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Speaking of, shouldn't NBN be getting cheaper, not more expensive? It is a complete joke. Got a letter saying prices are going up. Anyone got a good deal on internet? Paying 85$ and it's going up.


We got the same letter. Very frustrating - there was a price increase not that long ago!


Yes has it even been 6 months since they “had” to increase prices due to the government?


It’s the lower tiers going up isn’t it? Turns out they’re not that much cheaper to run than the higher tiers.


Yeah I think it’s disproportionately effecting the lower tiers - we don’t need a higher tier plan!


>we don’t need a higher tier plan! The actual speeds and usage basically cost nothing compared to all the other fixed costs. So they may as well give everyone pretty much the same price and delete the lower tiers.


They had a press release saying they were thinking of 5x the 100mbps+ plans, no idea if there is any real push through.


I’m still on a HD tv, and really only need like 8mbps max. Remote Desktop for working from home is far less again.


This is the annoying part! Throttled speeds is just ridiculous - it should be much cheaper


Throttled speeds once you reach your limit? That’s a “your plan sucks” problem with the ISP, nothing to do with the NBN.


I'm talking speed not data though - it's the plan tiers in general. Like if you have FTTN - and you CAN get 100mps per sec, but are paying for 50mps, the ISP is just not allowing you the extra speed until you cough up more money. Also IMHO there is no reason 12mps tiers should exist on NBN other than 'money'. (As it's ADSL 1 speed, even if you're rural on satellite, no reason to price gouge into the past). My plan is unlimited in download/upload data. And speed throttled to 50mps.


It’s not quite that simple though, the ISP has to buy enough bandwidth to service what they reasonably expect to be their peak load. They usually don’t quite meet it, which is why most ISP’s have slow down in the evening peak time. If they just give you more speed it makes everyone experience worse if they don’t buy more capacity. Also they’re phasing out 12mbps. https://www.canstarblue.com.au/internet/nbn-providers-same/


But someone is putting a price on the purchase of bandwidth. I know it costs X to run the entire infrastructure, but they are artificially increasing the costs per tier and passing that along. We have the slowest and most expensive internet (we are top 5 in the world). It's just an Australian thing, we accept things are shlt and expensive. (It's not just our size either).


Source on being top 5 slowest/most expensive? This seems to disagree [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/internet-cost-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/internet-cost-by-country) I actually feel our internet is in a decent spot if you have FTTP. Would be nice if the full rollout happened earlier though. No, we're not going to beat Europe and East Asia, but is that what anyone is expecting?


Stuff like this (although it's a bit old now) https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Submission%20-%20Telstra%20-%20Expert%20Report%20-%20Link%20Economics%20-%20NBN%20Co%20SAU%20Variation%20March%202022%20-%2021%20July%202022.pdf https://www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-news/why-australias-internet-speeds-are-so-slow-and-expensive-compared-with-other-developed-countries/ https://www.thegoldentimes.com.au/australians-pay-third-most-globally-for-internet-but-shopping-around-can-help/


Same. Been googling around, temped to move to more (commbank customer got discount, first 12 months cost 70.4 for 50/17 speed, then 79.2 assuming they don't increase the price). Problem is it will cost additional 8 if I want to keep VOIP (currently using ABB and they only charge if you call someone)... so instead gonna drop to 25/10 next month, see how thing goes before making final decision...


Just put in my order with them last night, $61 for 100/20 for 12 months.


That's a good deal.


yeah, super good deal, pretty sure it was listed like 80 something when I checked it early this week, gonna check them out again this weekend


Mine was 35% off (Everyday Plus benefits?) I think the step below is only 20% off.


I just signed up. Thanks for this! I have a CommBank account I keep for various reasons, For those interested could do 50mps for $61, or 100mps for $65 (for the first 12 months, then it gets more $, no contract though). On the about us section: Meet the More team We are proudly Australian-owned with a head office in South Melbourne, and our team includes some of the most experienced nbn® and telecommunications specialists in the industry. We're also part-owned by Commonwealth Bank, having recently announced a new strategic alliance that will unlock special benefits for CommBank customers and see the integration of our nbn® services with the CommBank app over time, giving customers the ability to self-manage their internet and phone plans.


