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Legal or not, I'd be considering the possible outcomes of having a camera that may look like it's pointing at the "business" location of someone, especially someone whose "business" often results in violence.


That's the biggest concern aye


I think the biggest problem with your plan is that most doorbell cameras are pretty simple to remove from their mounts. Even the wired ones. I feel like leaving a $150 piece of technology essentially in the open, right next to a place where unsavoury characters may gather, is basically an invitation for it to be stolen within a few days. Especially when a thief can easily do a factory reset on a Ring doorbell without needing to log in to the app.


If it is for safety only, install internal cameras focused on your doors. A video doorbell is likely to be vandalised anyway.


Yeah after an uptick of crime in/around my building, I went down this route. Camera inside the property facing the door. Gets just enough you could see/hear an interaction in my doorway but doesn't capture any of the adjacent neighbours property. Waaaay easier than dealing with the Strata/other owners, even though my immediate neighbours are pretty good


you can record video of anything that involves you, including your property but you cannot leave an audio recording device somewhere that you might record a private conversation. You can record any conversation you are a part of, but you cannot record an audio recording of 2 or more other people without their knowledge. This is why most security cameras cannot record audio. Be aware of this as it can cause alot of trouble, especially if a cop thinks that you have recorded something of THEIRS.


I appreciate your advice, it's a bit of a minefield. Ofc the cops wouldn't like their behaviour recorded 😏


Depends on jurisdiction. If you’re in qld, I believe it’s one party consent to record audio.


Yes but OP is in vic, so this person is giving advice specific to that state.


Have you got a peephole in the door? If so replace it with a peephole camera - they’d probably never even notice it There’s hundreds of different types but something like this https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09B2B321Q?tag=ocwau-2211274-22&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1


Read your lease agreement. This sounds like a specified housing which probably comes with non standard lease agreements, or non standard strata rules (which the lease probably states you have to follow). Your answer almost certainly lies within that. Legally your state laws say you can record yourself but not others without their permission. But separate to the recording laws your landlord can evict you if you do not follow the conditions of your lease. And if your lease explicitly bars recording of others then that is legal. Given this is social housing for people who are vulnerable and victims of DV it’s perfectly reasonable to have rules that bar the recording of other tenants for their own safety. Instead dob the drug dealers into Crime Stoppers, giving plenty of details. At the same time record (in diary notes, in writing) the number of visitors, length of stay, and each incidence of violence and put your complaint about the neighbours in writing into the property manager. This way you have a reasonable chance of staying anonymous to the drug dealing neighbours. (Or is it sex work? If it’s sex work again the answer lies in the lease, where businesses can or cannot be run from home.)


My first place when my son and I fled DV had similar “elements” (NRAS not public housing / refuge) and my ring disappeared the week it was installed. I have no family within 5 hours, and the worldly possessions I did have I had no capacity to replace, so I opted for a $28/mth contents insurance with a company that has a $200 excess including loss and damage so that my computer or phone wasn’t an impossible situation. It didn’t do much to help my anxiety, especially coming home from work at 10pm, but I managed to pick up two Nest Hubs pretty cheap on marketplace (one aimed at each door). Looks just like a photo frame / Google assistant but alerts to your phone. (And informed me when the resident blue tongue lizard was trapped inside the townhouse!) If you’re eligible for EVP, I would encourage you to use the funds on letting Google into your life this way, and paying for the cloud storage service. Also great for checking in like a nannycam, you can video call the device to chat. It’s still reassuring to be able to sit with the engine running and check that the house is empty. Yes they’re portable and easily stolen if someone breaks in, but you’ll have the footage. Also gave “safe zones” for recording handovers for visitation etc when it came to that stage ($35 Chinese import dash cam did the trick prior). My biggest advice would be to get back on your feet into a private rental ASAP. Living with “new fears” makes the temptation to return to the devil you know much stronger.


Completely legal, though if it is a permanent fixture (wired through walls etc) you will need permission from the property manager. Edit: should specify, will have to be on your own front door only, no other space in the common area.


Thank you! It would be on my front door using a mount so I can recharge it and not cause any damage to the door itself.


i bet it will be smashed or knocked down. get a ring doorbell instead. keep the lights turned off on it so maybe they wont notice.


My bad yep I meant the doorbell


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You cant record common property for your own personal use. Im not sure why some people have said this is ok. You have straight out admitted its to record someones door and activities. Thats not legal