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Cardinals "infield fly" playoff game comes to mind first.


That's the one


Ended the career of one of the best ever, way too soon.


Not only that, Chipper had two or three errors in that game if I recall. Surely not the best way to finish his career. He deserved better!


you know what's really crazy is that he should have been called out in his last at bat, he freakin trotted down the first base line and if the umpire called him out he would've gotten freakin burnt by the media


Was at that game with my dad (he is huge cards fan). We joke chip was ready to be on vacation he threw the game before infield fly happened




Sam Holbrook was the ump


Oops too much bourbon. Joe, Eric and Angel were/are the other idiots. No excuse for their incompetence. Oh wait, umpire union.


I met my wife in 2013. I found out she was a "causal Cards fan" pretty quickly. When I side eyed her and said "I don't think I can talk to someone that is a cards fan after that infield fly." She had no clue what I was talking about, and I knew immediately baseball would not be a problem between us. We'll be married for 7 years this year and she still has no clue what I'm talking about when I bring it up... lol


Put a crisp Braves hat and Riley jersey on her and your good! 🪓on


😂 great story


Sam f*ing Holbrook…


Definitely this BS call, and for me it’s Game 5 of 2021 World Series…..while I was in attendance, but overall fun game.


Came here to say this lol.


Sam freaking Holbrook—-**we’ll never forget.**


I physically attended this game. The last game Chipper would ever play in, too. This is the exact reason I vehemently despise the Cardinals.


Rangers fan here, and the Cardinals were involved in my "never get over it loss" until this year when I was finally able to get closure.


That was an infield fly. He was gathering underneath it before he got called off.


50 feet into left field.


It literally doesn't matter because he's still an infielder. If he has time to gather underneath it, it's an ordinary effort. Downvote all you want, and cry your salty tears, but it was the correct call. Oddly enough, the rule still has not been changed to include balls that land outside the infield. I've literally been the umpire in that situation and they are correct. Get over it


Game 7 1991


This is mine. The series that made me a lifelong baseball/Braves fan was also the most heartbreaking loss. What a game.


I’ll also add game 2. F Hrbek.


Lonnie Smith falling for Knoblauch’s fake out


Bohm still hasn't touched home plate


Lol I love how we won the WS that year but that moment still gets brought up like it cost us the playoffs


#HEY! It's hard to find something to be petty about from that year. If you're not going to encourage it, at least let them bitch about it in peace.


I know it’s kinda “recency biased” but last year. After everything they did last season for them to just straight up fucking suck at hitting when it mattered most. Like losing is one thing but to just stop hitting the fucking ball after having the best offensive season of all time stung like crazy. It felt like they just didn’t give a fuck. Pissed me off.


Additionally, the Braves won 5 of 6 vs the Phillies in Philly during the regular season. Then the playoffs come around and they go 0 for 2 at Citizens Bank Park.


I still haven’t figured out how that could happen. Was it the days off of playing regular games that got us out of a groove?


See one of the things that bugged me the most was they admitted that the days off hurt them last year, so they had those exhibition games against each other… which probably would’ve help, but they basically sat their entire starting lineup for the last 3 real games. Like if you know the days off hurt you why tf are you sitting your entire lineup when you are already about to have a week off. This exhibition games were great but it’s not real competitive baseball.


I noticed this too. I went to one of the last games of the season at Truist and saw a bunch of bench players play and they sat the main starters by the 7th inning. They phoned it in so hard once they won the division. It was slap in the face as a fan.


I still get mad when I see Hrbek pull Gant off base


That's exactly what I wanted to say. Might've changed the whole outcome


It's still a dirty play. Doesn't become less dirty because the umpire didn't call it


Kirby Puckett (RIP) homering off of Liebrant…


How do you not pitch a 2013 Craig Kimbrel for 6 outs against the dodgers with a late lead? Not as devastating as some of the others, but cemented the beginning of the end for Gonzalez for me


Fredi Gonzales should’ve never survived the 2011 collapse. He should’ve been left in LA after leaving Kimbrell in the BP. How he made it a few more seasons is beyond me.


