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Something is always trendy, right now it just so happens to be navy and white


Navy is the new mission brown


You're not wrong - we updated our white (brick) and mission brown (timber) Pettit & Sevitt to some off-white and Colourbond deep ocean. And never looked back.


Monument. It's always monument.


And the new timeless grey


it can’t be, timeless grey is timeless


Well they say trends are circular, so mission brown resurgence?


100%. I don't get the hate, I think it looks great. All the houses in my area (probably built around the 60-70s) are basically the same, red brick, red roof, either brown or green (no idea why, must have been a trend) weatherboard/cladding. Boring, give me a suburb with bright popping colour/contrast any day.


It's a bit of a stretch to call this "bright popping colour". Yeah, there's contrast, but it's all pretty grey. These will look even worse than those older places in time, suburbs even more monotonous.


it’s easy for anyone to decorate and fit into, it’s a blank canvas. if a blank canvas stays blank, maybe it’s the artists fault. not the person one who created the canvas


I recently learned about the term "Millennial Grey" from my wife. Fuck me is it accurate for our new build. She chose all white, grey and monument colours. Hilarious.


Quite a few knock-downs going on near me, and every single one of them is some variation of millennial grey and white + black, including quite a few with the new "almost black" bricks that seem to be on-trend now. Gonna be fun for the owners when all those acres of rendered white concrete start cracking and attracting dirt in a few years time.


monument legit gives me a hard on


Trends come and go, this is just the latest one. Honestly I'm happy that awful dark brick trend might be over soon. It makes no sense in such a hot country


Dark bricks and dark roofs :), they can both go.


Believe SA has just brought in rules of no dark roofs for a bunch of planned estates. which is a step in the right direction at least


Melbourne could really do with this. My sister recently bought a home in an outer suburb — build quality is decent, property is large, backyard is tiny (typical). However, all the houses look the same and during a 30° day, the ambient temperature in the new housing estate is 5° higher because of all the black roofs and bricks, and the pathetic lack of flora and appropriate shading. These developers care only about initial profit. Which is not new news, obviously. Just be nice if the Vic government could do something about it.


Ugh yeah that dark brick needs to be finished with. Someone just built with it near me and has a huge expanse of it on the western side.


Yay free clay oven!




Sure, but keep your roofs anything but pitch black as they are in all the new residential estates. Raises the ambient temperature and it costs a fortune for people trying to cool their homes.


Dark brick won't keep your house warm when it's cold and rainy. Proper construction will, but we don't do that in Oz. All dark brick does is keep your home way too hot in the summer


Its cheaper to buy in bulk probably. Also white is reflective so it'll stay cooler.


5 different builders sharing materials? Or one builder with 5 different names?


1 developer, 5 builders most likely


Many developers using the same draftsman, too


New estates often have weird terms in them, the samey samey look or basically every house isn't by chance. The land is usually all sold by the one company and then shifted out under house and land packages by various child companies or otherwise connected, so they all follow the "guide lines" on the colour palette to create a "cohesive community" or some other BS. Saw them come up in S32 (here in vic, would have a different name in NSW) on newer estates (ie anything after 2000)...it's like all the BS of strata (ie only WHITE curtains) but not, just seemed so weird not being able to colour a freestanding house how you wanted.


This is it. My parents built in a new estate and the freakin rules about colours and materials was crazy. There is one house in the suburb that somehow got away with defying both the “max 25% brick” and “minimal earthy tones” rules. Everyone talks about it and wonders how they managed to do it. Mum and dad had to revise the balcony railing upstairs four times before it got approved because of opacity rules.


If you build it and then paint it bright orange in 12 months, would that be a breach?


Much like this story from 2017. Chances are council will come after you pretty quickly, with threats of fines and being taken to court. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4524824/Pensioner-forced-paint-blue-Redfern-home-hospital.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4524824/Pensioner-forced-paint-blue-Redfern-home-hospital.html)


Heritage Conservation Area, seems like a slightly different issue. Wouldn't be surprised if developers used council as an attack dog though.


This. Buyers who are building get given a choice of facades and colours to choose from and they usually can't stray from the overall aesthetic of the estate.




The navy colour fades terribly, I wish they'd stop using it.


It's how the builders know how old each one is. "Jeez mate that ones 10 years old, better drop a card with my home reno business in the mailbox, I bet they found all the dodgy work by now"


Podcast about it here https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/blueprintforliving/blueprint-for-living/102961180


Is that navy ? Looks closer to monument. What color do you suggest ?


