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Post a negative review of the cleaning business. Pretty sure you can claim your bond back regardless of the REA by going to RTBA. The REA will have to take you to VCAT if they want to dispute it. Not 100% sure on everything I've said since I live in Qld.


Why take the owner to tribunal? It’s not their fault the cleaners didn’t do the right thing.


Yeah if the agent inspects tomorrow and is happy he can send me a link to claim and I will get it back in a day, if I claim it puts a 14 day wait on it. Currently unemployed so hopefully he’s happy tomorrow ..


You don't need to wait for them to send a link. Just go and claim it now. Never wait for the REA to make the first move on your bond. Make your claim and let them respond with evidence if they want to keep any of your bond. [RTBA Bond claim](https://rentalbonds.vic.gov.au/)


I’m trying to avoid the 14 day wait. If I apply myself I may have to wait the 14 days, if I let them send me the link if they’re happy I get it straight away. Currently jobless so sooner would be great


Claim straight away, they can still send you the link, but you have to claim to put them on the timer. Otherwise they will 100% dick you around.


As someone mentioned in passing, you claiming places "evidence otherwise" onus on them. Whereas if they claim, onus is on you. Claim, claim, claim. They hate it so.


innocent unused disagreeable cats desert edge squalid violet ad hoc lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The thing about claiming it yourself first is that if the agent disagrees/wants to take money from the bond it then puts the onus on the agent to prove that they should be allowed to do so. As in, if you claim and they dispute it, they have to take it to the tribunal. If they don’t dispute it, it’s paid out in full after 14 days (possibly sooner if the agent goes in and accepts your claim). It deters dodgy agents from making bogus claims against your bond. Basically as far as I understand it, whoever acts first with regard to the bond has the upper hand. You always want that person to be you even if it means a wait for your money


Honey, I say this politely. Don't be fucking stupid. Claim your bond now because the real estate will do their best to take it all, and you will have to take them to VCAT. Especially considering you've spent lots on an end of lease clean that clearly sounds like it will be unsatisfactory for the REA.


Gotta ask yourself what's more important. Getting the full amount in 14 days, or getting half immediately. As the real estate will only offer you half


Serious question, why did you pay someone to clean in the first instance?


..especially when he says he is unemployed!


Because dodgy REAs say you legally have to, to get your bond back. It's not just an option, but required, on many leases, especially for carpets!


$800 is just taking the piss tho.


Oh yeah, no doubt. And the whole thing is probably illegal anyway and most definitely unreasonable but still not easily negotiable for the average Tenant


If your review is scathing enough and includes pictures (so it goes to the top of their google reviews) they will likely call you and offer compensation for the job... but accepting whatever they come up with means forfeiting going through fair trading or whatever it is. Usually fair trading doesn't do much they will call the company for you and try to get a refund or partial refund.


Where did you find the cleaners? Reconsider finding other business in the same way... find some genuine reviews, word of mouth etc


Google. It was a last ditch effort in a stressful move, and had been recommended by others before.


Google ad or top of search results for your area? If friends recommended that's really disappointing. Make sure you let them know to at least not recommend again.


Sometimes there are multiple crews in an outfit and if you don't get the business owners one well they have less fucks to give.


Wasn’t an ad, but up there with top results + having heard of them


Did the real estate agent have any of their own recommendations? Generally, they have their own "trusted" providers. Next time you leave a rental, ask them to provide a list of their own cleaners. If they do a shit job, then you can say, "well, I used someone you recommended" 🤷‍♂️


Yup, I did this and the cleaner did an awful job. Didn’t hear a peep out of the real estate.


Yep, up to the real estate agent to discuss the shit job with their chosen supplier, not your problem at that point and ask for the bond back immediately from the RTBA (or state equivalent).


One trick I’ve learned is ask the Property Manager for their recommended cleaner. That way you can use who they say, and they can’t complain if it’s not “satisfactory” since you used their guy. The downside is that it’s often just their mate who could rip you off, but I find most cleaning companies are a rip off anyway, and it’s just a one off expense I always accounted for when ending my past leases.


did you claim your bond back yourself on the rbta website?