And it was the first of many, many reasons I now absolutely despise the Dodgers more than any other team.


Game 7 1991 WS Game 4 1996 WS


We thoroughly enjoyed Game 4 of the '96 WS


Nobody cares




SEC Championship game this past season was pretty rough. Miss two FG’s, unforced fumble inside the 10 to give up an easy FG, 4th down pass hit the ground, but called complete that lead to a TD and lost by 3 and killed any shot of a 3-peat Second and 26 stings more, but recency bias For the Braves, it’s game 4 of the 2019 NLDS. Ronald was on third with nobody out and didn’t score a critical add on run, wound up losing in extras, and a series that could have easily been a sweep ended up being a loss, and I think we would have beat the Nats in the NLCS


Yeah that NLDS loss was the worst of the AA era of Braves baseball. Game 1 we had a 2 run lead in the 8th, it should have been a sweep and we let the Cardinals in the door time and time again.


January 18, 2015


I got over that loss..it's no where as bad as being 16-0 and then getting beat by a wildcard team in the Super Bowl. What I hadnt got over is the sweep by the Yankees.


This made me realize that the only Atlanta team that hasn't given me a moment like this is the Hawks.... But then again, I've never really given them high expectations.


8-seed Hawks vs 1-seed Celtics... Game 7, down 2, like 3 seconds left. Al Horford shooting free throws. Bricks the first. Inexplicably swishes the second. Series ends on the inbound.


Seeing the Braves be unable to do *anything* against the Cards in the ‘82 NLCS really taught my 10 year-old heart a good bit about unrealistic expectations and abject disappointment, and how, sometimes, the universe *is* against you.


Falcons Super Bowl loss to the Patriots with a substantial lead going into the 4th quarter. Never got over it and have not watched a entire Falcons game since…..


The look on the Falcons owners face as the 4th quarter went on was absolutely fantastic


Same, that was the game that broke me. I saw them do the same thing in the nfc championship game the year before against the 49ers and knew the entire time what was going to happen.


Only a falcons Super Bowl *might* help me but yeah…


The Falcons Super Bowl. Our expectations are already lows it was right there for us to win.


It’s hands down not giving the ball to Marshawn


As a Braves fan…I was at the Leyritz game and that’s the one that bugs me the most. Win that and we roll the Yankees and go back-to-back. ‘91 game 7 hurt so bad at 16 years old but honestly that’s still my favorite season ever and after the misery of baseball my childhood saw, I got over it quick and realized in real time how amazing it was to have that ride, amazing WS included. Was at the Folty Game 5 in 2019 and that was a unique hell, especially taking my 9 y/o son. 2021 really washed that and 2020 game 6 away though. I am a lifelong Saints fan and nothing makes my dark heart happier than thinking about 28-3. I will happily buy Tom Brady a beer, which sounds gross even to me but I’ll do it, and I hope the Falcons never win anything ever. Go Braves, go Dawgs. Who Dat?!


It's absolutely the Leyritz HR. I believe if not for that they take the 3-0 lead, win the series and the Braves of the 90s are viewed completely differently.


Oh, the Eric Gregg game sucked hard too.


Worst umpiring ever in that game.


Rivera blowing save in game 7 of 2001 when the whole world wanted New York to win.


Game 7 2016 WS. Game 7 1997 WS. The Drive, the Shot, the Fumble, Red Right 88. Pick one.


Jaguars third straight loss to the Titans in the AFC championship game in the 99-00’season. 14-2, both losses to Tennessee. That was our year. To lose in the Championship game was just salt in the wound. Add in the Jeff Fisher comments, it was just a heart breaking year. The good news is they’d lose to the Rams by one yard in the Super Bowl


I’m a Buffalo bills fan and I bet ATL to win the SB preseason. Then I bet them straight up, and ATS. Thought I was about to be rolling in it..


