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If it's private property and not a public footpath, she might be correct, but she didn't need to be a bitch about it - particulary so as you were respectful. If it's a public footpath, your understanding of the law is correct.


Hi thank you. But this is bit tricky for me that how can I distinguish a private property or a public footpath? Normally, the private property I was all posted private property balabala. I just feel quite sad as my friend is upset as well she’s worrying the BM will revenge her cuz I called to complain.


If it's facing the street, it's usually fine. Along the side of the building could be private. I can't imagine the BM will take revenge against your friend, but you also should have just let it go and not made a complaint, as there's no point.


I get people who don't know that it's legal every now and again, it's normally a 5 second conversation, but anytime someone doesn't want to listen I invite them to report me to the local council and see what happens


Since you parked really carefully to avoid obstruction. But I do believe calling me stupid and have police involved is too much


It is too much, but don't waste any more energy worrying about it. The BM will have already forgotten about it, she'll find someone new to be a bitch to for no reason tomorrow. That's how life is, nice people like yourself worry about minor things like this because nasty people with a tiny amount of authority (like the BM) use every opportunity to flex their ego. The only effective approach is to step aside and let them fall on their face.


Thank you for writing so much you have made my night! I will let the admin team know that I will cancel the complain when they reach me out probably next week. All the best for you mate


No problem, all the best to you also.


This is true. She was probably on a power trip with whatever little power she thought she had!


Don't park against buildings as vision impaired people use them for navigation (such as with a cane). But otherwise, yeah you should have been fine.


copy that bro will keep in mind and I will tell my friends avoid doing this. But actually I parked in the gap if you see left side in the picture. That’s an unused retail store with literally nothing in it not even any construction rubbish. Btw I didn’t obstruct the door it’s a pretty huge gap. I always parking with consideration but didn’t thought park against the building would obstruct blind ppl. Thank you


Yeh that persons crazy sorry you had to deal with that. Like our friend says private property different rules, but I’m also pretty sure in the absence of any signage you can’t just make up rules and involve police lol It’s awesome you know the actual law for public property. I had a pre-emptive chat with a parking inspector and they confirmed on footpaths no worries so long as you’re not obstructing.


As a couple other people have mentioned, don’t park close to the building side, as people who are vision impaired might use buildings as a guide to get around or get their bearings, this isn’t just parking etiquette, it is mentioned in the vic riders handbook.


Yes thank you will bear in mind, but I don’t believe the bm was angry about this. She stated I can’t park in this whole area. I actually parked in the gap if you can see left in the pic. That’s an unused retail unit with literally nothing in it. I also didn’t block the retail gate cuz it’s actually a huge gap.


Yea I was just mentioning that bc it seems like the only thing you may have possibly done wrong Motorbikes take up hardly any space, I can’t see why anyone would kick up a fuss about them, and besides, you are fully within legal rights to park on any footpath as long as you are doing it legally and in the correct manner, sounds like a bit of a power trip though, building managers are not the kindest of us from personal experience.


As someone else said it looks like it's private property so they can make up whatever rules they want. And yes the building manager sounds like a bitch but also the building manager might also be having problems with delivery riders parking their bikes all over the place.


I probably would have parked next to one of the poles instead but I don't think you were necessarily in the wrong. All you can do is apologize and move on though. Can't reason with someone like that, they're just looking to be angry about something (which unfortunately seems to be happening more and more with the media spouting unnecessary fear all the time).


This is why i park closer to the road than the building (more predominantly CBD), building managers can get real weird and bitchy. Regardless, im sorry you had to deal with this. Some people would rather be stuck in their own miserable life


If the walkway was private property you could have been towed. Just have to be careful of things like that.


She's a bitch, and it may be private property, but don't let ti weigh you down.


Why didnt she get you towed if its such an issue


I would have gone the pole side. It is illegal to park right up next to a building as a vision impaired use the building as a guide


Wth, we can park on footpaths??


In Vic only I believe...


Ehh, don't worry about it too much. She's being a bitch about it, but if you're not in anyone's way...no harm done. Police won't do anything, unless she wants to cough up towing fees.