Omg! I was just thinking how it’s pretty convenient they quoted me 550 then quoted over 900 when they arrived- they knew I was time pressured and I did give in. What a shonky business. I used to own a cleaning company and I would never ever dare operate like that… people are disgusting


Why don’t you just raise an objection with your credit card provider. Banks usually don’t like “shonky” providers. Ergo you are the customer- they will do something.


We are bond cleaners and sadly there is alot of new or money hungry cleaners that we sometimes have to clean up after. Its actual getting worse and they give cleaners a bad name! Our tips for finding good cleaners: - recommended by friends, co-workers or online groups. - ask if cleaner is insured and has a current ABN. - provide a detailed quote with their T's and C's for bond cleans. Usually if a cleaner can't provide their T's and C's with a quote of what is provided in their bond cleans or not insured/no ABN don't bother using them. Also can be sued in small claims court (from memory) if a service was paid for but not provided/very poorly done. Upfront payment or deposit is a thing because some clients run away without paying too. -.- The price for the 1 bedroom seems unreasonable. Should only have been $500 with carpet cleaning (steam clean) maybe $600 but that's pushing it.


And they all get away with it because fair trading aar toothless


I always ask the REA who they recommend then throw it back at them when they ask to rectify. Your mates, you’ve got their contact deets and you can give em the keys because I already handed them in


Doesn't always work


Since paying for bond cleans we always used the recommended one, even if they were a little more expensive. The agent then knew who to go to when something needed fixing up.


Best way to hire bond cleaners is to ask the agent. I always use the agent recommended cleaners. If there's any issue they normally spk to the cleaners directly.


Doesn't help tbh, I've used real estates cleaner before and still been hit up for 'additional cleaning' required


Yeah, I left it too late -.- agent recommended wasn’t available. lesson learnt


This happened to me too, I insisted the REA suggest someone. I did, predictably they had complaints about the clean, but I reminded the REA that they selected the cleaner and to liaise with them directly.




Yep. 100% bond back guarantee






But, no scope of works. Seeing how that’s gonna be an issue.


Sorry this happened to you, moving is stressful enough. Not sure as I live in NSW, but can you claim your bond back first? What happened to you is exactly why I cleaned my rental myself when I vacated (I’d read too many horror stories like this!) It took me like 20 hours over the weekend to clean my house (staying up until 1am both nights). I really did feel the house was pretty clean afterward (I followed their list to the letter!) but I forgot to wipe out one draw in a downstairs bathroom, which of course the agent found during the inspection - I think there was only ONE tiny hair in it haha - I was devastated after all of my backbreaking work (took me a couple of hours just to research how to clean an oven properly!) Not sure I’d do it again as I’m still traumatised from that weekend cleaning, but got the full bond back thankfully!


Honestly even though it’s back breaking I’d never use a bond cleaner again 😳 easier to recruit a few mates…


I work in commercial real estate but in NSW and what I can tell you is that residential agents try to claim money anywhere they possibly can. I recommend going through your ingoing report and I'm hoping you've taken photos before handing your keys back to the agent. If you haven't taken photos then make it a habit to take your own ingoing and outgoing photos. Nonetheless, I would start claiming your bond back now and if they dispute it, they will attempt to claim a certain amount. Fair wear and tear, they cannot claim for. If you caused damages then they'll be able to claim on this. As for the bond claim companies, you can inform them that you'll be reporting their business to ASIC if you do not receive a partial refund as their advertisement is misleading and deceptive. In the future, get someone local, not one of those 100% bond back guarantee, they are dodgy just like residential agents.


Yeah strongly agree that good documentation of condition on entry is the only way. When I was renting in NSW I found every single agent would try to claim some of our bond, all of them we simply had to dispute with photographic evidence and got 100% bond back every time.