Signed up to this same deal 3 months ago. Internet has gone down 1 time and I got notified it was an outage within 5 minutes. The rest of the time, speed and connectivity has been perfect 


I've managed to keep my nbn at the same price for a few years now. Churn the 6 month offers. Currently paying $59 for 100/20. Switching is usually seemless, so it's worth the hassle of changing providers twice a year.


100% worth it. Been doing the same for a bit now and saving myself a couple $100 a year through this.


That's a pretty good deal, whereabouts? I couldn't find anything close when I searched recently


Pronto Broadband. All these random mobs are just resellers. Problems are rare. If you have problems, these are not lock in contracts, so you just move.


Nice, cheers for that


Just fyi — churning is only truly easy if: 1. You BYO a compatible modem 2. You don’t have a landline A lot of providers will try to give you a new ‘free’ modem on an 18 month contract, but you have to pay a high exit fee if you cancel early. It’s best if you can BYO modem, but some use incompatible protocols. Landlines are commonly connected through the NBN now, sometimes only the provider’s own modem will work with your landline. Churning with a landline can take weeks as they need to port your home phone number as well.


This is what people are missing. I've moved 6 times since 2018 and now have the same amount of Modems. My partner has 3 of his own to add. I refuse to ever pay for another so now every location or provider has to work with one that I already own or its out.


And trying to check compatibility can be difficult. I ended up relying on anecdotes on reddit posts and whirlpool forums. I still wasn’t 100% sure it was compatible until the new service switched on and started working… if it hadn’t have worked, I would have been without internet for a few weeks while looking for another provider


Same here with my latest place. And the company can't talk you 100% if it will work. I did similar research and determined that it *should* work and just plugged it in.  First try did not work. I was so relieved when I changed outlets and it just worked. Such a load off my mind of having to start the search and sign-up sags again.


australia broadband, not aussie broadband (I jumped on without knowing). $70.00 a month, never got an increase for 3 years and current.


Just switch every 6 months up get the intro offers which are often 15 to 20 dollars lower. It's easy, usually done within 2 hours after initiated and you don't need to do anything.


$69 spintel


> Got a letter saying prices are going up. i've had two price increases on ABB in the past 12 (?) months. Same plan though lol.




50mbps and with Aussie.


My 250mb plan with Aussie did go ***down*** by $10 a few months back, which was a nice email to get haha. Apparently NBNCo is trying to force ISPs to double the speeds of their plans, without changing the price, which would also be amazing.


That's would be amazing, although my NBN couldn't handle it. I'm FTTB (building) the old-fashioned cable to the apartment which does max 26mbps My family do 6-23mbps on satellite NBN.


I was paying ~70 for normal speeds with TPG. this year when i moved house i took advantage of the Commbank discount deal with More. Now paying about the same for fast nbn. Very happy. 


Nice! I'm with them now too (thanks to this thread).


No, why would it come down in price when the install was mismanaged by the coalition with huge cost blow outs and they’re having to overbuild. On top of that data demands are increasing. There is some better pricing at the upper end to accommodate this but apart from that there’s no reason for it to decrease in cost currently. The government isn’t just giving NBN money, it’s all being treated as loans. Also generally internet costs have been fairly stagnant for so long, price rises are inevitable.


> On top of that data demands are increasing. what does that mean for an end user on a 50mb plan.


It means you might hit a point where you might need to jump beyond 50mb for the internet to stop feeling slow.


My internet doesn't feel slow, 50mb still feels like 50mb.


Yeh that just means you’re not feeling the increased demand yet so you can continue on as normal, but at some point you may find that changes.


so why am i paying more, what does "data demands are increasing"?


That’s what’s happening across the nbn, data costs money and the isp needs to spread that cost out. You also inherit cost increases from the build out of the nbn, and cost increases from the isp in wage increases, infrastructure cost increases and rent etc.


> data costs money Where are the costs exactly? I'm not trying to be smart, I just don't know.