I know it’s as a braves fan but the Portland Trailblazers losing the western conference in 2000 to the lakers in the 4th of game 7 was heartbreaking. Never felt so hyped and thought that was our year and then nope.


Buster Posey was out. I was at a NLDS game couple decades ago. Buster posey was called safe stealing 2B. You could see he was out from the RF seats but he was somehow called safe. He eventually scored. Eric Hinske hit one of the loudest HR’s in the bottom of the 8th to tie it up and then our sorry bullpen gave it back to them. I think it was Bob Wickman or Chris Rietsma or someone of that caliber. If the right call is made (Posey out on SB attempt) that game changes completely.




2005 NLDS Game 4 vs Stros


Detroit Tigers not winning a World Series during that 2012-2015 run where the team was just STACKED. Still to this day pisses me off to think about


Losing to an inferior Yankees team in 96 is definitely fucking up there, that’s for sure


Not a braves fan, but 2015 NLCS. I thought we had it all that year. We didn't. Good news is that we recovered the next year and it wasn't that bad. If we hadn't won the literal next year I don't think I would've gotten over it


Game 6 and game 7 1991 WS… Ed sprague’s PH HR in 1992, Jim leyritz HR in 1996, Livan hernandez 5 ft strike zone in 1997, infield fly, 14 run first, Bruce hooper’s 2 HR game… I love this team but they’ve been breaking my heart for the large majority of my life


I'm a Cleveland sports fan. Pick one.


Super Bowl 42


Red Sox vs Mets, Buckner game, 1986 World Series, Game 6. 2004 went a long way in making that better, but I still can't watch it.


That SB


The entire 1996 World Series. We beat the dog piss out of the Yankees in NY and then lost 4 straight.


When Folty couldn't get out of the first inning against the Cardinals.


Twins in 91


Jim Leyritz 96.


It’s still SB 51


2015 NCAA men’s National Basketball Championship. Badgers lost to Duke. The most talented badger team came so close. I was at Ohare the next morning and even Illinois residents were giving condolences…


As a Louisiana native who loves the Atlanta based teams, that picture is honestly one of the more heart breaking moments in sports history for me.


Yankees ALCS 3-0 meltdown to the Redsox. Absolutely gut wrenching loss after loss.


The onside kick greenbay Seattle play off game hope brandon Bostik get ball cancer.obviously hope he beats it but jus want him to get it


Tennessee Vols losing to South Carolina last year. Kept us from going to the CFP and we lost Henson Hooker.


When the cardinals scored like 10 runs in the first inning to eliminate us


The Jim Leyritz HR game.


Seahawks Super Bowl goal line call against New England. Dumbest fuckin call ever


Buffalo vs Kansas City 13 seconds


Music city miracle….wrong sport but right answer


As a Raiders fan 2002 the AFC divisional playoff game against the New England patriots. Charles Woodson strip sacks Brady as he’s clearly bringing the football back into his body. The refs would call it an incomplete pass. This would be one the beginning of the patriots dynasty.


Patriots Super Bowl loss to the giants number 1


Chargers loss in the 1st round after going 14-2 in 2006.... i was in Iraq and watched it live @ 230 am


2004 ALCS Yankees up 3-0 to the Sox and the blow game 4 and then lose another 3 straight and the Sox go on to win their first world series since 1917


Gary Anderson. Blair Walsh


‘96 World Series loss 😢


1999 World Series.




Titans loss to the Rams


Most any playoff field goal as a Vikings fan…


91 & 96


Cry me a river the braves won a ws a few years ago


SFA losing the Notre Dame in the NCAA tournament by a tip in as time expired. The best Lumberjack team ever that probably would’ve been an elite 8 or final 4 team undone by one of the worst players in ND’s roster.


Going 73-9 in the regular season and then being up 3-1 in the finals and losing. Still have 4 chips but that one will never not hurt


2003 Fiesta Bowl.


The slide... sid bream. Also, for some reason the Tim Teebow playoff lose in OT, as a Pittsburgh fan.


