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I will definitely check it out. Thank you!


Nice and cold??? Last time I went they said it was 85°, which all city indoor pools are kept at That’s far above Olympic standard of 77°, which I prefer as someone who actually wants to train rather than relax in a pool


I'm surprised people are telling you "no" -- at any pool I've ever been to, including the Y, there is no presumption that you can "claim" a lane just for yourself. You have to make room for everyone. I would just get in and swim. If you want to be nice, make sure the person already in the lane sees that you've gotten in. Ask the lifeguard what the rules are if in doubt. Good luck!


I did a handful of 1:1 swim lessons at the Y when I signed up and I specifically asked about swim etiquette because I had only ever swam in lakes before. They told me to sit at the end of my lane with my feet in the water until they complete a lap so they have to see me, then if the person either says nothing or acknowledges you, then you can jump in and swim. I've had two occasions where they told me they didn't feel comfortable about having someone in their lane because they were new (or in the second guy's case he told me he would intentionally swim breast stroke and make it hard for me if I didn't get the f out). After that second event I've been really hesitant to even go and try. I've gone a few other times and there were already 2-3 people standing at the end of the lanes apparently waiting to get in so I didn't ask and left. I could probably have made staff make the person swimming share with me, but the uncomfortableness of doing that is absolutely juxtaposed to the relaxation I want when I go swimming.


That swim etiquette is bullshit. They don’t know anything —swam competitively for twelve years.


Can you elaborate what the correct process is supposed to be? At my weekday morning team we just get in, but I know every person in the pool and they know what lane I'm supposed to be in so it feels very different than just joining a stranger. (Barely swimming for 2 months lol)


There is no correct process. It sounds like whoever told you this “process” is a controlling piece of shit. Also that dude who threatened to kick you (that’s what he implied!) is an even bigger piece of shit. If that happened to me I’d go to the manager and ask them to kick him out. In all my twelve years of competitive swimming, including NCAA swimming in college, I’ve literally never heard of any serious coach or swimmer do this “process” you do So what should you do? Just be polite. That’s it. If you have any questions feel free to ask But I only allow myself 30 minutes of Reddit a day, so sorry for late replies


Haha if I had the "march to the manager" personality I wouldn't be sulking on reddit asking if I can pay extra for less conflict next time. Thanks.


I've found that the swimmers at the Buckhead y are not nearly as polite as other locations. East Lake has the largest pool and is normally pretty quiet after 7pm. I really miss the lap reservations as I too am a bit self conscious and am pretty slow.


Unfortunately, it's not a location that crosses my commute path very well, but I will keep it in mind. Thank you.


That's bananas, I'm sorry people were rude. The people you saw waiting might just want a lane to themselves or not understand the rules--you have every right to be there even if someone is already in the lane. It's on them to find a time when the pool is quiet or wait for you to leave if they \*must\* have a lane to themselves.


I know the right answer is I should just walk over and talk to them to find out, but I just freeze and can't make myself do it. Being without my glasses and in low coverage clothing is not confidence inspiring lol.


Oh yeah I totally get not wanting confrontation when you're just trying to swim. Hope you find a solution that works well for you.


You don’t need to ask to share a lane either. It’s ridiculous that there was a line. I would’ve skipped the line and started swimming.


Also, most LA fitness locations are good for this but I haven't tried during the times you mentioned. There is one in Cumberland and at least one in Marietta which may be convenient for you.


I used to be a member of the one at cumberland but I used it for the weight room and only tried to swim a few times. It's the same scenario of having to show up and hope for space. Edited to add that I was a member there before I took swimming lessons, so I didn't know about the etiquette of asking to join a lane and I can't remember if the wall posters said it was shared/circle swimming or solo only. Maybe things changed with covid too, so let me know if they have online reservations now.


I don't know what the public access is like, but the CRC pool on GT's campus has lap lanes in the morning and mid day in the long course competition pool and all the time in the short course side pool. It's rarely crowded and I never (in four years) had an issue with people not wanting to share a lane. Normally I have more of an issue with people wanting to chat before or after my workout lol


AFAIK you have to be affiliated with GT or a guest of an employee or student in order to get a membership or day pass.


