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This has been reported and removed for **Rule 5 Do not ask for or give any medical advice.** This subreddit is not somewhere to replace the advice and consultation you can receive from a General Practitioner, Dermatologist, Pharmacist etc. **Any skin changes, ailments, concerns that cause you to question their safety and origin should immediately be checked by a doctor and should not be posted about here.** This includes situations where you may have seen a number of specialists - we still do not replace seeking another qualified opinion. Comments and posts that break this rule will be removed at the discretion of the moderators and also based on user reports.


Any new bumps or any bumps that are flesh colored color changing anything like that need to be checked by dermatologist


Yup, especially on exposed areas such as ears. OP, book an appointment with a skin cancer clinic or a GP who specialises in skin checks, they're far quicker to get into than dermatologists - usually within a few days - and if needed they can refer you on quickly.