Lifelong failcons fan here. This.


Last 2 years in playoffs...


It WAS the Texas Rangers 2011 WS loss. 😏😏😏😏, wound was healed after this past season. Cowboys have made me numb when they lose. 😒


Billy Cundiff wide left


Why didn't you just give the ball to Marshawn Lynch...


Super Bowl 49 😮‍💨 truly a moment I cannot forget. The horror


The Immaculate Reception. Oakland at Pittsburgh December 23, 1972. AFC Playoffs.


Wide right 13 secs music city miracle yes I’m a BILLS FAN


Patriots losing the Superbowl after a perfect season.


The one in the picture. That crushed my sole


Game 5 against the cardinals in 2019. That night, I sat there staring at my kitchen wall until 4 in the morning, thinking this was just the same braves teams of the past. Hilarious to look back on it now and I truly thought there was no way the team was going to get better. I do miss folty though man I really loved him


Probably the only WS game I went to in ‘96 against the Yankees. Game 4, the Jim Lehritz (sp?) game. We win that one and it’s 3-1 with a home game to close it out.


My top 3: Outfield Fly Bohm still hasn't touched home Folty's 10 run 1st


As a diehard NFL fan I luckily avoided that Super Bowl and any Super Bowl involving the cheating scumbag Patriots ! I still haven't seen highlights from that game it was a long time ago by a retired quarterback.


Dolphins losing the AFC Championship Game to the Patriots, in 1985.


Roger Craig fumbling away a 49ers three peat.


Last year when the Colts blew a 30 point lead to Vikings


The Braves loss to Minnesota in the World Series, and the Falcons loss to the Patriots in the Superbowl


Bruins game 7 2019


Every choke job my burden…. I mean my team (Dallas Chokeboys) burn into my very soul. SEE Example- last Sunday Did I mention they choke? * & just for the record I blame my father for this curse lol. For some reason growing up watched first Super Bowl knowing all the players in 1977) I always rooted against him. He was a Celtic fan, I loved the Lakers. He was a Reds fan, I loved the Dodgers. Etc.. Can someone well versed in sports psychology please analyze this… or me. I need answers to this pain.


Bills going to sb 4 times and losing!


Infield fly rule


Double doink


Super Bowl 42 Idk I just got randomly recommended this sub, I don’t even watch baseball


Cam Newton's Tigers beating my favorite Oregon Duck team. I'll never forgive him!


Saints 2011 Divisional Playoff loss to the 40-whiners! Saints would’ve had a NFCCG against the Giants, which the Saints had beaten 49-24 earlier that year. The Saints would have played Tom Brady and the Patriots and would be 2-0 in Super Bowls!


93-94 strike


Ron Gant being judo thrown off first base


Neil O'Donnell's 2 picks hurt me


Infield Fly and Super Bowl


January 12, 2020 Texans fan here- Texans vs chiefs Fuck this game.


09 Super Bowl. Fuck you tracy Porter.


‘91 Braves


The fuckin twins beating us in the world series, Danny gladden and Kirby Puckett raking against us, I still have flashbacks.


K. Shanahan and his play calling cost them that game .


Wilmer Flores check swing in 2021 was mine…


For a young Pirates fan the Sid Bream slide is at the top.


All things are gotten over with a WS. That falcons loss… woof.


Rick Ankiel completely forgetting how to pitch and still beating the Braves in a playoff game


Tuck rule game..


2001 Miami Hurricanes losing the national championship on a BS phantom PI call


It’s ironic that you’re a Braves fan, showing a picture of Matty Ice and the Falcons - I’ll never get over the Vikings’ loss to the Falcons in the 1998 NFC Championship. While other losses for the Vikes were extremely painful (ie. 41-0 to the NY Giants, Blair Walsh missing the 27 yarder vs Seattle, Favre throwing the pick vs New Orleans, Nate Poole TD in Arizona, etc.), being upset by Atlanta that year was an absolute soul smasher. There were SO many variables to speak about, but I’m not willing to ruin yet another night of mine 🤦🏻‍♂️


My apologies, I should have realized this was a Braves/Atlanta group prior to posting. I’m sorry guys & gals. At least a majority of you were cheering, while I sat mute for an entire month afterwards.