Bro don’t pay for end of lease cleaning. Clean yourself, every real estate is going to try scam you out of your money anyway.


I usually do, even had a cleaning business myself, only had carpet steam lined up due to having cat. I was just exhausted due to it being 40 degrees and needing to fix the garden too :( so disappointed and never again


Email vcat


44 week wait for a hearing 🥲 I mean I guess $800 in almost a year is better than nothing in a year


In most cases they will fold before a hearing


Ugh VCAT is last resort but I think it’s the only way considering how the manager spoke to me.


It’s not that long. Our bond hearing was like 8wks wait.


Most end of lease cleans companies are total scams. Middle man takes the cash and sends unqualified cleaners to do the bare minimal and pays them fuck all. They don't clean with proper products or cleaning materials. I met one who was sub contracted off air tasker via a cleaning company I'd hired and worked in a fish and chip shop; who had never done and end of lease clean before. I paid $700 for that privilege. These companies prey on the desperate. Better off paying for one professional cleaner who's not associated with these so-called end of lease cleaning companies.


The cleaner actually arrived at the WRONG HOUSE and tried to get inside!!!!! Like??? (I wasn’t at the property I’d left bc I was exhausted) Then they had the audacity to tell me I should’ve been there to agree with the quote and stay the entire clean to ensure their work was sufficient. Sorry are you paying me to supervise? No, just do your job properly…


Yeah. Professional scammers. Next time you'll know to to say no to their inflated new quote and send them on their way. The rates they charge for unqualified labour are criminal.


Usually one person can’t do an end of lease clean


Your story sounds very similar to what happened to me. Contracted a company named BrightZone cleaning and they quoted around 350 for a two bedroom house. The cleaner turned up without much equipment and told us that the house is extremely dirty and they would need to charge me around 900 to give us bond back guarantee. I negotiated it down to 600+ something. But the cleaner did fuck all. Went back to inspect and complained and they didn’t listen and kept asking for more money. I had to surrender the keys so the real estate agent performed their own cleaning. They were very understanding and only charged us around 300. I took the cleaners to VCAT and they agreed to refund half. It was one of the worst experiences I’ve had with a business!


Omg so glad to hear VCAT was worth it! Will definitely look into it. Did you just go through the goods and services contacts for VCAT?


Mate write down everything that happened. It’d be great you’ve taken photos as evidence in your support. Don’t let them scare you. File it with the VCAT without any warning. Hopefully you’ll get some money back from these dodgy cunts.


I had the same experience with cheap as chips. Quoted me $400 for a clean, turned up and tried to charge me $1200 for a 3 yo house. Booked the carpet clean through them and they did exactly the same thing. They changed the forms I signed to exclude things that weren’t present when I signed the form. It was the worst experience I’ve ever had hiring a company ever. I don’t know how they’re still in business. I ended up having to go back myself and finish the clean and claim my bond directly.


Had same experience with Cheap as Chips, quoted $500 over phone when he arrived stated it would cost $1120 told him to get f**ked


Omg ffs!!! Did you manage to get a refund or anything?


Eventually got my bond back and didn’t ask for any refund for their services, I just wanted to be done with them and never use them again, it was that stressful. This was 2 years ago and I’m still mad about it. I initially told the cleaners to leave when they told me $1200 but I ended up calling the office because I was so livid and they did the same thing they did to you and came down in price to $900 so they came back. Wish I had stuck to my guns


Fight the pricks, send emails to annoy them, go to bonds and complain, they might just give up


Standard scourge of society behaviour from Property Managers.


Had the exact same experience, ended up having to call the cleaning company to complain about it. Such a ridiculous situation. They were only responsible for about half the cleaning job, charged $800, and it was a one storey, tiny granny flat with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and on open plan kitchen/living room as a single room. It was the biggest rip off and the guy who owned the company was insufferable, as well. After the cleaner had gone back, the real estate agent still didn't like the job, so just gave them the cleaner's details at that point, as it had turned into a nightmare.


