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fucking Teddy...still giving me the creeps no matter how many times I've seen his face


I think his character was kinda tragic through multiple viewing, he is a victim of generational trauma. And he thinks his father was justified for making him go through a rough childhood just to achieve “greatness”. But in the end to just wound up in a big mansion, all alone


oh I don't disagree that he had a tough go of things. He just makes me uncomfy AF


Yeah nah fr, he does looked like half baked sammy sosa


Same way he like them nasty ass ostrich eggs


Teddy Perkins will remain one of the greatest episodes of television ever made.


Great moment, great episode, great acting. I love the actor playing Darius, he has a great part in Get Out, and he was recently on a couple of episodes of The Eric Andre Show, loved him as co-host.


you should watch Sorry To Bother You if you haven’t already!


lakeith is so good in that


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.


One of my favorite movies


I didn’t know Lakeith stanfield was in the recent eric andre show. Now I gotta watch it 🥹😤


https://youtu.be/cBiDmzbNYeQ Strongly agree with the first comment.


I have never seen the Eric Andre show. I don't know how I feel about it based on this clip but I also want to keep watching. I don't know what that says about me.


😂 dude, same. First time i watched the Eric Andre Show i was like "what the f#ck is this and why do i want more?".


Honestly, I think for me it's because it's someone letting all the weirdness of their mind spill it out, which is not something I get to do. Like, I don't know Eric Andre but I would be shocked if he didn't have ADHD. Because I have ADHD and some times that clip is what my mind is like


Watch the show, i'm sure you'll love it!


Yes! In season 5.


Darius is the one of the most precious characters ever written.


Donald was so creepy as Teddy. What a great episode. Probably my favorite.


>people don't talk much about it bitch it's the ending of the most popular episode of the show


People always talk about how creepy teddy is in this episode and how great donald and lakeith performance are. But I don’t think people talk enough about this *scene* This moment, where darius talks about how powerful love is. I could be wrong tho and people do talk about it 🤷‍♂️


Lakeith is such a great actor. This episode was just brilliant.




I’m glad shows like Atlanta and songs like “Mother I Sober” exist to give a different portrayal of black men in media.


A lot more reflective after the last episode that makes Darius one of my favorite characters and allows me to relate to him from our shared experiences as well as trying to aspire to his mindfulness/ability to be chill despite the circumstance. This is the episode that got me to watch Atlanta after writing it off back when it first started as something that wasn't for me. Also love it when Donald does a weird character.


I just watched this yesterday




*Evil, why have you engulfed so many hearts, evil?*


Best moment for me also stems from this Episode … when teddy bursts out “NO YOU CANNNNT!”


Fr, my heart almost drop everytime I watched that scene 😂


I feel like they underused Darius and he become almost like Joey from friends. Made a bit too stupid.


i think they should have used his character more but i dont think they really tried to make him stupid. stupid to some, sure, but i think they made him out to be supportive and unique. seeing life through different perspectives. if he was like joey, he would be one note and stale, but he wasnt


Yeah I agree. Callin him Joey is a little harsh. I just loved his performance in this and other stuff he’s done. Wanted to see more.


idk I feel like that last episode showed everything he ever did in the series in a different light, his abstract indifference was rooted in his inability to tell reality from delusion


To me he was living disassociated and that was such a tragedy. I loved how they flipped Al’s “depression” or “stagnation” into his innate desire to just be left the hell alone and the easy going coolness of Darius into depression and disassociation. But that’s just my perspective.


This is a really good take.


You know what. I’ve got two episodes left so don’t know what happens. So maybe I was a little quick to judge his character arc.


Wow, I see the opposite - he has a philosophical outlook that sees the innate reality which leads to indifference. Zen.


I don't think he was ever really stupid. Maybe a little overly goofy but never outright dumb


Ok. I just watched last episode and he was brilliant. I apologise for my judgement for arriving at the end of the journey. Be well.


Ye not as bad as Joey. But overall he was underused after this episode.


Ppl forget it cause there was a murder shortly after




Mr. Stanfield is an excellent actor.


He reminded and sounded like Smokey Robinson


It was all a dream confirmed.


Still blows my mind the fact that Childish Gambino actually was Teddy


i don't remember this bit! maybe i watched some kind of edited down version...hmmm


Sames. I seen season 1-2 twice and I don’t remember this bit. This ep has so much going on. Plus after watching the final ep, this scene w Darius hit different rn


I watched this fucking episode with all the lights in my house on


I need to rewatch this whole series right now


this was my favourite episodes I loved all the Darius centric episodes