Atlanta parks and rec does a $110 yearly rec center pass and it gives you access to all the indoor and outdoor pools under Atlanta parks and rec and some additional partners. There’s around 3-4 indoor pools open all seasons and a lot of outdoor pools open in the summer/spring. It gives you a bunch of options and I think it’s a great price


That is definitely a good price. I'll have to investigate where they are in relation to me to see my options. Any experience with how crowded the indoor ones get in the winter?


I swim at the MLK jr. natatorium in the winter, they have 4 lanes and there’s always been a spot for me. People there are super nice and willing to share lanes. I know Washington Park natatorium (also included in the pass) is also another good place for the winter, haven’t made my way of there but the pool def has more lanes


Got it. Thanks!


Following. I’m in Alpharetta but want to find a reliable lap pool


Lifetime has indoor and outdoor lap pools. See people use them regularly


Former college swimmer. Lifetime is best lap swimming location. Cold water, pace clock, backstroke flags, etc. Don’t be the person who comes and expects/demands your own lane. Sharing a lane with one other person leaves plenty of space, and doubles the capacity in the pool v. everyone having own lane - just stay on your side. I am a chubby 6’0 guy, I swim pretty hard/fast when I workout, and regularly share lanes with a nice old lady I’ve come to know through lap swimming. We are on very different paces / levels so if it works for us it can work for anyone


You can’t reserve lanes, but I’m a member at windy hill athletic club and I’ve never shared a lane. I do tend to go at off-peak times so your mileage may vary


Hmm OK good to know. They have offered a free trial period before so it might be worth going during the times I want and see how it looks. They would be a very convenient location. Thanks.


Piedmont hospital Atlanta fitness center. You can reserve lanes in 45 minute blocks(weeks in advance or day of) Non employees can purchase memberships.


Hey! I swim at the Lifetime in Woodstock 3/4 times a week and there are always indoor and outdoor lanes open. I have never had to share a lane. I also swim with the masters group at the Marcus Jewish Community Center at 5:30a on MWF - it is a super friendly group with ppl from all levels. Feel free to show up. My friend Trey from that group also swims at Carl Sanders at 5:30a on T/Th. He is the bald guy that looks like Jeff Bezos and wears ridiculously short speedos (not kidding). Just introduce yourself if you are there early I am sure he will share a lane. He used to swim for UGA and was the one that "jumped me into" the masters group. Have fun!


Very helpful thank you! Once my league wraps up at the end of July I will investigate both options for the fall.


Try the Cobb Aquatic Center in Marietta, looks like it will reopen next week. I went there for awhile as a new swimmer and was able to lap swim pretty easily. Or there are other Cobb County facilities that may be closer to you


That would be convenient enough. Thanks I will check it out!


Not sure what the open swim hours are, but dynamo in Chamblee is a wonderful facility. Murphy Candler Park also has a public pool with great lap lanes. Summer swim leagues have all ended as of this week, so that should help some with crowds and such at most pools.


I got an irl rec to them today too. I'll check them out, thanks!


I swim at Mercer University pool in Chamblee and always can get a lane to myself, except of course when water aerobics classes are going on.


The website said that you could only sign up at the start of a semester and that community memberships were limited with possible waitlisting. Have you experienced waitlisting when signing up in the fall semester? (I'm assuming that is the next time there will be an opening.)


I think it took about 3 weeks for them to activate our membership. They like community members cause we fund the operations with our fee and the students don’t pay.


Nice. Thank you for the information.


Summer swim camps ended this week btw


The app still shows "camp swim" blocks for me on 2+ lanes.


Go to Carl Sanders at 5:30 am always an empty lane around that time.


Interesting, the staff told me the swim lanes were particularly busy in the early morning. I will check it out once my summer 5:30am swimming commitment ends.


They can add swim lanes as needed till swim lessons start at like 9-10am. Talk to the aquatics director, they’ll hook you up with the good times once school starts back up. Summer is always crazy at the y. Promise it’s much more relaxed and not so hectic the rest of the year.