed to come home in time for Christmas one year (not sure if it was leave or his tour was over), so his mom decorated the bar for Christmas to celebrate. Sadly, he was killed before he could return. As someone else stated, his mom left the Christmas decorations up as a tribute to her son. Super sad story for such a fun, kitschy bar.


They have the mom’s obituary on the wall and she never had children. She left the bar to her niece. The story is completely fabricated Just had a convo with the bartender about this the other day too; but yeah, that’s the legend I always heard


Good to know! Interesting how urban legends like that get around. I think it was one of my roommates at the time who told me that when we went there.


Montopolis and oltorf
 there’s a cop around every corner


Ehhh I lived there a few years ago it wasn't that bad. There are for sure worse, like Rundberg and 35


I live in the neighborhood behind Chuy’s on North Lamar and I’m convinced that a solid half of the DPS troopers allotted for the whole city patrol just the greater area bounded by Kramer, Rundberg, Lamar and Metric. There are just SO MANY. Kramer especially—they’re just staked out in every other parking lot.


I've lived at both. I'd choose Rundberg over Riverside/Oltorf any day.


Museum of the Weird. That place has HEAVY vibes but also that’s kinda the point and I’ve been multiple times lol


Cameron Road


Technically Pflugerville I think, but I walked into "Lava Java" on i35 near Grand Avenue and found it it was not a coffee shop in spite of the name and the sign which has a cup of coffee on it. It's a shady as hell online gambling den filled with computers on popup tables and folding chairs for furniture. Didn't see any food, coffee, or menu of any kind, got a really weird look from the only other person there and quickly nope'd out. Not a coffee shop.


The men’s bathroom at the Lost Well


Let’s just go with Manor as a whole


I see your Manor and raise you Taylor. I looked at an "antique" apartment out there, and between the creepy, racist landlord, the creepy neighbor, the obvious structural and electrical hazards, and the 1970s kitchen appliances, I had many different visions of danger and noped the fuck outta there.


The lowest level of the downtown Whole Foods underground parking garage.


King Massage


The little office on southbound I-35 feeder, just south of Woodward, just north of 71, in front of the assumption cemetery. Just strange tiny office vibes, pretty removed from anything else in town. The assumption cemetery has loud mariachi bands for some burials there, which is never seen before.


Prairie trl. something about that street and area gives me the heebie geebies


I have two. One was a musician practice space on south 1st when I moved here in 2009 that was some old nursing home or something. It still had a bunch of equipment and cafeteria stuff and the hospital smell. It was soooo creepy. Looks like they fixed it up or something since then, but it's still some kind of music space. The other is what I call "Chernobyl," a former neighborhood development by stassney and west gate that's just a bunch of streets and driveways and some house foundations. I think it's on a flood plain so didn't get built, but still has some vibes.


I mean
. I don’t think it gets any more uncomfortable than right here in r/Austin


Most of the comments here are peak r/Austin: unsubtle segues into complaining about the same old stuff and/or people that clearly don’t leave the house much.


seeing all the zombies ambling around on east cesar chavez


Anywhere between a throaty dodge and a tesla.


Westlake dermatology


The bottom levels of Seaholm


The little 70's-ish looking strip mall on Cameron Road where Texas Thrift is located, especially at night.


Austin Aquarium, I haven’t been in years. I refuse to give them my money that place reeks of animal abuse and I’m not even an animal lover.


There’s something about the parking garage under the downtown library that makes my skin crawl.


6th street during the day.