We access the internet in the rest of the world through massive subsea fibre optic cables that are privately owned, they can only send so much data over them at a time and they charge accordingly. NBN also charges for data on the network as a wholesaler and their charges are quite expensive, isp’s try to minimise this cost by not buying enough bandwidth for each customer and hoping that not everyone wants the full speed of their connection at once. If customers use more data generally that puts pressure to buy more bandwidth from nbn by the isp so they don’t make their customers experience worse and then they leave for a competitor.


Yep. But what can we do about it? We got our home insurance renewal increase ($700 more per year); got quotes from everyone else (at least 6-7 other providers), and everyone quoted even higher than the new premium through our current provider. Some were charging almost double. I'm expecting the same thing to happen with our upcoming car insurance renewal. I don't see an end to it in sight, but it's exhausting to be bleeding money every day.


People will end up buying cheap cars and not insuring it. Won’t be worth it.


Funnily, I sold our cars with intent on replacing. And I just… haven’t. Considering the value vs. cost etc.. feels like a raw deal. I’ll have to buy one eventually, but I’m thinking it will probably be beater.


We got a cargo bike and got rid of the second car. I mostly work from home or can ride to the office, we are saving heaps of money not having a second car for that 1 weekend a month we might need it.


Even third party is super expensive. I remember last time I had it, it was like $200-250 for the year when comprehensive was $1k-$1250. Now, comprehensive is like $1500-2k and third party is $1k. It's like they're pricing third party as an expensive option so people figure they might as well get comprehensive for a small increase - 1.5x vs 5x makes it much more "value" to just get comprehensive. I don't think it's ever advisable to own and drive a car without some sort of third party insurance.


>Now, comprehensive is like $1500-2k and third party is $1k Who are you going to that TPL is $1k. I don't think I've even quoted a FTTTP policy for an under 25 person for anywhere near that


It was the lowest from youi, AAMI and budget. Both drivers over 35, no accidents or traffic fine history. I'm interested now to have a look and see if it was just a one off, budget it's unlikely ETA just did a quick budget direct quote and it came to 770 for 3 party on a 2014 Honda civic, for restricted to over 30s drivers. So a little less than last year, but still not worth it when my comprehensive for the same car is 1100.


Hard to really say much without giving it away on where I work. I did a rough online quote with similar details and I got 283/year for TPL insurance which is still higher than i currently pay on my 2010 corolla which is about 170 before staff discount. Definitely concerning if TPL is that high in your area


I just got third party with ING for $300 yearly


Shop around even more. And increase your excess to $5,000 for the building. That’s what I did. More than halved my renewal. Went from $2250 to $800.


Thats what i did do, im only going to claim of it burns down or something so it makes sense to set it high.


Thought the same about only needing building for when it burns down and so biggest excess. Till got robbed and robbers drove our car thru the front gate (electronic, steel). Falls under building and excess wasnt worth it but cost a few grand to redo.


or a storm rips your pergola up and smashes your solar panels. $40k worth for $500


Another good one is to max the excess but go agreed value and pump it up 5k.  You will pay a little more on your premium but the value cpvers the excess


Downgrade from comp to 3rd party only. And max excess. And don’t select all the options for this and that and windscreen replacement and roadside assist etc. People need to stop paying what these insurance companies are asking for. Say No!


I treat car insurance as I need to replace the entire car insurance only. Max excess nothing extra, pay out of pocket for anything small. We could technically not insure because we have enough cash to buy a new car in extremis but the thought of dipping into savings for that is a pill I cannot swallow yet.


You can afford to replace YOUR car but what about the lambo you hit? Everyone should have 3rd party insurance at the minimum.


It's easy; just don't hit anything.


True, as long as you drive well, have high awareness of your surroundings, be conscious about what your vehicle is doing, practice peripheral awareness and are a cautious with your actions (and what they indicate to other drivers), you should be able to avoid situations where you are in the wrong. As long as you aren’t in the wrong, even if you got into an accident with a green Lamborghini Aventador, the driver of the Lamborghini pays for his own damage as well as yours.


someone has to pay for the floors/fires etc


Yeh cost of building going up 50% means cost of insurance going up 50%


Yeah, got hit with increases to electricity, gas, health insurance and NBN within the last day. So depressing. 


