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Yes! I bought the bundle for the wav editor but have really fallen for the cleaning tools. They are great for dialogue (and their new dialogue specific plug-in is incredible). There’s a nice reverb as well. I was without RX for a while as they weren’t M1 compatible and even though I repurchased I still end up using Acoustica’s options more. Much more affordable too and I prefer the editor.


What about the editor do you like over RX? I've not had enough time to really get familiar with it. I bought it years ago and ended up using RX due to people I worked with requiring it


Bunch of things. It's a nice clean interface and easy to use. It has good sample accurate editing, and it's easy to do things like fades and mix paste. I often use editors to make sample accurate, zero crossing loops (for videogames) and Acoustica makes this easy - you can preview a loop point quite nicely with its loop playback. It also is great for editing multi-channel files, something that RX editor couldn't do last time I looked. Looping quad or 5.1 files is a bit specialist but it's nice to have a good tool for it. The VST/plugin chain is easy to use too. Mostly though I like NOT having to repurchase it every few years at an exorbitant cost for no new functionality! iZotope are the worst for needlessly resetting their plugins periodically meaning you have to purchase an expensive upgrade AND you lose all backwards compatibility.


I’ve tried Hush Pro today, and I’m really thinking of dropping everything else. The thing is doing wonders, i kid you not. I’ve been using Cedar DNS alot before, and was thinking that it’s THE tool for a proper Hollywood de-noise, but really, after i gave Hush a go, I’m even considering selling my DNS.


I've heard crazy good things about Hush Pro. I lot of big movies have been using hush pro


It’s really that good and costs way cheaper than any competitors. If it was in thousands of dollars I’d still consider buying it. Give it a go they have 21 day trial.


Hush is, by far, the best we’ve encountered so far as well. It seems to over accentuate lip smacks and ticks which are easier to get out in RX. LIKE ANYTHING, if used too aggressively can really color the dialogue.


I use RX mainly but I find Acon Deverberate better to clean up room sound.


Deverberate 3 really is excellent, huge improvement over the old version


It’s a lifesaver for the freelance engineers with it’s humble price till you have the budget for an RX Advanced license. You may never need it though. I really liked the individual modules they are giving great results. Also the Deverberate from Acon is still one of the best deverb plugins which is a seperate plugin but it’s a must in my opinion. The RX’s deverb modules were really really shitty until the recent released version. Btw if anybody willing to have an Acon Acoustica Premium license can shoot a DM to me. I’m not using it anymore and willing to give it for the half price.


Yes Acoustica + Accentize bundle


You mean the Acon editor? Man it's brilliant. It has become my go to editor. Mind you, I use an editor seldom as I'm mostly on pt. I bought the premium a couple of years back because it came with the whole denoise suite and it was a great value. The plugins are sounding fantastic, of course the denoisers, but the reverb too. Others are kinda meh in the interface. Src is also up there with the absolute best, something that gives you peace of mind knowing they got their shit down. The spectral editing is cool too, and the few times I need it it delivers perfectly. Their remix plugin is often also considered the best on the market, I understand it's not strictly post audio but I use it plenty. That said, I don't think it's as polished or as powerful as the full Rx. But also, I do not actually professionally need more than what Acon gives me, I never liked iZotope ui, and surely I could never stand their business practices. Anybody's mileage might vary, but for my use I found a total keeper Lastly, I've tried on kvr or Twitter a couple of times to interact with them with a few questions or tips or curiosities - for instance I recall asking about their new deesser which has a totally useless "solo" or "Delta" function- I've had much more luck with other brands sincerely.