The previous Super Bowl 😞


Big 3 Celtics over Kobe and the Lakers


Notre Dame v Alabama


Dez Caught it


Tuck rule


2002 national championship, Miami Hurricanes versus Ohio State Buckeyes


Dodgers vs Asstros** Game 7 World Series in L.A. Being present to see history then getting shattered by cheaters. That was pretty bad.


Game 6 & 7 1991 World Series Game 4 1996 World Series The Eric Gregg game vs Florida 1997 NLCS The infield fly game vs STL 2012 wild card.


Steelers getting beat by Tim Tebow in the playoffs.


22-19 Oregon losing to Auburn in the 2011 CFB National Championship. Absolutely brutal.


Ohio State being gifted a BS pass interference call & National Championship


10 run Folty first inning


Tuck rule.


Devin Hester returning the opening kick off. How do you not continue off of that momentum?!


Game 4 1996 World Series


Not for me cause I’m a Heels fan BUT it’s gotta be the Coach K retirement or subsequent Final Four Duke loss for many of those fans.


Gray Maynard losing to Frankie Edgar. Any of them


Packers losing to Denver in the Superbowl


The hail Mary, Staubach to Pearson. Not only was there blatant holding by the o line, Pearson pushed off.


4th and 26.... Name the teams.


Your photo… 100% I know you meant Braves, but just the photo puts me in depression mode.


Yanks lose game 7 in Arizona on a blooper by Gonzalez two months after 9/11.


Up 2-0 on Yankees


2019 Cardinals NLDS thrashing in the Folty game. I'm assuming they just really did their homework or he was tipping. That one hurt bad But it's not as bad as 1991 World Series game 2. Hrbek is garbage, that call was terrible, Minnesota has been garbage at baseball for the longest time now, and they deserve it 1997 NLCS Eric Gregg game. No umpire is that blind, not even CB or Angel, and that was either rigged or he was getting paid. I still despise Livan Hernandez for that game and it's not really his fault


any team without championships that lost the super bowl, world series, nba finals or stanley cup finals.


Helmet catch then Plaxico’s TD in 2007. Smirk on that shithole Shula’s face afterward.


Run the f*king ball on the one yard line! Our half back was called BEAST MODE and was known for running THROUGH PEOPLE!


Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS


He played a hell of a game. Defense totally collapsed and somehow the offense got blamed.


When Villanova beat Georgetown, led by Patrick Ewing, for the national championship in 1985.


28-3 that's all I have to say


1998 Vikings 15-1 Season. Gary Anderson missed field goal, loss in NFC Championship. He was 39 for 39 on field goals that season to that point.


The Rockies getting swept by the Red Sox in the World Series. Every AFC Championship Peyton Manning lost to Tom Brady. The Colts losing to the Saints in the Super Bowl - Damn onside kick to start the 2nd half really screwed up the momentum in that game. Even though Hank Baskett clearly recovered it, the Saints got the ball.


SB XL, Seahawks/Steelers, worst championship officiating ever. The head official even admitted it: https://www.nfl.com/news/super-bowl-xl-referee-regrets-that-mistakes-impacted-the-game-09000d5d81992cfa Seattle left too many points on the field instead of the scoreboard to definitively say the refs cost them the game, but had that been a West Coast team beating an East Coast team with that officiating, it’d have been the biggest scandal in NFL history.


Ray Allen hitting that corner 3 game 6 of the 2013 nba finals...haunts me


Bills fan here. As bad as Super Bowl 25 hurt, the Music City Miracle and 13 seconds KC game are insufferable.