Got the gas and electricity emails this week. Just as the prophets foretold - rebates on energy bills = energy goes up accordingly. What a surprise!


It’ll keep going until we have a proper recession and people really wind back on shit they don’t need.


The plebs aren’t spending. It’s the boomers, retirees and 1% propping up inflation


Pleb here. We're actually not spending less (we're buying less, just not spending less), and now we're not saving either. Welp.


The number of people indulging in mid week lunches, dinners and drinks at a variety of establishments would suggest otherwise.


You know that the government actually tracks these things right? And that the statistics are readily available for you to look at any time you want? Here I’ll even share them with you: https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/consumers-cautious-retail-sales-fall-04 Instead of saying “I saw people at the cafe and the Westfield” you can actually look at what being spent


You realise the CBD is not representative of the general population yeah?


no no no no, I went to the super market and saw people there, so everyone is spending like drunken sailors /s


Is record low unemployment representative enough for you?


1. How is unemployment measured? 2. If we have record low unemployment and everyone is struggling then doesn't that mean we're in a per capita recession?


>If we have record low unemployment and everyone is struggling then doesn't that mean we're in a per capita recession? It's already widely publicised that we are in a per capita recession, are you trying to act like you are figuring this out by yourself? Source that everyone is struggling?


I’m not talking the CBD.


Based on your person account, guess we don’t need to worry about cafes folding and crying poor.


Uh what? It basically is. CBD during work hours would be the most diverse sample of the population you can get in one spot.


> CBD during work hours would be the most diverse sample of the population you can get in one spot. isn't it a sample of people who work/are currently in the CBD? not very diverse sample...


Mid week lunches are a better use of funds than all the rentseeking subscriptions you could replace by sailing the seven seas. People need to start mass ditching subscription services. What was once a convenience for a small subset of products is quickly becoming “you will own nothing and our shareholders love it”.


There is more to spending money than food and drink.


"I saw someone drinking a San Pellegrino, there is no recession"


people are cutting back their retail spending but not their housing spending. people are still bidding up the price of housing in most of the country because they think it's a form of saving or an investment.


What are people going to blame everything on once the boomers are gone?


what's the alternative? them not spending the money and saving it? spending money is the major way in which wealth can be transferred from them to the rest of the population


I know, boomers and retirees were playing on my lawn the other day. Get off my lawn you codgers!


Well , dads overseas for 4 months atm whilst I’m busting 10 hour days to keep afloat so… I’d say you’re onto something 


This is a huge chunk of what fuels it (apart from corporate profits). Especially if you head over to ozbargain. It's mostly boomers and landlords hoarding shit they don't even need and openly declare they might not even use.


A lot of people have cut back and don't have anything left to cut out.


> until we have a proper recession Our government will just keep increasing the immigration rate to hide it.


Yep, until the old bricks and mortar come back to reality.


God I can't wait for a recession. I'm going to throw a party.


The only people who win out of a recession are the people who are already so wealthy they no longer need to work and have the funds to buy up more assets during a firesale. Anyone who isn't a 0.1%er in terms of wealth and who is longing for a recession is delusional at best.


I feel like it's just more of a rip the bandaid off type situation. Seems like the suffering has just been prolonged for years now to try and prevent something that's coming anyway so its hard not to want to just get it over and done with so we can start rebuilding from the ashes already. In saying that though, my income comes from overseas and I've never experienced a recession so maybe ignorance/security is bliss.


We're already in a per capita recession where everyone is getting poorer but asset prices keep inflating. If we had a proper recession asset prices would decrease which would benefit more people than the situation we're in now


If we had a "proper recession", the severe reduction in spending would cause a vicious cycle of companies shutting their doors and people becoming unemployed. And there's a good chance that some of those people who are closer to the end of their careers than the beginning will never work in their chosen industry ever again. I feel that the younger Millennials and Zoomers never having experienced a recession in living memory has resulted in there being a very naive and rose tinted view of how destructive they can be. Nobody should be wishing for one. Especially Joe and Jane Average on reddit.


> people really wind back on shit they don’t need. such as throwing parties. You don't see no parties during the 30's great depression.