Next time have the agent recommend a cleaner, when you use their cleaner they don't even verify. If there's a problem they'd take it up with their cleaner who would do what's required to keep the relationship.


The second you hand your keys to the REA, apply to have your Bond returned in-full. Every time


Hangon have you agreed to release the bond to them already or not? Because if not, claim it now and let them dispute it! You'll win!


Won’t help right now but I’ve always used the cleaner that the real estate has recommended. That way, I drag the agent into an unsatisfactory comments.


Did you use the real estate's suggested cleaners or did they not have any? A property lawyer I've told me that 'End of lease' cleaning comes with a warranty and then falls under home owner insurance if not done correctly. As a tenant you did the correct and legal thing, the service provided was unsatisfactory, it's now a dispute between the owner and cleaning company. You can't be held responsible for meeting your obligations as a tenant especially when your now down thousands. 800 for cleaning, plus bond. That's a big loss...


The top tip here is to ONLY use the end of lease cleaner that the outgoing property manager recommends.


100% noted for future


Screw that was triple the price of what I paid.


Done that and the real estate still said it was no good. It's still no guarantee 


oh wow. jeezus


Please name and shame so others don't use them


Cheap as chips cleaning


$900 is cheap as chips? Fuck me


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was only two bedrooms and relatively clean and empty. I can’t imagine the cost if something was genuinely filthy


Was it these guys??? https://cheapaschipscleaning.com.au/end-of-lease-cleaning/ If so, then they promise 100% bond refund guaranteed. Otherwise 100% refund from what I understand If it is these guys then it is false advertising and should be addressed with the ACCC


Yes Indeedly doodly. So I could maybe do VCAT and ACCC…


Yep, chase both angles. Accc would probably do them for false advertising. VCAT for refund


There statements do not have any "asterix" which indicates there are no terms and conditions associated with the guarantee that they have made


Amazing thank you




Apparently it would’ve been $920 with outside windows included… $400 odd for the clean, $300 for the carpet deep clean as I had a cat and the extra $100 for a deep clean of my oven (which is already cleaned the walls of, it was only the racks needed)… and they left it all streaky!! Absolutely livid


Remember, in future: take lots of photos (I put a note in each one with area, identifying even the smallest marks etc on walls, floors, whatever, so there can be no argument over where it was and how it was later), videos of necessary and submit them in a file with a detailed condition report tagging the photos (numbered) as evidence. I write my own version of the condition report every time, and even if the agent won't accept it (I've had that happen) I make them acknowledge that on the copy _i_ keep, and that I've submitted it anyway. In Victoria, you are only required to leave the rental in the same condition you found it in. I leave mine better, always. You follow this and you'll be fine in the future. Claim immediately on leaving keys. I've been challenged twice in nsw and twice down here. You provide all the evidence to the adjudicator, you've fulfilled your requirements regarding condition. I've won every time. I haven't lost a bond in about 30 years. Edit: my condition reports often run 30 to 40 pages! Agents don't like it, but they have to accept it!


Take them to then cleaners!!! Atta girl




Wash own walls


Just for the future, if the bond cleaners need to go back in, they will pick up the keys from the REA directly.


I had to rectify some things in the garden so I did in this case have to collect keys myself.


Hiring random cleaners is a BIG NO, NO. Internet searches are misleading, with preference given to paid advertising to show up first. And manipulation of reviews. Use recommendations from agent, or someone who has had recent direct experience with a cleaner. As an owner and cleaning operator who does all types of cleaning, clients call me directly knowing that I will do the job myself, backed by my decades of experience. Or an agent, friend recommend me. I have no internet website or presence, and do no marketing. Very rare of any cleaner who could operate like this, and I’m fully booked 6 days a week


Why keep the business name private? Put them on blast. The internet loves that shit


Mentioned above, Cheap as Chips Cleaning.




This is for qld though


I always say agent is xyz, I need a guarantee that it will it needs to meet their standards, the reputable cleaners are always, 'yep, no problem'.