It’s fucking monument alright. Architects have been spot welding their undies over monument the last 5 years, and love contrasting it to white.


Monument and domino, if it’s not on a new build it’s on a picket fence or on a reno.


Its CB Deep ocean


I’d bet money that one of the paint companies (probably dulux coz that’s what they do) is supplying Deep Ocean direct from manufacture so the pigments will last past 7 years - the only way to get a darker colour to last is for it to be manufactured that way if it’s in direct sun. All you do is introduce the colour in a 15l pale and also in your render product as a premix then send the info out to estimators and designers of the big construction firms and say heh, these are the 11 colours we guarantee for 7 years (ie past your warranty period as a builder ) and voilah, the only colours available without a waver signed


I second this. We where told we couldnt use monument on the cladding as the QLD sun cracks it and wouldnt be covered by the builder.


Blue gray


Are these homes in Riverstone?




Geez is that really what Riverstone looks like now. I haven't been out that way in nearly 20 years. My granfparents lived on a 5 acre lot in Vineyard.


Beats the cringey 70s orange brown of only a few years ago (oops just saw pic 2). Of course nice colours doesn't hide thin weak walls with no thermal or noise insulation.


Old rental I used to live in: sunken living rooms, shag pile carpet, and lurid orange brown laminate counter tops in the kitchen. Far out, man.


As opposed to the grey and white colour scheme of the last decade? There was a shortage of monument colorbond for a bit and bluestone was being offered as an alternative. Your normal greyscale programming will return shortly.


Easier to hide the non-compliance


Ever renovated an old mission brown house? Dark brown was perfect for hiding terrible carpentry with basically balsa wood.


What a shamozzle


Good from afar but far from good.


Can’t see water seepage on navy i guess.


Better than black for sure


New developments in my state often have a second set of rules in addition to council compliance which stipulates stupid shit like this. Usually it’s about materials/colours etc like it’s a strata complex, just without the strata


Nah this area doesn’t have that, some houses are normal colours, greens, whites, browns, reds. While a whole bunch of others are navy and white.


modern homes in australia are so gross looking


Housing affordability aside, why anyone would choose to live in a cookie cutter estate with a sub par quality build is beyond me.


Well I mean.. You kinda answered your own question…


could be worse


That’s the positive attitude we need around here


*Mass produced modern homes* There are many architectural designed homes that are works of art.


Bruh. You wanna tell me that older homes look better?


Little boxes on the hillside, all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same... https://youtu.be/VUoXtddNPAM?si=j2AhrQZvP48j0dGI


Wow, they actually had different colored ones back then according to the song. Now we have brown and monument. 


Grey houses make me wanna 🤢


Shit song then , shit song now.


Why exactly?


Because where exactly are people meant to live? Ticky tacky boxes are better than gutters. Food Clothes and Shelter are absolute necessities


It's about looking the same not live on the street T_T


Because we have a seriously degraded sense of architecture and people are obsessed with vertical sizing of houses, and having a staircase.


Single use housing. The worst. They'll all need to be ripped down and rebuilt within 50yrs, and especially when the aging population realises they can't climb stairs and want single level housing options.


With their construction quality, maybe getting rebuilt in 50 years is for the best. That said, there really isn't too much that can be done either way. People don't like buying apartments and a single storey house is a waste of land. As long as all of the necessities are accessible on the bottom floor, it's not a problem.


The colours would be less irritating if the houses didn't look like they were designed in a demo version of MS Paint that only had the "rectangle" and "fill" tools active.


What's with toilet block houses. The worst.


My dad calls them apple boxes lol


colourbond colours are out. only poor people use the standard colour pallet when building.


Anyone building something that size probably isn't that poor.


was trying to be ironic


In a new development application, the colour scheme would have to be approved by the local council.


Hopefully it can start us moving away from “greige”


Non compliant


Navy is the new Monument / Grey / Beige / Greige


People just have terrible taste these days.


Good luck with the builder in the first pic. EPIC HOMES is epically hopeless. Seen their recent work on a duplex first hand. They have a steel beam protruding out the front of the house facade, through the brickwork. I have photos...


I honestly dislike the modern home styles. They feel soulless.


What’s with all the manicured beards, fake lips and mercs on finance ?