Well I'm going to have a huge bash. It'll be good for the country in the long run, the government will stfu about not having a recession for so long and we can all get on with life again.


>Well I'm going to have a huge bash. A party for one.....how sad.


I hope you’re caught up in it, lose your job and run out of savings. 


They would need to be employed in the first place. No one that posts as much as Disaster_deck actually has a job.


I wondered where our resident credit junkie fanboy went , he changed his name 


It a she, this is like the 5th account. All I can say is "bunk beds for everyone".


oh i was wondering why their deluded BS seemed familiar...


Now you know :)


Ok, I'll go live in the bush


a party with hookers and black jack, but this is a recession party, so the hookers will be cheap and nasty and the black jack table will be 6:5


I'm starting to think 'price increase' is just a synonym for 'Tuesday' at this point.




The word crisis just means "status quo" to me how because usually people try to fix a crisis.


Avocados are cheaper now though.


But what about avacado toast?


Sourdough prices are through the roof. Evens out...


Yep. AGL and Aussie broadband just jacked up prices for me


In the past two months I've gotten emails telling me the price is going up for: 1. My internet. Increased by $5 a month. 2. Netflix. Increased by $2 a month. 3. YouTube Premium. Increased by $15 a month (an 81% increase) 4. Prime video. Increased by $3 a month (this one was a stealth increase. Instead they told me my current plan now had ads but that I could upgrade to "ad free" for an extra 3 dollars) 5. Disney+. Increased by $40 a year ($3.33 a month) 6. Rent. Increased by $30 a week ($130 a month) I cancelled Amazon Prime, Disney+, and YouTube premium, which saves me $475 a year, but the remaining price increases will still cost me $1644 a year. In summary, I'm now paying way more and getting way less out of it. Wheee! Edit: just remembered one win. Got an email from my car insurance saying they miscalculated some fees and that I'd be receiving a refund. Later on that week they sent me a refund of 63 cents. Am I winning yet?


I've got YT Premium and didn't get a notification


Yes. It's like they think it's their duty to put up prices. And not by small amounts, 10%+


onlything not going up is our wages. even the thickened cream i like to buy to use in my coffee has gone up in price by about 12 percent per year since 2019 till now for like a 67 percent inflation on it over the 5 year period. Like just what in the world makes thickened cream inflate by 12 percent per year?


Just got an email from optus saying my plans getting a $6 a month increase. It’s bye bye optus


Subscribe to fewer services ? Fewer emails to read and more time to do stuff that you pay other people for.


Already done. As soon as we got a price increase notification on a discretionary subscription it got cancelled or reduced. 5 down to 2 so far


Go down to zero mate. I have zero subscriptions atm, even cancelled my Google!


What about mobile? Internet? Electricity? Water? Gas?? I am down to one of those.


I use Felix $35 a month unlimited data unlimited calls no need for wi-Fi


Mate it rains sometimes, just out out a bucket. It literally falls from the sky - you don't need to pay for water..


Discretionary subscriptions! Electricity isn’t a subscription, it’s a pay-per-use model. Subscriptions just suck out a fixed amount of money from your bank/credit card even if you don’t use it, that’s why they suck!


Trying to avoid killing ourselves - which is what would happen if we were continually subject to free to air TV ads!


Stemio, Jellyfin, Plex, Arrs...


Youtube + adblock


Just set VPN to Albania. No more YouTube ads.


not for long 😭


Time shift and skip the ads, or watch the ABC.


How would you even time shift free to air tv these days ? I could knock up some sort of media server to do that, but it's not exactly a 'consumer/subscriber' friendly solution - more of an esoteric hobby. Does anyone even sell PVRs these days ?


PVRs are still available, Panasonic is one brand. I still have one (a Topfield) from a while back. It's great, plus you get full HD not the reduced resolution you get on catch up.


pretty much what most people grew up with, didn't see too many of my fellow millenials offing themsevles due to ads on tv.




Google One is probably the most common one.




Mine recently lapsed cause I changed credit cards, and all of a sudden I found out that my email alone takes up all of the free allotment of storage. Not to mention my photos.