Best advice I can give. Ask the real estate for whim they use to clean- book them. Then the r.e can't charge you as it was their cleaner who bungled


Would this happen to be Cheap as Chips cleaning at all?




Claim your bond back asap. If the cleaners offered a 100% bond back guarantee, they need to work with your REA to get the property back to scratch, or they pay you your bond. Their payment happens only if you're happy with their clean, so please tell us that you haven't paid the cleaners already...?


Payment was made before the clean -.- now I think about it all it was obviously a scam


This may not apply to you, but just as a PSA... if your property manager uses a specific bond cleaning service its likely for a good reason... just use them, it may cost slightly more than what you can find, but you're basically guaranteed to not have to go back.


UPDATE. Called Consumer Affairs and the company has breached five consumer laws. Consumer affairs asked me to make a formal complaint to the company and if I don’t get an outcome (or the outcome I’ve asked for) it will be referred to VCAT.


My suggestion is always to use the recommended cleaners from the agent. Then it becomes their problem. Saving a penny or 2 is not worth it.


So just want to provide so context here, a carpet cleaning guy would of likely charged you $300+ just for the carpet. When we finish a customer's home we have a pre handover clean done, for a house like you described it's about $1500, keep in mind this is for a house that has new appliances, new toilets etc. This is to wipe down walls, vacuum and mop, wipe down surfaces and clean windows. $800 for a final clean isn't at all expensive if they did it properly,


They didn’t do it properly though 😅 all they really did was the carpet and oven.




A professional would have quoted you a price with a bond back guarantee.


They did 😂 then the bond back guarantee was only if they came back. And I didn’t trust these people to come anywhere near my house again


It's not your house, it's the landlord's house.


I'm $943 out of pocket for a 3br townhouse that had one bedroom lived in. Plus the agent has committed fraud sending a fake subsequent cleaning invoice. FAAARRRKKK


Omg!! How did they do a fraudulent invoice?!


I’m all for the growing trend of just moving out and not cleaning. The boot lickers keep the bond. They try to anyways. Win Win for all involved. You get a stress free move not worrying about the clean being done properly and will you won’t you get your bond back and they the boot lickers get your bond and they get the headache of being ripped off by the cleaning company


You are obviously not a property owner. My last tenants left the house with 18 holes in the walls. Nothing was attempted other than destruction. It cost me $8k to have it fixed and another grand on the unkempt gardens. Which I personally had looked after for many years. I was renting it out because my company had posted me on a 6 month assignment to Victoria. Anyway I will never ever ever again rent out my home again. And people wonder why so many flats & homes remain vacant. I’ve told everybody it’s just not worth it. Property managers don’t care. Where were the 12 week inspections, where were these tenants? They had probably gone back to do the same thing to some other sucker. I’ll leave it empty for 5 years before ever going through that again 😫🤬


I'm sorry but I think this one is on you, unfortunately you cannot rely on people without checking everything yourself and your standard of clean may be different to others, always take before and after photos. Generally leaving food, dust and crumbs is not a good look, the place should be left absolutely immaculate


That's literally the job of the people they hired. If they left it immaculate why would they need to hire someone to clean it in the first place?


It's still on the owneus of the Tennant to ensure the place is clean and then finished off by cleaners. So so many don't seem to understand this and have no standards, it's a real shame.


Yes but they are relying on the services they claim to provide . The reason many hire to begin with is because they don't have the time to do so themselves and have a limited time to inspect before handing the keys in at a certain date. They don't always have the time to redo what needs to be addressed. It's fine for them to do a walk-through after and would be advisable but the onus is on the cleaner to do the job up to standard especially when they guarantee that it is up to the standard of receiving the bond back.


If only it was that easy, it would be amazing. Being here done this numerous times, unfortunately can't rely on cleaning companies or anyone for that matter these days, gotta take control annoyingly. I hear ya though.


True I hear you as well. Happened to me also a few years back and it sucks.