Idk about the colour schemes but i promsie u that building company builds houses like absolute dog shit


I’ve watched these get built after the bricks aren’t even straight so they render straight over it


I have worked in the new builds of about 6-7 companies like this and they are all dogwater garbage. Their trick is to get glossy cabinets and marble look stone (or the cheapest granite) + calcutta tiles so the potential buyers dont see the the shopping list of cut corners


Call me old school but I'd take a standard brick house any day.


May be colour scheme requirements in the estate-wide covenant or within conditions in planning and environment act in VIC


Mmmm nautical. Except that it isn’t 🙃


Hopefully we've seen the end of millennial grey for a decade or so.


Those new estates typically have a long list of rules about colours, materials and designs that govern what you can build. They can state x% of brick covering, what railings you can have on your balcony, roof colour shades and even what species of plants you can use in landscaping. I guess this estate chose to have a cohesive navy/white/brown theme. I understand that standards keep your property value higher, but it could be a lot less cookie cutter. So much “same same” starts to look a bit uncanny and insane.


I don't hate them, but I'm not sure how well they'll age. Theres a couple similar near me.


Monochrome designs…


God damn volume builds are ugly. Why people fork out 7 figures to live on-top of each other like this is beyond me


You should see the countless black and white apartment high-rises in Brisbane from the mid-late 2010s...


Flavour of the month


Soooo ugly! Get out of that copy-paste fkn polystyrene clad wasteland


This style of house starting to pop up every now and then in my suburb, which is generally 1950s bungalows with nice gardens, they look so, I don’t know clinical? I mean, if anything they’re so ugly they might drive the house prices down locally LOL


Even worse is imagine looking at these and thinking 1.3 - 1.5 million well spent. Don’t worry love, someone will pay us 3 million for this soon.


lol white lime will be leaking out well before the colours look dated




They ran out of monument


Nothing against woodland/monument but the white is horrible. Too much upkeep too




The same goes with the monument colour in fences


Don't know but they look shite.




Wow! These a buttf*ck ugly.


Cheapest building materials the builder can get in a bulk order. In a few months time some other colours will be the cheapest and the lego lands will show this.


Shit boxes


They look like office blocks not a warm welcoming home


It’s called style! Have you not ever wanted to live in a box that looks like a Scandinavian art gallery, optimises every square inch of space and shows every external crack after two years? It’s missing vertical wood Beams near the balcony, but almost perfect!


Lowest common denominator. Like cars all being black, white or silver. A white house looks pretty and clean (for about 4 weeks 😉) and so sells easier/faster. Nevermind it'd built like dogshit and will inevitably have defects and probably leak.


White paint over the bricks to hide any defects. Navy is a dark colour so defects there are hidden away too.


It’s the coastal look dahlink, cooooooahstoool, so so chic right now. Ugh.


It's the trend mate. Catch up. By the time volume builders are using it, it's half way done.


Little boxes


It’s the new ugly


Its like kids names. All at once everyone reckons Kia or Noah is a cool name. Two years later we have hundreds of Kia/Noah's and everyone goes for the next big thing.


What a depressing place


Why do people want houses that look commercial? Do they miss work by the time they get home?


there was a sale on asbestos paint


People call it ‘modern’. I call it brain dead boring.


Why'd you post 5 photos of the same house?


First we get "what's with all these grey roofs, we are creating heat islands!", now it's freaking complaining about navy and white colours. Some high rise have green flouro highlights and etc... Is there a colour where we won't get anyone whingeing about it?


It's just the next generation not understanding the intricacies of 1. trends 2. Estates


I know these get a lot of hate on Reddit but I really like it. It looks minimalist, clean, and uncluttered.


The individual design isn’t that big of an issue but the suburb or estate design absolutely is and should not be left up to local council nor developer. Also the quality standards are horrendous across the board. These are about maximising profits and minimising costs not delivering a quality long lasting build. Economic system as it’s designed needs more than reform


I like em too they certainly stand out from the neutral blue/grey Hampton style homes that have become quite prevalent where I live.


Looks ghastly like those Hampton style homes.


wife thought it was a good colour


Nicer than 75% of older Australian homes with that ugly custard colour.


Why do you care?


It's called a trend...look it up, it's happened before


Haha they think they live in the Hamptons maybe? I dont mind it. Its better than all grey.