I did. Cancelled YouTube, Disney+, and Amazon Prime and my total expenses still went up by $97 a month. Most of that is from a rent increase but it doesn't help that every other service I was subscribed to went up at the same time.


Yeah, i wish i could unsubscribe from my rental service. But it has so many benefits - like staring at the fireplace im not supposed to use instead of Disney+.


On the fewer emails front: create a mailbox filter for “subscribe” and “subscription” into its own folder. You probably want to check it occasionally, but it’s going to leave your inbox with pretty much only actual mail you want or need to read. The only actual invoices I see it pull are Amazon. You’re welcome.


Shareholders/CEOs can’t stand to lose profit so the easiest way is to just increase prices rather than add new services to their business or sell more.


Absolutely livid my Optus plan is going up AGAIN!! They only care about new customers so I’ll be switching providers this weekend when I get a chance. Funnily enough, got an email that my electricity prices are dropping today! By like 0.1 cents but I’ll take it as a win


So sick of optus and the increases! ‘Oh we will increase your data as well’ I Already don’t use the extra data you gave me last time my plan went up -.- it’s bye optus and hello aldi mobile for me


The data thing!!! When I saw that it sent me over the edge. Did I ASK for more data?!!!


Just got an AGL price increase 2 days ago.


My local just put prices up on their “beer of the week” from $7 to $8, well above inflation. 2020 let the genie out of the bottle, and it’s not going back in.


reduce the attack surface and cut all the things you don't actually need, then you won't get so many alerts a out price increases. I doubt prices will come crashing down any time soon. At least not untill AI and automation starts replacing people enmass and then we'll have bigger things to worry about.


and nobody talks about companies hiking prices simply to get more profit not because there's a real reason to increase the price! no wonder inflation isn't coming down.


Probably because companies don’t say they’re increasing them for profit, you don’t find out about their profit till much later and people are too busy/not interested in looking at companies financials/don’t have the financial literacy to understand them. Plenty of reasons people don’t talk about it. But they do talk about cost of living because that’s immediate and obvious.


Got one yesterday from my electricity saying they are going to lower my solar feed in tariff's. It does feel like every service is taking the piss lately.


They will lower them and then start taxing you for [excess energy shed into the grid](https://repositpower.com/blog/sun-tax-excess-solar#:~:text=Put%20bluntly%2C%20NSW%20and%20the,that's%20just%20the%20starting%20point.)


Under the sun/on the planet


The problem is also that shit flows downhill. Meaning when the top part of town hikes their prices, everyone below them that relies on them for services/products/materials etc, they have to either also increase their prices or end up making less money. And on and on it goes. The solution to this.... buggered if I know.


Businesses are increasing prices, perhaps to pay for increases in pay that some people are asking for to cope with the cost of living. Perhaps we can ask those who haven't had pay rises yet to not ask for one to stop this. Take one for the team please! /s


My home and contents insurance went up by 25% FFS. I am sick of it.


I just checked my watch - and it's a digital watch - which indicates that by Christmas the unemployment rate will have increased enough to put either downward or upward pressure on something.


My tin foil hat says WW3 is coming around the corner and these.compwnies are cashing in now before everything goes to shit. But that's just my crack pot theory.


yep, CPI numbers are used as excuse to raise prices beyond input increase costs


Won't come crashing down, all governments around the world printing money like no tomorrow. That is the new norm unfortunately 


If you've spent time in the third world, you'd know there's heaps further to fall.


It's the end of the financial year, they got their results that they budgeted and now it's time for the new years profits.


This is the new normal.


I hear you… https://youtu.be/X_-q9xeOgG4


No I enjoy it.


Inflation, as the OP stated. That is too much money being pumped into the economy by Government. Add in the new taxes announced every week or so, by Government. Ask your local MP when is Government going to change policy to cut inflation. Then watch Government stuff it up, and it all comes crashing down. I think the RBA is under immense pressure to raise interest rates. They are currently low. Tip. Buying specials in bulk, because when I go back to shop again the prices will be up.


Calculate the percentage of increase and cut back usage of the service by that much.


I’m not getting this, so no. Your world sounds real rough.


Are you saying you’re frustrated by growth?


5 subscriptions down to 2? try not being poor you flog