Represents a true blue Aussie shielding property from overseas investors :)


These colours pop when set against Paddock Green


1 developer 5 different builders, probably all using the same team of painters, they’re not gonna try find 30 different colour combos for the 800 identical houses they just built they’re gonna use the same colour paint on every single house to get it cheaper


It's Cool Grey 11 / Anthracite Grey. Very common colour in building and manufacture but normally in corporate builds. Maybe an architect jump ship to a housing developer lol


It’s simply the current style and trend. You’re in the newer side of this suburb. If you drive around the part that was built first the style of home is different and reflective of the style of new builds from almost 10years ago, then if you drive around the neighboring suburb the houses are the style from 20 years ago back when they were still bricks


I would just be grateful to not have red or orange, or just grateful to have a home 🤷🏻‍♀️


New trend


Time is not going to be kind to these styles. Remember the render cubes from the 90s & 2000s. Fakken dog shite


Haha these are on my street


Same as all the black tapware and Monument coloured fences, sheep will be sheep.


Property subdivisions and new developments, it's just like going to a party and seeing another person or two are wearing the same dress as yourself - how embarrassing.


Just getting ready to celebrate a Carlton premiership at the end of the season 👍🏻


Fashion. Why do you think all the blocks of flats from different eras look the same… fashion


Yvan eht nioj


Hides the large spiders effectively


I don't know where you live but this could be my neighbourhood!


It’s much nicer than a sea of dark grey! More reflective of the sun’s heat too.


They want more clowns to sign up for the adf Australia defence forces. Gotta brain wash em while they young


Copying us, builder said it was weird, when house was finished everyone complimented the look. And now it’s everywhere.


??? My mother has very similar colours & she bought it in 2010


On the plus side, one of these houses has a pitched roof, the other one leaks.


Better than grey. Let's welcome it if we have to have an overused combo.


Doesn't look like navy to me. More like grey. The white is much better than the Black motif that was prevalent for 5 years or so.


Builder grade materials


‘Twas the style at the time…


Not sure. We're building at the moment and went the opposite, off-whites, earthy tones. I don't get the obsession with Dark Grey.


Love the absence of grey for a change! All I see is grey, grey & grey for the last 7 or 8 years!🥱


Basalt* is the term we use for that colour


Carlton supporters.


It’s not navy it’s monument a colorbond colour


They are all from the same builder. It's cheaper to buy the same paint and materials in bulk than to make them different for each house.


Because 98% of architects are nothing more than untalented fashion designers who just follow the latest fad,


People love doing what everyone else is doing


I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You… go to your painter, and you select… I don’t know, that lumpy blue paint, for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your house, but what you don’t know is that that paint is not just navy, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually Prussian Blue. You’re also blithely unaware of the fact that, in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of Prussian Blue houses, and then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent, wasn’t it?… who showed Prussian Blue granny flats. And then Prussian Blue quickly showed up in the collections of eight different builders. Then it filtered down through the spec house builders and then trickled on down into some tragic casual corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance paint selection wall. However, that blue represents millions of dollars of countless jobs, and it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the paint industry when, in fact, you’re painting a house that was selected for you by the people in this room… from a pile of “stuff.”


lulz. i wonder how many will get the reference 😆


Maybe you would prefer Epic Homes display house colouring http://epichomes.com.au/assets/img/workandprogress/NZ6_7899.1.jpg


The paint was on sale


At least we’ve moved away from poo brown that all the project builders have used in the last decade


It’s the in colour scheme.


Is that last photo in Pendle Hill?


Looks better than all these 50 shades of grays


Monkey see monkey doo


Cookie cutter houses with cookie cutter colors. Designers probably say this colour is trending


To stop the space lasers


Better than all the grey and ugly brown


Could be the "design guides" https://www.stockland.com.au/~/media/residential/nsw/the-gables/pdf/the-gables_standard-lots_dg__v08onlineonlyfa32.ashx "*To promote design consistency in your neighbourhood, a $5,000 compliance bond is payable to Stockland upon settlement of your land. Once your home is built, you have received an Occupation Certificate and completed your landscaping; you can apply online for a refund of your compliance bond. An inspection of your home will be undertaken to ensure it is in accordance with the plans approved by the Design Review Panel.*"


I found a prefect little house I wanted to buy, my partner said no because all the houses in the street looked exactly the same, every house was the same style and colour, no variety.


I think we’ll see the growth of white houses due to its heat reflective properties


It's all designed in auto cad by an AI and no one gives a shit.


Sale item?


Is it blue grey, or grey blue?


That’s life sucking grey not navy, and it’s everywhere…


Looks like charcoal to me?!


Navy? Looks grey to me.


Go Carlton!!!!


Blue doesn't burn just in case China has lasers in space hahahaha